Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Fight For The Hikari Cherub ❯ Dear Maliks Girl ( Chapter 6 )
Shadow: Uh, hey this isn't an actual review ^^;
Specter: tsh, yea we, uh, just wanted to have a nice little chat with a flame thrower named Malik's Girl. So everyone except Malik's Girl (unless you want to read our response back to her) can leave until we update for real. Okay? Sorry for the inconvenience to all you loyal reviewers out there!!!!
Reviewed By: Malik's Girl
How dare you! Do you think you are the only one who knows who Namu is?!?!?!? Namu or Marik would never hang around mortal filth like you!!!!!!
P.S. Marik and Malik are NOT gay!! Beleive me, I know. If you don't beleive me, go to the story Adrenaline by Lucsiousdragon. Read the reveiws and you'll see what I mean.
Shadow: well first of all, Malik's Girl, I shall correct your spelling errors. Believe is not spelled with an EI. Have you heard the saying I before E except after C? Well, you need to follow that rule.
Specter: ^^; we're perfectionists
Shadow: and next, well I was just making sure that everyone knew that Namu was Malik. Some people, believe it or not, do not know Namu is Malik so I was just clearing it up ahead of time.
Specter: and how would you know who Malik/Namu would hang around with? They certainly wouldn't be with bitchy flame throwers like you who cannot spell!
Shadow: forgive me for making Malik and Marik gay. I had no idea I was supposed to make this story in accord to your wishes or/and beliefs! Well in my opinion(and my other reviewers) Malik and Marik are a great couple. Don't be jealous cause you aren't the one receiving the action ^^V
Specter: oh, and also we read the reviews to Adrenaline and wanted to say that we think you are complete loser for reviewing a story you don't like so many times! I mean honestly, you were the only one that said you didn't like Malik being gay you lame ass. Hahaha, lame ass!!!
Shadow: well, that about wraps it up. I'm sorry you don't like the way I write my stories but if you are going to flame me again make sure you make an actual point; or at least a point that other people will agree with besides yourself.
Shadow: well I guess we'll leave then. Sorry to people who thought this was an update! We'll update in about three days or so when we get back to Florida, ok?
Shadow: and Malik's Girl I hope you die in a car crash and burn in hell, you bitch! Ta ta! ^.~V