Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Do you Dream of Me? ❯ My world Crumbles.... ( Chapter 3 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Wow...Chapter 2 was really an eye-opener, eh? Hehe! That's what I was goin' for! And if you thought that was surprising, there is a lot more to come along the way! So keep reading!


Ugh.......My chest hurts so badly.........I wish this pain would just go away..........The voice said to himself. He opened his eyes and noticed that he was surrounded in a body of water in a tank. He looked around and saw that there were cords he was hooked up to with a bunch of other men in white trench coats. In front of him was a man in a red suit, with long, silver hair.

"My, my, my....." The man said. "It seems like Seto Kaiba is indeed alive after all....."

"Pegasus......" Kaiba said in an angry tone, but then let out a grunt in pain, feeling it from the side of his hip and his chest.

"You should rest now, Kaiba-boy....." Pegasus said.

"What are you doing to me??" Kaiba asked.

"Rehabilitating you.....well....practically. We had to revive you after killing you in that unfortunate accident."

"That was no accident! You shot me!" He said angrily.

"Actually, my ORIGINAL intention was to have Dawn killed. But since you came into the scene, I had to make it more believeable that I seemed serious. But now that I see that Dawn's powers are beyond anything I have seen, I have to track her down." Kaiba's angered flared.

"Where is she?" He asked.

"SHE got away after performing such high levels of magic, and practically destroying my whole castle." Pegasus replied. "Your girlfriend has definitely got some power that I want....."

"You can't take her powers away from her. You don't know the differences of the power of her millennium item and HER own powers."

"I don't care. She'd make a very useful servant in the plan long to come.....Not only is she able to battle my strongeset enemies....but her beauty is unable to go unnoticed...so the pleasures of having her here will be most beneficial."

"You're sick....." Kaiba said. "Even if you try, there's no way that Dawn is going to want to work for you."

"That's where you come into play, Kaiba-boy...." Pegasus grinned. "You must bring her here to me."

"I'm not going to do you're dirty work just so you can get what you want!" Kaiba said.

"But you have no choice in the matter, Kaiba-boy......In case you're forgetting, I still have your little baby brother, Mokuba..." Pegasus said. Mokuba....Kaiba thought to himself when his eyes widened. Pegasus then took out a card from his pocket and put it facing forward towards Kaiba in front of his own face. Kaiba's eyes squinted since it was a little too far away, but then he realized that it was Mokuba's face that was in that card.

"Mokuba!" Kaiba shouted. "What have you done to him??"

"Oh, it's just for the moment....If you do what I say, in the end I will give you back your brother's soul to his own body....but that's only unless you do what I say."

"And if I refuse?" Kaiba asked.

"Well, your brother's soul card will be ripped apart, and then I'll imprison your own soul as well for my own purposes." Pegasus replied. Kaiba's head lowered in anger. He couldn't believe that he had to make that hard of a choice. I can't make Dawn come here, he thought. It's just going to be hard for her. How can I trust that pegasus won't hurt her. But....if I don't....Mokuba....

"....All right. I'll play your sick game....for now." Kaiba said.

"Good. Once you're healed up, which shouldn't be much longer, I'll tell you my plan..."


I had walked off by myself away from the group, making sure that I didn't have them see me cry. I found a small pond that was nearby and sat down to put my head on my knees. I was crouched together, and then the tears just began to fall.

It's....ALL my fault this happen....If I had to pick the two futures, the soul entrapment would have been better....then I could've had more time to figure things out....but this was not how I thought of it to be. I didn't think that this would happen.....not at all....But then again...I don't remember anything that happened to me after Seto....died.....Everything is a blank after that. It happened all so fast. Why is everything around me causing me to think so much...? This is the first time I've ever felt like I screwed up on something related to the changings of the future....Maybe it's because I just feel....

"....Stressed out?" A voice said. I turned around to find that Jounouchi was standing there behind me.

"Jounouchi, what are you doing here?" I asked as I got up, wiping away any tears that were still coming down.

"I came to check up on ya....I wanted to see how you were doin'....with the loss of Kaiba n' all...." Jounouchi said as he walked over to me. "I'm sorry...." I looked at him and then shook my head.

"You have nothing to be sorry about. It's really....my fault."

"Why is it your fault?"

"Because....I completely set myself up for this one. I meant to warn Seto of the future that he could be facing, and instead....I get in the way and make the future much worse then it was already intended to be....."

"Dawn, that you can't do anythin' about....You were just trying to help and trying to prevent bad things from happenin'...."

"And I made it worse by having Seto wind up dead.....all because of me....and Mokuba is still in there with Pegasus...I don't know what to do anymore....I feel like I can't do anything like the way I used to when it was easier.

"Everything always gets harder....and the way you get better is learning from your mistakes..."

