Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Dartz and the Chipmunk ❯ Dartz and the Chipmunk! ( Chapter 1 )
[ P - Pre-Teen ]
Heyyyyy, another one-shot! Once again, it stars Dartz! (Do you get that I like him much?) It also stars Duke. It takes place before the Waking the Dragons Arc, but after the Battle City Tournament. ^_^ Here we go!
Disclaimer: I do not own Yu-Gi-Oh, or any of the characters. I do however, own the idea to this story, however weird it may be.
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Duke sat at the edge of his bed looking out his window. There were hundreds of beautiful stars in the night sky. Duke had one wish, which he has had for years. Other then Dungeon Dice Monsters selling worldwide. He opened his window and breathed in the night air.
“Star light, star bright, first star I see tonight, I wish I may, I wish I might, first star I see tonight. I wish I knew what chipmunks felt like!” Duke said. He felt kind of silly wishing on a star, he knew his wish might not come true, wishing on stars. He thought it was all a kid's myth. He closed his window and laid down to go to sleep. When he woke up, he never expected what had happened to happen..
“Alright, if we're going to pull off the freaky eye of Sauron, we're going to need to do a few things to prepare!” Dartz said to his minions. (Yes, I'm calling them his minions! It sounds so evil! ^_^) Raphael, Allister, and Valon sweat-dropped. They felt that Dartz had been watching way too much `Lord of the Rings'
“Maybe it was a bad idea to get him that box-set for Christmas.” Allister whispered to Valon. Valon nodded in agreement.
“I told you we should've gotten him that T-shirt!” Valon whispered back. They stopped talking when they noticed Dartz stood right behind them.
“What was it you were talking about?” He asked with a smirk.
“Um.. Exactly how many times did you watch `The Lord of the Rings' trilogy?” Allister asked. Dartz looked rather offended at the question.
“Only 52 times!” He answered, acting as if it were a small amount. Raphael shifted in his seat.
“What type of things?” Raphael asked.
“Y'know, things.” Dartz replied. He was getting a little annoyed at how his minions were acting. “You know what, I'm going to go for a walk.” With that, Dartz walked out of the Headquarters and got into the helicopter that the group owned.
Dartz had landed safely in Domino City. He didn't know why he even flew there.
`Oh well.' He thought. `I'll at least get to check out where exactly it would be good to set the Eye of Sauron!' He walked past KaibaCorp. `Hmm. KaibaCorp. Note to self: Tell Allister to buy it up to get Seto's attention' Dartz continued along. He stopped and stared at a creature he found on the ground: A chipmunk. It looked like it had gotten hurt.
“OH MY GOD!” Dartz yelled as he kneeled to pick up the chipmunk. “It's breathing. That's good. Poor thing, poor poor chipmunk!” Dartz looked around to see where he was. He was near the Turtle Game Shop and the Black Clown Shop. He got up for the ground and started to run back to the helicopter. He took off his red overcoat (Yes, he was wearing his red suit.) and wrapped it around the chipmunk. When he caught sight of the helicopter, he ran in it immediately and flew it back to Headquarters.
`Huh?' Duke thought as he opened his eyes. `Where am I? I remember waking up and.. BEING A CHIPMUNK! But I can't remember the rest.'
“Don't worry little chipmunk. We're almost there.” Dartz said as he flew the helicopter. He could just see the Headquarters. He landed the helicopter and picked the chipmunk up and ran inside. The chipmunk was still inside the overcoat Dartz had wrapped it in.
“Why you running, Dartz? You could crash into somebody.” Valon asked as he saw Dartz. He noticed the bundled up overcoat in Dartz's arms. “Whatcha got in the coat, Dartz?”
“None of your business!!” Dartz yelled as he ran past Valon and into the meeting room. It was empty, so Dartz shut the big doors and put the coat on the table and unwrapped it. The chipmunk was still there, and still alive.
`Who is this guy? I've never seen him in my life. Hey! Why is he picking me up? What's he doing?' Duke thought as he looked around the room he was in. Meanwhile, Dartz was picking him up to examine him.
“Hmm. No signs of broken bones. He does have cuts and scratches though. Poor little chipmunk. I wonder what gender it is?” Dartz said aloud as he inspected the chipmunk.
`Oh my god! What is he doing now?!' Duke wondered as Dartz flipped him over.
“Definitely male.” Dartz said, once again aloud. “I better take care of this chipmunk until it's all better. But how will I keep it away from my minions? Knowing them, they would cook him and eat him.. I know! I'll tell them that this room is being painted and only I could go in! That would keep them out!”
`Okay, this guy is nutty.' Duke thought as he listened to Dartz talk to himself. Then there was a knock. Dartz turned around and looked at the door. “Who is it?”
“It's Raphael!”
“Er. Hold on a minute!” Dartz looked at the chipmunk and threw the coat over it and hurried to the door to open it.
“I'm going to the store, Valon drank the last of the soda, want anything?” Raphael replied.
“Um. No!” Dartz answered, and quickly shut the door in Raphael's face.
“Geez, what's his problem?” Raphael said to himself, and then walked out to go shopping.
