Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Dance!Dance! ❯ Chapter 1

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Title: Dance!Dance!
Author: Tsutsuji
Date written: 9/3/04, finished 2/19/05
Fandom: Yu-gi-oh!
Rating: NC17
Pairings: Ryou/Bakura
Original characters: no
Type: yaoi/slash, romance
Warnings: songfic. m/m sex
Status: one-shot, complete. (hooray, no horrible cliffies!)
Spoilers: brief mention of end of the series but no details
Disclaimer: I do not own the copyright to these characters and I'm making no profit from this fic and intend no copyright infringement.

Summary: For Ryou's birthday, Bakura does a private dance for him, and gives him a special gift.... (seme Ryou!)

Notes: This is a songfic written around the lyrics of three club dance mixes: Dance!Dance! (The Mexican), by Thalia, (Hex Hector/Max Quayle Club Mix, English lyrics version.)
Surrender, by Laura Pausini. (Extended dance mix version.)
The Sound of Violence, by Cassius. (Narcotic Thrust Mix.)
I used to listen to the Dance channel on GotRadio.com at work, until they said we couldn't listen online anymore. These three songs always reminded me of Bakura and Ryou. Originally started in honor of Ryou's birthday, Sept. 2, but I didn't finish it back then and I didn't want to wait another six months to share it!)


"Two years..." Bakura said. "How shall we celebrate?"

For a second Ryou didn't know what he was talking about, or why he had a strange gleam in his eyes. It must be something to do with his birthday, which happened to be today, but he wasn't sure Bakura even knew that. Then he remembered: two years ago, on his birthday, his father had sent him the Ring. He hadn't known it at the time, but that was the day Bakura had entered his life.

Within the following year he'd had to change school several times, finally ending up at Domino High School where he met Yugi, and then his relationship with the Spirit of the Ring had really begun. But it hadn't started off well. Even so, Ryou knew now that they'd been attached to each other from the start. When it came time at last for the final battle with the Pharaoh, it was Ryou's connection with Bakura that had made it possible for the former Spirit to remain in the present with a body and life of his own. And to the surprise of all their friends, he'd chosen to make that life with Ryou, and Ryou had made the same choice.

All in two years... And now it appeared that the date was significant to Bakura as well, after all. He stood there in front of Ryou with a scheming grin, as he if already had a plan for celebration well in mind.

Ryou had come home from school and immediately changed out of his uniform to his customary t-shirt and jeans, and come out of his room to find Bakura waiting for him with this strange look. Now he understood. He'd been thinking about his birthday, but he hadn't thought of it as their anniversary. As far as he was concerned, their anniversary was the day less than a year ago when they'd first been able to really make love. He'd certainly remember to celebrate that day when it came around again!

Tonight, he'd only planned on making a special meal for the both of them, and otherwise having a quiet evening. But it seemed that Bakura had other ideas. He stood directly in front of Ryou, dressed in his customary unbuttoned shirt and low-slung, tight-hipped jeans, with the Ring gleaming against his bare chest. He had almost a playful look as he stood there, swaying his hips slightly.

Ryou realized that he was swaying in time to the music that he had put on, a club dance mix with a solid rhythm that was slowly building in intensity.

"How do you want to celebrate?" Ryou asked finally. "I was just going to make a quiet dinner for the two of us, but do you want to go out and dance or something?"

"No. I don't want to go out. I want to dance for you." Bakura said in his low, husky voice. Ryou's eyes widened and his heart picked up the pace.

The music grew slowly louder and more intense, and as it did Bakura's movements increased. His arms came up and gestured side to side in a flowing motion as his hips moved. His eyes stared into Ryou's, until the lyrics began, and then suddenly he lowered his eyes, as if he was bowing to Ryou.

