Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Fake Identity II- Obsessions ❯ Abiding ( Chapter 5 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

(What happened last time)

(Sandra opened the first drawer, that's when she noticed the different types of men's boxers, some cotton, some silk, some with pictures and some without. Her eyes widen in excitement when she put two and two together, these were Seto's boxers.

She placed the PJ's back in the drawer, but just before she closed the, she grabbed one pair of Seto's boxers, they had a toon BEWD on the side of them, she quickly stuffed it in her shirt just before Serenity walked back into the room. Sandra quickly came up with an excuse to leave.

"Uhh...Serenity...uhh....would you like some coffee?"

Serenity smiled at her innocently as she nodded her head,

"Yes I would love some"

Sandra left the room in a hurry, even if she might get lost right now,it was better then being caught with your employers boxers down your shirt by his wife.)












Kaiba typed furiously on his lab top, his company made a huge jump in the market for the good side, rates where rising and competition was falling even more, but unfortunately that always came with a price.


Yes, Kaiba was being drown in papers and documents everywhere which probably meant that he would be in a bad mood by the end of the day. Not to mention the dinner Serenity planned with her brother.

Now that was something he couldn't stand, it was hard enough talking on the phone with him, let alone eating with him



"Kaiba speaking" Seto answered the phone,

"Hey Kaiba my sista there?" that blond's voice echoed through the phone, Kaiba gave a disgusted sigh then called to Serenity. After he focus on the person on the other end of the phone.

"She'll be here in a second" Kaiba's voice sounded annoyed

"Thanks.....so whatcha doin?...." you tell Joey was trying to start a conversation with Kaiba, like that would work.

"Listening to annoying Mutt's" Kaiba replied coldly,

"Grrr....Kaiba ya jerk, just try and say that to my face..."

"I have and yet I'm still waiting for a reaction" Kaiba scowled

"Why ya...." Joey was quickly cut off

"Serenity's here" Kaiba handed the phone to Serenity and then left back to his office, since then Joey had never phoned back.


(~How am I going to survive tonight~) Kaiba leaned on his desk, annoyed, tried, confused, and down right angry, not the best time to walk in on him.

*Knock* *Knock*

"What is it?" Kaiba said trying to keep his anger down,

"Mr. Kaiba, Mr. Fediyna is on the phone, he wants to make sure that you won't blow off the business meeting today"

"Why would I need him to check up on me, I have a company to run, I don't have time for this"

The secretary saw that he was in a bad mood, but as long as she's been working here, she had been through worst.

"I'm sorry Mr. Kaiba but that was your excuse last time, he told me to tell you that he will be waiting at that new restaurant that was build, you are to meet him there"


"I don't know, but you must be there or he's canceling the deal"

Kaiba slumped back in his chair, and sighed in defeat, he was just to busy to complain anymore, now that he had a business, a mansion to keep care of, workers to pay, a wife to care for plus a brother, and a child on the way he had no more time to complain, now he just took life as it came at him.

(~I need a vacation~)


Sandra came back with a cup of coffee and an empty shirt for Serenity, she found her making the bed, I guess she was a good house cleaner.

"Serenity, I brought your coffee" Serenity turned to face her,

"Thank you, I'll probably need it, it's going to be a busy day" she took a sip as she started for the door.

"May I ask what's happening today?" Sandra asked following her,

"My brother and his wife our joining us for dinner tonight, and Seto's not to thrilled with the idea, but at least Mokuba is, I haven't seen my brother in a while since Seto never really got along with him"

(~Why would Seto marry into a family he can't stand?~) Sandra thought as she followed Serenity trying to get more information.

"Can I ask, why Seto hates your brother?"

"He doesn't really hate him, he just can't stand him for very long, Joey was always the type to talk before thinking and that always got him in trouble, and usually his cocky attitude was towards Seto"

"How can he hate your brother but....love you?"

"Ha, Seto use to hate me as well, we could hardly stand each other at first"

"Then how did you guys...well you know...fall for each other?" Sandra followed close to Serenity she needed to hear this explanation.

"Well it's a LONG story" Serenity started putting her shoes on by the front door,

"Where are you going?" Sandra asked,

"I have a baby course I go to everyday now since I'm not experienced in being a mother" Serenity waited for Sandra to grab her shoes before she lock up the mansion, even though the maids and butlers were there she still felt safe locking the door.

