Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Devotion ❯ Victory ( Chapter 15 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Disclaimer: If I owned Yu-gi-oh, Tea would have gotten to have a few WORDS with Malik re kidnapping, body snatching etc.


Yay! He took them, he took them!

God, I sound so hyper. Well, I did just win an official duel. And I only started playing so I could join in with everyone else, same as Tristan.

I mean, I am decent, I've kicked Joey's ass enough times. And Tristan. And a bunch of other guys at recess. I mean, I've got Yugi to teach me to play. That's about the same as having a looong list of cheat codes.

No, I don't do video games, and even if I did I wouldn't use cheat codes. But all the boys are obsessed with Grand Theft Auto, I think the third one, and most of them looove the codes. Bigger explosions or something?


Back to rejoicing. Yay, Yugi's getting into the castle! He's gonna duel again! We can still rescue his Grandfather!

Maybe Mai isn't as bad as I thought she was because of what she said earlier. Like Yugi cares he lost one lousy duel? That's what, one out of seven billion and three?

Yugi's got his priorities straight. Duel Monsters is a game. A fun game, but he's not like Kaiba. He wouldn't go ballistic over a little thing like losing.

He once told me that once his Grandpa finished showing him the game and he (Yugi) started winning all the time, that he was really disappointed that he was winning all the time.

He said he actually wanted to lose. Well, not all the time, at least some of the time.

I was like, WTF?! Why would you want to lose, for crying out loud?

What he said really made sense. I already respected him a lot, but I don't think I'd realized just how smart Yugi really was, how…rational?

He said that you learned by losing, got better. Like, if you kept drawing cards that weren't any help, it got you thinking about how you could improve your deck. If your opponent used a cool strategy, you were challenged to come up with ways to beat it. Or copy it.

He said he really wanted someone to play who was better than him, who would teach him by challenging him.

Getting `schooled', huh?

Now, most people who won all the time would be like, Woo Hoo, I'm King of the World! Wanting to lose, wanting to be not the best, but the best you can be, wanting to be challenged to achieve your full potential…

That's really wise.

That's why I was so shocked when he just gave up. That's not Yugi. He'd never give in. Never let one defeat destroy him.

He wasn't even defeated! He won! The spirit LET him win.

Like Mai let me win.

Like I said, I'm not a complete amateur, I regularly last twenty turns against Yugi, and there's no way he'd do that just to make me feel good, he's too honest for that, but come on, Mai.

Who do you think you're fooling? Defiantly not Yugi, given that I saw him talking to you. Throwing a duel to do the right thing. Okay, I'm impressed.

I mean, I knew you were nice, deep down, even with the perfume thing, because you shared the food and I owe you my life for the shower (God, I was sweaty!), but given how you went ballistic over Joey beating you…

Giving up a duel you could have easily won to let a complete amateur help a not-so-complete amateur get into the castle and compete against you?

You've really changed.

You really meant what you told Yugi… the other Yugi after the duel with Panik, didn't you? A fair duel.

I think you are really starting to think of us as friends. Joey's crushing on you, you know. Well, obviously you know. Yugi told me what Joey said when he saw you. It was a good thing this was while we were looking for you and I was able to stop giggling by the time we found you.

I wonder if you like Yugi, or the other Yugi, for a little more than just giving you those star chips.

I mean, Yugi is kawaii!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! But the other Yugi is HOT.

What? I may not be in love, but I can still look, right? Those eyes, that attitude…Must. Control. Blushing.

Where can I get a spirit like that?

Totally hot and totally devoted. Hey, if Yugi doesn't want him, I'll take him!

Should I say that to cheer him up?

Naw, he might say, here, take him for all I care or something stupid like that, and then they'll never kiss and make up.


What?!?!?! Guys like to watch girls making out! Guys have videotapes like the ones Joey and Yugi think I don't know about: girls have yaoi dojinshi. Mmmmm, bishonen…

Yugi's smiling. He's cheerful, trying to catch up to Joey and everyone else on the stairs to the castle.


Oh no, I thought I was over the hyper thing. I guess I was wrong!

Everything's going to be fine now. Yugi's back to his old self, we're getting into the castle…


Go Mai! Again!

