Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Fake Identity II- Obsessions ❯ True Intentions ( Chapter 15 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Thank you for all your great reviews everyone *Hugs them all*

(Last Time)

("Is there something you need?" Joey looked up at the doctor there, he quickly pointed to Kaiba standing at the front desk.

"He * Gasp * he needs something" Joey tried to catch his breath.

"I'm here for Serenity Kaiba, I'm her husband Seto Kaiba"

"We know who you are, please follow the stairs to room 243..."

Before she got to answer Kaiba was already gone, running up the stairs.

(And I can't fight this feeling anymore

I've forgotten what I started fighting for

It's time to bring this ship into the shore

And throw away the oars, forever

`Cause I can't fight this feeling anymore

I've forgotten what I started fighting for

And if I have to crawl upon the floor

Come crushing through your door

Baby, I can't fight this feeling anymore)

Sandra entered Serenity's room, she yelled yelling and screaming knowing that Serenity was almost near with having this baby.

She slowly took out her dagger, this was it she had one, she came around the small corner, the doctor was rushing around with Serenity screaming her lungs out.

(~ I'll get rid of the doctor first then....it's your turn Serenity~)

Sandra paced towards the unexpecting doctor as her knife shined in the light of the room.)

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True Intentions

Back and forth, back and forth, Joey paced around the waiting room, you think he would be the parent, oh no, becoming an uncle for the first time was just as hard.

"Joey! For goodness sake, calm down" Mai yelled from behind her new fashion magazine.

" I can't, I'm worried about Serenity, and Kaiba, if he ever hurts her in any other way, he'll be eating out of a tube for the rest of his stuck up life" Joey warned, still pacing around the waiting room.

" That was very noble of you" Mai barely whispered over her magazine


" I mean you confronting Kaiba and making him come to Serenity again"

"Well, once I think about it, Kaiba ain't that bad, he has his good points, not enough to count on one hand mind you but he still at least has one" Joey felt to slim arms circle around his waist.

" Mai, what are you doing?" he said uneasy as Mai's lips brushed against the back of his neck, making the hairs stand on end.

" What does it feel like I'm doing?" Mai purred playfully in his ear

"Ah Mai, were in public" Joey blushed as he looked around to see if anyone was watching the two of them.

" And when have you ever cared?" Mai teased

" Good Point, but were still in public" Joey stated sternly

" Your right, I'll save this for later if you give me a kiss now" Mai giggled at how she could get Joey to blush so easy.

" Alright" he checked around him once again before quickly kissing Mai. Mai was more than disappointed when Joey pulled back to soon, and what was more annoying he started pacing again.

" Grr, go call someone, AND STOP PACING!"

" Alright, Alright" Joey through his hands up in defeat as he walked off trying to find a pay phone.

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Sandra slowly moved forward, she had planned to get rid of the doctor before turning on Serenity, or should she say he daughter.

(~Why can't I just get rid of Serenity grr..., hmm why don't I? Marik isn't here, I can have revenge on what Serenity did to me~)

Sandra thought back at the embarrassing defeat she had with her duel with Serenity, she planned to make sure Serenity regretted ever minute of it.

(~She will pay~)

Sandra came into view, she saw Serenity gasping for air as the doctor was trying to get her to cooperate, it seemed that Serenity was to weak, Marik did his job well.

" Can I help you nurse?" called the doctor, Sandra's attention turned back to the scene in front of her.

" Yes actually you can" Sandra pulled out her rather large knife from behind her back. The doctor stared wide eye at the weapon than looked at Serenity, her brown eyes showed fear and pain all in one, pleading for someone to help.

Sandra kept a fighting stance as she slowly moved her way over to Serenity, when she was sure that the doctor wasn't going to interfere, she looked down at the terrified young lady.

" Sandra....please...help me" Serenity pleaded, tears streamed down her face, the pain overwhelmed her, but she could hardly move a muscle literally, she pleaded to Sandra, just because she was in great pain.

Sandra smiled down at Serenity evilly, she pushed some of Serenity's auburn colored hair out of the way, still sneering at her darkly.

" I'll help alright...soon I'll make the pain all go away" Sandra pressed the cold steel against serenity's lower jaw, Sandra watched as Serenity tensed trying to struggle.

" I never lose...Kaiba's mine" Sandra hissed dangerously, she raised the knife with great force, bring it down just as forceful.

Serenity cried for her life as Sandra came down, and she could do nothing about it. Suddenly a bright light shone from over the bed, as Sandra stepped back in shock.


--------------------------------------------------------------- -

Kaiba raced down the hallway, he was lucky that the elevators were just around the corner down the hall. Kaiba literally skidded across the corner making a sharp turn, to be meet with a huge crowd of people all pushing into the elevator.

(~No bloody way~)

Kaiba pushed his way by the crowd of people, hearing the causal grunting and complaining, but being Kaiba he just ignored everyone as he got pushed into the elevator as well, if his mind was all together he would probably yell at everyone, telling who he was and for them to get out of his sight, but he was to much in a hurry, his goal was to get to Serenity as calmly as he could.


The crowd all separated around the tiny elevator, as Kaiba realized that he shouted that out loud. Oops!. Kaiba turned back around to the door,

(~Just calm down Kaiba, everything's ok~)

--------------------------------------------------------------- -----------------

" Hey Yugi" Joey called from across the waiting room, when Yugi and the others got there.

" Hey Joey, how's Serenity?" Yugi asked

" I don't know yet, I'm glad you came"

" Well you made it sound like it was a life or death situation" Tea teased as she joined Mai with her magazine.

