Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Dark Dreams ❯ Dark Dreams ( One-Shot )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Dark Dreams

By Terendel

Rating: NC-17

Pairing: Yami Yugi/Dark Magician

A/N: This story draws more from the subbed version of the Pandora battle than the dubbed version. As in "Where Black Magician Meet," Pandora's Magician is "Black" while Yami's is "Dark."

Disclaimer: Kuriboh, will you do the honors?

Kuriboh: (with a serious look on his little face) Squee!

*flush* Ah, well, it's the best he can do. But y'all know I don't own the show, ne? Bishies would be humping like bunnies everywhere, and the dubbed version would be just as good as the sub.

Guillotine. And Dark Magician trapped. Light glints on the blade as it falls. Frantic shout. "Magical Silk Hats!" Black hats swirl into existence, covering Dark Magician and spiriting him to safety.

But what if it hadn't worked? What if Dark had died there?


Yami tossed restlessly, gripped in the throes of a dream from which he could not awaken. Dark dreams haunted his nights, and images from those dreams haunted his days. But every night he found himself trapped in the same cycle. Would the dreams always go the same way? Or would Dark Magician die some night, his life force severed by the shining blades? And would death in a dream mean death in reality?

Why did the death of a card hold so much fear for the master duelist? He was only ink on cardstock, right?


Rust-red chains shooting out. Blink. No, not rust-red. Instead the dull scarlet of dried blood. Chains wrapping themselves around Dark Magician, drawing him to hang spread-eagled upon a cross. Helpless to defend his Master.

The enemy Black Magician leaping forward. Direct Attack! Searing pain through all his body. Anguished pain in the eyes of the helpless Dark Magician. Slumping forward, waiting for the agony to subside. Needing to gather himself to finish the duel. Having no idea how to continue without his signature card at his side.


Groaning, Yami rolled from his back to his side, pushing the covers off in his restless movement. If only the dreamer could awaken and end the endless nightmare cycle. But something held him trapped, deep in a sleep which did not refresh, replenish or heal. Sleep which harmed more than it helped.


Sacrifice. So much a part of the new dueling rules. But not sacrifice like this. Never to sacrifice the soul of a card to attack a player directly. The opposing Black Magician knew his fate. The fear in his eyes proved that. But a card is ultimately helpless to oppose the will of his Master. For cards have no self-will in the game.

Or do they?

The soul of Black Magician torn from his body. Russet-clad form slumping and disappearing. The soul racing forward to attack.


Yami moaned, even in his sleep knowing that this would be the time things changed. This would be the time a miracle didn't happen. A part of him almost wished it would not. To see another die for him, night after endless night, was the true horror of this nightmare. And yet the alternative was far, far worse. He rolled again, as if the restless motion of his body could affect the inevitable outcome.


But for another night, nothing changed. Motion from the corner of his eye. And then the impossible happens yet again. The soul of his Dark Magician separating from his body and moving to block the incoming attack. A final glance over the Magician's shoulder, emotions the dreamer could not read filling the emerald eyes.

A final scream of pain as soul destroys soul.


With a muffled gasp, Yami finally bolted awake, covered in cold night sweat, heart hammering, barely able to breathe. With a groan, he collapsed on his pillow, too tired to move, too worked up to get back to sleep. Assuming he wanted to. With those dreams awaiting him? He shook his head. Better to stay awake than experience that all over again.

/Yami?/ Gentle concern from the link to his aibou.

A faint, loving smile. Aibou. The support that kept him going, day after day, night after night, nightmare after endless nightmare.

//I'm all right. Just another nightmare.// Yami put as much strength as he could muster into his mental voice. Yugi didn't know how bad the nightmares were, and Yami didn't want to burden his other half with the knowledge.

/I wish you'd talk to me about them. It might help./

Yami shook his head, knowing his aibou couldn't see the gesture but would feel the intent through the link. //I need to see this through myself.//

/But why? I didn't even know you slept until all this started. And now you won't tell me anything./

Yami sighed. He hadn't needed sleep until recently. But the events in Battle City had left him exhausted. A shadow of his former shadowy self. He knew that sleep healed humans. He'd thought perhaps it would work for spirits as well. But he had found no rest in the ceaseless nightmares. And now he found that he could not go back to his former sleeplessness. It seemed that once he started sleeping, he needed it as much as a mortal.