"But this is the major mistake that won't let go of me! Jounouchi, look what I did! I had Seto end up get shot and now he's dead because of my damn persistence! I just wish that these powers would go away! I almost killed a lot of people without even realizing it from what you told me! I don't remember any of that, that happned! I just wish I can die right now and not have to worry about this anymore!"

"Don't say that...."

"I got the right to!" I shouted. "It's my fault, so why shouldn't it be?"

"Because it's NOT YOUR FAULT."

"It IS!!" I continued and before I knew it, Jounouchi's lips had landed on mine. My eyes had widened in surprise. Once he let go, we both looked at each other in silence. But then Jounouchi backed off from me.

"I...I....I'm sorry...." He said. "I didn't mean to do that.....it just came." I looked at him, both of us surprised at his actions.

"I better go...." Jounouchi said and with that, he walked off...I can't believe I just did that! She must hate me now! Argh....Why did I do something THAT stupid....she just lost Kaiba...Why the hell would I wanna take advantage of that??

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~

I can't risk Dawn's life in this.....Kaiba said, as he buttoned his shirt together. Pegasus making me play his game, when I have so much to put on the line. With the risk of Mokuba... I can't afford to make mistakes. If I don't do what Pegasus wants me to do, I'll lose him...but then on the other hand....if I do hand over Dawn to him, he'll try to take Dawn's millennium item away...and that could mean a lot of trouble. I just got to come up with something so I can save the both of them at the same time.....without risking their lives...But...If I fail both of them....

"Are you ready to go?" Keyo said as he walked in. Kaiba turned back to him with an scowling look. He then took out his coat and slipped it on.

"Let's go." He said.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~

"You did what??" Hiroto asked after he had listened to Jounouchi's story.

"Why would you do something so stupid??!" Anzu yelled at him. "That has to be the worst AND least thing that you should do right now!"

"Look, it was an accident, all right? You don't have ta bust my chops 'cuz I already know I did something stupid!"

"Where's Dawn?" Yugi asked.

"I left her there....I was too 'mbarrassed to wait for a response from her...."

"Is she still there?" Hiroto asked.

"Who knows.....She's still out there by herself and that's not the smartest thing in the world to do..."

"Why not?? She can take care of herself!"

"You just made her a living target...........Without anyone with her, who knows what will happen out there!" Jounouchi's eyes widened in fear.

"No...." He managed to say in a low tone.

"I'm going to go out and look for her...." Bakura said.

"Let me come with you!" Jounouchi said, following him up from behind.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~

"Pegasus!" Bandit Keith shouted as he banged on what was left of the door. One of the guards that were still there, was preventing him from getting inside.

"Lemme in!" He continued.

"Shut your mouth, dreg." The guard said. "Master Pegasus is a little busy right now, trying to find some things, so leave him be!"

"I'm here to duel! I got all my starchips, so let me in! I'm not gonna waste my time to duel these losers just so I can never get duel him!" Keith snapped.

"You can't com---!"

"It's all right. Let him in." Pegasus said from the other side, hearing the whole conversation. The guard hesitated, and finally opened the door. Keith then straightened out his vest.

"That's more like it." He said and walked in. He found that Pegasus was sitting in a pretty well-preserved chair, considering all thee damage that Dawn's power had done to everything else.

"Well, well....if it isn't Bandit Keith." Pegasus began. "This is definitely a surprise to see."

"Can it! I wanna challenge you now to a duel!" Keith said, as he pointed his finger at him.

"I'm not going to duel you." Pegasus replied.

"Why not????" Keith asked.

"Because I've got more important things to deal with now than to waste my time on a pathetic loser like you."


".....But if you want to duel, you're going to have to do something for me."

"A favor?"

"More like a bargain."

"What do I need?"

"To have pleasure....and then I'll tell you the rest. "

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~

Where are you, Dawn...? Kaiba thought as he continued his search in the forest for her. I know you're still here...I can feel you. But......you're......crying......Crying? For me? Dawn....please....stop.....stop crying.........I'm all right.......Don't worry about me.


I can't believe what....just happened here.....I said as i looked around. It was so instant.....I barely can think straight.....He must think that he was a fool too, but I don't think it was done really on purpose. I'm going to go find him. I began to walk back to the campsite as to where we were, but before I could even make it there, I noticed that there was a dark figure that was hiding between the trees. I stopped a moment, and then began to walk over to it.

"Jounouchi, come on out of there....you have no reason to be hiding...." I said, but there was no reply to it. I then got closer. "Jounouchi.....?" I tapped the shoulder, and the figure turned around to show that it wasn't Jounochi, but someone else. I stood back in surprise, almost about to scream, but I didn't. It was Bandit Keith.

"What the hell are you doing there in the bushes?!" I asked.

