Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Cooking Surprises ❯ The REAL Mud Pie ( Chapter 2 )
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By: tyler_1993 *At Joey's House*
Joey: Serenity, what do you want to do?
Serenity: I want a snack.
Joey: I don't know what to make?
Serenity: You'll figure out something.
Joey: Ok, I will.
Serenity: I'm going to my room.
Joey: Ok.
*Serenity goes to her room*
Joey: I know, I'll call Tristan and ask him what his favorite snack is.
*Joey picks up phone and dials*
Tristan: Hello?
Joey: Hey, Tristan.
Tristan: Joey?
Joey: I was wondering what your favorite snack was.
Tristan: Why were you wondering that? You interuptted my new game and I'm on level 15.
Joey: What is your snack? the faster you tell me, the faster you can get back to your game.
Tristan: Fine, my favorite snack is the " African Mud Pie"
Joey: Ok, well, bye.
Tristan: Bye!
*Joey hangs up*
Joey: Well, I know what to make. An African Mud Pie.
Serenity: MMMmmm, delicious, I can't wait.
Joey: Ok, well, time to get to work.
* In the backyard*
Joey: Well, first, I must put some mud in the pan.
( You know, the real mud is kinda disgusting)
Joey: Back to the kitchen
*In the kitchen*
Joey: Well, next, I pour some water and sugar over the pie and mix real well. Finally, put it in the oven and let it cook for 15 minutes.
*puts pan in oven*
Joey: Who is it?
Tristan: It's me, Tristan.
Joey: Oh, come in.
Tristan: Hey, I was wondering if the pie was ready.
Joey: Well...
*15 minutes later*
Joey: Oh, time to get it out.
*In the kitchen*
Joey: Tristan, come try it.
Joey: REAL mud!
Joey: FINE!
*He leaves*
Joey: Serenity, I'm going to bed.
Serenity: What about the pie?
Joey: There is no pie!
Serenity: FINE!
tyler_1993: Well, that was an odd ending, but that's the storyline.
Anime/Manga: Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction | Genre(s): Comedy | Type: Other | Uploaded On: 08.15.2005 | Pages: 1 | Words: 190 | Visits: 223 | Status: Completed
Student Council Speech
My fellow classmates, if you were to elect me for student council
president, I would represent all students in 6th Grade. First,
my campaign manager and I would look in to decreasing the price of
frenchfries in the cafeteria. Next, my manager, Jason Smith and I would try
to put more trashcans around the campus. Over the last few months,
the school has been having problems in the bathrooms. Kids
have been opening the bathroom stalls, while someone was
in there. So,I've found a way to prevent that by putting locks on the stalls
so someone won't walk in on them.That should help the
school better than before.To make school a little more
interesting, we think there should be more after school
activities such as science clubs, chess clubs, 6th Grade
football teams, book clubs, and more. So, if you want a more
interesting school, vote for me, Tyler Worsham, for