If only he could get some rest...


The spirit shook his head. Must have been too long since he'd responded. Sighing, he decided to tell part of it. His aibou said that sharing pain lessened it. Maybe it would work for him.

He settled back on the bed, clammy pillows behind him, but he was too drained to even turn them over. //I keep dreaming about the Pandora battle.//

Surprise in the link. /The Pandora battle? Not the battle against Osiris?/

It would make more sense to dream about battling God, but that particular battle had left him untroubled. He'd won. That had been it. Almost without thinking, he responded, //No, I didn't call Dark Magician in that one.//

Puzzlement. /But why would that make a difference?/

Yami's eyes widened. An excellent question that. Why was Dark Magician the catalyst for the nightmare? //I don't know, aibou,// he responded slowly.

A yawn followed by sudden sleepiness. /Well, I think you'd better figure that one out. Maybe then you can get some decent sleep./ The impression of a rueful grin. /And if you can sleep, then maybe I can get some rest as well./

Frown. //Sorry, aibou. I didn't ever mean to drag you into this.//

Another yawn. /I know, Yami. I can't keep my eyes open any longer. We'll talk more in the morning./ Fade into sleep.

Yami rolled over to his stomach. He intended to remain awake. One round of nightmares was all he could stand this evening. Time enough tomorrow to start the cycle again.


And start again it did.

Guillotine. Magical Silk Hats. Blood-red chains. And finally, sacrifice.

Again Yami screamed himself awake and collapsed back onto sweat-soaked pillows. Would it ever end? Would he ever know the peaceful oblivion of restful slumber?

Suddenly he became aware of a presence in the room, and he bolted out of bed, ignoring the fact that he was wearing nothing but skin-tight black briefs. His adrenaline-pumped body was ready to do battle.

But no threat was present. Instead, lounging against the doorway to his soul room was a familiar purple-clad figure, minus the usual casque and armor plates. Emerald eyes locked crimson.

"Dark Magician?"

A deep bow. "Yes, Master."

Yami blinked and sat back down. "But how? How are you here?" His mind raced furiously. Dark Magician was a card. Summoned into existence only through the technological wizardry of Kaiba Corporation. How then could the magician be present in his soul room?

Dark frowned. "You called me, Master. I can not refuse a summons."

Absently, Yami gathered the sheet around his near-naked figure. "I called you?"

Dark nodded. "Yes, Master. The summons was unmistakable."

Yami shook his head. "But..." He tried a different tack. "Do you know where you are?"

The mage cocked his head. "But of course, Master. I am in your soul room." Then the glimmerings of understanding crossed his serene features. "Master. You did not know you were calling me?"

Nodding, Yami replied. "Exactly. I didn't even know I could call you here."

Dark's eyes widened. "Then perhaps it is making more sense now."

Yami refrained from mentioning that he was glad it was making sense to someone.

Dark continued. "It is not exactly true that you summoned me. It was more that your need for me has been growing for many days. But you never called me to duel. Finally, the pull became too strong, and I came to you."

Now perhaps it was making sense. Yami could see that his endless series of dreams could be interpreted as need. And the dreams had been growing more intense and more vivid each night. But it still didn't explain how the Magician had gotten to his soul room. It was the next logical question, and he asked it.

The card answered easily. "Your soul room lies close to the deck place. When your need grew strong enough, I was able to cross the boundary."

Like that explained everything. "The deck place?" Yami asked.

Dark nodded. "Yes, the place where your cards dwell when we are not dueling. We are all there. I did not realize you knew of it. Most duelists do not. In fact, other than yourself, I know of only one other who does."

Far more questions than answers were raised by that statement. Yami worked hard to wrap his mind around the concept of his dueling cards having a life outside of the duel. He shook his head. "I didn't know of it either, until now."

Dark raised an eyebrow. "You did not?" His expression darkened with fear. "Then I have done wrong. I should not be here." He turned to leave, shoulders hunched as if preparing for imminent punishment.

Yami again bolted out of bed and ran to the door to grab a lavender-clad arm. "No. Don't go. You've done nothing wrong. I'm glad to know of the...deck place." He stumbled over the unfamiliar term but hurried to continue. Now that he had Dark here, he didn't want him to go so soon.

