Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Double Identity ❯ New Identity ( Chapter 22 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

(Meira: Okay, I know I said that I was going to take a break from writing this story, but I just had to pick up from where I left off!

Yami: Yeah, she had nothing else to do, since she got tired of working on her Spanish Homework.

Meira: Shut up…

Yami: Yup. It's true. This authoress hates doing her Spanish homework!

Meira: Who doesn't?

Yami: And then her mind's on the sequel-

Meira: SHUT UP!!!

Yami: … Meira doesn't own Yu-Gi-Oh, Kai Hiwatari, Saéka Mizuki, or Riruka Takahashi. She is, however, working on a lot of other things, like rewriting her other Fics.

Meira: SHUT UP!!!)

~~Saéka's POV~~

"Leila?" Lucas asked. "That's a nice name."

"Thank you," I said, smiling sweetly at him.

"What's a pretty girl like you sitting here all alone?" he asked, resting his arm on the table. "Not waiting for your boyfriend, are you?"

I giggled the flirtiest, ditziest, most girlish giggle that I could come up with.

"No, silly!" I replied, giving him a flirty smile. "I'm sitting here waiting for guys like you to come along."

He laughed.

"In that case," he smiled, leaning over toward me. "Why don't we meet up tonight, around eight o' clock?"

I giggled. "Why not?"

"You have a number?"

"728-958-7415," I replied, giving him my cell number.

Lucas pressed the number into his cell and got up.

"Where're you going?" I asked, trying to sound as sweet as possible.

"I've got stuff to do," he replied, smiling at me. "Call you later, babe."

I watched as he walked away, before I pulled out my cell phone.

I scrolled down the menu until I got to the `Change Voice Mail Message' icon.

I put on a sweet, flirty voice.

"Hi, this is Leila. I'm not here right now, but please leave me a message along with your name, number, and if you're a guy, whether you're hot or not! Call you later, bye!"

I snapped my cell shut.

I smiled ruefully to myself.

My plan was working perfectly.


I opened up my cell to check my Voice Mail. Well… I had three new messages, that was probably a good sign.

Great… Kai and Riruka had both called. Why couldn't I have just gotten a new cell phone? Kaiba would have most definitely given me a new one if I said that it was relevant to this case…

I went and checked Riruka's message. "Erm… I think I have the wrong number… Sorry about that!"

Well, that went well. I listened to Kai's message. "What the-? Erm… wrong number…"

I smiled as I dialed his number.

"Hello?" Kai asked when he picked up his phone.

"Kai!" I laughed.



"Erm… what was with that message on your phone?" he asked, sounding confused.

"Prank," I replied shortly.

"Anyways…" Kai said. "I called you to see if you wanted to see a movie tonight, around eight o' clock?"

"Sorry," I replied. "I already have plans."

"Really?" he asked. I ignored the hurt in his voice.

"I met this guy, and he asked me to go out with him, around eight o' clock tonight."


"See you later!" I laughed, hanging up.

Damn… I had sounded so cold to Kai.

But now wasn't the time to worry about him.

I listened to my last voice message.

"Hey, babe, this is Lucas. I thought that we could meet at the Domino Café tonight at about eight o' clock. Call me back soon."

I smiled coldly. Good. Kaiba should be happy about this.

I looked in my closet.

Okay… I needed to find something that would match the new character that I was playing. Nothing in my closet really… well… suited her.

I had five hours to go shopping.


"Damnit…" I muttered, flipping through the racks at the mall. I really couldn't believe that I was doing this.

"Try this," Kaiba said gruffly, tossing me a dress.

"Fine," I snapped, heading toward the fitting rooms.

I couldn't believe that I had convinced Kaiba to actually come along, and pay for the clothes.

That's what he deserved for dragging me into this.

I stared at the dress and shuddered.

Low cut, tight fitting, red satin, it definitely didn't suit me.

The sacrifices that I would make to get something done…

I came out of the fitting room.

"I'll take this one along with the rest of them," I said coldly to Kaiba. "And remember, you're paying."

He glared at me. "You're spending a lot of my money, you know."

"Just like you're wasting my free time on this case!" I snapped.

He was carrying a load of bags, all filled with clothes to suit my new character.

I smiled.

Seeing Kaiba like this… maybe taking up this case was worth it.


I sat down on my bed, tapping my foot impatiently. Ten minutes to eight. Lucas should be arriving any minute now…

I looked around my room.

It was neat… I had stuffed everything that I had just bought into the closet.

Well… I had some time to kill. Why not check my makeup, again?

I stared into my reflection in the mirror.

Kaiba was so dead.


"Stay here," one of the men who had grabbed me on the street said. "Mr. Kaiba will be with you shortly.

I tore off my blindfold. "SETO KAIBA?"

They were already out of the room.

I waited impatiently. Why was Kaiba doing this? Why did he bring me here?

"Saéka," a voice said coldly, appearing in the other side of the room.

I turned in that direction.

"Kaiba," I replied. "Why did you bring me here?"

"To tell you something," he replied.

"What?" I snapped.

"There was a murder while you were… unconscious in the hospital."


"Your friend, Kai, was the person who found the body."

"What?" I gasped.

"Police believe that he was the one who killed that man, especially since all evidence points toward your friend."


"I took up this case because it was my job, and I decided that you should help me in this case, since this is your friend."

"What does this have to do with me?" I asked, furious.

"Because there's the trial in three weeks. You only have until then to solve this case."

"And if I don't?" I smirked. "Or, I don't take this case at all?"

"Then your friend will most likely be convicted and executed."

He smirked, seeing the expression on my face.

"What do you want me to do?" I asked, my voice shaking. If he was telling the truth, then who knew what really might happen?

"I want you to meet with your friend, today. Report back to me right after."

Kaiba walked out of the room.

