Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Cupid ❯ Be My Cupid ( Chapter 1 )
In the beginning, this fic was supposed to be a one-shot fic, but then I made it into a two chapter fic for my own convenience, and now I am revising it again for the sake of the fics gDistanceh and gFinal Distance.h This fic basically talks about the relationship between Ryou and Bakura within the gDistanceh universe.
Be My Cupid
Religions do not start or end; people merely realize them when the gods make themselves known and fade when the said civilization ends. Their lives are molded by the people who believe in them to some extent, but most of the time their legends are passed by the godly messengers to mortals. Gods and goddess of many different polytheist religions tend to mingle with each other, just like mortals did. Some are even rulers of the same element another god or goddess rules over. They didnft seem to really mind each otherfs company as long as they didnft interfere with their followers too much. In fact, a god can have many forms to eyes of many people. Or, in some cases, when a certain religion is lacking in something another religion has, the other religion can step into that gjurisdiction.h
All this said and done, this story can start here, almost three millennia ago. During this time, the Greek Empire hasn't even been fathomed yet, much less the Roman Empire. Despite this lack of followers as of yet, the gods and goddesses of Mount Olympus have already settled their roots onto the ethereal realm.
One day, Zeus, the king of all gods on Mount Olympus, received a request from Ra, the sun god of Egypt. Running his large hand through his long, wavy beard, Zeus furrowed his brushy white brows and pulled open the papyrus scroll. Upon reading it, he smiled lightly in amusement and summoned Hermes. gHermes,h Zeusf voice echoed through the Mount Olympus palace halls like thunder on a summer afternoon. gGo and summon Eros. I need him to go and run a bit of an errand for me.h The messenger god nodded and took off on his winged sandals to the western hills of Mount Olympus, to the palace of Aphrodite. When he arrived, he found Eros on the back balcony of the pristine palace, napping on a hammock.
Eros wasnft the son of the most beautiful goddess for nothing; his skin was as white and soft as the sea foam his mother spawned from as though to honor her for bringing him onto the world. His eyes were large and brown, most likely from his unknown father for his motherfs were of the purest cerulean. Silver white hair that seemed to meld into those brilliant white wings swayed in the spring breeze of the mountains. Hermes smiled at how leisurely Eros carried himself even though it was early spring already, the stressful days of his job soon approaching. Green eyes glanced mischievously around Aphroditefs palace for any sign of the haughty goddess her war-mongering lover, or her deformed yet kind husband. Seeing that they werenft around, the messenger god snuck up next to Erofs ear and gave a loud gBOO!h The palace nearly shook in the yell and Eros stumbled off the hammock, his fall broken only by the quick fluttering of his wings. Drowsy doe eyes shot a watered down version of a death glare at Hermes and Eros stood up.
gNot funny, Ryuji,h Eros muttered sleepily and Hermes smirked at the success of his joke. gRyujih was a pet name that Maia gave Hermes after he stole Apollofs holy cattle, a fitting name for the mischievous child-god who was as strong as a dragonfs child. Even though Hermes was spiritually older than Eros, he maintained a child-like form close to Erosf age to fit his stealthy nature.
gYoufre relaxed, Ryou,h Ryuji said, also addressing Eros by his pet name. The name was given to Eros by Ares after the war god returned from Japan on helping start a bit of a family feud there. To say the truth, Ryou didnft like it much due to the fact that it emphasized more of his darker side-the side that shoots lead arrows of hatred to end peace and love. Delicate white brows furrowed at the sound of that name and Ryujifs smile faded.
gSorry,h the child-god apologized.
gItfs okay,h Ryou said, shrugging it off. gWhatfs brought you here today?h
gFather wants to see you,h Ryuji informed. Upon delivering his message, the small wings on Ryujifs sandals fluttered and the boy took flight, Ryou following him on his own silky wings.