The arm under him thrummed with tension, but the Magician stopped, just outside the door, not yet across from Yugi's soul room. Emerald eyes flickered to peer into the other room, gently lit from within by a warm yellow light. Yami followed his gaze and understood the unspoken question. "No, he's not there. He rarely sleeps in his room."

Dark nodded and turned back to his Master, his eyes sad. "I would have liked to have seen him before I go." He pulled gently at Yami's hand. "Master, if you did not call me, I should go. It is not really right that I be here. I only came because your need seemed so strong. I thought you were in danger." He glanced around quickly. "But there is no threat here."

Yami frantically tried to think of a reason to keep the card here. Perhaps the mage could help him understand why he'd been dreaming for so many nights. "No, please do not go. I think I do need you. I need you to help me understand..." His voice trailed off as he suddenly found himself unable to tell Dark that he'd been dreaming of the magician's death, night after endless night.

Dark frowned. "Help you understand what, Master?"

Yami shook his head, trying to find the right words. "Come back inside. I need to figure out how to explain this."

Emerald eyes seemed troubled, but Dark allowed himself to be led back inside. Yami walked to his bed and sat down heavily, motioning Dark to sit beside him. The magician hesitated but finally sat down, as far from his Master as was possible on the spare bed. Yami was caught up in deciding what to say next and didn't notice the hesitation.

Yami finally decided to just stumble through it as best he could, but when he opened his mouth, the words that tumbled out were not what he had expected. "Why did you sacrifice yourself for me?"

Dark's eyes widened at the question. "S...s...sacrifice? What are you talking about, Master?"

The spirit couldn't answer for a moment, still wondering why he had asked that. And yet, that did seem to be the crux of the dream. Dark's sacrifice for his own life. And both the fear that he would be willing to do it again, and the fear that he would not. Perhaps understanding the card's reasons would help Yami to deal with his own fears.

Crimson eyes gazed directly into emerald. "During the battle with Pandora. You sacrificed yourself to save me." He shook his head. "I didn't even know you could act on your own, and the first time you do it, you do that."

Dark also shook his head. "No, Master. It was not the first time I acted without orders."

Yami's eyes widened. "It wasn't?" What had he missed?

"During the virtual reality game, when the young Master was in danger. I acted then to save him." He lowered his eyes. "I knew I would not be in time, but I had to do something." Yami could hear the shame in his card's voice. "The fairy got there first. I am sorry the fairy died, but it bought me the time I needed." Dark's voice grew rough with emotion. "If only I had been paying more attention. Then no sacrifice would have been needed."

There is was again. Sacrifice. Yami pushed that thought aside, knowing that Dark needed reassurance about his actions then. He scooted closer, and put a gentle hand on the magician's arm. Tension still throbbed under his palm, and he wondered at the strength of emotion in the other. "I remember that now. I hadn't yet taken over, so I wasn't as aware of what was happening. I had sensed danger, but I too couldn't react in time." He squeezed the arm under him. "You did well. No one else could have saved him in time." He lowered his head. "I too wish the fairy hadn't died, but it was a good death. A noble death." He raised his eyes. The card's expression was hopeful, as if he was hearing something he'd wanted to believe but hadn't been able to let himself. "And your actions ensured it was not in vain. You did well."

Dark's head bowed, and Yami thought he saw the gleam of an unshed tear below lowered lashes. "Thank you, Master."

Yami's deep voice was gentle. "You've been carrying guilt for that all this time?"

Dark nodded. "Yes, Master. As a card, my only purpose is to serve you and the young Master. I thought I had failed that day."

Yami shook his head. "No, Dark. You have never failed me. But you still haven't answered my question about the Pandora battle. How did you do it? And why?"

Dark raised his head. Yami saw the flash of pride cross emerald eyes. Pride and something else he couldn't quite name. "The how is easy. Sometimes a card develops a..." He paused, obviously searching for the right word. "...bond is the best word I can come up with for it. A bond with a Master." The pride grew in his voice. "I am the only card in your deck to develop such a bond. It doesn't happen often. Usually only to a powerful card used frequently by a Master. Mystic has studied about such things, but none of us expected to see it."

Yami had to ask. "Mystic?"

Dark nodded. "Mystical Elf. She is the wisest card, most knowledgeable about magic." A slight shudder passed through his tall frame. "Well, the Magician of Black Chaos has more magical knowledge than does the Elf, but he doesn't share much."

