Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Do you Dream of Me? ❯ Break Away... ( Chapter 10 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

It had been a week since the incident at Domino City had taken place and my soul had been put back into it's rightful place....even though I never wanted to go back. I had been away from my body for so long, and yet I didn't mind it. I felt a sense of freedom. Freedom of all the pain that has been in my life that I didn't have to worry about....and all the suffering I was caused.....without being aware of it.

Seto had taken me back to the Kaiba mansion with Mokuba, where he thought I would be safe for the most part until he could figure out some "ultimate" plan to take out Demona once in for all. I had no idea who this Demona was, except for the fact that she was apart of me....something evil that I couldn't control on my own. I decided that I didn't want to be around other people for a while, and went into my room, where I could be locked away from society, and where I could do no more harm.

It began to rain and thunder outside. Kaiba was downstairs in his office watching the rain from his iwindow. He then decided to look away from it and then sat down at his desk. He saw that there were numerous amounts of paperwork he had to catch up with. Kaiba tried everything he could to keep his mind off what I was doing in my room. He couldn't help but to be concerned, but he just continued to write away. The whole house was practically silent, and even with three people in the house, it still made it seem desolate.

Just then, there was a light knock on the door, and then it was open halfway to have Mokuba's head pop in.

"Big brother, can I talk to you for a minute?" He asked. Kaiba looked up at his little brother and gave a small smile.

"Sure thing, Mokuba." He replied. Mokuba walked in and sat in a chair that face forward to Kaiba's desk. He looked down on the floor and was silent for a moment. Kaiba awaited what his little brother had to say.

"Seto...." Mokuba began. "You know, I've noticed that you and Dawn have been acting differently towards each other. I mean, you seem to be...more caring. But what bothers me the most is that since we've gotten back from Duelist Kingdom....Dawn hasn't been the same. She hasn't talked to anyone since we got back. I've tried talking to her but I get no responses."

"Mokuba," Kaiba said. "Dawn is going through a really tough time right now....I don't think she wants to be be bothered."

"But Seto! Dawn has been in there for quite some time and hasn't come out yet. Can't you talk to her?"

"She needs her space right now....that's all we can do." Kaiba replied.

"Big brother....Please? Please talk to her...." Mokuba asked. "I don't want to see Dawn in this state. It makes me feel sad too for her." Kaiba was silent. He stared down at his unfinished work of papers. Clenching his hands together to make fists, Kaiba then stood up and started making his way up the stairs to my room. He noticed that the door was cracked open a slight when he had made it to the top of the stairs. Kaiba could see me in plain sight, as I sitting against the edge of the window way to watch the rain. He fully opened the door and stared at me at the doorway.

"Rain....." I began. "There's something sad about rain........it seems like it washes everything away from whatever was there before......No matter if it was good or bad. "

"But whatever was there is bound to turn back up again, right?" Kaiba added. I then just sighed.

"Yes, I suppose you're right. All that bad would come back with the good." I then put my head on my knees. There was silence between the two of us, with Kaiba unable to think of what else to say to me. I knew he seemed a litte hesitant.

"Why didn't you want to be brought back to the real world?" Kaiba asked, finally breaking the silence.

"Why do you think?" I asked him. "After all the crap that has gone on, I just couldn't take it anymore. When Demona took me out of my body for Midnight to inhabit, I was actually relieved to have someone take my place. For the first time in my life in the longest time I felt a sense of freedom....even though I was trapped inside of a bottle. It was better seeing all that destruction that I was causing that I wasn't even AWARE of."

"What are you talking about? None of that stuff that happened was your fault. You can't blame yourself for something you didn't do."

"But I used that.....that....POWER again, didn't I? I transformed into something that wanted to destroy everything...." I said and then slammed my fist on the ground. "Why?? Why am I the one who has no idea what's happening?? And yet, I'm the person it's all happening to..."


"Everyone's hurt...because of me...." I began, starting to sniffle. Kaiba moved himself over to me to give me a hug, but I moved away, because I couldn't handle it right now. I got up and then went over to my bed to lay on it; burying my head in the pillow to hide my face from Kaiba. He looked at me, giving some kind of sad look, and then walked over to sit on the side of the bed. I then could feel a hand touching my back. Was Kaiba trying to COMFORT me?

"No one's hurt because of you..." Kaiba replied. "I don't know what made you think that this is all your fault when it's not even you to begin with."

"But I LET Demona out, Kaiba!" I snapped. "Don't you see?? It's because of my weakness, she was able to get passed me and be free! I didn't want the destruction of Pegasus' castle, no matter how...angry I was for him having his men shoot at you....it was still unexcuseable.....she's the result of when my pain goes on an overboard, and I don't ever want to see those things ever happen...because if they do....they'll hurt the people that I care for.....and in the end....they might die...and I don't want to see anyone die." Kaiba then took my hand and pulled me into his chest to hold me close.

