Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Even The Best-Laid Plans... ❯ ...Can Go Astray ( One-Shot )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Me: This is my entry for DemonandGoddess' fanfiction contest- three days late. >_<


Me: I know, I know- YO SOY PEREZOSA!!!! T_T

Kaiba: -_-0 Erm- right- she doesn't own the series *edges slowly away from me*


Yugi Moto sat in front of a computer. He couldn't believe what he was about to do. He was the last person who you'd expect to try something like this. But that was before. Before Yugi had been forced to adapt to his rapidly shifting life- the life he half wished he could go back to now. Only it was too late to go back.
The change hadn't come overnight, of course. As with all changes, there was a story behind it. Yugi thought back, trying to grasp the beginning. Ah yes.
It had started nearly two months ago, when Yami and Anzu had officially began dating. Yugi, obviously, was crushed. He had been in love with Tea for several years, after all. So he began searching for things to distract his mind from the sting of defeat. And so he stumbled across the Internet. Yugi was quickly drawn to writing forums, for some reason. Now hardly an evening passed without the spike-headed youth posting poetry on his favorite websites, or discussing it and other literary topics in various forums. Yugi was surprised at the poetry he could create when he put his heart into it.
In his searching, Yugi also uncovered a somewhat unsettling realization. With Anzu gone, Yugi suddenly lost interest in girls. And so he made a slow and startling discovery.
He was gay. Or bisexual at the least. Whatever the reason, Yugi became attracted to boys- one boy, in fact. And the 'who' shocked him even more than the 'why'. It was none other than Seto Kaiba, multibillionare and CEO of Japan's number one gaming corporation. It seemed as though the brown hair and blue eyes combo captivated Yugi as much as ever.
At first, Yugi tried to deny it. But the more he shoved the truth aside, the harder it shoved back, until Yugi found his thoughts constantly revolving around the brunette. It was driving him crazy. Yugi had so much emotional stress bottled up inside him that it was only a matter of time before he broke down. He needed an outlet, and there was only one solution- confront Kaiba.
But that really would be crazy. No way Yugi could just say how he felt out loud. The only way would be to talk to Kaiba without him knowing who Yugi was, and there was no way Yugi could manage that. Or was there?
It was all so clear- the Internet. For all it's resources, the Information Superhighway couldn't even tell you who you were communicating with at all times. And so the cyberstalking began. Yugi started off by sending emails to Kaiba, emails that would generally be classified as spam. Hardly worth worrying about. Then slowly, almost teasingly, Yugi added in specific references. References to 'blue eyes' or 'a cold disposition', until there was no mistaking that these emails were meant just for Kaiba. Of course, Yugi made an email address for the sole purpose of sending the messages: MysteryMage@hotmail.com. That way, even if Kaiba knew Yugi's regular address, the emails couldn't be traced back to him.
But how could they be traced to him? Who would ever suspect that Yugi Moto, the short, innocent 9th grader, was secretly the stalker of the richest teen in Japan? No one, that's who. Because when Yugi entered cyberspace, he became an entirely different person. Since no one knew him and he didn't know them, he wasn't afraid to speak out. The Internet had transformed Yugi entirely, made him secure as an unknown identity. Here he was strong. Here he had power. Nothing could possibly change that.
Nervous as he was, Yugi couldn't help but smile as he remembered the last email he had sent to Kaiba. It had been just yesterday...
I would expect that you are anxious to know more about me. Well, why not? I assume you have AIM. Make sure you are signed in at 10:00 tomorrow night. I will start an exchange with you, where I will answer any questions you might have about me. Until tomorrow night, koi.
Not at all what anyone would expect from Yugi. But then again, Yugi had become a completely different person.