Dartz lifted the jacket off of the chipmunk and put it back on. He looked at the injured animal and pet it.
“You need a name... I'll call you chippy!” Dartz said.
`Chippy? What is this guy on?' Duke wondered as he stared at Dartz. Dartz walked out of the room to find stuff to clean the chipmunk off with. Duke decided to run around the top of the table for a bit.
`Okay, okay, how did this happen? I definitely was NOT a chipmunk last night! Wait! The wish! I wished I knew what chipmunks felt like, so this must be what the outcome of my wish was. Am I going to be like this forever? I hope not. I still have things I need to do as a human! Like finally asking Serenity to go out with me, becoming rich and famous and all powerful, and getting a lock of Pegasus's hair to round off my shrine! I gotta find a way to become human again!' Duke thought as he was scampering on the table. Dartz came in a moment after and noticed the chipmunk running about.
“Chippy! Are you alright? Why are you running like that?” Dartz asked as he walked to the table, he had a washcloth and a bucket of warm water. Duke stopped running after awhile, he was out of breath. Dartz picked him up and put him in the bucket of water.
“You're getting a bath, Chippy! This'll clean you up nice and good!” Dartz said as the chipmunk attempted to escape from his clutches.
After a dreaded ten minutes of getting dunked into a bucket of water, Duke was finally out of the water and getting dried off. Then there was another knock at the door. “WHAT?!” Dartz yelled as he dried off the chipmunk's head.
“Uh, Valon and I are going to get some McDonald's for dinner, you want anything specific?” Allister asked, too afraid to walk in the room.
“A Chicken sandwich, fries, a salad, and a vanilla milkshake!” Dartz answered as he set the chipmunk in his lap.
“Okay, we'll be back.” Allister said, and he walked with Valon out of Headquarters.
Dartz shook his head. “A guy can't get any privacy, can he? Your lucky, Chippy. You're a chipmunk, you can have as much privacy as you want without anybody disturbing you. Oh, I had better get you a box to sleep in. I'll be back.” And with that, Dartz was out of the room again.
Raphael came back from the store with a whole bunch of bags. He almost walked into the kitchen (does Headquarters have a kitchen?) but found the closet door open, and Dartz going through everything in it.
“Uh. Master? What are you doing?” Raphael asked.
“I'm looking for a box.” Dartz turned to face him. “I thought you were only going out for soda, why all the bags?”
“I figured if I got alot of soda now, I might have to save myself the trouble of going to the store again for awhile. Valon and Allister are soda hogs.” Raphael answered. “I think there is a box right up... here.” Raphael reached over Dartz and picked up a box. “Is this big enough for whatever it is you need a box for?”
“Yes, it's perfect. Thank you!” Dartz quickly grabbed the box and ran back to the meeting room. He looked at the table, there was no chipmunk in sight. “CHIPPY?!” Dartz's eye grew wide as he looked at the clear table. He searched frantically for the little chipmunk. “He's hurt! He could've gotten anywhere! I was going to make him my evil assistant! CHIPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPY!” Dartz yelled as he searched the room.
`Ugh.. He's so loud! Would he shut up already? God!' Duke thought as he watched Dartz running around the room from the safety of under the table. Valon walked into the room to find Dartz on his hands and knees panting.
“Uh, Dartz? Dinner!” Valon said as he offered Dartz a hand. Dartz grabbed his hand and lifted himself off the floor. He followed Valon out of the room, taking a look back at the room.
After dinner, Dartz had returned to the meeting room to look for the chipmunk. He was quite worried, the chipmunk might have been clean and alive, but it could be attacked by anything outside. He was about to give up, until he heard a noise from under the table. He got on his hands and knees and crawled under the table, where he found an all too familiar little chipmunk.
“Chippy!” Dartz yelled as he picked up the chipmunk and hugged it. Oh how relieved he was to have found the chipmunk all in one piece. “You don't know how worried I was. I thought you ran away or something.” Dartz said as he rocked back and forth. “It's time for bed Chippy.” Dartz put the chipmunk in the box which had a little blanket in there for the chipmunk to sleep on, it also had a bowl of water and a bowl of some of the leftover chicken Mcnuggets Allister couldn't eat. Dartz then walked out of the room.
`Geez, I only wanted to explore the room! He didn't have to freak out. I don't even wanna be here anyway! I mean, I was fine and happy where I was. I guess I should be thankful though, he did clean my wounds and give me a place to stay while I'm a chipmunk. I don't think I would survive staying in the shop, someone would think I was a rodent and throw me in a dumpster. I guess it wouldn't be so bad to be a chipmunk. I mean, despite the fact he's a nutjob, this Dartz guy is okay.' Duke thought as he got comfortable in his box.
The next morning, Dartz got up and took a shower. He had the smell of chipmunk on him, a smell he seriously did not want on him. He got dressed in a black tank top and a pair of jeans and was now ready for the day. He walked into the kitchen and grabbed a muffin and took a seat next to Raphael.
“Good morning Raphael!” Dartz said.
