Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Double Identity ❯ The Last Pretournament Chapter ( Chapter 9 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

(Meira: Lol… I'm on chapter nine already? … I've gotta write less…

Anyway… I'm going to take a `short' break on writing… so the chapters won't be coming up every day now. Just once in a while… at most seven chapters a week. Hehe…

I still have to read about… a thousand episode guides, since janime.net is no longer helpful… since they posted up stuff in some weird language like French or something… *runs and hides from French people*

Oh yeah… I'm going to change a lot. So, it won't be necessarily following the actual facts in the show [also because the manga past Duelist Kingdom hasn't come out in America yet…]

Disclaimer: I don't own Yu-Gi-Oh, Kai Hiwatari, Dranzer, Saéka, or Riruka.

I'm gonna shut up now.)

~~Saéka's POV~~

I looked around, and saw Yugi talking to Téa. I never knew what he saw in her… she was so annoying. I mean… she was nice and all… just `unintentionally' cruel.

"-And so does the spirit of the Millennium Puzzle," Yugi said. It looked like he needed some advice… but why was he turning to Téa?

"Sure, but what can I do?" Téa asked.

"Just talk to him," Yugi replied. "You always have great advice." … As if.

"Uh… okay, I guess," Téa replied.

"Ten o' clock, Domino Station," Yugi yelled, running off. "Thanks, Téa!"

"No problem," I heard her mutter. Hm… I'd actually better be getting off. I had a "Reasons to Kill Kai" list to add to. (Why? Let's just say he said that if I didn't make it over on the High Jump in gym today, I was a turtle. Ha. Well, I tried to show him… didn't make it over. I was too furious. Well, he didn't make it over either, but he still acted all smug about me not making it over… Hey, it was five foot two…)


The next morning, I decided to go out and take an early morning walk. But the fact that it was nine thirty in the morning didn't help much. Well, I could always go out there and walk anyway… but seriously. Don't they call it an early morning walk because you're supposed to take it in the morning? I think that nine thirty doesn't qualify… but who cares?


About half an hour later, I walked past Domino Station. I noticed Yugi racing toward it. What the-? Oh yeah… he was going to meet Téa here. I glanced over at the place. Téa was standing up front, looking like she was going on a date. Then again, so did Yugi. Was Yugi really, seriously interested in Téa?

"Ready or not, spirit," I heard Yugi say. I glanced over. He was standing a few feet away from Téa. "This is where you take over."

I was pretty sure I felt something… somehow. I mean, it was like my soul was shifting. This was pretty strange, that was for sure. I glanced back over at Yugi. In his place though, I saw Yami.

"Hey- Yugi! I can't- you can't-" Yami yelled at the puzzle. That must have been a strange sight for anyone… to see someone yelling at himself. "This isn't a duel!" What had Yugi gotten Yami into this time? Oh well… time for me to move on. I couldn't stand here looking like an idiot. Besides, I had agreed to duel Kai today. He said he needed practice… I said he needed a tutor.

"Hello," I heard Yami say, raising up his hand in greeting. I bet that he was blushing inside… he just put on that nonchalant look. Hehe… what else would you expect from a spirit?


I raced into the arcade about an hour later. Kai was waiting at the entrance, impatiently tapping his foot.

"So you finally decided to show up," Kai said, smirking. "And it's about… what, a whole half hour late? Wow… that's a record for sure."

"I'm not that late," I scoffed. "Compared to last time."

"Yeah," he smirked. "You left me waiting at the movies… for about two hours?"

"I got the show time wrong," I said sheepishly.

"Let's go in," he said, smiling at me. What was that freakish look on his face? Idiot. Probably thinking of another way to torture me. Some friend he was.

Was it him who took my Dragon?

~~Kai's POV~~

I knew that I was stupid to make fun of Saéka when she didn't make it over the high jump yesterday… but she didn't seem too mad.