10:00. It was time. Yugi took a deep breath and clicked on the AIM icon at the top of his screen. He signed in using Yami's screenname, CrimsonEyez. After a moment, he was logged in. He quickly did a search for users with Kaiba's email address. One name came up: Blue_Dragon_Master. Yugi grinned. It was Kaiba, and he was logged in. Yugi pressed the IM button and typed in his message.
CrimsonEyez: Hello, Kaiba.
Almost immediately, text appeared in the pop-up window.
Blue_Dragon_Master: Is this the bastard who's been emailing me for the last month?
Yugi's smile widened as he typed his reply. All his previous anxiety had gone. The change had taken place. Here in the digital world, he would challenge anyone.
CrimsonEyez: Hai. It is me, your Internet lover.
Blue_Dragon_Master: More like Internet stalker.
CrimsonEyez: Stalker is such a lowly generalization. I prefer the term 'genius predator'.
Blue_Dragon_Master: Yeah? I prefer the term 'deranged freak'.
CrimsonEyez: Surely you didn't come here just to insult me?
Blue_Dragon_Master: You think I want to waste my time with that? I came for details.
CrimsonEyez: Details? On what?
Blue_Dragon_Master: What do you think? On you! Who are you, anyway?
Yugi paused, debating. He had expected this question. Of course, he couldn't tell Kaiba who he was. Time for some fun. Yugi flexed his fingers. He got a rare privelege- the chance to string Kaiba along a little bit.
CrimsonEyez: True. I did promise to answer your questions.
Blue_Dragon_Master: Damn right you did.
CrimsonEyez: But I don't think it would be any fun at all to just give you my answers.
Blue_Dragon_Master: Meaning what?
CrimsonEyez: You may not know this, but I am a poet. So I will give you a poet's answer. You have never seen my true face, yet we meet nearly every day. I cannot reach you. Likewise, to you I am but a shadow of one you know.
Blue_Dragon_Master: To me, you are but an irritating bug I'd like to step on. I should have known you'd make this difficult.
CrimsonEyez: Any more questions?
Blue_Dragon_Master: What do you think, wiseass? Of course. Do I know you?
CrimsonEyez: I told you, we meet nearly every day.
Blue_Dragon_Master: Nearly. Which generally means during the weekdays. So you must either go to my school, or you work for my company. Which one?
CrimsonEyez: Very perceptive. And good try, but you said it yourself that I was going to make things difficult for you.
Blue_Dragon_Master: Fine then. How did you get my email address?
Yugi paused again. What to say? He had actually snuck into the school records and looked at Kaiba's student file. But obviously he couldn't say that. Finally he decided on an answer.
CrimsonEyez: I took it upon myself to do some research. And no, I will not elaborate on that.
Blue_Dragon_Master: You don't need to. So, you go to my school. Are you in my class?
What? Yugi was stunned. Recovering, he hurridly typed a reply.
CrimsonEyez: How are you sure I go to your school?
Blue_Dragon_Master: Simple. Everyone I work with already has access to my email address. So they wouldn't have to do any "research" to get it.
Yugi took a deep breath and let it out in a soft hiss. He couldn't give Kaiba too much information, or the CEO would figure him out.
CrimsonEyez: Very clever. It seems even the most innocent question can be a trap with you.
Blue_Dragon_Master: Answer the class question.
CrimsonEyez: Class? In beauty, you are in a class of your own.
Blue_Dragon_Master: You know what I mean!
CrimsonEyez: As they say: Once bitten, twice shy.
Yugi decided to play it safe. Kaiba was the one in the dark here, the one ensnared. Yugi was the one who held all the cards, the one to watch out for. He was in control here.
Wasn't he?
Listen to yourself, Yugi thought mockingly. You're pathetic. Of course he was in control. In cyberspace, he was fearless. This was his territory, and Kaiba was an intruder.
Shaking off his doubts, Yugi pondered what to do next. Finally he decided to give a decipherable answer only when he could get away with it. Yugi had all the information Kaiba wanted, and he wasn't about to just give that power up. Clearly he had the upper hand, and he intended to keep it that way. Suddenly a new line of text appeared onscreen.
Blue_Dragon_Master: I get it. You're scared.
Yugi gritted his teeth.
CrimsonEyez: Of what?
Blue_Dragon_Master: Of me finding you out. That's why you're avoiding my questions.
Always one step ahead, aren't you, Kaiba.