"I was lookin' for somethin'...." Keith said, as he got up. "You gotta name, cutey?"

"Don't call me 'cutey'.....And my name is Dawn."

"Dawn, huh.....? Oh, I know you...You're Kaiba's girl, aren't you?"

"........I'm not Kaiba's girl first off, and second of all, what would it be to you?"

"I dunno....I just found out from some people that were near the castle, saying that the great Seto Kaiba is dead. I'm sure you knew that, didn't you?"

"Yeah....I did."

"Well, I'm really sorry for your loss........." He said. I looked down, unable to say anything more. I began to walk away, but then Keith said, "Hey, are you thirsty? You look like you need a lil' refreshment." I turned back to him and noticed that he had a bottle of water in his hand.

"....I am kinda thirsty......" I said. "I guess a sip or two can't hurt me." I walked back over to Keith and then took the bottle, taking a couple sips of it. I then handed it back to him.

"Thank you." I said. Suddenly, my eyes began to drop, and I began to nod off.

"What's th' matter with you?" He asked.

"I dunno....All of a sudden, I feel.....so sleepy..." I said and suddenly I collapsed, with Keith able to catch me in his arms. He looked at me to find that I was completely out of it. His grin widened.

"Gotcha, sweety........." He said and with that, he took off with me.


"This is ridiculous..." Jounouchi said, as he looked through the woods. "She was right here when I left her."

"Doesn't mean that she's going to stay there." Bakura replied.

"Damn! She musta ran off!" Jounouchi said, all angry. "This is all my fault!"

"Stop blaming yourself, Jounouchi." Bakura replied. "That isn't the best thing to do right now, so worry about blaming yourself AFTER the fact we found Dawn already, so keep searching!" Jounouchi looked at him and then nodded his head, continuing the search. He made his way through the bushes and then he noticed something. A tall figure. That's weird...Jounouchi thought. Is dat Dawn? He ran through the trees and such to get to the figure only to find that Kaiba was standing there, but looking for Dawn as well.

"KAIBA?!" Jounouchi said, surprised. "How-er-what-WHY ARE U HERE??"

"Where's Dawn? I need to talk to her." Kaiba replied in a cool tone.

"She thinks your DEAD! We thought u were dead! How are u alive??"

"That's none of your business, dog-boy...now where is Dawn?"

"What DID U CALL ME?!" Jounouchi asked, getting rather annoyed. Just then Bakura came up from Jounouchi, and his eyes widened.

"Kaiba...is that you?" He asked.

"Yes, it's me. Now tell me where's Dawn, or do I have to get rough with you?"

"I'm afraid Dawn's not here. She was here a while ago with Jounouchi, but then after he left and came back, she was gone." Bakura explained. Kaiba then turned to Jounouchi.

"You left her all alone in the woods? What kind of an IDIOT are you?? Why did you leave her?" Kaiba asked, with his anger now rising, but Jounouchi didn't answer.

"We're all looking for her right now, Kaiba, so join us this one time to find her." Bakura said.

"I don't need any of your help to find her." Kaiba said as he began to walk away. Jounouchi's anger then flared so much, that it made him drive so far to run and tackle Kaiba from behind. The two were struggling in their own fight, while Bakura tried to stop them, it was useless. Jounouchi was finally able to get him on his back.

"You wanna know why I left her?" Jounouchi asked. "It's because I kissed her! And I thought she was going to go balistic on me! I was too scared for rejection from her because of you! There, are you happy?" Kaiba's eyes widened, but then that stabbed him so hard. He then was able to get one of his hands free and he punched Jounouchi in the face.

"Jounouchi!" Bakura said. Jounouchi held his cheek and got up.

"No...it's ok...I deserved that." He replied. "It seems like you actually do have some feelings for her, don't you Kaiba?"

"That's none of your business..." Kaiba replied.

"Look.....I'm sorry for what I did, but now's not the time to be fighting about this. We gotta find Dawn. Cuz if Pegasus' goons are after her, than that means only trouble." Jounouchi explained. Kaiba looked at him and then finally nodded his head.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~3 Hours later~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

.....My head hurts so bad......I thought, feeling my head. What happened to me? As if nothing could get any worse. I'm ready to die now at any time now, God.....you can just take it now...now would be good.

"Feh...you're finally awake." A voice said. I looked up to see that Keith was sitting next to her in a bed. I looked down to find that I was naked, holding the blanket. WHY THE HELL AM I ALWAYS IN THIS SITUATION?!!!

"What's going on?? Why am I here??" I asked.

"Don't you remember? He said as he got up. "I was only trying to grant you your Wish..." Bandit Keith said, when he looked up at her.

"My....Wish?!" Dawn asked, confused over the whole situation.

"You wanted to sleep with me right?" Keith continued.