"Yah man, you didn't have to sound like you were hyperventilating" Tristan slapped Joey on the back.

" Well it is my sista after all" Joey reasoned

Yugi watched on as Joey and Tristan play fought, they never grow up, Tea and Mai were in a deep conversation about this new fashion, and it seemed like Ryou was talking through his mind link to Bakura.

// Yugi?I feel something wrong? \\

\\ What is it? //

// I don't know, I haven't felt in a long time, something evil \\

--------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------

Kaiba pushed through the crowd again to get off at his stop, now he just had to remember what room number Serenity was in and he had it made.

(~ Ok, no more kids, they make you to unorganized~)

He walked as coolly as he could down the hall, checking the names on the hospital rooms as he did so.

240-Becky Stitchman

241-Anita Pennyworth

242-Sam Maclean

243-Serenity Kaiba

(~ Ha found it~)

He slowly opened the door to Serenity's room, hoping to see her smiling face, to make up for all he had done to her, to show her she still is the one. Instead the sight before him, shocked him more than he thought.

Kaiba saw Marik stand over the bed, looking down at a terrified Serenity, she had tears running down her cheek and her face was red with pain. Kaiba's anger flared, no one made Serenity cry like that and got away with it.

"MARIK!!!!" Kaiba yelled as he charged for the blonde, who just smirked at Kaiba arrival, before Kaiba was able to grab Marik he was flung to the side by a more powerful Sandra on him, and again Kaiba could move, it was like he was frozen.

A millennium symbol appeared on Kaiba's forehead as his body continued to weaken, and having Sandra on top of him wasn't helping, he had never used physical force on any woman, but she was asking for it.

Serenity watched as Kaiba was hit to the ground by Sandra, she wished she could help, but she couldn't move one muscle. But yet she was happy that Kaiba came all this way for her, to save her.

(~He's here~) Serenity cried joyfully in her thoughts,

Suddenly her attention was drawn away from Kaiba to Marik, his millennium rod was glowing bright, as he stared at her with lust filled eyes.

" Here Serenity let me help you with your pregnancy" Marik sneered, he turned to the beyond terrified doctor in the corner.

" Finish this, and I might spare you" Marik threatened

The doctor shook his head in agreement before continuing with Serenity, her baby was on the way and they need to ge it out before both Serenity and her daughter are in trouble. Serenity let out a piercing scream, this was it her baby was to be born in the next few minutes.


// Yugi do you scène that? \\ Yami shouted through the mind link he had with Yugi

\\ What? //

// I scène a millennium item \\

\\ How? //

// Let me take over \\

\\ Ok //

Yugi's puzzle started to shake around he neck, transforming himself into Yami. As soon as Yami was free he rushed down the hall, towards Serenity's room.

" Yugi where are you going? Joey called as he ran after Yami

--------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------

Through the sickening licks and kisses Sandra placed on Kaiba, he struggled with all his might to get her off, but of course Marik's rod wasn't helping the situation very much.

" GET OFF ME!" Kaiba yelled, he heard the sadistic laugh of Sandra as she continued her assault. And people thought Kaiba was Sadistic.

" Come on Kaiba, let's have some fun" Sandra purred in his ear

Kaiba cringed with disgust of her voice, he was going to kill her if he ever got the upper hand. Suddenly through of the fighting, Seto heard the sound of a baby crying.

(~No way, not yet~) Kaiba pleaded inwardly

--------------------------------------------------------------- -----

Marik smirked evilly once he saw the object they he was about to destroy, and his smirk increased at the thought that Kaiba would also witness his own childs death, everything was according to plan.

Marik ready the sharp end of the millennium rod, he would finish the job by himself. He looked over at Kaiba as he continued to struggle against Sandra.

" Take a look at your daughter Kaiba, because you'll never see her again" Marik chuckled when Kaiba's eyes meet his, they were full of hate and was that fear showing in his eyes, Marik loved it.

Marik reached out his hand to Serenity, stroking her tear stained cheek, see looked beautiful even though she was drained out of all her energy.

" Soon, you'll be mine" Marik whispered

" No....Please" Serenity's voice was raspy from screaming, all she could hope for was that Kaiba would save her, that her dragon would save her.

Marik smirked at her useless plea, drawing his rod high into the air, he planned to make this fast, he prepared to strike and then disappear with Serenity, leaving Kaiba all alone with he dead daughter.

" NOO!!" Kaiba yelled, something snapped within him as the millennium hold from Marik's rod was broken, using all of his time fast, Kaiba through Sandra off him.

Without thinking, Kaiba raced towards Marik, he had to do everything to save Serenity and his newborn daughter, even if it meant his life. He slide in the path way of Marik's millennium rod as it came down, Kaiba quickly shield his daughter tight in his arms.

A loud cry came from Kaiba, the millennium rod ripped through the fabric of his cloths into his flesh, right below his neck.

"NO" Serenity cried as she watched Kaiba fall to the ground in a puddle of his own blood, as it seeped forth from his wound.

With her dragon down, who would be able to save them now, no one, Serenity cried as she waited for her turn, and she would welcome it

"Seto" Serenity whispered a cry

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(I'm so good at evil cliffhangers eh?)

(NEXT CHAPTER: How will this all end like? Is Kaiba really dead? )

(There's about 2 more chapters left *sigh* -_-, but the next chapter I want you guys to be involved, tell me, should Sandra Live or Die, well bye)