'Something's got control of me
Feels like I'm in a trance
Electricity runs through me
Makes me wanna dance
Take me in your arms
'Cause I wanna dance all night with you
When you move I feel your magic running through me
I grow helpless as we dance the night away'

As the words of the verse throbbed in the air, Bakura slowly turned, flexing his body and his arms as he did so, until his back was to Ryou. He glanced back over his shoulder. The gesture was almost coy, but his eyes were narrow and bright, his smile was sly, and his body moved in a way that demanded attention. Ryou watched his denim-clad ass as he twisted sinuously, more than suggestively, to the beat of the music. The sight caused a distinct tightening sensation in his own jeans, and he shifted his hips, dancing a little himself as he tried to relieve the pressure.

'Dance, dance
I can't control it
You're making me really want it
The way you move to the rhythm
It's taking over me
You dance
I want you badly
I'm in a trance
Come and help me
'Cause I can't stop going crazy
Just satisfy me, baby
Dance, dance'

Bakura continued to move, slowly circling in front of Ryou, catching his eyes now and then to make sure Ryou's gaze was glued to him, as indeed it was. Ryou smiled, but his breath was becoming a little ragged just watching Bakura's hypnotic body. The unbuttoned shirt slid down on Bakura's arms, baring his flexing shoulders. The Millennium Ring flickered as it dangled on his bare chest. For a moment he was dancing with his arms behind him as if the shirtsleeves held him bound.

'Hypnotizing rhythms make me move
At your command
I can be your slave
And dance all night if you demand'

Ryou couldn't quite believe what he was seeing. Bakura had always been the one in control, never the slave. He was not so harsh now, he did not take Ryou or his body for granted anymore as he once did, and he'd learned better ways to show that he cared for Ryou than by trapping his friends in cards or lead figures for Ryou to play with forever. But even though he'd come to respect Ryou, so that their relationship was more equal, Ryou had always submitted to his greater experience and his easy assertiveness, especially in bed. He'd never expected anything different, or even considered that it could be any other way.

But Bakura was clearly suggesting something different with his dance. And he was being damned seductive about it. Ryou felt something stirring in him that he'd never felt before, a desire to take control and possess his lover. Or was it so completely new and unfamiliar, after all? The feeling fit more readily than he would have expected. Was Bakura putting this idea into his mind, as he had once controlled Ryou's thoughts and actions? Or was it something that had been lurking there all along?

He watched Bakura's body as the shirt finally fell to the floor, and now his long, pale hands glided over his bare skin, and then down to his hips. His hands slid over his thighs, across the worn denim as his hips circled and swayed. Bakura's left hand caressed his crotch, and then clutched the air as he threw his head back, as if he wanted to touch himself but couldn't.

'You make me lose my mind
And I can't take it any longer
I feel the power that you have
It's getting stronger
Baby, let's dance the whole night away'

He suddenly remembered: it was Bakura's left hand that Ryou had taken control of when he'd rebelled against Bakura in the Shadow Game with Yugi and the others. Bakura remembered too, he realized. This dance was in memory of that moment, in acknowledgement of Ryou's ability to control him as well.

Bakura whirled around, circling Ryou in his dance, ever more seductive in his gyrations. He watched Ryou's face, and Ryou smiled, understanding slowly growing in him. He had been in control of Bakura, almost from the start, as surely as Bakura had controlled his limbs and his voice at times. He'd made the choice over and over to keep the Ring and the Spirit close to him, and he'd brought him back from the ultimate Darkness after his final defeat.

This was Bakura's gift in return, his acknowledgement of Ryou's control over his soul.

He danced around to stand in front of Ryou once more. As the words and beat of the music filled the air, he dropped to his knees in front of Ryou, his head bowed and his left hand raised as if in offering.

You totally control
Every part of me
Don't you know what kind of vibe
You're sending to me?

With the last word he threw his head back. His eyes flew open; he was smiling, but his eyes were pleading, begging Ryou to respond.

Ryou took his offered hand with his own left hand and pulled him up to stand close in front of him. Their hips swayed together as he pulled Bakura closer. His eyes raked the half naked body, and Bakura writhed as if the gaze was a scorching touch on his skin. Bakura placed Ryou's hand over the Ring against his chest. Ryou could feel his heart pounding underneath it.

