Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Doomsday Rider ❯ Celesta Goes to the Military ( Chapter 1 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Doomsday Rider: Chapter 1

Celesta goes to Military


Italic Text-Celesta's Thoughts

Bold Text: Translation of Celesta's Language


"Now, Bakura, I don't think it's a good idea to put Ryou in a large bucket of water then seal it tight..." Adia held the cordless in one hand and was wiping the counter with a wet towl with the other. "I...suppose... that might be reasonable, but what about air?"

Marik paused at the kitchen door. "Who's on the phone, Adia?" he asked. Adia put a hand ontop of the speaker and replied, "It's Yami Bakura." She said, "He wants to put his lighter half in a bucket filled with water then seal a lid to the top." Adia and Marik shared an apartment because of unbelievably high prices. "Ryou's not a fish, Bakura!" Adia shouted into the phone at Yami Bakura's answer to her previous question. She sweatdropped at Y. Bakura's next idea. "That has got to be the saddest attempt for torturing him I have ever heard...Well, that sounds ok...but...look, why don't you just-WHAT?!" Adia almost dropped the cordless. "ARE YOU CRAZY?! I'D RATHER HAVE YOU HAVING MOCK PITY ON RYOU!" She hung up the phone and put the washcloth back.

"What was Bakura's newest suggestion?" said Marik, with a smirk. Adia groaned and shook her head. "You don't want to know..." Adia seemed especially stressed out. She smiled and picked up the phone.


Celesta, a female Dapple Gray horse grazed quietly with the rest of her herd. She was leader of the herd which lived in a place called Balinor Valley. The valley was a fair distance between Domino and Tokyo. The horses that lived in Balinor were careful not to leave, since there was a military area that were searching for horses to add to their cavalry. Why do I have a feeling there's someone else here? Celesta wondered. It was then she noticed there were no other horses in the area. She looked around. Before she knew what was happening, a bullet hit the ground just infront of her front hoof, and a lasso roped her neck. She neighed and struggled to break free, only to have more lassos pull her to the ground. Military personal forced Celesta onto her feet and pulled her towards the nearby military base.


"WE'RE DOING WHAT?!" Seto's shout was heard by Marik through the phone. Adia's hair blew. Kaiba's scream-air obviously managed to go through go through the cordless. Adia, and even Marik, sweatdropped as Seto cursed through the phone. Adia's eyebrow raised as she returned the phone on her ear. "It's just a short little road trip, Kaiba."

"SHORT?!" Seto shouted. "It starts here in Domino, then to Tokyo, then to Osaga! Next, you said we'd take a plane to America and go to all 50 states!"

Adia sighed. "I guess that's too much...what about seeing 30 of 50?"


"So, are you coming?"


"Ok, me and the gang will pick you up in a couple minutes. Bye!" she hung up the phone. She ran up to the bedroom and packed up everything, including Marik's stuff. She packed her laptop and all her software. She was back downstairs holding two suitcases in less than a split second. "Ready." She said. Marik raised an eyebrow. "Adia, who exactly DID you invite?" he asked. Adia put down the suitcases and pulled a clipboard. "Um...Yugi, Yami, Tea, Joey, Tristan, Ishizu, Bakura (good one), Mai, Tiaa, Seto, and Mokuba...and that's about it."

"Twelve people? Even a van couldn't hold that many people, Adia."

"I know." Adia smiled. "That's why I rented a chain of six motor homes for the trip."



The whole group were at Adia and Marik's apartment building yard. Behind the group were six motor homes `pushed' together in a chain. Adia was holding a clipboard and standing in front of the chain of cars. "Now, I'm dividing you into groups of two and assigning you to the motor home you stay in."

Adia+Marik in home number 1 (Driving side)

Yami+Tiaa in home number 2

Seto+Mai in home number 3

Yugi+Tea in home number 4

Tristan+Bakura in home number 5

Ishizu+Mokuba in number six

"Any arguments?" Adia put the clipboard back. The others shook their heads. Adia smiled. "Good. Now, the motor homes are connected, so you can travel to the front to back if you like. No traveling around past midnight. Me or Marik will be driving. If you want to talk to anyone past travelling limit, you have a telephone in each room with it's own number (O.O). Here are the phone numbers." She handed every other person a srtrip of paper. "Now, onto the `train'!'


After days of walking, Celesta and the military arrived at the training area.

"We got us a wild one!" said an army man. Celesta snorted. I wouldn't be if you wouldn't tug so hard! A blacksmith appeared, holding a pair of scissors. "We'll see how wild this girl is when I'm done with her..." Celesta neighed angrily and bit his hand before he could cut her mane. Nearby cavalry horses chuckled in amusement.

"So, you wanna fight, do ya?" said the blacksmith. He put a muzzle on Celesta's mouth and left, and returned with a scraping knife, he began to clear the dirt out of Celesta's hoof. Celesta wouldn't put up with this. She lifted her back leg and hit th blacksmith in the spine. The cavalry horses nodded in approval.

Having failed and cleaning out her hooves and cutting her mane, the blacksmith tied her to a pole and appeared with burned steel in the shapes of JC (Japan Cavalry). He was about to burn it to her side, when Celesta jerked herself out of the bag on her muzzle.

"Oh no." said the blacksmith.

Celesta headbutted him, knocking him unconcious. The general smiled. "Take the Dapple Gray to the coral. It's time for this horse's spirit to be broken."


Where Adia and the others were at the time, it was almost eleven at night. Adia was the one driving at the moment. Marik looked at the sky. "Adia, I think we ought to park somewhere and get a rest. Adia yawned and nodded. "I guess you're right." She picked up the speaker (is this a big motor home or a bus?). "Attention people! We are going to find a parking a space so we all can get a break!" she put the speaker back and parked at a...park. Adia and Marik walked into the room just behind the driver area. Adia sat down on her bed. "Since I drove ALL DAY today, you're driving tomorrow, Marik."



The next morning found Adia in the room and Marik in the driver's seat. "So," said Adia, "you're sure you don't want me to take over Marik?"

"I'm fine." Said Marik flatly.

"If you say so..." Adia raised an eyebrow. She turned on the radio where an announcment was announced. "If you are interested in a horse-riding challenge, go to the Japan Military! We have a female Dapple Gray