Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Forever ❯ The Docks? ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Disclaimer: Don't own Yugioh characters, etc.

Chapter 1 - Meet Me At The Docks?

The bell rang for the end of the school day: 3:10.

Everybody but the teacher, Yugi, and I fled from the room, yelling in joy that the school day was over.

Mrs. Culmoto quietly sat at her desk, grading those horribly hard math tests we had just finished.

I was pretty sure nothing could draw her attention away from those tests.

I looked over at Yugi, who was gathering everything into the pockets of his backpack.

Trying to put everything in its place and be precise, as usual.

"Hey, Yugi!" I yelled to him from three desks away, my voice cracking a little.

Why can't I tell him how I feel about him? 'Because you don't won't to ruin your friendship' my other feelings argued.

He glanced up at me, smiling, the Millennium Puzzle dangling from its thin rope around his neck.

"Yeah, Sami?" That little glint in his eye, so full of wisdom, almost made me faint.

"Do you want to go to the docks with me after school?" I forced out, almost squeaking it.

A look of puzzlement crept over his face.

Oh no, he's gonna say no. Then he smiled again. "Sure, I'd love to go."

I breathed a sigh of relief.

My heart jumped to my throat, and butterflies flittered around in my slowly contracting stomach.

"After I go to Grandpa's shop. Would it be all right if Joey, Tristan, and Tea came also?

They're going to be at the shop today, too, for Joey's training in the Duel Monsters
card game, and I'm sure they'd love to go with us."

My heart fell to my feet and was flattened by some invisible foot.

The butterflies dropped dead in my stomach, their little wings moving no more.

"Sure." I muttered half-heartedly, my eyes staring at the tiled floor.

"Sami, are you okay?" His voice broke into my thoughts, disrupting them.

I looked up at him, and his eyes looked into mine. His eyes, so filled with concern.

"Sami, what's wrong?" he gently urged, grabbing my arm.

A little burning shock shot up my arm, and I immediately brightened up. My feelings semi-morphing to some strange joy.

"Nothing!" I replied fakely, not meaning it at all.

He smiled again, but I could see right through it. His real feelings lay underneath it. Concern.

He knew something was wrong, but he wasn't going to push it out of me.

I couldn't tell if that meant he didn't want to hurt me because he liked me, or if he just didn't want to hurt me because I was one of his best friends.

"Ok, then. Meet us later at Grandpa's shop. Besides, I don't think he's seen you in a while. I'm sure he'd like to see you again, especially after everything we've said about you. Especially me," he explained.

He immediately blushed beet-red, as if he said something he didn't want to be left out in the open.

He jumped up and ran from the room. The last glimpse I saw of him was his backpack flying behind him.

I stole a glance at the clock hanging on the wall again. 3:13.

I sighed contently, trying to keep from a sudden explosion of waterworks, picked up my math book, loose papers, and book bag, trying to yank me to the floor with its contents of books and notebooks, and slowly walked out the door.