“Good morning.” Raphael replied, reading a newspaper.
“How was your sleep?” Dartz asked. Raphael looked at Dartz, it was odd for Dartz to say much else other then `good morning' normally, Dartz would say good morning, and then say nothing to anyone until he needed them again. “Raphael?”
“Um, it was great.” Raphael replied.
“That's great! Oh, while your here, I'm having the meeting room painted, so I'm the only one who can go in there.” Dartz lied.
“Who's painting it? You never let anybody but us in there.” Raphael asked.
“Um. Bandit Keith!” Dartz replied. “I'm gonna go check on how he's doing!” And with that, Dartz ran out of the room and into the meeting room.
“Good morning, Chippy!” Dartz said as he picked up the beloved chipmunk from the box. “How was your sleep? Wag your tail once if it was good, and twice if it was bad.”
Duke wagged his tail twice. `Why am I doing something so stupid?! I should find a way to tell this guy that I'm not really a chipmunk! Well, I am a chipmunk right now... GAH! I'm even confusing myself!' Duke jumped out of Dartz's hand and onto the table, he had no clue how to do it, but he would find a way to tell Dartz the truth.
“Chippy? You Okay?” Dartz asked as he watched the chipmunk. Duke ran around the table, he figured a little exercise would help him think. There was a knock on the door.
“FOR PETE'S SAKE!! WHAT?!” Dartz yelled.
“Uh.. I just wanted to know if the room was really getting painted.” Came the sound of Valon's voice.
“Yes!” Dartz yelled.
“What color?” Valon asked.
“Who cares?! Go away!” Dartz commanded. He heard the sound of Valon's footsteps, and sighed. “Who cares what color it is? As long as it's a color, it's a color!”
Duke stared at Dartz. `Hmm.. I can't talk, because if I do, it will come out in chipmunk noises. I wonder if there's a way to tell him I want a paper and pen.' Duke tried his best as a chipmunk to sign language to Dartz that he wanted some paper. Dartz examined the chipmunk closely.
“What's that Chippy? You want some beer?” Dartz asked. Duke nodded his head no very quickly, then tried to sign language to Dartz he wanted a pen. Luckily, Dartz got this one, and put a pen to the chipmunk's feet.
“Why do you want a pen, Chippy? Oh! I get it, you want to draw! I'll get you some paper!” Dartz quickly ran out of the room, and then back in with some paper. Duke quickly got to work. It wasn't easy drawing though, saying as how he didn't have opposable thumbs. He managed to draw a stick figure though, with a high ponytail and the mark thing near his eye. There was also an arrow pointing to the drawing with the word `me' written very sloppily above it. It only took about an hour for him to draw. Not bad considering he was a chipmunk.
Dartz looked at the drawing. “Uh.. What is it supposed to be Chippy?” He noticed the writing. “Huh? Chippy?...” Dartz examined the drawing closely. “Wait a minute, this is a picture of that friend of Yugi's, Duke Devlin.” He looked at the chipmunk.
`Please let him figure it out!' Duke thought.
“So that mean's that Chippy is actually...” Dartz started. He noticed the chipmunk nodding his head rapidly. “But if you were a human, how are you now a chipmunk?”
`Great, now you ask me a hard question. How am I supposed to tell him?' Duke wondered.
“At any rate, I guess it doesn't matter. Hmm. I think I have something that can change you back.” Dartz walked out of the room and into the kitchen. He grabbed a bottle which contained a tan colored liquid in it. He also grabbed a pair of his clothes. (black button down sweater and jeans) and walked back into the room. He set the clothes down next to Duke and poured some of the liquid into Duke's water bowl. “Tell me when I can come back in.” And then Dartz walked out of the room.
Duke drank the liquid and turned back into a human. He looked down at himself, and blushed rapidly as he noticed he had no clothes on. He quickly put on Dartz clothes and yelled. “You can come in!”
Dartz entered the room and looked at Duke. “Well now, how do you feel?”
“Good now that I am not a chipmunk!” Duke answered.
“Tell me. How did you become a chipmunk?” Dartz asked.
“It's stupid. You see, I wished upon a star that I knew how a chipmunk felt. And then when I woke up, I was smaller then usual. I looked in a mirror, and saw that I was a chipmunk.” Duke replied.
“I see. We better get you home.”
The helicopter ride back to the Black Clown Shop was silent. When they landed, Dartz stopped Duke for a moment.
“What's wrong?” Duke asked.
“I'm going to have to erase your memories now.” Dartz replied.
“What?” Duke asked.
“I can't have you knowing the contents of the Headquarters can I?” Dartz put his hand on Duke's forehead, said something and then pushed Duke out of the helicopter.
When Dartz returned to Headquarters, he felt kind of sad. He missed the little chipmunk, he regretted erasing Duke's memory, but he told himself it was for the best. He then went up to his room and sat on his bed. He would never forget about the little chipmunk.
The End!
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^_^ Didja like it? I did. I know Dartz was out of character throughout most of the story, I'm sorry about that. I'm also sorry if you were expecting a happy ending. Please review and tell me what you thought of this story.