"The last thing I ever want you to do is to cry....I can't stand to see you cry anymore...otherwise....it'll make me sad too......I want to see that happy face.....because I like when you're happy....you give off that radiant glow and make it so contagious that everyone has to smile.....So please....I ask you to keep smiling." Kaiba said, holding me tight. No...This....I can't to do it..! I thought to myself and with that, I pushed him away. I then got up from the bed and walked a few paces away, crossing my arms tightly. Kaiba was now pretty confused. He got up as well and walked over to me.

"Dawn, what's wrong? Is there something I did wrong?" He asked.

"No, Seto....you didn't do anything wrong...I....I just...I dunno anymore." I said and then pulled my hair away from my face.

"Then why are you pushing me away?" He asked.

"Because.....I........I.....can't do this...." I said, in a small tone.

"Dawn, we've known each other for a pretty long time...and when we had our first kiss, I definitely felt something there.....You must have too." Kaiba began. I looked down at the floor, unable to think of what to say.

"You did, didn't you?" He asked. Kaiba then grabbed me by the shoulders and looked me square in the eye. "Dawn, after all this time....all the pain and suffering we both endured TOGETHER and the things we faced......tell me you don't love me....after all of this....you can't possibly not, could you?" I looked at his serious face, waiting for an answer. I didn't know what to tell him....I was pretty much in the dark as he was. I do care for him, and because of all of theses problems....I..........I.............................I can't love him. And with that, I broke away from his grip and ran out of the room, running down the stairs and making it outside into the rain.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

"It's really pouring out there..." Anzu said, as she watched the rain fall from the inside.

"Yeah, it sure is..." Jounouchi agreed as he walked up to Anzu from behind her. There was a moment of silence between the two.

"It's sad, ya know?" Anzu began, still watching the rain. "How Dawn doesn't want to go on in life.....and that she said she'd be better off dead than to be still among the living....She's must of had it rough over the years."

"Well, what do you expect from a person who had just lost her family for NO apparent reason?" Jounouchi asked. "She suffered because of an issue Kaiba and Pegasus had to deal with."

"...And yet Dawn continued to protect whatever she had left in her life she considered family." Yami said, voicing his opinion from the corner, where he sat on a chair in deep thought. "Which was Mokuba and Kaiba. She did whatever she could to get them back and safely, even if it meant her losing her own life. Consider all of that, and on top of all the other burdens she has ontop of her....and yet...she acted so strong for when it was needed. Dawn is always there to protect...anyone. And with that kind of pain you intake, and your mental obligation to continue to protect.................................what will you do?"

"So, what are you saying, Yami?" Anzu asked.

"What I'm saying, is that Dawn has a second chance around to make the decision she possibly made from last time. I think this time she's going to make the right decision...."

"What makes you so sure of that?" Jounouchi asked. "She seemed very willing to die when we brought her back. It was though she wanted to go back to her resting spot once again."

"Dawn is going to understand her purpose in life.......And she's going to feel she has more meaning towards life.....She may not understand what it is now...but I believe a push or two might help her believe what she is meant for, as a protector, and a friend...."

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

I can't be with him....! I thought to myself over and over. Nothing will ever change the fact that I have another soul inside of me.....! And the fact that I can't control any of this stuff! I'm.....me, right?? And yet.......And yet I'm a completely different person! It just wouldn't work....! No matter how much we've been through...or how much we care for each other.......it's never to be! I don't want to see him get hurt...!

I then could hear Kaiba in the back of me, chasing after me in the rain, and calling my name. I then picked up the pace of my speed, in order to lose him. However, no matter how fast I ran, he wouldn't stop coming after me. I then hit something on the ground on my foot, and it sent me right to the ground. I didn't want to get up...I didn't have the strength to go on anymore......Kaiba then came up to me and tried to help me up, but I refused his help by slapping his hand out of the way.

"Leave me alone!" I shouted at him.

"Why don't you want my help??" Kaiba asked, as he put his hands on my shoulders. "What's wrong?? Why are you pushing me away?? Why won't you tell me the truth to my questions??"

"Just stay away from me, Kaiba!" I said, trying to get out of his grasp, but it seemed too tight for me to try and move.

"I need to know the truth, Dawn!" Kaiba said.

"Stop it! I don't want to deal with this-!"

"Just tell me right now, Dawn! Tell me if you love me or not!!!"