Bakura leaned forward, his mouth reaching for Ryou's, but he waited, his eyes still begging as if for permission. Ryou smiled, made him wait that way for a few luscious seconds, and then claimed his mouth in the kiss he craved.

...The song blended into another, the beat continuing in time to the new rhythm of their bodies.

'I raise my hands and I surrender
'Cause your love is too strong and I can't go on
Without your tender arms around me
I raise my hands and I surrender
I don't wanna resist 'cause your touch and your kiss
Have shattered my defenses
I surrender '

Now their bodies moved together, their hips swaying in a single rhythm. The beat of the music went on as they felt each other. Bakura's hands slipped up under Ryou's shirt, seeking bare skin. Ryou pulled Bakura close and held him there. With one hand he gripped Bakura's wiggling ass; with the other he first dug into his shoulder, leaving nail marks, then moved upward to take a fistful of his wild, snow-white hair.

Bakura sucked on Ryou's lip, and then when Ryou slipped his tongue out, Bakura wound his own around it and sucked it into his own hot mouth. Ryou felt that hot, steady pressure from the root of his tongue right down to his groin.

'I surrender to this feeling in my heart
I surrender to the safety of your arms
To the touch of your lips
To the taste of your kisses
I raise my hands and I surrender
'Cause your love is too strong and I can't go on
Without your tender arms around me'

Bakura broke the kiss at last, leaving Ryou gasping, and again sank to his knees, this time sliding down Ryou's body, hands and mouth never breaking contact with him. His hands gripped Ryou's ass while he rubbed his face all over Ryou's groin. His mouth hung open hungrily, and Ryou felt his hot breath even through the denim. His hips thrust in a rhythm of their own against that eager mouth.

Ryou grabbed a handful of his hair again and pulled his head back. With his other hand, he managed to open his jeans, while Bakura waited, almost patiently, the pleading look still in his eyes. With Bakura's two hands and his one free hand they managed to push the tight jeans and briefs down his hips, allowing his full erection to spring free in front of Bakura's face. Ryou held Bakura's head and just allowed him to touch his lips to the tip at first. Then, as Bakura's hands again cupped his bare ass, he let the hot, eager mouth take him inside.

'I can't pretend anymore
That I am not affected, I'm not moved
I can't lie to myself that I'm not always thinking of you
You make me strong
You show me I'm not weak to fall in love
When I thought I'd never need, now I can't get enough'

For a while Ryou was lost to the world, all of his senses focused on the intense pleasure Bakura's mouth was giving him. He hardly realized that he was yanking Bakura's head by the hair in both fists, holding him there and controlling his movement. Bakura worked tongue and lips around his hardness expertly, knowing every move that drove Ryou wild. He took Ryou's entire length into his throat and pressed his face against Ryou's body as if he still couldn't get enough of him. Ryou's hips moved in time to the music, and Bakura matched him thrust for thrust.

'I have to admit that I
Never thought I'd need someone this way
'Cause you opened my eyes so that I can see so much more.
I always made it on my own
I always thought that I would keep control
You changed everything I believe in
And now I just can't fight this feeling baby'

Only when he felt Ryou stiffen and gasp as he was near to his climax did Bakura push back against him. His hands came around to Ryou's thighs to hold his hips still and he stopped sucking. Somehow he managed to bring Ryou back from the brink. This left Ryou panting desperately for release, but he loosened his grip on Bakura's hair, and after several shuddering breaths, he let the beautiful, talented lips slide wetly off of him. Bakura again kissed the tip of Ryou's cock, then licked his lips as he pulled free.

"Why did you stop?" Ryou managed to ask through gritted teeth.

Bakura was also catching his breath, his face nestled against Ryou's thigh. It took him a moment to answer.

"Because I want more," Bakura said, his voice slightly muffled against Ryou's skin. "I want you... inside of me."

Ryou looked down at the man kneeling at his feet, arms wrapped around his body, face pressed against his leg. He'd known for a long time now how much he loved Bakura, but until now he hadn't realized how strongly Bakura felt about him as well.