Since she started school, Saéka and I had been constantly torturing each other. Me putting a fake spider into her lunchbox, her jamming my locker with gum. Little does she know that I found out her locker combination… but I'm pretty sure she knows mine. (I know that because on Monday, somebody had switched all my posters and CDs for makeup and hair clips and all that girly stuff. Who else would also spray paint the inside of it pink and white?)

For some strange reason, when I broke into her locker yesterday afternoon, I found a duel monsters card called the `Winged Dragon of Ra.' There was some strange text on it… it actually looked pretty powerful. It was a phoenix too… I'd decided to keep it. I was sure that she wouldn't mind.

"Kai," Saéka said suddenly, turning toward me, her hands on her hips.

"What?" I asked, smiling innocently at her.

"You wouldn't happen to know the whereabouts of a duel monsters card called the Winged Dragon of Ra, have you?" she asked, squinting her eyes as if she was trying to see right through me.

Gulp. How did she know it was me? But she did ask me…

"Nope," I lied, hoping she would buy it.

"Hand it over," she fumed, holding out her hand.

"I didn't take it," I said, smirking.

"I don't care if you took it or not," she said, sounding serious all of a sudden. "Hand it over now."

"Why?" I asked, pulling it out. "You know I love phoenixes…"

"I DON'T CARE!" she stormed. "HAND OVER RIGHT NOW!"

"Why?" I smirked, though I was frightened already. Saéka never acted like this unless it was important. "I could use this card to defeat you in a duel."

"You can't control it," she said icily, snatching the card from me. I didn't dodge fast enough. She had her dragon back.

But why did she act like that?

~~Yugi's POV~~

I sat in my soul room, watching Yami and Téa hang out. It was nice and all… but I wondered if I did the right thing.

Actually… for some strange reason… I was thinking about Saéka right now. There was something about her… something that I couldn't quite understand. It was like… we were somehow linked. Like we could understand how each other were feeling.

Like… earlier this week, Saéka was yelling at Kai because he had stuffed her locker full of lingerie. [Meira: Don't ask… I had to think of something… and I couldn't think of anything else that would piss Saéka off.] Well, she aimed her lunchbox at Kai, he accidentally kicked her, and she crashed into the wall. I'd felt a pain in my leg, then in my back and arm… it seemed to be where Kai had kicked Saéka, and where she had crashed into the wall.

I didn't understand any of this at the time… I thought that Joey had poked me or something.

But what was the meaning of this… connection?

~~Saéka's POV~~

I couldn't believe that Kai had stolen Ra… didn't he know that he couldn't control Ra? Even I couldn't… let alone him.


"Whoa!" I said, looking at the card in my hands. The Winged Dragon of Ra. I'd never seen a more powerful card in my life! What was it… one of three Egyptian God cards? Didn't they… like belong to the Pharaoh 5,000 years ago? But Pegasus had made them into cards… and I had the strongest one! What was the Pharaoh's name… Yami? He had a lost name too… but what was that?

Well… being fourteen wasn't easy. Being in Egypt was nice… but why did Aunt Diana send me here? Well… some good came out of it. I got an incredible card!

[Meira: NOTE!!! THIS IS A FLASHBACK!!! Saéka is sixteen in this story. Hehe… randomness…]

"Excuse me," a voice said behind me. I turned to see a purple robed guy with some weird eye on the hood. It looked like either the eye of Horus or the eye of Ra. He looked like he was holding some sort of a golden rod with the same eye symbol on it.

"What?" I asked, glancing at him. He was a strange looking guy… with pale hair and lavender eyes. He sounded Egyptian… but then why was he so pale?

"You have something of mine," he growled, glancing at the God card in my hand.

"Excuse me?" I asked, putting the card into my deck. "I got this card from some person… Ishizu or something."

"My sister?" he laughed. "She's always trying to get the god cards… since Pegasus gave them to her to protect."

"Well… she gave one to me," I said, offended.

"Hand it over!" the guy snarled, lunging for my deck. I dodged out of the way. What the hell?

"Who are you?" I asked, frightened.

"Remember my name," he said, his eyes staring almost hungrily at my deck. "Marik."