"I DON'T LOVE YOU!!!" I shouted and then slapped him in the face after the minute I said that. I gave us both a shock to what I had just said. Kaiba had this blank stare, as if he went into complete submission. I was more surprised with myself than anything. I then began to feel tears come to my eyes, so I managed to get out of Kaiba's grip and ran out of the mansion's area and to where ever my legs could carry me. Kaiba just sat there, watching as I was not able to be seen. He had a blank expression on his face, unable to believe what had just happened. Mokuba came running out to his older brother's aid, unable to believe the scene he had just seen from the inside.

"Big Brother....!" He said. "Are you all right?" There was no response from the Dragon Duelist. He felt like something that was once apart of him had been torn to pieces, unable to think or do anything of the sort. Mokuba then was beginning to get even more worried and began shaking his brother's shoulders.

"Snap out of it, Seto!" He said. Kaiba then began to come back to reality once again, but still, the last sentence from me had stricken something that made him feel like it was never going to go away. He then slowly got up, and put his hand on his little brother's head, making it seem like he was fine. Kaiba then walked back into the mansion, not saying one more word about anything. Mokuba watched as his brother went inside, and then looked the other way to see the way I had run away. He then felt that there was something definitely wrong between the two and he was going to do whatever he could to make it right.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

"Dawnie!" The little Seto Kaiba called to me. "You hafta stop swinging so high on that swing, or yer gonna fall off!!"

"It's otay, Seto! I can handle myself!" I said as I swung higher and higher. "Jus' watch! I'm gonna go sooo high!" I continued to get higher and higher, and before I knew it, my hands had slipped and I fell off the swing. I then flew forward in the air, but then was caught by something. I had my eyes closed during the whole thing, and when I opened them, I looked up to see that it was my dad.

"Daddy....!" I said, surprised.

"My, Dawn, you are such a tomboy, you know that?" He said, half-stern. "You must be more careful to not swing so high, okay?"

"Okay......I'm sorry Daddy." I said and then snuggled up to his chest.


Daddy......... ...................................My Daddy...................................................................... .......................

I had opened my eyes to see that I had been sitting on the swingset I used to play on when I was little. I sat on the swing, in the rain, unable to remember why I'm even here in the first place. What am I doing here? I thought to myself....You'd think this would be the last place I'd go.....

It had been a few hours since I left the Kaiba Mansion, and the rain did not let up. I just leaned my head against the chain of the swing and sighed. Just.....let me go back...let me go back to the old days....where I was at least half-normal.........or just let me....fade away. Fade away so no one can find me....Just let me go to my family...I miss them so much......I just wish I could-

"Dawnie...............?" My eyes opened to their fullest, and looked over to see a worn-out Mokuba, all drenched like she was. I was indeed stunned to even see him here, and then call me that.....When Kaiba used to call me that when I was younger....thought Mokuba's called me that almost all through his life.....just it's been so long since I've heard his voice.

"Mokuba......" I said in a soft tone. "What are you doing here? You're going to get sick if you stay out here in the rain."

"So will you, though. Don't you care about what happens to you?" Mokuba asked.

".....Should I?" I asked, turning back to look at the grass below me. "I wouldn't know.....I mean, I'm not even aware of what happens to ANYTHING anymore." The little Kaiba was silent, and was unable to say anything to it, for he really didn't witness much of that stuff that's happened.

"I heard everything...." Mokuba began. "I heard that you didn't love Seto....................................is that true? Do you even know if you love him or not?"

"I don't even know who I am at this point, less than knowing whom I love or not....." I replied. "I'm not sure about anything these days....."

"Dawn..." Mokuba said in his soft tone. "What happened to you at Duelist Kingdom...?"

"Apart of me died at Duelist Kingdom." I replied. "I thought it was going to be easy....Go to Duelist Kingdom, make sure nothing happens to Kaiba, and save you, bringing all three of us back home safely....but all these different complications came out of no where. It eventually became too much to handle....and look at where it got everyone. All of that suffering.....I don't want anyone else to go through that kind of pain."

"It's not you who's making everyone go through the pain....You have to stop making yourself believe that you're the cause to everythng." Mokuba said.

"You don't know, Mokuba!" I said. "I am not me anymore...! Don't you understand??" Before I knew it, Mokuba ran over to me and gave me a tight hug.

"Don't say that!" He said. I was surprised to see him the way he was. Mokuba was trembling all over his body. I could feel it when he hugged me. "You still are you! You're no different from the first time I met you! You're still the Dawn that I've always known since I was a really little kid! You can't make yourself believe that kind of stuff, otherwise you're gonna end up in complete darkness! I don't want to see you like that! Please, Dawn!!"

I didn't know what to do. He was begining to cry, not able to take the stress that adults try to handle. It was too much for him and I began to feel bad. No kid deserves this kind of pain.