Athena was just leaving the Mount Olympus palace as Ryuji and Ryou touched down at the gates. She smiled affectionately at her nephew and juvenile cousin, patting them both on their shoulders before flying off to her own palace. Ryou smiled as she departed and walked into the marble palace, genuflecting before a god he respected but did not accept as his grandfather. His silky silver white wings quivered, reflecting a bit of gold under the magnificence of the great god king as he bowed before Zeus. The fatherly god smiled at his grandson and summoned for the scroll that was sent from Egypt. Opening the brittle papyrus scroll, Zeus gave Ryou his mission.
gEros,h Zeus started, careful not to address Ryou by his pet name, as easy as it was to pronounce compared to gEros.h A small dip was seen in Ryoufs head at the sound of his name being called, and Zeus continued. gAs you know, our Egyptian neighbors do not have a messenger of love,h Zeus explained. gAnd therefore they are asking you to go there and help them with a problem.h With that, he waved a large hand and a specter whooshed in, exploding into a viewing glass. When the smoke form the explosion cleared, a figure was projected on the surface of the viewing glass. Ryou lifted his head to see a man on the non-reflecting surface. The man who showed up bore a bit of resemblance to Ryou, but it stopped after the white hair. Otherwise, the man was almost a complete opposite of Ryou. Dark skin marked the man as Egyptian, and his eyes were a blood red, gleaming in menace, the expression alone marring what was a maliciously handsome face. His face was in something between a sneer and a smirk, looking in the distance. He wore a large red and gold robe with a white tunic that was opened at the chest on the inside. Several pieces of golden jewelry adorned the manfs body even though his stature didnft look like he was of rich background, and his words were vulgar when he opened his mouth. Ryou almost reeled in shock at the sight of his man and his attitude.
gThat looks like how you would have turned out if we had let Ares raise you, Eros,h Zeus joked, chuckling when the figure on the viewing glass stuck up a middle finger at whomever he was looking at in the distance. Eros wrinkled his nose in disgust at the joke and his eyes urged for Zeus to get to the point. Zeus laughed at the look on Ryoufs face and he nodded. gAh yes,h the deep voice rumbled, gSee, this man herecBakura as he is called, is a Tomb Robber. The gods in Egypt are having a hard time with him since he keeps desecrating hollow tombs. They want you to help them by making him fall in love. He has no love and therefore is not happycso when you give him love, hefll be happy and will hopefully be so preoccupied that hefll stop stealing from tombs.h As he said this, he granted Ryou his quiver of gold and lead arrows along with his bow. gGo and give him love and happiness,h Zeus ordered, gMake him fall in love withca girl who sells pottery or something.h Ryou stood up and bowed, retreating from the palace. Before he left, Zeus called after him in a warning tone. gEros,h he shouted after his grandson, gYou have to be careful. This man supposedly has a high affinity with spirits and thus he can see uscyou have to watch out that he doesnft see you when you shoot the arrow at him. Otherwise youfll be bound to your actions and will become mortal.h Ryou turned his head and smiled at Zeus, bowing in thanks for his warning and took off to Egypt.
Bakura was not a happy man. This was not entirely because he had no love, though. He figured that love was for the weak, and to have someone to love would only hinder his job and cause him to have to split his loot. No, he did not need love, he figured. The reason why he was not happy was because of the fact that the security around tombs these past months have been heavy, causing his job to be even harder than it was before. This was all because the young Pharaoh that had just recently succeeded his fatherfs throne had ordered all the tombs to be heavily guarded and stay that way even after his father was embalmed. Bakura could just imagine what kinds of treasures would be going into the new tombckings just seemed to get more and more stuff crammed into their elaborate tombs. But it would take forty days before the corpse of the late Pharaoh was dried out with salt and ready for embalming-and then it would take another month or so before all the funeral preparations were done. Before then, Bakura really had nothing new to do, and he was almost running out of funds. He didnft like to rob living people since most of them always gave him trouble, but that was basically what he was doing now to keep himself fed. This was the root of the reason why he wasnft happy. It really wasnft because he had no love.
Today wasnft that great of a day, either. He had just robbed a man whom he thought was rich, but it turned out that the man was just another thief who had stolen an expensive robe and put it on at the wrong place and time. Scoffing, Bakura kicked the corpse of the man and picked his pockets, finding a small money pouch. At least he can get a drink today at the bar with this little bit of extra money. As he stood up, he felt some strange presence, like he was being watched.
gHow does this man deserve love?h Ryou muttered to himself as he reluctantly pulled out a golden arrow from its quiver, having just witnessed the murder and the robbery. Such mortals drove fear and sadness into his heart in their cruelty. He sighed and put the arrow to the bow, pulling back and aiming at the unsuspecting thief that stood in the alley. From his position on the roof, Ryou can definitely get a clear shot of the manfs chest, and by the way Bakura was looking around, he was bound to get a glimpse of some girl walking outside the alleyway. His aim ready, Ryou released the arrow at his mortal prey. At the very moment, however, Bakura felt something flying at him and stepped out of the way, the arrow barely missing him as it drove into the sand next to his foot.
