Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Crazy Little Thing Called Love ❯ Homework and snowstorms ( Chapter 2 )
Hey, thanks y'all for reading!!! About a few questions you may have, 1, Anzu will be bashed later *squeals and dances* now, she'll get her comeuppance, I do not own, so, no suing, tsk, tsk. Possible action in here!
See you at the bottom and voila, chapter 2
~Chapter 2~
Kaiba smiled cooly, "I assure you, puppy, I am here out of sheer politeness, are you going to invite me in or not?" Jou gritted his teeth, he hated being called a puppy, well, he sorta thought it was cute, cause only Kaiba called him it. Jou sighed,
"sure, come on in, have a seat, I just need to get my things, aunt Dia!"
Dia appeared from the kitchen, she had ditched the apron but was dressed otherwise the same, she smiled,
"you must be, uh, Mr. Kaiba." Kaiba nodded,
"Mrs. Jounouchi." She chuckled,
"oh, no, no, I'm on his mother's side, it's Wheeler, Katsuya, get your things." Jou ran off and Dia faced him, "would you like a drink, coffee?"
"No, thank you, but, do I smell cookies?" She smiled,
"fresh batch, would you like one?"
Jou pulled on his coat, "bye aunt Dia!" She waved,
"bye dear, be home before 11." Jou nodded,
"uh-huh." He shut the door and faced Kaiba, who smiled slightly,
"nice woman, I hardly think she's family, coming puppy?" Jou growled,
"don't call me that." Kaiba slid into the limo and Jou followed suit, the door was shut and the car began moving, Jou kept his eyes out the window, he was kind of nervous, this was nuts, no way in hell Kaiba liked him, then why did he pick him up? Kaiba smiled, Jounouchi was jumpy, his puppy was nervous, wait, his puupy? Kaiba shook his head, he did not like Katsuya Jounouchi, he loathed him, he hated him, he thought he was cute, no, no, hate, hate, love, damnit! He bit his lip, what was going on, this was crazy, no way in hell did Jounouchi feel the same way he did, he sighed and glaced out the window and the passing scenery.
They both emerged from the limo and Jou looked at the house, "you live here,but there's only you and Mokuba, what do you do with the other space?" Kaiba opened the front door,
"nothing, now get inside puppy, you're letting the cold in." Jou scooted inside and took off his coat,
"Seto, that you, are you home big brother?" Mokuba ran into the main hall, he frowned, "Katsuya, why are you here?" Jou smiled,
"school project, with your brother." The raven haired boy nodded,
"oh, want a snack, come in." He dashed off and Jou bent down, untying his shoes, Kaiba hung up his coat and then took Jou's placing it on the coat rack, snow had just begun falling outside, it was gonna be a cold walk home, long, cold and lonely.
Jou followed Kaiba, his hands wrapped around a mug of hot chocolate, Seto opened a door and swept inside, shutting it after Jou. Jou glanced around the room, there were two large book shelves, wall length and to the height of the ceiling, a large oak desk sat facing the door with a plush Corinthian leather, high backed, swivel chair behind it, which Kiaba sat down in. Jou took a plush lazy chair and propped his socked feet up, "so, what're we lookin' for?" Seto pittered on the
keyboard, then moved his hand over the sensitized mouse pad, he clicked on something,
"anything relating to Aurthrian lore, check the left wall bookself, forth from the top." Jou stood, setting the mug on coaster and climbed the ladder, he scanned the titles then grabbed one. He placed it under his arm, then climbed down, took his seat and opened it, he flipped the pages and paused every so often to scan a page. He'd glance at Kaiba once in while, but the brunette was busy reading off his laptop screen and his brow was furrowed, which put his brown hair in front of his deep
oceanic blue eyes.
It was begining to frustrate Jou, he wanted to brush the hair out of Kaiba's eyes, but he had a little self control. He noticed a pen on Kaiba's desk, a Blue Eyes White Dragon was engraved in it, Jou smiled slightly, at the reminder of Kaiba, the stunning beauty, the depth of the bule eyes. the vibrance of the white flesh, the raw power and strength behind all the beauty. He shook his head, as if trying to rid himself of the thoughts, no, straight, he liked girls, he liked Anzu, no wonder he was turning gay. He sighed and Kaiba's gaze flickered up, "too many
complicated words, pup?" Jou didn't answer, he turned the page and continued to read,he frowned,
"I think I found something."
"Well, let's hear it." Jou nodded,
"'once a small paige, Arthur was faced with the task of pulling the sword out of the stone as instructed by his master, Merlin.'"
He glanced up, Kaiba nodded, "good, may I see that book?" Jou handed it to Kaiba and the young CEO took it, he began typing and Jou looked at his watch, it was nearly eight, his stomach growled. He frowned, chewing on his lip,
"uh, Kaiba, you got somethin' to eat, like, a sandwhich or whatever?" Seto glanced at his watch,
"I suppose we should eat, I need a break anyways." Jou stood, opening the door he waited for Kaiba and then began walking down the hall, Mokuba ran down the hall,
"Seto, Seto!" The brunette glanced at his brother, Mokuba sighed, "they say we have a huge snow storm coming and stay inside, how's Jou gonna get home?!" Jou frowned,
"I can walk Mokuba, no worries, I have my parka to-"
"He can stay for tonight." Jou did a double take,
"hey, thanks, uh, but, I don't got no clothes or nothin'"
Kaiba shrugged, "you can borrow mine, but only this once, got it, puppy?" Jou nodded,
"I'd better call my aunt Dia, let her know, uh, where's the phone." Mokuba smiled,
"I'll show you, come on!" He ran off and Jou followed him into the living room, Jou picked up the phone and dialed his number, it rang a few times, then his aunt's voice came over the line,
"hello?" Jou smiled,
"hey, it's me, uhhh, radio says a storm's comin."
"Katsuya, I was getting worried, I know, I'll come right down and pick you up." Jou shook his head,
"no, it's cool, I've been invited to sleep over." There was a happy squeal and Jou rolled his eyes, "so, yeah, tell dad and I'll call you tomorrow."
"Of course, sleep well, good night Katsuya."
Okay, again, sorry for the short chapters, but, oooohh, contemplations, that's a good thing, it can result in sexual tension! lol, R&R, click the button, make me happy!