"So are you going to tell me your story?" Sandra urged,

"Are you sure you want to here it?" Serenity asked, she didn't really find it fun going through all the detail on her little run in with Kaiba and how she worked for him as a substitute wife and such,

"Yes, I want to hear everything"


"Stupid Kaiba....thinks he knows everything....I'll show him"

Joey was working the tills at the dog pound, they say he got promoted from dog scrubber to cashier, if there's any difference, the customers were usually rude to him and he couldn't stand the sweet talk all the woman owner gave their new pet, he felt sorry for them, the dog that is.

He was leaning lazily on the counter, business was slow today not many people had time for pets anymore, therefore business was slow. He kept thinking of the horrible night he will have over at the 'Kaiba's', the only reason that he was going was because of Serenity, and the fact that he was going to be an uncle, but that was it!!!!

(~Well one way or another I have to try and get along, even though he is a pain, he's a jerk, and he's a...~)

"Excuse me, I would like to adopt a dog"

Joey was snapped back to reality by the sounds of a customer,

(~O well, I leave me day dreaming for tonight, so I won't have to keep Kaiba occupied~)


Serenity walked through the front door of the Kaiba mansion, her class was only an hour today, but Serenity and Sandra went shopping for a the rest of the day, which didn't give Serenity enough time to prepare for tonight, which meant having the first aid aviable for anything Joey and Kaiba literately throw at each other.

"That's about it, that's how Kaiba and I came to know each other, even though it wasn't the best situations"

Sandra wandered into the mansion, shocked at all she had heard, how Kaiba used her, which she liked, how Kaiba made her cry, which she liked, How Kaiba beat her brother, which she liked, and how they fell in love, which she hated.

"You guys must of had some run in" Sandra stated,

"Yeah, but I remember all the trouble I went through, but in the end I'm happy I went through it all"

(~She's not deserving of him, shouldn't have Kaiba picked someone that was one of his biggest fans, instead of a woman that hated him?~)

Serenity looked to the large clock to her right, she noticed it was 4:00pm and dinner was to start at 5:00pm (~Great~)

"Um...Sandra...would you mind helping out in the kitchen for a bit....while I help with the table setup?"

"I would be happy too, but you shouldn't do these things, your a Kaiba, and plus your pregnant, we wouldn't want anything to happen to that little bundle of joy" Sandra cringed inwardly at how sweet she had to be, even when she meant harm to the child rather than protection.

"Well I guess, I could relax, but I hate not helping out" Serenity tried to pick from the two choices she had,

"Don't worry, I get these things done, go a rest for tonight" Sandra waved Serenity up the stairs.

Serenity shrugged it off and continued up the stairs, but to tell you the truth she wasn't even tired, she decided to go check up on Mokuba. She wandered to the youths room, she opened the door and slide herself quietly into the room, to surprise him.

Mokuba was having a panic attack, for some reason he couldn't get what the question was asking from him, and on top of that, he didn't even get the formula that went with the question.

Serenity went up to Mokuba and placed a reassuring hand on his shoulder, he looked up in shock, but what took Serenity by surprise that he was so stressed from the point of tears.

"What's wrong Mokuba?" Serenity asked concerned,

"It's this stupid math question, were doing Slope formula's in school and I don't get it"

Serenity pulled up a seat next to Mokuba and looked at the problem,

"Mokuba do you now how to use the formula Slope= rise/run?"

"No, I don't get any of it, why did I have to be the stupid one of the family, Seto's so good at everything he does" Mokuba whined,

"Your not stupid, everyone has something they have trouble with, even Seto"

"Yeah right, he so smart, he probably could do this problem in ten seconds flat"

"Just because he's good at school work doesn't mean he's good at everything, remember you told me Seto had trouble with his pride, that's something that he's not good at"

"But he has that under control now"

"No true, he still has a problem with his pride, have you seen him *still* throw a fit when ever you mention Joey to him"

Serenity got a chuckle out of Mokuba, she had finally had helped someone today, but what got her is that she sounded like a mother.

"Ok let's see what we can do with this homework of yours"


Joey arrived home around 4:30pm, to have Mai waiting for him, she was in a nice skirt the just fell passed her knees, and a beautiful white dress shirt to go with it, she had sparkles that coded her hair, making her look like an angle in Joey's eyes.

"Are you sure you don't want to stay in tonight, I bet we would have more fun" Joey teased,

"Joseph, your going to Kaiba's even if I had to drag you there"

"Ok...Ok...just let me get dressed into something less wrinkled"

(~Even though by the end of the day it will probably be more then wrinkled~) Joey thought as he went to change.

