Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Darkness of Heart ❯ Chapter Six ( Chapter 6 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

(“Bakura to Ryou, mind speech”)
(“Ryou to Bakura, mind speech”)
Bakura speaking through Ryou”
“Normal Speech”
`Normal Thoughts'
- Part I-
- February 14th; 11:01 PM-
“Do I frighten you?” He had asked, a deranged smile forcing his lips apart.
He chuckled quietly and pressed His body closer to her trembling one; she whimpered and pushed herself back, trying to disappear into the wall in order to escape from His painful grasp and His lustful gaze.
“L-leave me alone,” Anzu cried, tears dripping slowly down her flushed cheeks. “Go away... Give me Ryou back...”
The doppelganger's expression became more amused by her words. “Sorry, precious. But I can't let that little fool out just yet. Ryou would only get in the way of my plans, if he knew them, and I can't afford to have him wasting my time....Evenif he went along with my plans, I still wouldn't release him. I've finally been granted a body thanks to his idiocy, and I don't plan on relinquishing this new control anytime soon.”
Reaching up a hand, He brushed His fingertips against her right cheek, feeling the moisture of her tears and relishing it. “I can finally touch you. Do you know I've waited almost sixteen years to be able to touch you like this?”
His lips found Anzu's and He kissed her harshly, forcing His tongue into her mouth. She shuddered and turned her head sharply to the side to break the contact, causing Him to growl irritably in the back of His throat and grasp her chin.
“I could have come to you sooner, you know,” He informed her. His blood-colored eyes glinted in the dim lighting of the kitchen. “I could have come to you any night - taken energy from my host and formed a spectral body for myself as I've done countless amounts of time before - andI could havehad my way with you. But I waited... I wanted to make our meeting extra momentous. I wanted you to be able to see me, as well as feel me. So that whenever I touched you, He paused and slipped His hand underneath her thin blouse, feeling the unbelievably soft skin underneath.
Anzu's breath hitched in her throat, her skin tingling almost pleasantly where His cold fingers brushed against her stomach. He had a soothing touch, just as Ryou did. But she couldn't fully enjoy it; this was wrong, after all - she didn't even know this man standing before her, despite the fact that He shared the appearance and claimed to be a part of her beloved `sibling'.
“...And when I kissed you,” He continued, covering her mouth once again with His own in a quick peck, “you'd know it wasn't just your imagination playing tricks on you.”
He moved His hand up slowly, feeling the muscles tense up beneath her heated skin. A smirked formed on His pale face as He wondered aloud: “Are you enjoying this, Anzu?” He spoke again before she could even open her mouth to respond. “Don't try to deny it. I can feel your reaction. Words are meaningless at a time like this.
“Leave me alone,” she cried, pressing her hands against His chest and trying to push Him away. The effort was fruitless, and only caused the Dark One to press His body closer to her own. She whimpered and turned her face away as He attempted to kiss her once more.
He laughed at the small act of defiance, and opted instead for kissing and biting at her newly-exposed neck, branding her as His and His alone. “I'll leave you once I'm satisfied.”
“S-satisfied..?” Anzu echoed fearfully. What did that mean? What was He going to do to her?
“Yes,” He affirmed with a nod, smirking down at her. “I've been holding back for almost sixteen years, precious. Now that I have the chance to be with you, do you think I'm going to let the opportunity just slip by? No, no... I plan to take advantage of this little predicament.”
Anzu closed her eyes, feeling the other's lips on her neck again. Her fingers curled around the material of His shirt and she tugged at it. “Stop it! P-please!”
She stared up at Him beseechingly, trying to find a hint of the familiar chocolate-brown within the crimson orbs of the man standing before her. “Ryou! Ryou, if you're in there somewhere then please listen to me! I know you'd ne-never force yourself on anyone l-like this. You-you don't want to do th-this....”
For a moment, the doppelganger said nothing, only stood there staring down at her. Then He smirked once again and shook His head. He opened His mouth and began speaking again, His tone higher and lighter, hinted with an English accent similar to Ryou's.
“On the contrary, Anzu... I want this very much.”
Anzu began sobbing in His arms, unable to bear the thought of Ryou actually saying such a thing to her, even though she knew that it was this sinister impersonator and not actually the gentle albino whom she loved as her older brother.
“And when I'm through with you,” He continued in the same airy voice, “you'll want it too.... You'll be beggingme for more.”
- Part II -
- February 14th; 11:20 PM-
Anzu stared up at the ceiling, her body completely still and her blue eyes wide. A mixture of emotions stormed through her, rendering her immobile and even incapable of actions as simple as blinking. She was... relieved, but more than that she was afraid; she couldn't even correctly piece together what had just happened.
One second Ryou - or, at least, Ryou's body - had been on top of her, having thrown her on to her bed and stripped her down to her undergarments minutes earlier, and had been in the process of trying to tease her into submission. Anzu had been withering and crying, tossing her head from side to side and trying to push Him off of her, which only served to further excite Him. He was in the process of removing His own clothing when suddenly the phone began to ring, completely interrupting Him from the task.