I guess she is useful. I wonder if I can ask her for lessons on how to do that?

No, a magician never reveals her secrets. Too bad. Oh well. Having Yugi do the puppy dog eyes is almost as good. Wonder if that's why the spirit does what he wants.

Ooh, nice mental image. Pay attention to outside would before others notice glazed look.

There's Kaiba! He's going to duel Pegasus now? Maybe a good thing. Give Yugi and the spirit more time to work it out.

Also, I get to watch Kaiba get his butt kicked. Good Karma!

Oh. That is SO wrong. Dragging Mokuba out like that…

Um, I probably shouldn't hope this, but I hope the other Yugi does whatever he did to that mugger and Panik.

Vegetable Pegasus stir-fry!

I agree with you Joey! I never thought I'd think this, but GO Kaiba!

Not that he has a prayer. I mean, Pegasus has one of these magic thingies too, since Ryou tracked it here with that ring thing. Also the whole Yugi's-Grandfather-and-Mokuba-becoming-soulless-zombies thing. So Kaiba is dead.

Mind-reading? I guess drawing blind is good for that, but…

Blue-Eyes! Hah, like to see you doubt the heart of the cards NOW, Kaiba!

He's still dead though.

Knew it. Why am I always right?

The other Yugi's come out? Great! That means he and Yugi must have worked it out!

I knew they would!

Yugi's too nice to hate someone forever over almost doing something to help him.

He didn't even actually do it, so there really isn't anything to blame him for.

It'll all be okay. Yugi's a great guy, I know he'll beat Pegasus and free his Grandfather. And the Kaiba brother's too. He promised Mokuba he'd help him, and he…well, they never go back on their word.

That's why they'll win. I mean, look at Pegasus.

There's this great author who wrote something along the lines of, "If someone's trying to kill you, hope like hell they're evil because they'll devise some intricate death trip that'll give you an hour to escape. A good guy'll just shoot you."

Pegasus spent that entire duel toying with Kaiba, I know it. He was playing him. That whole Oh No! You destroyed my monster! WAH! Thing.

Yugi's not going to play you, Pegasus. It'll be war.

There's not going to be a move, not a thought that isn't meant to take you down. Fast.

It's your game, Pegasus? Not anymore.

And I'll be there to dance on your grave.


Yay, lots of reviews! I am so happy! This was originally going to be chapter fourteen, but I was mostly through and I noticed I was doing KvsP and I didn't want to do it out of order so I am going back and doing the misc. chapter. Sorry, for the wait. I hope it won't be that long.

The author is Terry Pratchett, and he is the best! If you want to check out Discworld without reading the boos, check out the author samvimes or the below reviewee!

Silvershadowfire: Thanks for saying it didn't stink! Y and Y are both going a little nuts, aren't they? They aren't meant to fight! Do you know they didn't really in the sub? Yami was losing to Mai because he was ignoring her and focusing on Pegasus! The dub is actually more in character! I was stunned to hear this, I couldn't believe it until I saw it!

Pharaoh's Angel: Whoa, three reviews. Here are updates! A cape would rock. And Yami is just completely devoted to Yugi, even if in a non-shonen-ai way in the show. Watch one episode and you can't miss it. Hence the title of this.

Azzie@Az: Thanks for responding to my review of you! I try to review at least one story of everyone who reviews me. Tell me if I miss you. I did almost every story of SilverlilyakaBloodMoon, but I love her stuff as well as her reviews. Thanks for saying I got Yami right!

DoomedTarnishAngel: I was already reading your story, I'm usually just too lazy to review…thank you for not being the same!

Yla/all4him: Thanks! Anything specific you liked?

Zoe: Yes, please don't ignore needy me. It was good, wasn't it?;)

Sylvia Viridian: Yes, Tea rocks. And Yami too. And Bakura is so creepy. I love that laugh. The line "But I can't spend all day having fun, I have things to do." while watching people get eaten…Psycho, but restrained psycho. Why torture you now, when I can spend more time on it later. I am the darkness, you can't stop me, so why should I respect you? Of course, thief King Bakura with the twelve different backup plans is cool too. A real evil genius! He's my favorite villain.