My hand shaking, I pulled out my cell phone.

I dialed Kai's number.

"Hello?" he asked.

"Kai," I said, putting on a falsely cheerful voice. "Can we meet up today? At the Domino Café, in about ten minutes?"

~~End Flashback~~

Kaiba had told me that Lucas was another suspect, though the police didn't know that.

He was one of the only other choices.

And I was stuck investigating him.

The phone rang.

I leaned over and picked it up.


"Leila?" the voice asked.

"Lucas!" I said, putting on a flirty voice.

"I'm waiting for you here in the lobby," he said. "Won't you come down now?"

"Be right there!" I giggled, hanging up.

I got up off the bed. Damn… I forgot to get out of this room, and register as Leila instead. Well, I just had to do that later.

I had a date with Lucas.

I pressed the down button on the elevator, and waited for the car to come up to my floor.

"Saéka?" a voice asked behind me. I turned to see one of my neighbors who lived on the same floor.

"I'm sorry, you must be mistaken," I laughed. "My name is Leila. I'm Saéka's cousin."

"I could swear," the man muttered. "You two look exactly alike."

"Really?" I asked, attempting to look surprised. "Nobody's ever said that."

The elevator door opened.

"Ta," I said, putting on a girlish voice.

A minute later, I stepped out of the elevator.

"Lucas," I said, walking up to him.

"Leila," he smiled, gazing at my figure. "You look great."

"As do you," I giggled.


"What do you want to eat?" Lucas asked.

We were sitting at the Domino Café, looking over our menus.

"Um, I'll take a salad," I said, smiling sweetly. If I had to act like this, I might as well eat that way too.

Lucas smiled. "On a diet?"

"Not really," I replied. "Just watching my figure."

Lucas laughed.

"So," I asked, once the waitress left our table. "What are you into?"

"I'm planning to be a cop," he smiled. "Either that or a lifeguard."

"Really?" I asked, cringing inwardly. "That sounds so awesome!"

"What do you plan on doing?"

I was on the verge of telling him that I wanted to be a journalist or an archeologist, but I stopped myself in time.

"Possibly an actress or a model," I smiled. "What else is there for a girl like me to do?"

Lucas laughed.

"So," I smiled. "Mind taking me to your place after dinner?"

He looked a little surprised at this comment. He quickly got over it though.

"Why not?" he asked, seduction creeping into his voice.

"Excuse me," I said, getting up from my seat.

I went inside the washroom, and breathed a sigh of relief.

Never… in my life… did I ever have to do that.

That was terrible… horrible… and I never wanted to do that ever again…

Who knew that being a detective could be so difficult?


"This is it," Lucas said, unlocking his door.

I stepped inside. It was… a nice house.

No traces of a criminal anywhere.

"I forgot to ask you," Lucas said, turning toward me. "How old are you, anyway?"

"Eighteen," I lied, hiding the truth with a seductive smile.

Ra… I hated this.

"Come to my room," he said, leading me there.

"Mind if I use the washroom first?" I asked.

"No problem," he laughed. "Right over there."

I walked into it.

There wasn't anything suspicious…

I shut the door.

Quietly, I opened the medicine cabinet.

Just the usual there, razors, toothbrushes, toothpaste.

"You done in there?" Lucas called.

"Nearly," I called back.

I took another look around. Still nothing suspicious.

I took a look around.

Something caught my eye.

There was a tiny streak of dried blood at the bottom of the sink. Strange…

I opened my purse and took out a small plastic bag, and scraped a little of the blood into it.

"Lucas?" I asked, coming into the room.

"Yeah?" he asked, turning around.

"I have to go meet a friend. She's having trouble finding a date, and I promised to go to a bar with her."

Lucas looked disappointed, but quickly regained his composure.

"Come by anytime."

I walked out of his apartment, and breathed a sigh of relief.

Now that I had that over with…


I stepped into Kaiba's office.

"Did you find anything?" he asked, looking up at me.

"This," I said, holding up the plastic bag. "I found some dried blood."

"Are you sure that he just didn't cut himself with a razor or something?" Kaiba asked suspiciously.

"It was at the bottom of his sink," I said, impatient. "If you cut yourself, how would your blood get to the bottom?" [Meira: By this I mean, like one of those older sinks, the ones without a cabinet underneath. The kind you would find in like… a supermarket or something.]

Kaiba nodded in agreement.


"What are the results?" I asked, leaning over at the lab table, where they were testing the blood.

"I told you, we're not done testing yet!" the guy said, obviously annoyed.

"Well, hurry up!" I said, annoyed.


Everybody glared at me.

"All right, I'll take the call outside," I muttered.

I walked outside and picked up the phone.



"Lucas!" I said, putting on a slightly woozy voice, in addition to the girlish one.

"You been drinking?"

"A little," I giggled. "But what could a few shots of Everclear do to you?"

Lucas laughed. "How about this, I take you drinking tomorrow night. Then I'll show you what a few shots of Everclear can do."

"Okay," I giggled. "Bye now."


I hung up.

Did I just tell him that I had been drinking? Damnit…

I went back inside the lab.

"You have the results yet?" I asked.

"Yes," the man answered.


"The DNA of this blood sample matches the DNA of the victim."

(Yami: *voice dangerous* What did you do to Saéka?

Meira: It was all part of the plot!

Yami: I understand that she's trying to save Kai, but why did you have to make her… ooc?

Meira: It was crucial to the plot.

Yami: …

Meira: Hello?! She's working as a detective here!

Yami: …

Meira: I know there was fluff in this chapter that's not really relevant to the story, I just felt like putting it in.

Yami: Just like you always do.

Meira: … Okay, now people, please review!

Yami: Any flames and Meira will discontinue this story. And this isn't a joke!

Meira: Exactly.)