Joey changed into a sleeveless Black shirt, with black jeans to match, he combed his hair, if you want to call it combed it still looked like the same old Joey Wheeler.

After looking over himself he approved himself, but that didn't mean Mai would, he walked out of his bedroom to meet Mai in the kitchen, she was on the phone which sounded like Serenity.

"Ok will be there soon" Mai hung up the phone and turned to Joey, her eyes looked him up and down, with a smile, that was her sexy husband.

"Maybe we should stay in" Mai joked,

"Could we?"


Joey gave a grudge as he grabbed his coat along with Mai's,

"What did Serenity say?" Joey asked

"Well she said we could come now, but Kaiba hasn't come home yet"

"He's probably ditching" Joey grumbled


Serenity hung the phone up just as Seto walked through the door, Serenity could tell that he was tired but at least he made it home alive, and he did have a victorious smile on his face.

"Hey there, how's my dragon?" Serenity giggled as Seto dropped his briefcase and kicked off his shoes.

"I'm tired, but satisfied with the day's work I got done today"

"Well I hope your ready for tonight, Mai and Joey are on their way" Serenity smiled as Seto's smile went to a frown.

"Right them" Seto scowled, he made his way to his room

"Please Seto be nice tonight"

"It's hard, you expect me to have a civil conversation with that Mutt...I mean your brother"

"Yes I do" Serenity said sternly, Kaiba went to his room and shut the door.

Serenity sighed and went to check on Sandra, she went along the hallway, she peered in on Mokuba that finally got the hang of his homework, he was gelling his hair, she smiled and continued down to the kitchen.

"Sandra how's everything" Serenity asked going around the corner to see Sandra placing the last dish on the table.

"How's that?" Sandra asked

"Beautiful, but where are you going to sit?"

"I didn't think I would sit with your family"

"No you must sit with us, your practically family"

(~I plan to be~) Sandra thought placing another plate close to the CEO'S plate. Sandra was snapped back to reality when the sound of the door bell rang.

Serenity went to grab the door to be meet with Seto at the bottom, in a nice white shirt with black pants.

"Come on Seto say hello at least" Serenity saw the dirty look Kaiba gave her before he followed her to the door.

(~Didn't we have a butler to do that?~) Seto thought as he followed Serenity,

Serenity opened the door, Mai walked through she gave Serenity a light hug and smiled towards Kaiba

"Hello" Mai greeted,

"Hey Mai...uh...where's Joey?"

"He's coming, he's just complaining all the way up the sidewalk" They heard a chuckle from Kaiba.

Joey walked in with the best smile he could muster up, he hugged his sister as soon as he saw her.

"Hey Seren...how's it goin?"

"Fine, come in"

Joey walked in and sudden locked glares with Kaiba, who just glared back at him more coldly.

"Kaiba" Joey grumbled

"Mutt" Kaiba grumbled

"Seto!" Serenity warned

"Joey!!" Mai warned

"Sandra" Sandra peeked around the corner and smiled, hearing the complaining.

"Oh I forgot, Mai, Joey this is Sandra my personal maid, Seto decided to hire her for me"

Mai smiled at her as Joey didn't agree with anything Kaiba hired,

"Hey guys" Mai and Joey looked up to see Mokuba running down the stairs

"Hey Mokuba" Joey greeted as Mokuba ran up to him

"Come dinner is ready" Sandra smiled, Joey was the first to follow Sandra, food sounded good to Joey right now, he was soon followed by Mokuba, Serenity and Mai than last Kaiba.


After dinner the group sat around the living room, as Mai and Serenity got into a huge conversation about the coming baby, Seto and Joey just stared at each other, they never talked just glared.

"Seto, could you look over my homework to make sure I did it right" Mokuba sensed the heat between the two men so he decided to get Kaiba away from Joey.

"It seems you and Mr.Kaiba hate each other" Joey looked to his side, Sandra sat next to him smiling at him.

"How did you guess" Joey said sarcastic

"I had my ways, but yet, Mr.Kaiba seems to love your sister very much"

"Yeah" Joey said less then interested.

"Would you miss her if she died?" Joey looked to her in shock, now he knew why he didn't trust anyone working for Kaiba.


(There you go)


(NEXT CHAPTER: What will Joey's response be to Sandra's question, and what will Seto do when Serenity get mysteriously ill)