Anzu had thought He would just ignore it and continue on with what He had been doing. Looking back on it, the brunette almost wished He had done just that and left the telephone alone. But He hadn't. He'd picked up the receiver and seen in bold lettering that someone from the Ishtar residence was calling. Infuriated, He had thrown the phone across the room and detached Himself from her, zipping up His jeans as He stormed out of the room. Seconds later she heard the front door slam, signaling His departure from the house.
If she didn't know exactly where He was headed, she wouldn't feel so panicked inside. But she knew He was going to find Malik. She knew He was going to try and hurt him.
After finally gaining control over her body, Anzu sat up and bolted to the door, trying to open it and discovering with a horrified gasp that the knob wouldn't budge.
`H-how could I be stuck inside? There's no lock on this door,' she thought frantically, attempting to turn the knob or pull it from the socket. `I can't get out... He trapped me in here on purpose!'
Cerulean eyes wandered across the room, finding the shattered receiver on the ground, its unfixable pieces resting next to those of her equally smashed cell phone. There was no way for her to contact Malik or warn him of the danger heading his way. She was powerless to help - just like He wanted her to be.
Anzu clenched her eyes shut and shook her head vigorously. “I can't give up. I have to go to him... I need to help Malik. I won't let... I won't sit here and do nothing.”
Determined, she looked around the room again, weighing out her options. She could either try to break the door down - which she already knew she did not have the physical strength to do - or she could resort to a most desperate means of escape by climbing out the window.
Feeling queasy at the idea of having to take such an extreme and dangerous measure, but not really having any other choice, Anzu made her way over to the wall. She only stopped moving once she stood before her bedroom window, which gave her an excellent view of her backyard and the nearly empty city street behind it. Hands trembling, the brunette reached out and unclasped the hatches, pushing the window upwards as far as she could after the locks were out of the way.
“You can do this, Anzu,” she talked herself through it, removing the filter and setting it on the carpeted floor of her room. “Just climb down... use the vines on the side of the house. You can do it; it can't be that hard...”
The blue-eyed girl leaned forward, sticking her head out and checking how high the drop from her second-floor bedroom was. The nauseous sensation inside of her multiplied.
`Who am I kidding? This is impossible. I'm going to die.'
Deciding against the idea, Anzu took a step backwards.
`“Wait, Anzu-chan,”' his voice stopped her from moving farther from her escape route.
The brunette gasped, whipping her head in both directions and expecting to see the handsome Egyptian standing in her room, smiling at her. The room was empty, but still his image flooded her mind, and she could clearly picture Malik walking towards her, wrapping his arms around her thin frame. Cerulean orbs closed briefly as she let out a deep breath.
The tears began to build up in her eyes as Malik's image seemed to fade in her mind, and his sincere voice was replaced by the Dark One's malicious laughter. Falling to her knees, Anzu began to sob.
“Malik-kun! Malik-kun, I'm sorry!”
She bowed her head, ashamed, and her body trembled with the force of her tears.
“I-I'm sorry...”
Anzu didn't know how long she sat on the floor crying, but there were hardly any tears left to cry by the time she stopped. Blue eyes stared blankly at the carpet, unblinking. She wanted to just curl up into a ball and disappear, disappear into a world where everything could be normal once again - a place where Ryou would be a normal older brother, and where she and Malik could happily be together without interference.
How had things gone so wrong in such a short period of time? Just the previous morning Ryou had been his regular self, and now he had been taken over by this... this monster.
`“Wait, Anzu-chan... I know what to do now...”'
Malik's voice again. That was what he said before he kissed her.
Oh, that kiss... so soft and tender, so unlike the ruthless kisses that He had bruised on her lips. Anzu loved Malik's kiss, and she hated the thought of never receiving one from him again. And if she stayed in her room and allowed the Egyptian to be hunted down by the Dark One, then there was no way she could ever have one of those kisses again - no way she would ever be with Malik again.
She knew... she knew He could kill Malik. She knew nothing would stop Him from doing it, either, unless she gathered her courage and intervened.
“Malik-kun,” she whispered, bringing herself to her feet; her body swayed slightly. “Malik-kun... I'll save you. I promise. I won't let Him hurt you.”
`And you too, Ryou,' she promised silently, placing a hand over her heart and thinking of the kindhearted soul she had grown up with; the friendly, shy, and clumsy boy who had been her closest companion all her life. `I'll save you from Him, too.'
With newfound determination Anzu approached the window. Azure eyes narrowed as the girl stared down at the grass of the backyard. She could do this. She would. She had a purpose now - to help the two boys who each held a significant place in her heart - and so backing down was completely out of the question.
Slowly the brunette moved so that she was straddling the windowpane, and without a second thought she moved her body down onto the small chunk of roof that rested below the pane. Releasing the breath she didn't realize she had been keeping in, Anzu made her way to the side of the roof, nearing the edge and grasping on to a relatively thick vine growing on the side of the house.