CrimsonEyez: And why would I be afraid of that?
Blue_Dragon_Master: You tell me.
Yugi sat silently. Could he honestly tell Kaiba the answer to that question? His conciousness told him no, but part of him ached to release his feelings. He had started this whole mess to relieve his emotional tension, hadn't he? Maybe his poet's brain was speaking for him now. Yugi smiled. Poet's brain.
CrimsonEyez: I fear what anyone else like me would fear.
Blue_Dragon_Master: And what's that?
CrimsonEyez: Rejection.
Blue_Dragon_Master: Rejection because of what?
CrimsonEyez: Because of who I am.
Blue_Dragon_Master: And who are you?
CrimsonEyez: Are we back to this question again?
Blue_Dragon_Master: If you don't stop avoiding my questions, I swear I'll hunt you down and kill you. Give me one reason why I'd turn you down.
One reason? In a heartbeat, Yugi could think of it.
CrimsonEyez: I'm a boy.
There was a long pause- and for once, Yugi wasn't the one pausing. He stifled a tiny laugh as he imagined the look on Kaiba's face. Come to think of it, he never had told the older boy his gender.
Blue_Dragon_Master: A boy?
CrimsonEyez: Yes.
Blue_Dragon_Master: Well then. That makes things easier.
Yugi frowned slightly. What was that supposed to mean?
CrimsonEyez: You seem confident. Should I be worried?
Blue_Dragon_Master: Should you be? All I know is that I'm pretty sure I can guess who you are with one question.
Yugi started. It was a bluff. It had to be. Kaiba was trying to trick him into something.
CrimsonEyez: Oh? One question?
Blue_Dragon_Master: One question.
CrimsonEyez: Go ahead then.
Blue_Dragon_Master: What am I to you?
This was the question? Yugi smiled sadly. Poor Kaiba. He was so assured, and his confidence was about to be flattened. No one, not even Yami, could possibly recognize Yugi for who he was. Not with the answer he was about to give.
CrimsonEyez: To me? To me, you are unreachable, shut off not only by your own indifference to the world, but by our past encounters. You stand alone, and I stand unstable, crying to you for the solace I know you'll never give. With my own heart already broken, I seek comfort in yours, only to find it encased in stone.
The words were flowing unchecked now. Yugi typed feverishly, siphoning his soul into the text, just like with his poetry.
CrimsonEyez: I'm silently shattering, and I know you'll never care. But I can't help myself, so I pursue you in my sadness. You're the only one who can heal me, who can fix what I've become. You could mend me with a kiss, but I know that'll never happen. You're a specter, my blue-eyed fantasy, haunting me in my every thought. And I reach and reach, but all for what? I know I'll never touch you.
Yugi stopped himself and pushed the 'Send' button. Let's see what you figure out from this, Kaiba, he thought almost bitterly.
"Well? Who am I know?" he said aloud to the empty room. The seconds passed. One minute, then two...
I knew it, Yugi thought. Not even Kaiba can figure me out now. What have I become? He was about to sign off when he heard the doorbell ring from downstairs.
Yugi's heart began thumping involuntarily. Stop it! he thought fiercely. It's not him. How could it be?
But what if it is? part of him whispered almost fearfully.
I just won't answer it, Yugi decided. Whoever it is, they'll leave soon enough. The bell rang again. There was a brief silence. Then there came the unmistakable sound of the shop door opening and closing, accompanied by the traditional tinkling bell.
Yugi cursed. Why wasn't it locked?! All his senses seemed to snao back and he flew out of his room and down the hall. Taking the steps two at a time, Yugi raced past the kitchen door, through the storeroom, and into the shop area. He stopped dead. Standing at the counter was Seto Kaiba.
Yugi's first impulse was to turn and bolt, but Kaiba was faster. IN one swift movement, the teen vaulted over the counter and side-stepped past Yugi, blocking the smaller boy's path. Yugi was trapped. With no other options, he stared at the floor. His face was scarlet and he knew it.
Kaiba was silent for a moment. Then he spoke. "Losing Anzu has really messed you up, hasn't it?"
Yugi ignored him, his mind reeling. This wasn't how it had supposed to turn out. Yugi wasn't sure what he had been expecting, but it wasn't this. He had been outsmarted at his own game and now here he was, cornered and humiliated. Where had he gone wrong?