Yami shook his head. There was an entire community of which he had been totally unaware until now. On the one hand he was fascinated. On the other, he wondered what, if any, effect it would have on his dueling and his ability to use the cards. It was one thing to see them as holographic projections. Of course, he'd developed his favorites, and he'd grown fond of many of them. But to think that they had a life outside the duel? To actually think of them as people? With personalities? Emotions? Hopes? Dreams, perhaps? No, he'd have to sort all this out later. For now, it was enough to listen. "So this...bond allows you to act independently?"

Dark nodded. "Yes. Obviously, I haven't wanted to use it much. In the game, everything was so chaotic. I thought I could act, and no one would really notice." He smiled. "And it worked. You didn't realize until now."

Yami gave a rueful grin. "True enough. Though in hindsight, I certainly should have noticed that no one gave you a command to attack."

Dark chuckled, a warm sound deep in his throat. His eyes gleamed as he looked at his Master. Yami suddenly became aware of his lack of dress. He felt heat rise on his face, spreading down the back of his neck, and he reached for the sheet to draw it about himself. A quiet voice stopped him.

"Don't. I like to look at you."

Yami blinked. "What?"

Dark lowered his head, but not before Yami could see confusion and shame pass across the features of his favorite card. "I'm sorry, Master. I did not mean to say that."

Understanding tickled in the back of his mind, and he repeated an earlier question. "Dark, why did you act in the Pandora battle? There is a world of difference between attacking when not ordered to and sacrificing yourself."

Yami had to strain to hear the quiet reply. "I know."

"Then why?"

Dark looked up, his eyes full of misery. "Master, do not ask me that question. If you command me, I must answer. But please do not."

If his suspicions were correct, Yami knew why the card was so reluctant to answer. But this conversation was helping him to understand why the dreams were so persistent. And if he were coming to understand his own feelings, Dark's fears were groundless. Hoping he wouldn't regret it, he pushed for an answer. "I need to know, Dark. I think the answer will help me understand my dreams." He shook his head. "No, not dreams. Nightmares. Night after endless night. That was the need you felt."

The mage frowned. "Dreams? What dreams? How could dreams call me here?"

With difficulty, Yami let his mask slip a bit, allowing some of his emotions to show in his face and sound in his voice. "Dreams of you, Dark. Of the battle with Pandora. Of your sacrifice. In the dream, I both hope and fear that you will intervene. Hope that you will to save me. Fear to watch you die again and again, for me. So tell me. Help me to understand why you did it. Perhaps if I understand, my subconscious will find peace and let me rest."

Dark's eyes were full of sorrow, but he answered. "I do not know that my answer will help. Most likely you will trade me to another duelist, but you are my Master, and I must answer." His voice lowered but was still clear. "I did it...I sacrificed myself for you because..." He paused, his resolve to answer obviously still at war with his emotions. Finally, he finished. "I did it because I love you. You would have died if you had lost that duel. And I could not stand by and see that happen."

Yami nodded. It was as he had expected, but hearing it was far different from expecting it. How to respond to that? How to accept his own feeling? Feelings he had felt for some time but never had any idea they could be acted upon. And if he did act upon them? Would he ever be able to use Dark in another duel? Could he send someone he loved out on the field to fight? To possibly die?

Suddenly he became aware of motion and of a weight leaving the bed. He blinked and focused back on the present, leaving the future to sort itself out in time. He reached out and grabbed Dark's arm. "No, don't go."

The magician looked down at him, his expression sad. "Why not? I have displeased you. But...you asked. I had to tell you." His eyes lowered, and his voice grew soft. "I asked you not to. I knew this would happen."

Yami still didn't know what to think. He'd learned so many things this evening, things that made his world tilt crazily, but he knew one thing. And he acted on that knowledge by doing the one thing he knew would convince Dark to stay. He stood up, lifted himself up on his toes and kissed Dark Magician, full upon the lips. He made it brief, hoping he'd correctly interpreted the declaration of love, but not forcing himself on the card if he had meant a love other than romantic love. Brief though the kiss was, it made his heart and soul sing. Yes, he knew now what the dark dreams meant. Now he had to hope the other would return the emotion.

