Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Death's Singer ❯ First Concert ( Prologue )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Heya!! This is another story by me. This idea has been in my head for almost a whole month and I decided to start since I am sooooo bored! That's right! I, Mandy Dawn, admit that I can be bored when I have denied the fact for so long. Another thing is this story is all ready finished. I will post when I know people are reading it.

Seto: Just get on with the story! ^_^0

Fine!! Here I go again.... *mumbles about crazy anime characters*

Everyone reading this should know that this is fan fiction; where none of this is true, unfortunately. Anyways, about Ryou's past isn't true. At least I don't think it is. All the songs in this story are by me!!!

Chronicles: Bakura, Yami, Marik, Seto, Tristan

Syclones: Ryou, Yugi, Malik, Joey, Devlin

Ryou and Yami: lead singer

Yugi and Tristan: bass guitar

Marik and Malik: electric guitar

Joey and Bakura: drums

Devlin and Seto: keyboard


(Me interrupting)


Warnings: Yaoi; like I do anything else, the regular pairings. If you don't know... Yami/Yugi, Bakura/Ryou, Marik/Malik, Seto/Joey and maybe Devlin/Tristan.

Disclaimer: Nope!


Ryou's POV

My dad tries, all right. He really does but I think the day my mom left brought his whole world down. Like it collapsed without a thought. I was only five when she left with my little sister Amane who was one at the time. I don't remember what mom looks like except of the one picture dad has. He doesn't have a picture of Amane so I have no idea how she looks.

I do, however, remember her beautiful singing voice; I guess beauty went with her. She was beautiful inside and outside; whitish-silver hair with sparkling blue eyes. I have greenish-silver eyes with emerald green eyes. I look more like her then I do my dad. He has blue hair with pecan colored eyes. He says that Amane takes after him and mom, while my older brother, Kiarii, looks like him. Just like Amane, I have never met Kiarii. Dad doesn't even have a picture of him.

But I guess that is behind me. (little does he know) Right now I'm fifteen-years-old and in a band, Syclones. There's Yugi Mouto, Malik Ishtar, Joey Wheeler, and Duke Devlin but we call him Devlin.

We all sing and write on our songs, which is mostly about life and love. Most of the songs I write are pretty angst because that's how I feel half the time. Anyways, Syclones's manager is Isis Ishtar, Malik's older sister.

There is one and only one band that we are going up against since tonight will be our first night performing for real; Chronicles. They have been a hit four almost two years now. Yami Chloe, Bakura Rosa, Marik Rich, Tristan Taylor, and Seto Kaiba. All of them are eighteen-years-old.


That night before we went on stage at Moon Vi Let, Isis came to talk to us while we were practicing our lines, and gearing our instruments.

"Guys," she started. "All anyone knows is that you're a new group. No one knows who the manager is. No one knows how old you are. Hopefully no one will care."

"They shouldn't," commented Malik setting his electric guitar next to him on the couch. "Chronicles came out when they were only sixteen."

"Yeah. We're only a year younger then that," agreed Yugi standing.

Joey stood also. "We shouldn't let dat stuff annoy us, guys. We're good tagetha and dat's all dat mattas."

I sighed causing them to turn their gazes to me. "Maybe we should just hope for the best."

Isis smiled reassuringly. "That's right. Hope for the best and you'll get it." She walked to the door of the room and opened it. "Good luck." She shut the door behind her, leaving an eerily silence as we sat there staring at each other. Wondering how we ever got here. What was so important about us that made her think we could do this?


"Tonight we have a new group showing us their talent," we heard the host announced. "Lets give a hand for Syclones!!"

We were standing in our regular places like we were practicing in Malik's garage. Except... this was for real. We weren't going to stop when we felt there was a bad note played or anything. We were going to perform tonight for almost over five thousand people. And were going to play good!


As the last song, "Family Feud", started people were standing, listening, dancing, and singing to the lyrics of the song they had picked up on fast. The song was an upbeat one with Joey starting on the drums and Devlin starting the keyboard.


+Why the hell you cursing for

No one did anything to you

Just shut up and don't open your mouth

Stop telling us all these things

Getting us dragged more

Into this family feud+

Yugi started the bass guitar while Malik started the electric. I started singing the first verse.

+There you go again

Walking up and down these halls

Screaming at the top of your lungs

About stuff that happened five years ago+

We all started the chorus that was at the beginning of the song.

+Why the hell you cursing for

No one did anything to you

Just shut up and don't open your mouth

Stop telling us all these things

Getting us dragged more

Into this family feud


I can't stand it anymore

I need to get away

Away from your lies

Sure some may be truth

But how can I believe

When all you do is curse

Till the night comes


My life from birth

Has heard your voice

Crying out the things you believe to be true

How I just want out

Leaving all this behind


Leave me alone

Stop talking to me

Just go away and drag yourself

Into your family feud+

As the music died down and the last note halted, the room was quiet. We stood there looking at the floor of the stage thinking we had just failed Sinc Records, our record company. We heard clapping then screams of pleasure and not the kind you do in the privacy of your own home... at least I don't think there was any of that.

We raised our heads to see everybody standing... hollering out their praises. Like we n sync with to each other, we let out a sigh at the same time.

We were now in the music....


There ya go!! I have had this idea for a while and I wasn't sure about startin' it and all that. I hope you guys liked it. That song is my original. I know it could use some work but hey no one's perfect! The stuff about Ryou's past fits perfectly with the plot so don't worry!! R & R PLEASE!!