Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Dreams Are Real ❯ Chapter 2
Disclaimer: All Yu-Gi-Oh characters belong to their rightful owner, in which I have no clue whom. Any made up characters belong to me. This fic has Yaoi; you have been warned.
Parings: Yami/Yugi; Bakura/Ryou; Malik/Ishtar; Joey/Seto
Dreams Are Real
By Death Angel
Chapter 2
Months later, Yugi had forgotten the truth about everything that had happen when he was in high school, even his love for Yami. He hardly wears the Millennium Puzzle any more, only as a good luck charm when tests come around. It was soon Spring Break and Yugi didn't feel like going home. One day there was a nock on his door. Yugi opened it up and nearly die of shock to see not only Bakura, but also two of him! "You okay, Yugi?" Ryou asked concern as he glances over at his aibou, Bakura, who was a little bit surprised and confused.
"T-There two of you!" Yugi said surprised.
Bakura blinks. "Of course there is," he said, "You of all people should know that." He looks around the room. "Where's Yami?" he asked.
Yugi just sat down at the edge of the bed confused and scared out of his mind. Bakura and Ryou looked at each other every confused. "Is something wrong, Yugi?" Ryou asked.
"YES!" Yugi said as he looked at them "There are TWO of you, that's not right!"
"Dang," Bakura started "What's wrong with ya?"
Yugi berried his head in his hands. It's all just a dream! He thinks This CAN'T be real!
//You keep him busy, Ryou, I'll go into Yami's soul room and see what's going on.//
/Right./ As Bakura disappeared from the room, Ryou step towards Yugi. "Okay Yugi," he started "the other `me' is gone now."
Yugi looked up and smiled. "Hey Bakura," he said with a smile.
Oh may, Ryou thought something IS wrong with Yugi.
Bakura walked down the hall that leads to the two soul rooms. Bakura stopped at Yami's soul room door and nock on it. "Pharaoh are you in there?" he called out. Sure Bakura really didn't like Yami that much, but something told him something was not right. When no one answered, Bakura grabbed the door and opened it fast. He stopped dead in his tracks when he saw the Dark Magician sanding in front of him in attack mode. Dammit, Yami, he thought you just HAD to have the Dark Magician out. He then notice the room was quite small, sure he had never, before now, been in Yami's soul room, but he had a feeling it suppose to be lager then this. Then he spies something from the corner of his eye. Huh? He turns his head quickly to see what it was. His eyes widen when he saw Yami sitting in the corner of dark room with this distant, sad look in his eyes. Around him the floor was littered with Duel Monster cards. Bakura then realized what was really going on. Oh no. He thought. Just as he was about run towards Yami he caught out the corner of his eye, the Dark Magician getting ready to attack him. Fuck! Bakura realized now was not the time get to Yami with the Dark Magician getting ready to attack him. He retreated out of room and back into his in his Millennium Ring.
Ryou was surprised in the answer Yugi gave him when he asked about Yami. "What do you mean it was a dream and Yami's not real?" he asked, "How can you think such things Yugi?"
"It's just stupid to believe in such childish dreams." Yugi replied.
"But Yugi…" Ryou started when he felt Bakura going back into his soul room. /Bakura, what's going on?/
//Yami left his Dark Magician out of it's card and it almost attack me.//
/Didn't he try and stop it?/
//He couldn't.//
/What? What do you mean?/
//I'll explain once we get home.//
"Bakura," Yugi started as he waved a hand in front of Ryou's face "You okay?"
"I-I'm sorry Yugi," Ryou started "But I better get back. We'll talk later, okay."
"Okay, see you later, Bakura." Yugi said with a smile as Ryou left the room.
Later in Ryou's place, Ryou looked up at his aibou's face in confusion. "Sooo…" he started "You were going to tell me why Yami didn't try to stop his Dark Magician from attacking you?"
Bakura sighed. "He doesn't have the strength or the energy to stop it."
"I don't get it." Ryou said more confused "All Yamis, even you are powerful. You just don't…"
"We can," Bakura interrupted his light "if the constant love we get from our aibous are cut off. You see it the love you have for me that keep me strong, the same does for the Pharaoh…. Until now that is…."
Ryou slowly nodded. "I think I understand." He said, "Since Yugi cut him off…"
"Yami haven't get the constant love he needs in a long time." Bakura finished.
"What can we do to help Yami and Yugi?" Ryou asked.
"Call Ishtar, Iris, and Shadi over here." Bakura started "Oh and tell Ishtar to bring Malik."
"Okay if you say so." Ryou said and picked up the phone and started to call numbers.