He stood back, hand loosely encircling Dark's arm, allowing him to pull back if he desired. Crimson eyes searched emerald, hoping to see the response he desired.

Dark looked...stunned. He raised a hand to recently kissed lips. His eyes reflected a mixture of wonder and confusion. He opened his mouth as if to speak but then closed it again, eyes still wide. He looked at his Master and opened his mouth again. This time he managed words. "Master? Why?"

Yami let out the breath he hadn't known he was holding. Dark's first reaction wasn't rejection. That was a good sign. He gripped the mage's arm more tightly. "Because, Dark, I think I may also love you."

Dark shook his head. "No, Master. That's not possible. I am a card. You are the Master. You can't love me...not like that."

Yami couldn't stop the chuckle that rose in his chest. He shifted his weight back on one hip in an arrogant pose. "Don't you think I should have some say in what I do or do not feel?" Even practically naked, he projected an air of utter confidence.

Dark blinked. "Of course, Master, but..."

Yami shrugged. "But what? Okay, it took me a while to get there, but..." He let his eyes lazily roam up and down Dark's well-muscled form. "You say you enjoy looking at me. Well, you may not be aware of it, but you're not too hard on the eyes either."

Red crept up Dark's face. "But..." he started to say, but Yami cut him off. He didn't feel nearly as confident as he sounded, but he knew if he showed any uncertainty, the mage would leave. And Yami certainly didn't want that. Not after he'd seen there was a chance for him to act on his feelings.

"But what? You're a guy?" Yami shook his head. "Doesn't bother me." A slow heated grin. "And by your earlier comment, it doesn't bother you either." He continued to let his eyes roam, enjoying the play of muscles under tight-fitting bodysuit as Dark shifted his weight nervously from leg to leg. "I'm your Master?" Another grin, this time accompanied by a twinkle of crimson eyes. "If I am your Master, shouldn't you be doing as I ask?"

Dark's eyes widened, but Yami didn't let him speak. Instead, he shook his head. "No, I don't see a single good reason I shouldn't follow up that brief peck with something...longer." He pulled Dark to the bed and sat them both down. Feeling incredibly forward, he seated himself in the mage's lap, smiling inwardly when he felt something stir under him.

"Master?" It sounded like a last-ditch, not terribly serious attempt at stopping what was to come next, and Yami felt free to ignore it as he bent to again press his lips against Dark's. The heat of that contact shot straight through him, and he thrilled to hear the mage groan. The lips under his remained slack for a moment, but quickly, they warmed and began kissing him back. Now it was his turn to groan as he was very expertly kissed. Gently, a tongue probed him, and he opened his lips, mostly on instinct as he didn't really remember kissing anyone before. Dark more than made up for his lack as the skillful tongue pushed into his mouth and caressed. After a few heart-stopping moments, Yami pulled back and looked into the amused eyes of the mage. "Where did you ever learn to kiss like that?" Just a few minutes of that incredible tongue had him hard and wanting more.

An innocent look from Dark. "I said that Mystic was a great repository of knowledge, did I not?" Yami sensed that Dark had answered the question because it was asked, not because he was seeing the humor in the response. The spirit reminded himself that so far his card had shown himself to be very literal. He didn't want to abuse the trust he was being shown right now.

Hesitant arms encircled him as Yami said, "I had no idea." He leaned into those arms, by his actions showing the embrace was welcome.

Dark bent down for a brief kiss, which was still enough to make Yami close his eyes and wish that he could purr to properly express his pleasure. Then the mage pulled back to say, "I'd say she's an excellent teacher. Wouldn't you?"

Yami nodded, and pressed himself against Dark, snaking one arm around the leanly muscled form and wrapping his other hand in thick hair, drawing Dark's head close for another kiss. Yami was a fast learner. He smiled to himself. King of Games was more than just a pretty title, and what was sex if not just another game? Now it was Dark's turn to moan and breathe harder. He bucked his hips under Yami, who felt a hardness press against him. Yami leaned and rolled, tumbling Dark onto his back with Yami on top. As they fell, their erections met, and they both gasped at the contact.

Yami had a sudden thought and pulled back, supporting his weight on his arms. Dark reached up to stroke his naked chest, and Yami had to gather himself before he could ask his question. As he spoke, he could feel a blush start at his neck and work its way all the way up his face. "Umm, Dark. Have you... I mean..."