"Say something." Kaiba's voice cut through Yugi's jumbled thoughts like a whip, and it stung like one too.
How did he know? How did he know? "How did you know?" Yugi mumbled stupidly, still not looking up.
"Actually, I guessed. Sort of." Kaiba sighed. "Your last answer really clued me in, although I had a hell of a time decoding it. I only knew one person who'd be heartbroken or desperate enough to try something as insane as this." His voice echoed traces of amusement.
Yugi's heart plummeted. Kaiba was laughing at him. Yugi had so much feeling for the CEO, and Kaiba just saw him as a joke. I really am desperate, he thought miserably. I've been chasing a dream, pretending to be something I''m not, and now I've been slapped in the face by the reality that Kaiba will never return my feelings. But did reality have to be so cruel?
Yugi couldn't take it. He cried. One bitter, solitary tear, burning with despair and embarrasment, slipped from beneath his lowered lashes and fell to the linoleum. A shuddering breath escaped Yugi's mouth as he willed himself not to sob. He had never felt so sick and alone.
There was a groan. Taking a chance, Yugi glanced up through watery eyes to see Kaiba massaging his temples. He looked down at the younger boy, clearly frustrated. "Whatever this is you're going through, you need to snap out of it." Yugi lowered his gaze once more, squeezing his eyes shut, trying desperately to disappear into his own fractured heart. Two more tears made stains down his cheeks. Leave me alone, he screamed silently. But Kaiba's next words changed everything.
"And I'm the only one who can make you do that, right? You said it yourself." Yugi stayed silent. What did he mean? "Look at me, dammit." Kaiba's voice was tense, but soft. Yugi didn't respond. Suddenly, a hand cupped his chin and forced his face upwards. Yugi's violet eyes locked onto Kaiba's icy blue ones.
"What I mean is I think I know what's going on here." Kaiba stopped. He seemed to be resigning himself to something. "I remember you saying I could heal you... with a kiss?"
Yugi blinked. Kaiba's face was inches from his. He could feel the other boy's warm breath on his skin. In the split second before it happened, Yugi realized.
And then Kaiba's mouth was pressed against his. Yugi's head was spinning, his chest was bursting. Lost in a rush of passion, his only desire was to intensify the moment. His small tongue flicked against Kaiba's lips as he strained to deepen the kiss, but Kaiba abrubptly pulled away. Yugi stood on shaky legs, staring at his longtime rival. For some reason he found it difficult to breathe.
Kaiba stared back, his face flushed, seemingly at a loss for words. "Yugi-" He broke off and shook his head as if to clear it. "I can't do this," he said, his voice barely above a whisper. He started to walk past Yugi.
"No!" Yugi grabbed Kaiba's arm, the longing he felt reflected in his eyes. "Please," he gasped, trying to collect his thoughts. Kaiba attempted to pry the smaller boy off of himself, but Yugi clutched harder. When they had kissed, Yugi had felt some of his tension explode in a wave of desire through his body. He had no doubt that if Kaiba left now, the rest of his stress would take over and leave him senseless. He wanted, no, he needed this more than anything else in the world, no matter what Kaiba felt. "I- I know you don't- but it's helping," he panted, struggling to make Kaiba understand.
Kaiba hesitated, then slowly leaned down and their mouths met once more. Yugi brushed his tongue eagerly across Kaiba's lips, and this time the brunette didn't break away. Yugi held on, pouring his being into the oral embrace that no poetry could ever describe. All the passion that he had stored up came rising up, releasing itself in a sweet burst of heat that consumed him. Yugi knew that Kaiba was only doing this for him, that the other boy would never truly love him, but somehow he didn't seem to care. All that mattered was what they had now.
So he held on, knowing that he was tasting a fantasy, and he meant to savor every second of it.


Me: My first serious yaoi fic! ^^ I'm so excited! *runs in circles*



Me: Your point is?

Kaiba: But
but ARGH!

Marik: *pointing at Kaiba* Ha HA!

Kaiba: XP

Me: Sorry DaG! I know it's late! My fault, my fault! U_U Please review peopleses!