Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Crystal Tear ❯ Crystal Tear ( One-Shot )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Ryasha: Hello, people! Yes, I know I should be working on Angelic Darkness, but I had to get this story out! I actually got the idea for this while reading Chicken Soup for the Teenage Soul III.

Mika: It was the story called Mark's Choice, wasn't it?

Ryasha: Yep! You should read those books. They're surprisingly good. My friend gave me three of them for my birthday. Anyway, on with the story!

Disclaimer: *sigh* Once again, I do not own Yu-Gi-Oh.

Warning: Very, VERY sad. Character death, with bits of shounen-ai, which means boy/boy love. Only a little bit though. Yami/Yugi.

Crystal Tear


Yugi Motou sighed as he walked home. He had felt weird that whole day. He shook himself as he entered the Kame Game Shop, since his limbs felt oddly tingly.

"Aibou? What's wrong?" came the concerned voice of Yami.

"I don't know Yami. My legs feel all tingly," said Yugi.

"Could they have fallen asleep?" asked Yami.

"I don't think so. I've been walking for awhile now……"

Suddenly, Yugi's eyes rolled up in his head and he fell forward, completely unconscious.

"YUGI!" cried Yami as he caught him. Yugi lay limply in his arms, breathing slowly. Yami panicked as he felt Yugi's forehead. It was drenched in sweat, though his arms felt strangely cold. Just then, Sullivan entered, hearing Yami's yell.

"Yugi! Yami, what happened to him?!" said Sullivan, as he reached them.

"I-I don't know! He just collapsed!" said Yami, his normal calm gone. He gently shook Yugi, hoping to wake him. But Yugi didn't stir at all. As Yami listened, Yugi's breathing seemed to slow down even more. Yami decided to try to their mental connection. //Yugi?// but all he got was silence. It was as if Yugi wasn't even there.

"I'm calling the ambulance!" said Sullivan as he picked up the phone and dialed 911.

A few minutes later, the ambulance arrived, sirens wailing solemnly in the air. They loaded Yugi onto a stretcher and then into the car. Yami and Sullivan climbed into the car with him. Yami held Yugi's hand, shivering slightly at the coldness of it. //Yugi, hold on. Whatever's happening to you, try to fight it. Please……koi//.

When they arrived at the hospital, Yugi was immediately taken to the Intensive Care Unit, and Yami and Sullivan were told to sit in the waiting room. Yami sat, feeling dread weigh his heart. He could hardly bear it. He never told Yugi how much he loved him, and not in the brotherly way. Yami was hoping to tell him on his birthday, which was only in a few days. He wished he could have told him sooner, and now he might never be able to say ashiteru to Yugi. Though he tried to fight it, he felt himself getting sleepier, and soon he fell into fitful sleep.


Yami found himself in a dark plain, absolutely devoid of light. It was freezing as he tried to find something, anything, in this lifeless place. Suddenly, there was a flash and he found a pale trail on the ground, heading off into the darkness. He followed it for a few minutes, until he got to the end. There, he found…….Yugi.

He was clad in a pale, white robe, matching his pale skin. All of the color on him seemed to have been washed away, even his hair seemed to have less shine. Except, his eyes. They were a bright, vibrant violet, shimmering with light.

"Yugi!" cried Yami running toward him. Yugi turned to him, a small smile on his lips.

"Yami," murmured Yugi.

"Yugi! I'm so glad you're all right. I was so worried….." Yami trailed off at the look on Yugi's face. Sadness radiated off the small figure. "Yugi?"

"Yami, I'm sorry," whispered Yugi, his voice faint, "I'm sorry."

"Wha-what do you mean?" asked Yami quietly.

"I'm sorry I have to go. I'm sorry I didn't tell you earlier," Yugi said, his voice fading,

"What? Go? Go where?" Yami said as fear's icy claws gripped his heart.

"I love you Yami. I don't care if you don't love me back. I love you. Always remember that and never forget me," whispered Yugi, his voice barely audible.

"Yugi….." said Yami, "I love you too. Don't worry. I'll never forget you." Tears were now running down his face as he looked into Yugi's eyes, now shining with their own tears. He embraced Yugi's little form, as he leaned toward him. His lips met Yugi's in a sorrow filled kiss. When they pulled apart, tears were running down Yugi's face. Yugi caught a tear in his hands. There was a flash of barely noticeable light and when he opened his hands, the tear had become a beautiful crystal shimmering with its own internal light.

"Here," whispered Yugi, "for you, to help you remember my love. It'll glow in the darkest of nights and remind you that I'll always be with you." He gave it to Yami, who clutched it tightly in his fist.

"I'll always remember you. Thank you, Yugi," murmured Yami. "Ashiteru, Yugi."

"Ashiteru, Yami," whispered Yugi, as his figure began to fade, "Ashiteru."

~~~~~End Dream~~~~~

Yami opened his eyes to the harsh lights of the hospital. Tears ran down his face as he remembered the dream.

"Mr. Motou?" asked the voice of the doctor, "I'm sorry, but we were unable to save Yugi. His body just shut down. Apparently, he had some kind of allergic reaction to a vaccine. I'm very sorry."

Yami closed his eyes. So the dream had been true. Suddenly he remembered the crystal. He opened his fist and inside lay the crystal tear, shining with a pale light. As he gazed into it, he heard Yugi's barely audible voice whisper through his head.

"Ashiteru, Yami. Ashiteru."


Ryasha: …….Well that turned out a lot sadder than expected. Anyway please review.

Koi = Love

Ashiteru = I love you