Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Differences of Truth ❯ Tales From an Old Man ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

I was listening to Chris Cagle and this idea popped into my head. I don't know why because the song is about a guy leaving this girl and realizing the mistake he made and this is definitely not that. Anyways please disregard the grammar mistakes. I think you can read the story even if there is any.


(Me interrupting)

I know the explanations about the character's parents are wrong but hey!! This is fanfiction after all! ^_^

Warnings: Cursing, yaoi between Yami/Yugi, Bakura/Ryou, Marik/Malik, Seto/Joey, and straightness between Shadi/Isis. No lemons because I can't write them! ^.^;;

Disclaimer: Why do I have to admit my worst fear ever? I don't own Yu-Gi-Oh and if I did then all the pairings you read in the warning thingy would be together!


"Dad when are we leaving?" asked fourteen-year-old Yugi Mouto from his position on a couch in their room aboard the ship 'Crystal Cave.' Him and his family decided to take a long awaited family vacation. "We won't get there if we don't hurry."

His mom laughed. "Be patient Yugi. The ship will take off when they are finished with all the arrangements."

The tri-colored teen walked out of the room and made his way up to the deck to peer out at the water below. 'I wish grandpa could be here.' Yugi thought breathing in the air that smelled like fish. He wrinkled his nose in disgust. If there was one thing he couldn't stand, it was fish. Anything that came from the ocean except pearls he hated.

A horn erupted the silence and the ship began its course to Cherry Islands (made up, I think). As Yugi was turning some one turned him around and he was pushed against the wall, his feet inches away from the floor. "Didn't expect to see you here Pharaoh," a harsh voice inquired.

"But sir, my name is Yugi," the teen replied quietly. The man looked closer to him and chuckled.

"So you aren't him. I should have figured. No way would Pharaoh ever get in this kinda situation." The man set his feet back down to the hardwood floor. "The name's Shadi. Come on over here. I would like for you to meet someone."

He followed Shadi to the back of the ship. There he saw a young Egyptian woman sitting on the railing, looking out into the ocean. Her beautiful black, silk hair waving as the wind blew. She turned her gaze to them and smiled. "Shadi who do you have there?" she asked as she slid off the railing.

Shadi smiled and took Yugi's right hand. "This my darling Isis is Yugi. Doesn't he have striking resemblance to Pharaoh?"

"Yes," Isis replied studying him. "Just like how Angel looks like Tomb Robber and Demon looks like Tomb Guardian. Amazing!"

"I know. How..." People shouting their way interrupted him.

"Yugi!!" A young man came running towards the tri-colored teen. "Do you have any idea how worried you have your mother?"

Yugi embraced his father as he kneeled so he was face to face to his son. "No, but these people have told me that I look like someone they know."

"Yugi... what people?" his father asked looking around. Yugi stepped away from his father and turned around. He gasped.

"They were just here," he said to his father, his amyesht (spelling?) eyes pleading for him to believe.

"Who did they say you looked like Yugi?"

"Someone called Pharaoh."

"Oh, my!" The man slapped his hand to his forehead. "Come on. Your mother is worried to death over you."


A blonde-haired woman sighed and shook her head. "Those stories my grandfather told are just that stories, Shion."

"He said these people said he looked like someone call Pharaoh. We can't ignore that, Violet."

Yugi coughed bringing his parents out of their universe. "I'm still here you know. You don't have to talk like I'm some place else."

"Sorry," his mother nodded. "He's right. We should tell him."

"About damn time you decide to listen to me," his father said.

"Watch your language Shion!" Violet narrowed her eyes and stuck out her bottom lip to make her point that made Yugi giggle.

"Fine." Shion turned towards his son sitting on the bed in his room on Crystal Cave. "Your grandfather told us some stories about these pirates. First there is the Pharaoh. He's not a real king but his crew looks up to him as one. He makes the decisions along as three others. Second there is High Priest. He's known as a cold-hearted man who disrespects others opinions. Third there is Tomb Guardian. There's really nothing about him except that he killed his family. Least but not last is Tomb Robber. There are stories that he will without a thought take your life if you show an inch of betrayal. He along as Tomb Guardian believes that blood is Ra sent."

"Wait a minute," Yugi started. "The man, Shadi, did mention that Angel looks like Tomb Robber and Demon looks like Tomb Guardian. Who are Angel and Demon?"

"I don't know Yugi. I have never heard of those two before. They could easily be their relatives or very good friends," considered Violet. She sat down next to her son. "What has us really scared is that you might be taken from us if the stories are true."

"They are true!! Your father was a captain who once knows them. Don't tell me that the stories are fake. Do you not believe your own father?"

"On some things yes, but he is a growing old man. He's bound to lose his mind one day and I feel he lost it the day he told us all this stuff."

"Why would the Pharaoh take me though?" asked Yugi interrupting his parents before another fight started.

"Because of your resemblance and the Millennium Puzzle you have yet to solve," answered Shion.

"I understand the first part, but was the puzzle have to do with any of this?"

Violet sighed. "The puzzle along as six other items has special powers that a person could destroy the world with. We don't know if the Pharaoh wants this power or not, but I could never bare to lose you Yugi." She grabbed Yugi into a powerful hug.


Hehehe... there's the first chapter!! How was it? Come on! Give me feedback. You know you want to!! I'll update as soon as I can!

R & R please!!!