Anzu had always hated those vines as a pre-teen - she thought they made the house look tacky and old - but now she was thinking whatever deity would listen that there was something for her to hold on to during this escape. Clasping her fingers around the vine, Anzu closed her eyes and slid off of the roof completely. To her surprise, the vine did not snap.
`I can do this,' she kept telling herself. `I can do this.'
Repeating the mantra over and over again in her mind, Anzu cautiously began to climb down the vine, and the ground slowly came closer and closer. The girl's features lit up slightly.
“I-I'm doing it! I can't believe it!”
She continued down, never once stopping or thinking anything negative that might disrupt her from completing the task. And sooner than she realized, her feet were touching the earth - she had done it.
Taking one gander up at the window she just escaped from, the brunette smiled triumphantly. Then she turned on her heel and ran out of the backyard, pausing to open the gate door, and headed in the direction of the Ishtar apartment.
- Part III -
- February 14th; 12:33 AM -
Anzu hadn't known what to think as she opened the door to Malik's poor-scale apartment and caught sight of the Egyptian trapped on the floor, the life being squeezed out of his body with the help of Ryou's possessed hands wrapped around his throat. Malik thrashed on the floor, his body pinned underneath Ryou's smaller, pale one, and he screamed out obscenities and threats the best he could with his nearly depleted oxygen supply.
“Stop it!” the brunette cried, barely managing to make a sound above a whisper.
The two teenaged boys didn't even notice her there as they were so focused on trying to strangle the life out of one another. She called out to them again, trying to reach at least one of them, but it still didn't work. Tears streamed down her cheeks, and fear chilled her body. Would they not stop until they were both dead?
In a blink of an eye, Malik had rolled on top of the albino, taking the upper hand.
“She could never be yours,” the Egyptian screamed at Him. “She's your sister for God's sake!”
The Dark One only laughed at the statement. “You think so? I happen to know differently.”
“Shut up,” the blonde spat.
The albino made to say something else, but Malik silenced Him with a swift blow to the jaw. “True or not, it doesn't matter. She could never love you, because - well, look at yourself!” His lips curled in disgust as he stared down disdainfully at the older boy. “You're a monster.”
Anzu gasped at the harsh words, and was even more surprised as she saw the fair-haired one's expression change, becoming softer, sadder. His eyes returned to their normal warm, milk-chocolate shade.
“Ryou...” she whispered.
The two males turned towards her, both noticing her presence for the first time. The brunette stared at them silently, studying both of their bruised forms; her focus lingered on Ryou for the longest amount of time, her eyes finding his own gentle brown ones, seeing the regret hidden deep within them.
Rain sluiced down the body-length window on the opposite side of the room, a storm still raging outside and making the soft, apologetic words exchanged between Ryou and Anzu almost impossible to decipher. Malik could barely hear them at all, though he wasn't entirely sure if he even wanted to; the only thing he wanted at the moment was for Anzu to leave, in case Ryou snapped and became violent again.
The albino moved himself slowly over to the window, stopping only when he stood directly in front of it.
“He's trying to come out again,” he said softly, clutching the material of his soaked T-shirt. His eyes flickered for a moment, bleeding red and then melting back into mocha-brown. He shook his head and faced the window. “...He'll try to hurt you both... He's very angry.”
“Don't give into Him, Ryou,” Anzu said, taking a step closer.
“Please!” Ryou cried; his back still to the brunette. “Don't come close to me. I... I don't want Him to hurt you again.”
Anzu stared sadly over at the gentle boy she believed so long was her older brother. She wanted so badly to help him, for he seemed to be suffering such a great deal. She could hear it in his voice... the pain, the deep regret, and she couldn't bring herself to be mad at him. It wasn't Ryou who she feared; it was his other self... that dark man whose gaze was so lustful and free of sanity.
“I can't destroy Him,” Ryou whispered, lowering his head sadly. “He's a part of me... He is me... but... but I have to kill Him. I don't care about the consequences.”
Anzu didn't understand at first, but as Ryou's hands slowly moved upwards to the latch of the window it came to her. Cerulean eyes widened and filled with the tears she didn't even know she had left in her.
The windows pushed open and rain entered the apartment, many of the droplets splattering Ryou across the face. He tilted his head slightly to gaze back at Anzu sadly.
“I'm sorry,” he said. “I'm sorry I hurt you.”
“Ryou... you can't... You don't mean...”
Brown eyes closed slowly and Ryou nodded. It was the only way to get rid of Him. Ryou understood that, and he accepted his fate. He was responsible for the Dark One's creation, and so it was his duty to make sure He was destroyed for good.
“I love you, Anzu.”
Ryou slipped out of view, his body disappearing behind the open window.
Anzu screamed and lunged after him, but a pair of dark arms circled around her waist and pulled her away from her death. A dry sob tore its way from her throat and she turned in Malik's arms, crying inconsolably into his chest.
A crash of lightening and a roar of thunder masked the sound of a body hitting the ground many stories below the pair.