Dark frowned. "Have I what?" His hands continued to roam Yami's chest, pausing to tweak at an erect nipple.

Yami swallowed and made himself just say it. "Haveyoueverbeenwithaguybefore?"

Dark's hands stopped their restless motion. "Ah. No." He screwed his face up in thought. Yami couldn't help but think that he was incredibly cute when he did that. Finally Dark said, "Well, Celtic did it once with Gaia. The Knight will do it with anything. Male, female, humanoid or whatever. He's not particular."

Yami blinked at the blunt statement. More details he never would have imagined. More, probably than he wanted to know. But now that he did know, he might as well ask. "Okay, did Celtic say anything about what happened? Any details?" He couldn't believe he was asking that!

Dark shook his head. "No, he didn't say much. Other than that he didn't like it. And he never wanted to do it again."

Yami's face fell. "Oh. That doesn't sound promising."

/It's not that bad, I don't think./


The sleepy mind voice continued. /I think it works something like this./ That statement was followed by a series of images. Yami shook his head but took it all in. It didn't seem too bad...well until that part.

/It's not like you have to go there the first time. You can try some of the other stuff./

Yami was finally able to get in a word. //How do you know all this?// He'd thought his aibou far too innocent to know about such things. Bad enough that he had to reevaluate the cards in his deck. Now he had to rethink the innocence of his mindmate.

/Fanfiction. Guy/guy sex seems to be about all the Gundam Wing writers write./

Yami vaguely remembered his aibou watching a show by that name. But he didn't remember anything about guys having sex.

A sleepy mental chuckle. /No, silly. Not in the show. In stories written by fans. Ryou reads them. He showed me some the last time I slept over at his house. So does that help?/

Yami started to reply that yes it did when it suddenly hit him that 1) his aibou was telling him how to have sex with a man and 2) that his aibou was obviously aware of his activities.

/Sorry. I didn't mean to spy. But I think you were bleeding down the link and giving me weird dreams. I'm going back to sleep now. Tell me all about it in the morning./

Just before the link closed came one last comment. /I'm glad you figured out about the dreams. He'll be good for you./ And the link closed. Yami shook himself and carefully erected a shield on the link. He didn't want to awaken his aibou again. But he was grateful that Yugi seemed to accept the situation.

He focused his eyes on Dark, who was still lying under him, patiently waiting. "Was that the young Master?"

Yami nodded. "Yeah. And...umm...well...he had a few tips for us."

Dark's eyes widened. "He did? But...I thought he was too young for that."

Yami agreed. "So did I. I think he and I need to have a talk in the morning."

Dark's eyes developed a mischievous look that made Yami reconsider his earlier thoughts about the card's literal innocence. "So, what was his advice?

Yami felt heat rise in his face. "Well. Some of it sounded like it might be painful."

Dark shrugged and said pragmatically, "Then let's try the not-painful parts." His hands again roamed Yami's chest, moving down to the waistband of the spirit's now too-tight black briefs. "I'm pretty sure that, like when you do it with girls, these should come off." His hands sought to put action to his words as he pulled the briefs down. With some relief Yami felt his erection spring free, but he didn't move, still processing the images received from his aibou. Then his thoughts were abruptly interrupted by a wet heat enveloping him. He blinked and looked back, between his legs. As he had been lost in thought, Dark had wiggled around to face the other direction and had taken Yami in his mouth. Emerald eyes gleamed at him from between his legs. Yami gasped at the sensation. He couldn't remember feeling anything quite like it before. Heat and wet and the slippery sliding of a tongue up and down his entire length.

His eyes moved, and he noticed Dark's legs and a certain bulge conveniently placed. He grinned. All right. Two could play at this game. Now supporting himself on only one arm, he fumbled at Dark's skin-tight pants. Dark reached down helpfully to assist him, and with some difficulty, they managed to remove them, Dark managing to continue suckling Yami's erection the entire time. Pants removed, Yami easily rid the mage of his underwear, and his eyes went wide. "Damn, Dark! You're fucking huge!" No wonder the card wore a long tunic that covered his tight bodysuit. "Hung like a horse" flashed through Yami's mind.

Wet heat left his erection, and Yami glanced back to see Dark grinning at him. "If I remember correctly, Mystic said much the same thing the first time she got my pants off. I didn't even know she knew those words."

