Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ DOOM Group goes to Highschool! ❯ The Official DOOM Group Overview! ( Chapter 6 )
[ P - Pre-Teen ]
Two chapters in one day, I haven't done that since a story I used to have back in another website where I used to have my fanfictions. Anyways, this chapter is different from the other chapters, its more like an overview of what the DOOM Group thinks of the story so far.
Disclaimer: Yu-Gi-Oh does not belong to me, if it did, I don't think it would be a kids show. ^^;;
Dartz: Hello viewers, I am the leader of this group.
Raphael: ^-^ I'm his loyal worker!
Allister & Valon: We're his workers too.
Dartz: Now, the authoress has asked the four of us to give our thoughts on this story, and this is what we'll do. Who want's to go first?
Allister: Ooh, can I?
Dartz: Go ahead!
Allister: As you all know, Seto is my love interest in the story. But is it me, or am I kinda a lovesick puppy for the first two chapters? I've recorded everything I've done throughout the story, I'll show you all what I mean.
Valon: Recorded? More like the chapters are saved onto a computer hard drive and you pick what you've done in the story.
Allister: Shut up! This is my spotlight! Go away! Readers, I am so sorry about that. Now then, let's take a look!:
Allister: Thank you for taking me to the nurse's office Seto!
Seto: It was nothing. You would've gotten in people's way if I left you there on the ground. -sits at his desk-
Allister: Oh.. Okay... -also sits at his desk-
Allister: No offense, but I kinda act like a rejected high-school girl. That's not all either. Here's some more:
Seto: Finally!
Allister: Seto, don't be rude...
Seto: I don't let lowlifes boss me around!
Suddenly, time stopped. And Seto's comment kept registering into Allister's head over and over.
Allister: Seto has said some mean things to me in the show, I don't think I've ever acted like that whenever he said something mean to me.
Valon: Yeah right! When you came back after dueling him in Duelist Kingdom, you were moping around saying how Seto probably will never like you.
Allister: Butt out! This is my part of the fanfiction to give my thoughts! Wait your turn! Readers, please ignore whatever he says. Anyway, back to me being a lovesick puppy!:
Raphael: -_-;; Are you going to go Emo kid on us because of what Seto said?
Dartz: Allister, don't get attached to him! Because the reign of destruction will soon be here!
Allister: Okay...
Allister: I do act kinda sappy after some of the things Seto says. I'm a man, I can handle it.
Valon: What you wear doesn't say you're a man.
Allister: That's it! I gave you a warning!
Please think happy thoughts while Allister deal's with Valon, think of Momiji Sohma from `Fruits Basket' as a cute little bunny!
Allister: Now then, that was only me being a lovesick puppy in chapter One, here is Chapter Two:
Allister: Okay.. Um, so are you going to Duke's party?
Seto: Probably, I need some time to kill since Roland is on vacation.
Allister: ^_^ Maybe we'll see each other there!
Seto: Maybe, maybe not..
Allister: Okay. -his hand starts bleeding more-
Seto: O_O; Allister...
Allister: Hmm?
Seto: -reaches into his pocket and takes out some wrapping bandages and wraps Allister's hand in it-
Allister: -blushes- Thank you.
Allister: I don't blush. Although I don't blame the Authoress! Girls, you would blush too if Seto bandaged your hand up for you. More of me being lovesick:
Valon: Wow Duke, this party is big!
Duke: Yeah well, I know alot of people. Uh.. Allister, are you looking for someone?
Allister: No!
Valon: He's waiting for Seto Kaiba to show up!
Duke: Last I saw him, he was at the food table chowing down all the Doritos.
Allister: I'm gonna go say hi to him! -walks over to food table-
Seto: Hello Allister....
Allister: Hi Seto! ^_^
Valon: That's not being lovesick, that's just saying hi.
Allister: >.< Didn't I hurt you? And besides, read the first part brainiac! Anyway, here is the last of it:
Seto: -kisses Allister on the lips, a light one though- Well, I had better go, see ya at school tomorrow Allister. -walks away-
Allister: -blushing- See you.
Allister: I would probably slap Seto if he kissed me. Anyway, that's the end of my complaining about being a lovesick puppy. Although the Authoress does give me the backbone to be mean back to Seto! Which I'm glad, because Seto like's his men strong, right? Right! Enough about complaining about my reactions to Seto, I also made a list of good and bad things about being in this story! Here they are!:
Because the Authoress decided to make all of us go to Yugi's highschool, I never got to duel Seto for a second time, which meant Seto never held me like a groom carries his bride. But on the up-side, I never got my soul taken away!
I don't get to show off my totally sweet moves on my motorcycle! Nor does it get shown that I drive the helicopter we all own, but we also don't have the risk of getting into a vehicle accident.
I haven't really gotten to show off my dueling skills in this story, that's just not right! But that also mean's I don't have to take a risk of losing a duel, and not to mention my soul.
I also have the plus side of knowing I'll be in every chapter of the story, in the show not only do I get shown off as being a mean evil vengeance king, I'm not even in every episode in Season Five.
Allister: Well, that's all I have to say for now. Your turn Valon!
Valon: It's about time! You always were one for hogging the attention, Allister!
Allister: Watch it, Valon! I could always ask the Authoress to make a yaoi story about us!
Valon: I'll be nice to you! I promise!
Allister: That's what I like to hear!
Valon: Anyway, my first complaint is I'm written as having a dirty mind! Here's proof!:
Allister: Because his stepfather took my mom and brother! I must destroy him!
Valon: Yeah.. When you say destroy, you actually mean-
Valon: Even though it's not actually written what I was gonna say, you just know I was gonna say something dirty. On to more:
Valon: -getting dressed for second day of school- Hey Allister, what do you think Raphael did to Bandit Keith yesterday afternoon?