Just then, something struck me like a nerve. I began to hear someone's voice.....singing. It was one of the most beautifullest voices I had ever heard.......it was as though it had intoxicated my whole body. I got up from the swing, and began to follow where ever the voice was coming from. Mokuba began to watch me leave, and then called out "Dawn, where are you going?!" But I didn't listen. I was in some sort of trance, and kept walking towards the voice, with a dazed look in my eyes. Mokuba ran after me and pulled me by the sleeve.

"Dawnie, stop! Please! Where are you going??" Mokuba asked once more. He then tried to go after me and follow, but then was blocked off by an invisible shield that went a great distance around me. Mokuba fell back a little. He watched as I walked off. I don't get it! Mokuba thought. Why did she decide to get up out of no where?! Somethings' definitely not right....And with that, Mokuba ran back the other direction back to the Kaiba mansion.....

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

"Master Kaiba, sir?" One of the butlers called out to Kaiba as he sat in his office, staring blankly again at the wall. He was definitely in his own world; completely out of it, and unaware of his own surroundings.

"Master Kaiba?" The butler said again to make it finally trigger in Kaiba's mind that there was someone speaking to him. He turned his chair around to look at the middle-aged man.

"What is it?" He asked.

"Sir, are you all right?" He asked. "Do you need anything?"

"No....I'm fine, James...." Kaiba replied to him. The one thing though I do need, you can't give me....He thought to himself.

"Sir.......I just wanted to let you know that love can be a pretty painful thing. It isn't easy." James said. Kaiba turned away.

"You don't need to tell me that...I know it is.....and I'm through with love. I don't ever want to try to experience that type of pain I just felt hours ago." He replied.

"That's a sad thing to hear, sir." James said. "Almost a shame really......you seemed to really like Miss Grayson...and you two have known each other for almost over ten years now."

"Yes, well, I've been decieved by her....all these years I thought that she might eventually come around to the idea of marriage.....I guess I was wrong."

"But it doesn't seem right.....I've watched you two grow since you were really young and I could decipher both of your emotions, even though you tried to hide them. It would seem that she cared just as much for you as you did for her."

"Well, musta made a miscalculation there, James."

"Maybe there's some logical reasoning behind it, Master Kaiba......why don't you try and find it?"

"Feh....I don't care anymore. I'm done trying...." Kaiba snorted. Suddenly, Mokuba came rushing in through the doors, pushing his way through, and making his way to Kaiba's desk. Kaiba turned his chair around to Mokuba, worried about what was wrong.

"Mokuba, you're out of breath..." Kaiba observed. "What's wrong??"

"Seto.....It's Dawn!" Mokuba huffed. "She's acting really weird....! She started walking away from me in a trance or something as though she couldn't hear me!" There was something in that sentence that stabbed Kaiba's conscious, but then he closed his eyes.

"Hmph......That's her problem." He said. "I'm sick and tired of trying to bring her back to a normal state of mind and then be yelled at for things she didn't want. If that's what's happening, then let it. I'm not going to bring her butt back. Why should I care on what she does?"

"Because she's your fiance!" Mokuba cried.

"EXfiance.....I finally understand her feelings towards me....she doesn't want me to help her....so I'm not. Let her try and gete out of her own situations herself. I know she can, but she just doesn't want to. She acts sometimes like the weakling in order to be saved."

"Seto, that's not true!" Mokuba snapped. "Something's reaslly wrong with Dawn, and you could care less! For all you know, it could be Demona or something taking her in! Do you really want that?!"

"...............I don't care anymore." Kaiba said in a low tone, putting Mokuba in shock for a moment. He then lowered his head.

"Fine! If you don't care anymore, I'm going to find someone who DOES care!" Mokuba said, and then ran off. Kaiba then looked away from the door, feeling guilty for what he had just said. James looked at his boss, feeling nothing but pity towards him, and sighing. He then could hear some sort of sniffling coming from the corner. He immediately looked over to see that Kaiba was trying to hide his tears that began to fall!

"I DON'T LOVE YOU!!" of my voice had echoed in his head over and over, making it harder to intake anymore pain than what he has endured.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

This song....it's so soothing.....I thought to myself as I continued to walk on towards the song. The voice is so incredibly powerful....it's almost as though it's....speaking to me.....

I continued to make my way down town, passing people as they watched me strangely. Why are they staring at me? I asked myself. Am I the only one who can hear such sweet music? I finally made my way and stopped, for there was no where else for me to go. Is the music inside...? Or is it ontop? I then decided to investigate by using my magic to make me float. I flew up to the top of the building to see what I could find, and it put me at a surprising stop. It was Demona herself.

"Hello, dear child." She grinned evily.