Yami growled and said, "Enough talk of previous lovers." And with that, he went down on the mage. He'd never done it before, but he could kind of figure it out based on what he'd felt being done to him. Dark was big, and Yami went down as far as he could, sliding his tongue around the sensitive tip, using his lips to create suction and pressure. Moans and gasps of pleasure spurred him on, and he experimented with varying pressure. He pulled back and swirled his tongue up and down Dark's entire length. His arms were getting tired, and he settled down on his side, pressed close to Dark, rocking his hips in time to the rhythm he was establishing.

He was thoroughly enjoying himself. Although he had no conscious memory of doing this, his body seemed to know what it was doing, and he went with his instincts. Though he'd never dreamed of this act, he knew this was the message from the dream. This was where he was meant to be. In the arms of the card that had been his dueling companion for so long. How he was enjoying the discovery that they could share more than the duel.

Fingers entwined themselves in his hair and firm hands urged him on. Yami snaked one hand around between Dark's legs to grip his balls, massaging them gently. As he worked on the tip of the mage's erection, he felt the sacs harden and pull up close to Dark's body. Sensing the meaning behind that, he stopped playing and went down on the mage, hard, using as much pressure with his lips that he could and sliding his tongue along what seemed to be the most sensitive parts. A ragged cry of "M...Master" was his only warning as a warm, creamy substance filled his mouth. He swallowed instinctively, finding the taste odd, but not unpleasant.

Giving Dark's length one last slippery lick, cleaning up all the mess he had made, he lifted his head to look at his lover. Sated, satisfied emerald eyes fastened on his. "You're a fast learner, Master."

Yami chuckled. "Got to keep my reputation, you know." He continued to rock his hips against the mage's thigh, uncomfortably aware that he was in need of some attention as well.

Dark glanced down and smiled. "Was what we just did on the list from the young master?"

Yami nodded. "Yeah. How did you know to do that?"

Dark's voice grew playful. "I thought you forbade me to speak of prior lovers, Master?"

Yami blinked. "Mystic did that to you?" A sudden surge of jealousy surprised him. He found himself feeling possessive of his new lover.

Dark nodded. "Many times." He considered for a moment. "For a first time, you were very, very good." His voice deepened, taking on a husky tone Yami had never heard before. "You deserve something very good in return. What other surprises were on the list?"

Yami found himself suddenly driven to try the thing he had rejected earlier. He eyed the mage. "Do you trust me?"

Dark cocked his head. "Of course, I trust you, Master. Why? What do you want to try?"

Yami didn't even want to consider attempting to explain. "It's hard to describe. It may hurt, but..." The drive, the urge to...penetrate was almost overwhelming. He tried to deal with it by grinding himself harder into Dark's thigh, but, as pleasant as the contact was, it didn't ease the ache deep within him, the ache to possess his signature card in a way his prior lover could not have. If he'd taken the time to consider his thoughts, he probably would have been appalled, but the driving pressure within allowed little space for rational thought.

Dark nodded. "All right. Tell me what to do."

Yami gently turned Dark over on his stomach and thought for a moment, trying to remember exactly what Yugi had told him. He nodded. Right. He placed his fingers in front of Dark's mouth and said, "Suck."

Dark's eyes widened, and then he grinned. "As you wish, Master." Dark opened his mouth, gently enclosed Yami's fingers and began to suckle. Yami gasped at the sensation. Dark's tongue swirled around the spirit's fingertips, and Yami shuddered. He'd had no idea his fingers could be so sensitive. And he found himself unable to look away from Dark, whose eyes were half-closed, obviously enjoying what he was doing. Emerald glittered from under lowered lashes.

Yami knew he'd have to stop this soon, or he'd peak far too early. But it took an amazing effort of will to pull his fingers out. Dark playfully gripped them with his teeth before letting go. "How was that? What you had in mind?"

Yami had to work his tongue around his own suddenly-dry mouth to work up enough moisture to form words. "Uhh. Yeah, that was...good."

A deep chuckle greeted his words.

Yami cocked his head questioningly. "Mystic again?"

Dark nodded. "Of course."

