Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Definition Of Family ❯ Keitaro Akamatsu: Family Attorney ( Chapter 1 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

         &nb sp; :::Red Phoenix Star ducks from veggies, riceballs, and other such things thrown in her direction:::

         & nbsp; AAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! DON'T KILL ME!!!!! DON'T KILL ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

        &n bsp;  ::: whips out a shield to protect her from the various produce:::


        &n bsp;  :::Seto Kaiba suddenly appears holding up an umbrella; smirks at Phoenix:::

         &nb sp; Kaiba: Do you even know what that word means?

          & nbsp;Red: :::glares at Kaiba::: Bite me.

          &nbs p;Kaiba : :::shakes his head::: No, that isn't it.

          &nbs p;Red: :::glares::: Take the hint, twerp! Get lost!

          &n bsp;Kaiba: ::: still smirking::: As if.


            Red: :::finishing up her rant:::.... NOW EITHER HELP ME OR GO JUMP OFF A CLIFF!!!

           ; Kaiba: Been there. Done that. Bought the T-shirt.

           ; Aura::::Get on with the fic, dammit!!!

         &nbs p; ::: Red blinks as she remembers why she's there in the first place:::

           ; Red: Oh....right... ::: notices that the veggie barrage has ended; she straitens up and brushes off her clothes:::... as I was trying to say...

          & nbsp;First let me apologize for not updating any of my other fics. Usually when a new idea comes along, others get crowded or drowned out. So I decided to write out my idea's in a notebook as they come to me. It saves trouble and is very helpful if I get lost and I don't forget anything major. I swear I will finish my other stories as soon as possible.

         &nbs p; Now... This fic was born from a random thought I had as I was working out an idea for another fic...

          & nbsp;Kaiba: ::: has closed his umbrella; rolls his eyes::: Oh, please...

         &nbs p; Red: :::eyes him::: Watch it, pretty boy. This story focuses on you... well, you and Mokuba.

            Aura: GET ON WITH THE FIC! NO ONE GIVES A DAMN!!!!

           ; Red:::Alright already! I DON'T OWN YU-GI-OH!!!!!!!

   &nbs p;       *************

           Defi nition Of Family

         &n bsp; By:

            Red Phoenix Star


Chap. 1: Keitaro Akamatsu; Family Attorney


"Excuse me, Mr. Kaiba. There's a gentleman on the phone who needs to speak to you."

Seto Kaiba narrowed his eyes at his secretary from his desk. "Tell them to make an appointment. I don't speak to everyone who asks for me." He turned back to his computer when his secretary spoke again.

"I did, sir. However, he claims to be a lawyer and that it=s imperative he sees you right away." She bowed apologetically, nervously awaiting her employer's response.

Kaiba=s gaze narrowed further. He stopped typing long enough to lean back in his chair and cross his long arms and legs, looking very imposing right now. He was silent before he spoke in a lower, more demanding voice. "What=s going on? Are we being sued?" The young woman shook her head. "I=m not certain, sir. All he said was that he needs to see you immediately. Today, if possible." She watched as Kaiba scowled and made a sound that was almost a growl. She tried to hide a gulp of anxiety as she clutched a folder in her arms closer to her chest.

Mokuba, who was sitting on a couch and listening carefully; decided to ask questions before his brother decided to start yelling. "Who is he, Miyuki?" He asked, jumping in before his brother=s blood pressure went through the roof. 'Might as well find out who this guy is.' The boy reasoned. If it was a lawyer who had to speak to Seto right now, then it probably couldn't wait.

Miyuki relaxed slightly as she turned to Mokuba. "He says his name is Keitaro Akamatsu from the Kishimoto and Houjou Law Firm. All he said was what he had to talk about was private and that it can=t wait. I did a background search to confirm and everything is legitimate. The firm faxed me the info." She took a step forward and handed the manila folder in her hands to Mokuba, who in turn gave it to his brother. Kaiba=s expression remained unchanged as he flipped the folder open and scanned the contents.

"Hmm..." Kaiba hummed, reading the information. "Keitaro Akamatsu. Graduated from Tokyo University with honors, went on to law school... received a Masters in Family Law and two minors in psychology and criminology... one of the top five in his class... been with the law firm for four years and mostly handles cases concerning children and the disabled...won quite a few, in fact.... not bad..." Kaiba mused as he looked over the information about the law firm. They=d been in business for over twenty years and handle mostly families, the disabled and elderly. He looked at it for a few more minutes before closing the folder and stared strait ahead. He then glanced at Mokuba, who spoke.

"If it can=t wait, we should see him today. It sounds like an emergency." Kaiba said nothing, but made a sound of agreement. He then turn to Miyuki and focused his cool gaze on her.

"Tell Mr. Akamatsu that I=ll see him at two-thirty today. No later. And he better not waste my time."With a warning glare, Miyuki bowed deeply. "Right away, sir." She left the office quickly, silently grateful to be away from her boss=s piercing gaze. As soon as the door closed, Mokuba looked curiously at his brother.

"Do you think we are being sued?" Mokuba asked, a hint of worry in his voice. Kaiba leaned forward and, resting his elbows on his desk; laced his fingers together. "I doubt it. If someone wanted to sue Kaiba Corp., then they=d have to get a real heavy hitter. Not someone who specializes only in family law." He heard Mokuba sigh in relief.

