Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Devotion ❯ Loneliness ( Chapter 16 )
Disclaimer: If I owned Yu-gi-oh, Kaiba, not Bakura, would have gotten to kill Pegasus in the manga.
Where is he? I've been walking around for ages.
You promised me, Pegasus. I beat Yugi for you, now I have to beat you.
I need to beat you! How can I beat you if you won't show your face, you coward!
Calm down, Kaiba. It's just a tactic. He's just trying to psych you out, get you all tied up in knots: he must have watched me duel Yugi, so he knows I'm here, he's just making me wait.
I hate waiting. Time spent waiting equals wasted time equals time not spent beating your face into the ground equals Mokuba spending longer trapped in a lousy car...
Trapped in a dungeon. I'm not letting you psych me out with out that magic stuff.
But that hallucination I had while I was dueling Yugi, Mokuba trapped in my rotting dragon...
Pegasus probably spiked the water on this island. It's fit his psycho sense of humor. Another thing I can charge him with when I sue his pants off. I'm going to make you suffer, Pegasus.
What? This door was locked before. A room that's a big hole in the ground? With another doorway on the other side? What a loony.
Finally. Here you are Pegasus.
Yugi! Huh, I should have known. You're good enough to make it in here even with only half your star chips. How long'd it take you to find someone to duel?
So that's why Pegasus kept me going around in circles. He wanted Yugi to see us duel.
He wants Yugi to see me lose. He wants Yugi to abandon all hope. Well, he's not going to. He's going to see me kick your butt, and then he'll win this tournament and beat you again and win his grandfather back.
You're going to lose this little game you're playing with us Pegasus.
Thank goodness Yugi's all right; he looked really bad after I...
I don't care!
It's your game, but we're going to play by my rules. I tested this system against Yugi and Joey, and it made a difference...
Oh no.
You bastard.
I can't...
But it's giving up my only advantage! What if he's tampered with his systems? He's got some special rules for this tournament, everyone's heard about that! What if I lose because I can't stand opposite Mokuba...?
I can't.
I can't see him like this.
I can't fight my little brother.
I'm sorry, Mokuba.
God, Yugi. You've been on this island all this time. What games has Pegasus played with you?
I know one of them. I've been Pegasus's pawn long enough. Time to fight back.
The heart of the cards? Pegasus's Millennium Eye? That's so like you. Believing in fairy tales.
Trying to help your opponent...
No! I have to do this my way! My strategies work, I've beaten you, if I try to incorporate a new philosophy of dueling, it'll totally throw me off balance.
...Thank you, Yugi. You're a good duelist; I'm not ashamed to say it. You're a better man than I am, trying to help me after I took your star chips. Joey's right, you shouldn't try to help me.
But you're the first in a long time to try. Don't worry, Yugi, I'll win this. But it's nice to know that...
Focus, Kaiba.
This is too easy.
How did he know? My blue eyes...how dare you? She's mine!
Hold on, it's just a card. The important thing is, how did he know?
Millennium Eye...no, he's cheating somehow? Cameras or something!
What do I do? If he can predict all my moves by the cards in my hand...
I can't let him see the cards. I have to draw and play right away. I need to just trust in my deck, that I've put in cards that can help me.
The heart of the cards...Yugi's advice.
What the hell?! It worked!
The Blue Eyes came when I needed her...does this mean...
Again?! What the...
Maybe it isn't just a fairy tale. Maybe Yugi is right. Maybe now I know his secret, I can beat him in a fair duel.
Stupid of him, to keep trying to tell his greatest opponent his best technique.
Dragon Capture Jar?! Dragon Piper?!
Oh no!
What did I expect? That the blue eyes would be loyal to me? It's just a card!
Pegasus is right, the blue eyes don't care about me the way I care about her...it.
The heart of the cards...was I using it all along?
Mokuba...you gave me that drawing of a blue eyes. It helped my so much, just a crayoned sketch...
If it's loyal to anyone, it should be to Pegasus. He created it, after all.
I can't let her be stolen from me again! I just can't! Swordstalker, attack! Defend her!
A trap. He saw me coming. The whole time, just playing with me. I should have listened to you, Yugi.
I've tried my very best.
Go ahead and rub it in, Pegasus. Feel free.
I failed him.
I lost my only chance at rescuing my baby brother.
Carrying on in this world? You're going to kill me? Go ahead.
Where am I?
Oh god, Mokuba!
Is this what he's done to you? Is this what you're condemned to, for being my brother? If you're here, then where are you?
I can't give up.
Yugi...Yugi, you have to save Mokuba! Please! I know I've hurt you, that he's hurt you too, but it was all my fault...
All my fault. All of it. I can't blame Gozaburo for my own mistakes.
I can't stand it here...
It's all a lie. I haven't helped Mokuba by winning us a home, by working hard, I've just condemned him to suffer like this. I've failed you, not just this once, but in everything. You just wanted me to care about you, and I...
Are all the horrible things you've done going round and round in your head?
There're no cards here. No victories. Nothing but cold dark empty cold echoing with my failure...
Help me! I know I don't deserve it, but help me Yugi! Anyone!
I can't stand it here, alone with this horror.
Alone with my self.
Pharoah's Angel: Thanks for saying I did a good job! Anything specific? Knowing what I did right might help me do it again...
SilverShadowFire: I don't know, I think it works better with Yugi not forgiving Yami right away: he did try to kill someone, so I think having them work it out is a lot better.
Sylvia Viridian: I've read him, thanks. I really thought I messed up on Tea, thanks for telling me it came off ok.
Amber Eyes: I'll e-mail you as soon as I've done all this weekend's updates. Anyone else want me to let me know when I update? Check every weekend, I'll try to do stuff then.
Announcement for those who care enough to read all this! I'm going to Spain for a month, and I don't know what the computer situation will be. I'll try to update every weekend, but I might not be able to until I get back. If not, I'll still write the same amount of stuff and post it when I get back! Also, DYDOM? Chapter tonight or tomorrow.