"What the hell?" I asked. I had to get away… this Marik guy was seriously creeping me out. So I ran. Somebody grabbed my shoulder. I turned to see a tall, dark guy with some strange markings on his face, wearing the same robe as Marik.

"Odion," Marik said. "Take Ra, now!"

"No!" I screamed. "HELP!" I struggled against this… Odion. I had to get away…

Finally, I kicked Odion. He released me, holding his leg, where I had kicked him. I started to run.

"Remember!" Marik shouted. "I will kill you the next time we meet. Mark my words!"

~~End Flashback~~

I remember Yugi saying that a guy wearing a purple hooded robe had taken his puzzle the day that he had been in the fire. With the Millennium symbol on it. I knew the Millennium symbol was that weird eye thing that Marik and Odion had on their robes.

What was up with that?

"Hello?" Kai asked, waving his hand in front of my face. I turned to face him. "Sorry about taking that card," he said sheepishly. "I guess I… just got carried away."

"It's okay…" I replied, realizing my mistake. "I guess I overreacted."

"Hey!" Kai said, looking over my shoulder. "There's somebody at that DDR game over there!"

I looked over to see Riruka there… and it looked like she was winning too.

"I bet I can beat her," I scoffed. Ha. I was an expert at DDR back home.

"I'd like to see you try," a voice sneered. I turned to see Riruka looking over at me. Clearly she had heard me… and beaten her opponent.

"Fine," I said, climbing up to the platform. She was going down.

"Begin!" the voice over the speaker said. I started stepping.

"You're going to lose for sure!" Riruka yelled, sneering at me.

"As if!" I scoffed.

Well… the game lasted for a long time... and it was just after the first two rounds. She'd won one and I'd won one. I had to admit that she was good… better than anyone that I'd ever faced before.

"Final round," Riruka said, smiling at me. Hold on… was she smiling at me? I shook my head. I'd probably just been seeing things.

"Begin!" the voice shouted.

The game lasted pretty long… longer than I'd expected. DDR in Japan is definitely longer than DDR in America…

I actually ended up winning! This surprised me… since Riruka was really good.

As I stepped down, Riruka held out her hand to me.

"Good game," she said. "You're the first person to ever beat me."

"And you're not bad yourself," I replied. "How else would I have such a hard time beating you?"

We both laughed. Ever since that day… Riruka and I have been good friends. Surprising… Even Kai didn't see that coming.


I walked back into the hotel, Riruka and Kai with me.

"Hold on," I said to them. "I have to check to see if I have any mail." They both nodded. It was actually strange to see Kai and Riruka in the same room together without Riruka trying to score with Kai… maybe she had gotten over him.

I walked over to the counter and asked for my mail. I had gotten a letter, actually, for once in my life. I glanced at it. It was anonymous.

"What's that?" Riruka asked, peering over my shoulder.

"I'm not sure," I said, tearing it open. The letter said something about at tournament, allowing only the elite duelists of the world to enter. It would be held in Domino… and the tournament was being announced tonight! "I'm invited to a tournament!" I squealed. Riruka and I jumped up and down. Kai death glared us. Clearly he hated this girly girl thing.

Typical Kai.

~~Yugi's POV~~

I looked around at the people standing in Domino. Apparently this tournament was going to be announced… and I had no clue what this was all about.

After meeting Ishizu at the Domino Museum… I'd thought that it was strange. How did she know that an invitation to this tournament was at my home, just waiting for me?

But Yami was in charge of my body right now… so all I could do was sit in my soul room and watch through his eyes.

"Yugi!" a voice called.

"Oh joy," Téa remarked sarcastically. "It's Mai Valentine."

"I know you guys missed me," she said, flinging her arm around Téa.

"You're looking snazzy Téa," Mai said to her. "Is this a date?"

"We're just friends Mai," Téa replied. Téa and I both sweatdropped.

"Uh huh…" Mai replied, smirking.

