Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Double Identity ❯ Please... Help Me ( Chapter 17 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

(Meira: *furious*

Yami: *sigh* What now?

Meira: THEY CHANGED AMELDA'S NAME TO ALLISTER… or something like that…

Yami: Probably did it so they wouldn't scare the little kiddies.

Meira: But they still made him a cross-dresser, and don't you think that you scare the little kiddies enough?

Yami: Nope. I'm their idol!

Meira: What kind of a person has an idol that has eyebrows that point straight downward and talks in speeches/takes half an hour to end his turn?

Yami: … Those kids who watch Yu-Gi-Oh. Why, am I not your idol?

Meira: Are you kidding me? My idol is definitely not you!

Yami: *offended*

Meira: *sigh* I don't own Yu-Gi-Oh, Saéka Mizuki, Riruka Takahashi, or Kai Hiwatari. There. I did the disclaimer.

Yami: *pouts* No fair…

Meira: ^-^

Mind Link:

Yugi to Yami - < >

Yami to Yugi - << >>

// Thoughts //)

~~Saéka's POV~~

Did I just say that I was Leila? What the hell?

"Poor Saéka," I laughed. "It is only too bad that she had to be my reincarnation. That she had to find out bits and pieces of my past. That she had to realize who I was when she visited her Soul Room."

That was it. I couldn't believe that I had been so blind. That voice that had been speaking to me… it was Leila.

She was now using my body to do what she wanted.

She'd possessed me.

"What have you done with her?" Kai asked through gritted teeth, his fists clenched.

"Nothing," Leila answered. "As compared to what I'm about to do to you."

"Kai, Saéka!" I heard somebody yell. Leila and Kai swiveled around to see Yugi, Joey, Téa, and Tristan running up near us.

"We've been looking all over for you guys!" Téa yelled, running up.

"Teana," Leila smirked. "And I see Jono as well."

"What is she talking about?" Tristan asked, dumbfounded.

"Who's Teana and Jono?" Yugi asked, glancing at me. Leila laughed.

"And the Pharaoh as well," she smirked, eyeing Yugi's puzzle. "It has been quite some time since I last saw the puzzle. But I do not think that he remembers that."

~~Yugi's POV ~~

I gasped. Nobody really knew about the puzzle. Saéka knew, I had told her. But how did she know that Yami was the Pharaoh?

"Hey Yug'," Joey whispered, nudging Yugi. "You have any clue what she's talking about?"

"No," I answered. "I don't…"

<<Yugi, do you know who she is?>>

<Isn't that Saéka?>

<<I don't think so… I feel a dark force within her.>>

<You mean… like in that mind slave, Slade?>

<<Yes. I do not think that that is Saéka at all.>>
"Who are you?" I yelled, interrupting Téa, who was trying to say something to `Saéka.'

"Yugi," Téa scolded. "She'll think you're crazy!"

I ignored her. "Tell me!" I shouted, seeing her smirk. "And what have you done with Saéka?"

`Saéka' laughed. "It seems that little Yugi has quite the temper," she smirked. "You are quite similar to the Pharaoh. And also to my brother."

Everybody looked at `Saéka' like she was crazy. Her smile only grew wider.

"It has been so long since I have last seen the Pharaoh," she smirked. "I am guessing, around five thousand years."

I heard Yami gasp.

"Saéka?" Téa asked, waving her hand in front of `Saéka's' face. "You okay?"

`Saéka' shoved Téa aside. Luckily, Joey caught her, otherwise she would have crashed into a lamp post.

"Saéka!" Joey shouted. "What the hell is wrong with you?"

"She's not Saéka," Kai muttered, his fists still clenched. He was seething in anger.

"Come again?" Joey asked.

"She's not Saéka!" Kai yelled, lifting up his head. His eyes were burning with anger, clearly ready to kill the next person that contradicted him.

"Is that true?" Tristan asked, glancing toward `Saéka,' who was still smirking.

"I am afraid it is," she said, not bothering to conceal the amusement in her voice. "Saéka and I look quite similar, do we not?" `Saéka' looked toward me. "Of course, the shadows would agree."

"Who are you?" I yelled, hoping for some answers. Who was this?

<<Yugi, that sounded familiar.>>

<Who are you?>

<<No… the shadows would agree. I feel like I've heard it somewhere before…>>


<<And it's also strange… I also feel like I've heard people speak without contractions before…>>

<Maybe in your past.>


"Let me see the Pharaoh first," `Saéka' smirked.

Yami and I switched.

~~Yami's POV~~

"I'm here," I said through gritted teeth. "Now tell me, what have you done with Saéka?"

"Nothing," `Saéka' smirked. "She is still here."

"Who are you?" I growled.

"Her name is Leila!" Kai yelled. Leila… why did that name sound familiar to me?

"You fool!" Leila shrieked. She grabbed Kai's arm and twisted it behind his back so he couldn't move.

"Let him go!" I yelled, raising my hand. "MIND CRUSH!"

I expected her to crumple to the ground, but instead she merely laughed.