He twined his fingers through the soft tangled hair, stroking Bakura's head gently, as his pulse continued to slow toward normal. But his arousal did not grow any less. In fact, as he began to realize what Bakura was offering, his desire grew, and his erection throbbed in anticipation.

The music continued, the beat growing deeper and stronger as a new song began to swell up from behind the one before. That one had sounded like a joyful dance, while the new song took on a darker tone, strange but inviting. There were no lyrics to begin with, just the pounding beat and a wordless voice like a wind on a mysterious, cloudy night.

Bakura sat back on his heels for a moment, and reluctantly Ryou let go of him. He looked up at Ryou, as if waiting for an answer. It was difficult to speak past the surge of emotions and desire that seemed to have caught in his throat but finally Ryou managed to talk.

"You'd better undress for me, then," he said. His normally thin voice sounded husky and seductive.

Bakura smiled his approval. Slowly, he stood up, and holding Ryou's gaze, he unfastened his own jeans and started to pull them down. He winced a little as his own weeping erection was finally set free. As he pushed the jeans down over his hips, he also managed to turn slowly around, so that by the time he was bending over to take them off completely, Ryou had a fine view of his backside. As he was appreciating this unexpected view, the lyrics that were now coming from the stereo slowly penetrated his mind.

'I feel like I wanna be inside of you,
when the sun goes down
I feel like I wanna be inside of you
when the sun goes down, yeah...'

Bakura stood up but did not turn around. He looked back over his shoulder at Ryou. His eyes gleamed behind his pale hair, and Ryou couldn't tell if he was smiling or not. Ryou stepped forward and put his arms around his darker half's body. Bakura seemed to sigh as he leaned back against Ryou. He took Ryou's hands and pressed one of them against the Ring on his chest, he other he held firmly around his waist. He started to slide his backside up and down slightly against Ryou's erection.

Ryou nuzzled his neck. As aroused as he was, his emotions were even stronger. He wanted Bakura so much, it seemed that he always had, but to have his lover offer himself this way was something he never expected.

Bakura spoke inside his head as he used to do. /I've been inside of you, inside your mind, and your soul, and your body, my Ryou. Now I want you inside of me./

Ryou couldn't speak. He only continued to kiss Bakura's neck, holding him tightly, while he erection throbbed pleasantly as it was rubbed between the tight mounds of Bakura's ass.

'let it out, gonna let it all out
let it out when the sun goes down

you'll be coming out, let it all out
gonna let it out when the sun goes down...'

The familiar scent of Bakura's arousal rose around him. Ryou caught another odor, sweet and spicy. A groan escaped his throat as he recognized the oil Bakura used on him to ease his passage into Ryou's body. It had been faint in the air ever since Bakura had begun this seductive dance, but Ryou hadn't noticed him holding the container. He glanced around, looking for it, but then realized that the scent was coming from Bakura's body.

His heart and his cock throbbed as he understood that Bakura had already prepared himself for Ryou to enter him. Bakura bent forward again, and Ryou's cock slid deeper into the warm, tight cleft. Ryou felt with his fingers to find Bakura's well-oiled opening, tight but yielding to his prodding touch. As his fingertip slid inside, Bakura made a little sound in his throat. Ryou could hardly believe he was hearing such a pleading sound from his darker half.

Bakura spread and braced his legs, pushing back against Ryou's fingers that spread him wider. Ryou watched the muscles in his back and legs ripple, caught by the beautiful strength of Bakura's body.

"You want me?" Ryou said, half teasing and half in wonder. He pushed the hard, aching tip of his cock against Bakura's opening. "You want me inside you like this? Now?"

"Yes," Bakura hissed through gritted teeth. "By all the long dead gods, yes, I want you."

Ryou swallowed hard. The need to take what Bakura was offering shot through him like a flame. He spread Bakura wider with one hand, pushing down lightly on his back with the other. Bakura bent forward and opened up to him. The sensation was intense, incredible, as his cock slipped inside the restrictive opening. He wanted to cry out but his throat seemed restricted as well.