gWho the hell!?h Bakura shouted, staring at the golden arrow in the ground. To his amazement, the arrow dissipated into a mist of gold as he bent down to pick it up. It wasnft bad enough already that he was going to get shot; he couldnft even use the damned weapon. Muttering curses under his breath, Bakura picked his head up and glanced around, his eyes immediately tracing back to the direction where the arrow came from to see who his attacker was. Just as he raised his head to search the roofs, he saw a boy who looked remotely like himself with white hair aiming at him with a bow and arrow, ready for another shot. Their eyes made contact, and the boy, realizing that hefs been spotted, gasped and took off on foot. Bakura cursed again and ran to the other side of the alley where he was sure the boy would have to land at.
gYoufre going to pay for that, you little punk!h the tomb raider shouted into the crowded marketplace. Ryou was much faster than he had anticipated, and he ran out of the alleyway in time to see the white head disappear into the crowd. Another string of swear words came frothing from Bakurafs lips almost as powerfully as the fist he slammed into the wall next to him. Not only was his luck bad in money, someone was trying KILL him! gI need a drink,h Bakura announced to himself, stalking off to the bar that he frequented. The place was a haven for people of the gundergroundh business in a way. The owner was a rumormonger as well as a retired bandit, so most of the customers in there got useful tips from a veteran in there as well as the latest news. The bar hushed as Bakura stepped in, the white haired thieffs name was a notorious one. There was a brief and awkward silence in the bar before Bakura scoffed at the crowd that was in today and sat down at the bar, not particularly keen on gbondingh or finding drinking buddies today. The women who frequented the bar werenft in today, either, which meant that there wasnft someone who he can take to the back to work off his frustrations, either.
gWhat will it be today, Bakura?h the boss asked, handing Bakura a clay bowl. Since most of the customers that came here were so dirty and diseased, the owner didnft feel safe about using the same utensils twice. All the customers were given a clay bowl to drink from, and at the end of their stay, the bowl was smashed, saving the owner the trouble of having to wash them. Bakura shrugged and pulled out the pouch that he grabbed from his hapless victim back in the alley, spilling what little coins were in there. The bartender scoffed at the pitifulness of the amount, Bakura was usually able to pay for drinks ten times more. He turned to grab the cheapest beer and poured it into the clay bowl. gI also need information,h Bakura stated after taking a sip of the beer.
gWhat?!h the bartender shouted, gYou just took a sip of the beer and THEN you tell me that you need information?!h Red eyes shot him a scathing glare and pressed down two more coins that Bakura had been saving for dinner. Dinner, however, wasnft as important as his lifecif he didnft find out about the boy who had assaulted him soon, he probably wonft be able to have dinner; the boy was a good shot considering how close the arrow came to him. gI need to see if anyonefs seen a boycwith white hair,h Bakura said, pushing the two coins towards the bartender. gAnd itfs not me. Hefs really pale and wearing some sort of foreign clothesch The bartender looked down at the coins and then at Bakura, then sighed. gYou should know that youfre the only person who has white hair in all of Egypt, Bakura,h the bartender replied. gBut if itfll make you feel any better, Ifll tell people to keep an eye out.h
gSo,h shouted several voices in the back of the bar, gHas The Great Bakura finally broken down and decided to find someone to spend the rest of his life with?h
gNo,h Bakura hissed at the crowd of desert bandits, gThe little bastard tried to kill me!h His fist slammed down onto the bar counter, making his clay bowl jump, spilling a bit of the precious beer.
gThen thatfs one crazy kid if Ifve ever heard of one,h the bartender muttered. gWho would be insane enough to try and attack you, knowing the consequences? Not even some of the strongest of the royal guards dare to cross your path.h
gI donft know,h Bakura murmured into his drink, gBut when I find him, Ifll make sure I find outch He looked at his reflection in the beer and sighed; he should have pursued the boy now that he thought about it. Though he wasnft too particular about boys, he needed someone to take out his recent frustrations on, and the boy wasnft that bad of a looker from what little he caught from mere glances. The boy had a thin figure and pale skin that he was sure was soft, and all of that was matched by the rare color of his hair. His eyes were a plain color of brown, but the richness of the essence made up for that. Yes, Bakura was sure that he would make the boy payc
To be continuedc
Note: the name gRyujih is Otogifs first name, it means gson of the dragon.h