"You have not changed at all," she smirked. "You are still the same…"

"Yet you have changed," I seethed. Hopefully she would release Kai.

"Of course," Leila laughed, raising an eyebrow. "You said the same thing five thousand years ago. You thought that I was your friend, a trustworthy and reliable advisor. You even tried to make me a `High Priestess,' a position that you had promised to give to Teana."

"Er… Yug'?" Joey asked. "When you do dat `Mind Crush' thing… isn't deir mind supposed to be sent to da Shadow Realm?"

"I thought so," I replied. "But she seems to be… different."

"Of course," Leila said. "You do not remember… I could stand up to all sorts of magic. You could not defeat me with magic alone."

She laughed a maniacal laugh. We all stared at her like she had gone insane. She released Kai.

"Pharaoh," she continued. "It is time to finish what I started five thousand years ago!" And odd, steely glint appeared in her eye. "It is time to duel!"

"Fine by me," I replied, activating his duel disk.

"I start off by summoning the Dark Elf (2000/800) in attack mode!" Leila began. "Then I place two cards face down." She smirked. "Your move, Pharaoh."

"Fine," I replied. "I play Gama, the Magnet Warrior (1500/1800) in defense mode, and I also place two cards face down."

"Hmph…" Leila laughed. "Your little Magnet Warrior is nothing. It is a shame… it seems like you have lost your dueling ability over the years."

"I assure you," I growled. "I have not."

"Oh?" Leila mocked. "Then let us see how you fare against this!" She smiled. "I lay one card face down. And next, I play the magic card, Graceful Charity! This card allows me to draw three cards, and discard two."

"I was expecting a far better duel from you," I sneered. "But it seems like you've only disappointed me. I know sacrifice my Magnet Warrior, to bring out this," I called. "Summoned Skull! (2500/1200)"

Leila laughed. "You think that ugly skull of yours can stop me?" she asked. "After all… I crushed him in our last duel."

"What?" I asked, shocked.

"You obviously do not remember, do you?" Leila asked, raising her eyebrows. "We dueled before. You were lucky before. I assure you, I will win this time!" She placed down a card. "You are lucky that I have only played my weakest monsters so far. Saéka has done such a nice job putting together a deck of light monsters, but I have no use for light." She smirked.

"Especially my light."

"What do you mean?" I asked, shocked.

"I play Monster Reborn!" Leila shouted. "To bring back the Magician of Black Chaos to the field!" [Meira: I do not know whether that is a real card or not. GLTB told me about it, but it has to be ritual summoned. I'm not familiar with Ritual cards, so I'm just going to keep it this way… it's easier on me and this story.]

"What?" I gasped.

"Now!" Leila shouted. "Drain the power of the shadows surrounding us, and use that power to increase your own!"

All of us watched in horror as the shadows from buildings, people, everything… jumped up and was somehow… absorbed… into her Magician.

"Feel the wrath of my Kaa!" Leila screamed, laughing her head off with maniacal laughter.

~~Yugi's POV~~

I was sure that we were done for. There was no way that we could defeat Leila. She was too powerful… both inside and outside of this duel. Her monsters seemed to be deriving power from the shadows themselves.

And she said that she had just brought out her weakest monsters.

<<Yugi… this is getting too dangerous.>>

<We have to keep on going! It's the only way to defeat this evil freak!>

<<Her monster is much too powerful… I don't think that it really is possible to defeat it.>>


There was no way that we could give up now… there was so much at stake.

Yami, my friends… somehow the whole world.

But this situation was hopeless. There was no way that we could win at this rate…

But I heard a voice flit through my mind.


<Who's there?>

<<What was that?>>

<I thought I heard somebody calling my name.>

<<I didn't hear anything.>>

I was sure that I had just imagined that voice, when I heard it again.

//Help me… please help me…//

(Meira: *furious*

Yami: *exasperated* What is it this time?

Meira: They killed Yami, Tristan, Grandpa, Joey, and Kaiba's voice in the first episode of Yu-Gi-Oh! The Heart of the Cards indeed…


Meira: *exasperated* You mean that you didn't know, despite the fact that you were… like… in that episode?

Yami: … I was in the Japanese version. I don't know what they did in the English version…

Meira: Oh… but to tell you the truth, you didn't even really have a voice… it was Yugi's voice speaking the entire time.

Yami: WHAT?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?! ?!?!?!?!?!

Meira: -_-` Well… they do change it…

Yami: Good.

Meira: Reviews welcome!

Yami: *glares at flamers*

Meira: … Oh… and I am going to write a Fic about Leila (Anisa's ) life. So all the times that I left you guys hanging, I will make up for that! Does anybody want me to write that fic? If you do… just say so in a review. Otherwise I'll put off writing it… for about… a long time… or until I actually am done with all my other Fics… But I can start that one as soon as I finish Double Identity.

Yami: *signs review* Start! I wanna know what happened in the duel between me and Leila five thousand years ago!

Meira: You don't count. I'm gonna leave the decision to whether or not I write that fic up to the readers.

Yami: No fair…)