"I suppose you've come here for the tournament also?" Yami asked her. [Meira: It's that really retarded face he used when he actually says that in the show… hey… anyone remember the face he used when Téa was talking to Johnny Steps right before they were playing DDR? {when the camera was going through the crowd?} That look was priceless!!! Yami: … I should never have used that look… now Meira's going to be making fun of me for a long, long time. Meira: Yup. ^-^]

"But of course," Mai replied, letting go of Téa.

I didn't listen to what they were talking about next… I'd noticed Saéka off to one side, talking to Kai and Riruka. Possibly they'd gotten invitations also. Well, I was pretty sure that Saéka had. Wasn't she North American champion or something like that?

My thoughts were interrupted by an evil sounding laugh. [Meira: Remember, Bakura {the tomb robber} transferred some of his own spirit into a piece of the Millennium Puzzle the day that Yugi was in that fire.] What the-?

I glanced back toward Saéka. Clearly Yami didn't notice… he was Pharaoh. And he'd saved the world 5,000 years ago?

I thought I heard Saéka's voice run through my mind.

"So… this tournament is going to be great… I just hope that creep… Ma-" Saéka said.

I shook my head. Wait… Saéka was too far to actually hear. And it sounded like she was talking to Kai and Riruka, because they looked grave, listening to her talk.

Was there a possibility that I could hear her thoughts?

"Greetings, duelists," a voice said. I turned my attention away from Saéka to see Kaiba on the giant television. Ugh. "And welcome to the town of Domino," he continued.

~~Saéka's POV~~

Battle City had officially started. So Kaiba was the one hosting this tournament… and the loser had to hand the winner his rarest card. That would count as the Winged Dragon of Ra, right? For heaven's sake… I didn't even know how to use the thing! One thing was for sure… this was going to be one tough tournament.

And I intended to win it.

(Meira: *eye twitch* Téa's ruining the theme of this Yu-Gi-Oh episode… Who wants to see her in that slutty outfit and dancing? She just had to ruin the arcade DDR game… And she had to give another friendship speech… Wouldn't it be nice if she just moved and cut herself out of the show and manga? *runs and hides from Téa fans*

Yami: …

Meira: How do you stand her?

Yami: Me? Well… now I stay away from her as much as possible, and when I can't avoid her… I ignore her.

Meira: But you were on a date with her in this chapter… and you agreed to meet her in the final episode of season three. Téa ruined that episode too… by running up to you and shouting "Yoo hoo! Yugi! Over here! Yugi!"

Yami: That scared me…

Meira: It better have. Now can you get me the Soul of the Pharaoh?

Yami: The booster pack, right?

Meira: Yeah. [If you don't understand… look at chapter one of Daughter of the Nile {one of my crappier stories… I gave up on my only good idea because somebody else used it before I could… I'm pretty sure someone used my idea for that story before I could...} The ending commentary at the bottom as a part about the Soul of the Pharaoh.]

DBQ: What is the Scientific Revolution? How did it change our worldview?

Yami: Didn't you get that from Social Studies today?

Meira: Shut up…

Yami: It doesn't pertain to this story though…

Meira: I guess you're right… new DBQ.

DBQ: Let's pretend that you're Yugi for a minute. [Not the idiot Yami… Yami: I resent that! Meira: So?] You're trying to help out Yami… but would you ask Téa or Saéka for advice? Why? Or would you decide not to ask anybody for help and work it out on your own? Why so? Debate the pros and cons of each side… I know I have.

Does anyone know the significance of Yugi crying all the time during his duel with Joey? Is it just to show emotion and the friendship bond? And isn't Yugi sixteen years old? [How depressing… Wait… Yugi's giving his puzzle to Joey and standing up to Yami… GO YUGI!]

And anyways… the tournament's starting next chapter. Hehe…

P.S. Today's the Moon Festival [Chinese holiday,] so I can't update anymore for a while. And add the fact that this chapter took over five hours to write… well… let's just say that it's going to be a while until I finish chapter ten.

Another reason is that I have the IMEA thing to practice for… and I didn't even bring my clarinet home today. How stupid of me…

And there! I made up for the long commentary with a long chapter! Hehe…

See you all next time I post!)