"Well... that=s good at least... right?" He watched his brother closely. Seto didn=t move for a long time. The gears in his head were turning rapidly. A family lawyer needed to speak to him directly? What was this all about? If he=s not being sued, then why did this lawyer want to see him? What was so urgent?

Kaiba shook himself and turned back to his computer. Whatever it was, he=d find out this afternoon. Right now, he had work to do.


"Mr. Akamatsu is here, Mr. Kaiba."

Kaiba closed his laptop and leaned back in his leather chair. "Send him in." 'It=s time to see what this guy wants.' Kaiba thought as he put on his game face. Mokuba was standing next to his brother=s desk, waiting anxiously for this man who clearly had something so important to tell them, that Seto cancelled another meeting that he was supposed to be having right now to meet this guy.

A moment later, Miyuki entered, followed by a tall, lean man with neatly combed hair and wearing a handsome, navy suit with a red tie. Intelligent green eyes peered out from behind a pair of wire-rimmed glasses as he gazed at the Kaiba brother=s before bowing politely. "Good afternoon, Kaiba-san and Mokuba-san. I=m Keitaro Akamatsu, Attorney for the law offices of Kishimoto and Houjou. It=s an honor to finally meet you." Mokuba bowed lightly in return while Kaiba simply sat in his chair, staring at the man critically. Mokuba then turned to Miyuki. "Thanks, Miyuki. That=ll be all." The secretary bowed and left, closing the door tightly behind her.

          &nb sp; Akamatsu was about to exchange further pleasantries when Kaiba, who hadn=t spoken yet, cut him off.


"Let's skip the pleasantries and get strait to the point." He said in a commanding voice as he finally rose. "I had to cancel a meeting with some very important people just to meet with you, Mr. Akamatsu. So I suggest you tell me what the Hell you're doing here and just what was so urgent that you couldn't wait another day to speak to me." Kaiba was glaring at him now, as if this one man had single-handedly thrown his entire schedule off on purpose.


Keitaro blinked, thrown off by Kaiba's blunt remark. He'd expected him to be impatient, but not nearly this rude. He'd heard enough stories about the young CEO to know that most young lawyers go out of their way to avoid him. Mainly because he was so intimidating. He knew Mr. Kaiba would be a difficult case, and he'd most definitely be very angry when he told him why he had to meet with him on such short notice. He'd gotten a lot of sympathy from his colleges when they found out he was going to go meet with the teen billionaire. One of them even asked where he should send the flowers for his funeral! He'd blown his friend off at the time, but after meeting Kaiba and thinking how he'd react to the news that he had to deliver…


… well, his parents address was in his pocket organizer.


After a moment, he cleared his throat. "Ahem, yes, well…"


"Sit down," This offer from Mokuba Kaiba, who was clearly no where near as daunting as his brother, to whom the boy gave a slightly scolding look as the tall teen resumed his seat. Feeling a little more at ease, Mr. Akamatsu sat down on the leather couch, placing his black leather briefcase atop his lap. Taking a deep breath, he began.


"I do apologize for coming on such short notice, Mr. Kaiba. I understand you're very busy, so as you said… I'll get strait to the point." He folded his hands on his case as he readied himself to deliver the news that could very well end his life. "I'm here on behalf of the estate of the late Daisuke and Yoko Oomura."


For one, fleeting moment, Kaiba's face was blank. But as quickly as it came it passed. In an instant, Kaiba's slightly widened eyes narrowed in cold fury.


Mr. Akamatsu flinched as Kaiba shot up from his seat and slammed his hands on his desk. Mokuba jumped back in surprise, staring at his brother in shock. It's been ages since he'd seen his big brother so angry. It frightened him more than he wanted to admit. "Get. Out." Kaiba demanded in a low, threatening voice.


The attorney swallowed hard at that look in Seto Kaiba's eyes. If he could leave he would. That look on the teens face would have brought the bravest of men to his knees. But he couldn't… not until Kaiba had heard him out. "Mr. Kaiba…"


"Do NOT say another word!" He roared, banging his fist on the solid wood desk so hard that Mr. Akamatsu thought it would break in two. Oh, but Kaiba was angry. Indeed Akamatsu began to wonder if what he was doing was a good idea. But… surely he, of all people; would understand. He had to see this through. Now if Mr. Kaiba would just stop shouting…


Kaiba, meanwhile, was furious. Hell, he was beyond furious. He was enraged, beside himself... anything that meant angry, Kaiba was at that point. He couldn't believe this. Daisuke and Yoko Oomura. Two people he thought he'd never hear from again… two people he never wanted to hear from again…Daisuke and Yoko…


…Uncle Daisuke and Aunt Yoko….


The relatives who abandoned him and Mokuba nine years ago… who used them nine years ago…


God, he remembered it all so clearly…









Red: Well whaddaya think? Like it? Hate it? I need to know!!!


Just to answer any questions I will undoubtedly get: Yes, this fic is partly based on what happened in the manga. Seto and Mokuba were taken in by relatives (doesn't specify who), but they used up the brothers' inheritance and dropped them off at the orphanage. The rest is just my take on it.


Next chapter: Kaiba recalls his and Mokuba's brief stay with their relatives leading up to when they were dumped at the orphanage. Then Mr. Akamatsu 'bravely' reveals his reason for being there.


Review please!!!!