Yami briefly wondered if there was any way to get Mystic to his soul room, but as his eyes again wandered the well-muscled form on the bed in front of him, he decided he preferred what he did have. Gathering himself, he gently reached around and inserted one finger into the mage. Dark's face grew curious, but he lay still and allowed the invasion. Yami carefully wiggled his finger, trying to stretch the entrance without causing pain. After a moment, he added a second. Dark frowned, and Yami stopped. The mage shook his head. "No, keep going." He closed his eyes, and, to Yami's amazement, he felt all tension leave Dark's body. The opening, which had been tight around his two fingers, loosened, and Yami found slipping in a third finger quite easy.

"How?" he asked in wonder.

Dark opened one eye. "I had to train my body to work with magical energies. Control over all my muscles is essential to that." He shrugged. "I can relax, at will, any muscle anywhere."

Yami's thoughts whirled. He knew there had to be some way to put that skill to good use, but he was too distracted by the urgent needs of his body to work it out right now. Sensing that the need to stretch was mostly irrelevant now, he removed his fingers. Dark spoke, his voice light. "I suppose you want me to suck on something else now?"

Yami grinned. "How'd you guess?"

Dark shrugged. "Seemed kind of obvious, all thing considered."

Yami obliged by moving to kneel in front of Dark, who raised himself to his knees for a better angle. Yami nearly lost control when that hot mouth enveloped him again. He pulled back as soon as he thought he was wet enough. Dark's eyes gleamed. "Don't want me to return your favor?"

Yami shook his head. "Not this time." He surprised himself with the acknowledgement that there would be another time.

Dark smiled, obviously noting the implications of the statement and nodded. Yami rolled him to his side and settled in behind him. Still unsure of exactly how to proceed, he positioned himself and tentatively thrust into the tight, hot opening. Dark stiffened, and Yami stopped. A moment later, the mage nodded, and Yami entered a bit more. The feeling of penetration excited all his senses, and it was only with the greatest of difficulty that he restrained himself from thrusting with abandon.

He started when he realized that Dark was pushing back, urging him on, and Yami thrust further, nearly hilting himself. The sensation of pressure surrounding him made his eyes close in bliss. Dark was pushing back harder now, and Yami began to thrust in earnest. He hit a spot and heard Dark gasp, but he knew instinctively that it was a good gasp, and he thrust again, hitting the same spot and feeling the mage shudder beneath him.

Dark's hand grasped his and moved it to his straining erection. Yami obliged by pumping the mage's arousal in time with his thrusts. All too soon, he felt Dark pulse around him, and he could hold back no longer. He came, exploding inside his lover.

Gasping, they collapsed in each other's arms. Yami found his voice first. "That was..."

"Incredible," the Dark finished for him. He turned slightly to glance over his shoulder at the spirit. "Well, I can't imagine what Celtic was going on about. That wasn't too bad."

Emerald eyes gleamed, and Yami chuckled tiredly. "So unlike him, you'd be willing to give it another go sometime?"

Dark turned to clutch Yami to his chest. "Oh, yes, Master." He raised his eyes, glistening orbs peering out under lowered lashes. "Assuming you'll have me again?"

Yami hugged him back and settled back on the bed, the mage cuddled against his chest. "Definitely." But his thoughts whirled, even in the post-coital afterglow. Something of his thoughts must have seeped into his body for Dark opened his eyes and asked, "What is wrong, Master?" The uncertainty in his voice hit Yami hard as he realized the mage must be thinking his Master had doubts. Yami stroked Dark's thick hair and made meaningless, but soothing sounds. Slowly, the mage relaxed, and the spirit explained. "How can I use you in a duel now? With the full knowledge of what you mean to me?"

Dark shifted to prop himself on one elbow. "And what do I mean to you, Master?"

This time Yami had no hesitation. "I love you, Dark. As I think you love me."

The mage nodded. "And because you love me, you must not stand in the way of my nature. I must fight for you. It is the bond between card and duelist." Yami could hear the plea in his voice. "Don't take that away from me, Master."

Yami knew the decision would not always be easy, not now, not after what had happened, but he could not resist the desperation in the voice of the one he loved. He nodded. "I promise to never take that away. We will duel together, just as we always have."

Dark nodded and settled back on his Master's chest. Both sets of eyes, emerald and crimson, drifted shut, and they both slipped into sleep.

And for the first time, Yami slept a natural, healing sleep. Untroubled by dark dreams.