Allister: I don't know.
Valon: Okay. Heheheh!
Allister: -stares at Valon- I don't want to know what you are thinking about. By the way, didja hear? Mai's funeral is on Sunday.
Valon: You just know that whatever I was thinking, it had to be dirty. That's not even the worst part of it:
Bandit Keith: Well, Raphael dragged me into a room yesterday, and then lectured me about sneaking aboard your helicopter, how it wasn't right and stuff. Then he proceeded to break my arm.. But he cast it up! So it's alright!
Valon: Oh. I thought you and he were-
Valon: That give's you more of an insight of what I was thinking about at the start of Chapter Two.:
Allister: Valon, what should I wear to the party?
Valon: I dunno, why are you asking me?
Allister: Because you know how to dress for these kind of occasions, I don't!
Valon: Well if you want to impress Seto, you could go naked!
Valon: I would only suggest that if Allister were desperate enough to go along with it. That way I could rat him out to Dartz.:
Valon: I wonder how many girls are going to be there?
Allister: -rolls his eyes- is that all you think about?
Valon: Well no. Heheheheh. I think about other things! Like-
Allister: I don't wanna know!
Valon: For the record, I was going to mention Duel monsters. Allister was the one who was making it sound dirty!
Allister: You can prove nothing!
Valon: Yeah right! Anyway readers, that's only the beginning of it!:
Bandit Keith: -from inside classroom- AAAAH! STAY AWAY FROM ME, FREAK!!
Everyone but Valon: o.o;;; Uh-oh..
Valon: Hehe.. I wonder what's going on.
Allister: -glares at Valon- Sometimes your thinking can be so vulgar.
Valon: Hehehehehe...
Valon: In that case, I seem to actually be proud of thinking like some freak pervert. I'm only worse as the story progresses:
Allister: I'm dirty..
Valon: Wow, It's taken you this long to admit?
Allister: NOT LIKE THAT!!!
Valon: If you walk in on him at the right moment, you can hear him say the most-
Allister: Remember how I told you about making the Authoress write a story about us?
Valon: ^^;;; Forget what I just said, readers! Here is about the last of it so far:
Joey: You two should bathe..
Valon: -snickers-
Valon: I know I say the wrong thing sometimes, but I'm not that bad, am I? Now then, another thing to complain about...
Raphael: The list might go on forever, readers. He always finds something to complain about!
Valon: ANOTHER THING TO COMPLAIN ABOUT is how I interact with Yugi. What are we, buddy buddy?
Allister: Either that or she's thinking of another freak pairing.
Valon: I hope not... Anyway, here is an insight of what I detest:
Valon: Um.. Mind if I sit here? There are no other available seats.
Yugi: Go ahead.
Valon: -sits next to Yugi-
Valon: Ewww, I forever have cooties!
Raphael: Stop being such a drama queen and continue with the overview!
Valon: If anyone's a queen, it's Allister! Anyway, that's not all I have.:
Valon: o.0 The pharaoh likes `Soul Caliber'? Neat! Now I have someone to play it with! Wait for me Yugi! -follows Yami-
Valon: I would never follow the stupid Pharaoh! I hate him! Him and his spiky hair!!
Raphael: You're hair is spiky too.
Valon: At least mine is only one color. Y'know what?! I'm getting sick of talking about Yugi, onto the perks of being in this fanfiction instead of the show!:
I don't need to have some sort of feeling for Mai. I don't like chicks who dress like hookers.
Valon: That's about all the perks I can think of. Your turn Raphael!
Raphael: Ahem. I can't complain too much. This story is pretty good. I get to hurt people, namely Bandit Keith. I get to teach math. I don't really have much to say.. Dartz, you're turn.
Dartz: -stops brushing his hair- Now then, as you know, I'm the pretty boy of season 5. But does the Authoress have to harp on it? Geez! I have fans out the wazoo! Here is some proof!:
Fangirl #1: Did you see the new History Teacher?
Fangirl # 2: Oh my god! He is so gorgeous!
Fangirl: #3: I wonder how old he is.
Dartz: -_- I hate fangirls. Not to mention Duke Devlin! Geez, he stares at me all the time! Is he gay or something?:
Dartz: -steps in front of them- Hello students.
Yugi: Hi!
Duke: -stares-
Yugi: -elbows Duke-
Duke: Ow! Hi there
Dartz: -_-;;; I don't mind Duke as much as his constant staring.
Raphael: It's better to take it as a compliment.
Dartz: But it's freaky! Anyway, I am also curious as why the Authoress makes me a Dance Dance Revolution addict.
Joey: No wait, how you gonna go that?!
Dartz: I play this game alot, I know the steps by memory.
Tristan: Either that or he can watch your screen, Joey!
Dartz: -_- to prove my point, I'll also face backwards that way I can show you guys I can do it by heart.
Dartz: See? Addict!
Allister: Is it a bad thing?
Dartz: Well no...
Allister: Then stop complaining!
Dartz: I do however, like how she made me 1337!
Dartz: Alright. Joey?
Joey: Yeah?
Dartz: Pr34p4r3 70 b3 0wnz3d!
Dartz: More of my 1337/\/355:
Dartz: Let him stay over or I shall b347 j00 d0\/\/n w17h m3h 1337 571c|<!
Dartz: ^_^ 1337/\/355 /\/\4|<35 f0r 4 |-|4ppy D4r7z!
Allister: Yeah...
Dartz: Well readers, this has been the official `DOOM Group overview'! We hope you have enjoyed the read, and will continue to read more of our story. Sayonara!