Bakura cried out instead. It was a sound of need and submission that took Ryou's breath away. He shuddered, then gathered his strength and breath to push deeper. He needed to be deeper, to feel surrounded by Bakura's body. He grabbed Bakura's hips in both hands and pulled him back, thrusting into him at the same time.

He thought he might explode right then. Bakura gasped. He caught a flicker of pain through their mental link, and he froze, but in the next instant Bakura made that strange pleading sound again and pushed back against him, driving him deeper inside.

The rhythm of the music pounded the air, and seemed to make his hips move without his will. Bakura flexed his body, increasing the sensation for Ryou until he thought he'd go mad with the intensity of it. He could feel Bakura's need through their link, the need for Ryou to find a deeper place inside him.

Ryou gasped at the heat and pressure even as Bakura opened himself to him. He pulled back and thrust in, deeper, all the way. Suddenly the sense of need and pleasure in Bakura's mind spiked as Ryou hit that perfect place deep within. Ryou knew that feeling well, and knowing that he was giving it back to Bakura sent a surge of desire pumping through his veins in time with the beat of the music.

I feel like I wanna be inside you,
when the sun goes down.
as long as I'm gonna be around you,
when the sun goes down yeah
I feel like I wanna be, you more than I
get around, come around yeah yeah...'

Ryou let the feelings take him: the need to give back the pleasure he'd been given, and the need to possess his darker half as he had been possessed. He began to move, slowly gaining power, faster and deeper into Bakura who matched him with every thrust. He leaned forward over Bakura's bent body and slid his hands down sweat-slick skin, across taut, flexing stomach muscles to his groin. His hand closed on Bakura's erection.

"Ryou!" Bakura gasped his name, and then let out a wordless cry as he came in Ryou's hand.

Ryou gasped as well. Need, love and desire swept through him as Bakura's body pulsed around his erection. He lost every thought in the need to be deeper in Bakura's body, driving against him faster and harder, frantically panting for breath against Bakura's neck. Until he came. As his need burst from him he felt like he was engulfed in Bakura and like he owned him, body and soul. It felt like his spine melted and his soul was pouring into Bakura's. It felt like all he'd ever wanted.

When his mind cleared a little he found that they had sunk to the floor. Bakura was on hands and knees, panting heavily, with Ryou draped over his back, face pressed against his neck. Their hair fell together over Bakura's shoulder.

He was still inside his lover's body. He felt like he never wanted to move, and he was reluctant to give up his hold on Bakura. At the same time, his nerves were on fire, so sensitive it was hard to catch his breath. He pulled out carefully. Then he gathered Bakura up and back against him, until they were sitting on the floor together, with Bakura's nearly limp body curled in his lap. Ryou felt surprisingly strong as he held his dark half, light and elated. He knew certain muscles were going to give him sharp reminders later of his unusual activity, but for now that didn't matter. All that mattered in Ryou's world was this amazing gift that Bakura had given him.

The pounding of the music had quieted to a soft, steady beat. The ghostly voice faded slowly, as if it was drifting away on the wind.

"You are too good to me," he said, brushing sweat-soaked hair out of Bakura's heavy-lidded eyes. "Thank you."

Bakura gazed up at him in surprise, then gave a snort of laughter.

"You are too humble, my dear Host," he said. "You've given me more than I knew I desired. But I'm greedy, I'm afraid. Someday soon I will want this again." He reached up and pulled Ryou's face down to kiss, licking the salty sweat off his lips. "However, next time, I want to see your face while you're inside of me."

Heat raced through Ryou's skin at the thought of it.

"You'll let me do this again?" he said.

Bakura twisted around to face him. Ryou found strong, possessive arms wrapped around him.

"You can be sure of it," Bakura answered. "And I won't wait until your next birthday. I want you too much to wait that long." He sighed quietly against Ryou's hair. "Happy birthday, my light."

- the end -