Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Every Single Shipping: Everyone needs love ❯ Abandonshipping ( Chapter 1 )
[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Abandonshipping (Gozaburo* x Noa x Mokuba)
*Seto's daddy….(I hate this guy!)
He will be very OOC only because I can't really see it any other way…….
“Good Morning!” yelled Mokuba excitedly from the top of the stairs, dressed in his flannel sheep print pajamas. Stretching his arms above his head so his belly button was barely visible.
“Go back to sleep.” Stated Noa coolly, from his comfortable place in one of the many gold and red, plush armchairs that were in the sitting area close to the stairs. Mokuba couldn't see Noa from his vantage point, but knew he was curled up in the chair, with him robe on and those fuzzy light blue slippers that Mokuba had gotten him this last Christmas.
“Now, now you two.” Stated a low but warm (*gag*) voice from the swinging kitchen door. “Now get your nose out of Hamlet and help me set the table Noa.”
“Why me?” the colder boy grumbled as he stretched his short legs to reach the floor, slightly showing his ducky boxers, as the fuzzy shippers made a slight sound on the floor.
“Because Mokuba just woke up, and you're closer anyways.” The mustache replied.
Mokuba snickered behind him hand from the top of the staircase. It was kind of strange having his old `Dad' around again, even stranger, having Noa to keep the company of, and strangest of all, not having his brother around. No more of the soft, constant sounds of typeing coming from his study, when Mokuba would seek out of bed. No more ever blinking answering machines, with a warm red light waiting for him when he got home from school.
Now he had people. People's voices making up the background music for his sound track life, bothering him when he did home work, never going away, but never really there, always talking but not to him it seemed. He almost would have preferred quite. At least his brother would listen. Sometimes. Mokuba had thought he was getting along good with his brother, they started talking more, and Seto would call him, and leave him a message every day. Not now. Now people would be waiting for his arrival home…….Noa started talking more, it seemed like everything was on the up and up.
It had been half a year sense Seto had disappeared, and abandoned him and Noa. Two weeks of living alone till he showed up. Now after all of that they were still developing a route, something that gave them all comfort. Mokuba was still lost without his brother, but Noa was there, so it couldn't be that bad.
Now each where they stood, so closer and yet so far from the other two, had his own reasons from being here.
Mokuba, even with Noa there, missed his brother dearly and was hoping Gozaburo could fill some for that longing for family, even though Noa was family he wasn't there like Seto, but then again Gozaburo wasn't either. All Mokuba wanted now was to try to forget how much it hurt to be abandoned, make a new family and move on.
For Noa it was different. He was always the outsider. The only thing he could do was gain. Mokuba meant so much to him, and now this `father' had come around. Noa wasn't quite sure how to feel. Only thing he knew was he wasn't alnoe anymore, and he wasn't about to rock the boat.
Gozaguro was happy as could be. He had two sons to train up, to make perfict. Only this time he wouldn't be stupid, that's right, this time he'd make them even more loyal. Make sure they really Idolized him. This time he wouldn't drive as hard, he'd let them drive themselves to satisfy him, to make him happy, compete with each other. All he had to do was care a little, and he was a good actor. (sorry I can't think of him as really nice, he's only out for himself you know?)
So this is where we find them, putting peaces back together and making ends with what they could find, taking what they had lost making it into something found. No matter what lay ahead the boys would make it work, they would!
This is where love lays. Be it false or true, to a lonely heart its always welcome.
I'd like to thank you in advanced for your patience….if you have any…….
…….I don't even like this one, it's an out line, when I have time I'll make a real story out of it…..or not…lol
If you hate it please flame, if you love it let me know, and if you have any ideas for up coming shippings let me know.