Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Friend? or Foe? ❯ The first time... ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer: I don't own Yu-Gi-Oh! If I did I would not be writing this...I would be in a mansion with Yugi, Yami Yugi, Jou, Ryou, Yami Bakura, Seto, and Mokuba!

/Yugi's thoughts to his Yami/
//Yami Yugi's thoughts to Yugi//
!*!*!*!*!*!*!* scene change
/Ryou's thoughts to his Yami/
//Ryou's Yami's thoughts.//

Now onto the story!

Jou-kun walked slowly behind his friends. It was the last day of summer and he HATED going back to school! He was gonna be in high school now. It was gonna be a lot harder...

"Jou-chan?" Yugi called as he and the others stopped to let him catch up.

Jounouchi shook his head to clear the thoughts and looked down at his concerned friend. Yugi smiled. Anzu and Honda soon dropped back to join their two friends. Jounouchi felt lucky to have such good friends.


The last day of summer soon turned to the first day of the school year. The day Jounouchi dreaded. He changed into the school uniform and after a quick breakfast he ran to the bus stop. He really hoped that he wouldn't get suspended on the first day of school.


A pale looking, white haired boy sat at the back of the class looking at all the faces entering the classroom. Suddenly his Millennium Ring began to glow. He looked at one of the sickles on the ring that was pointing to a small boy with tri colored hair. He then noticed the puzzle hanging from the boy's neck.

// That is the millennium puzzle you fool!! // A voice hissed in the pale boy's mind.

/ I know...but... what can I do? /

// As soon as this 'school' is over lead the boy away from everyone else and then...//

/ What then? ...Yami? /

//I'll take over from there...//

/... H-hai /

The white hair boy noticed teacher was staring at him impatiently.

"Would you like to explain to the class why you are staring into space Bakura-san?"

Bakura blushed and looked down "n-nie."

Yugi noticed Bakura's Millennium ring a heard a voice within him call out.

// Yugi? //

/ Hai, Yami? /

// That ring... it belongs to a former tomb robber...if I remember correctly he is a very unforgiving, harsh person. //

/ So...what does that mean? /

// It means that you should watch you back around this kid and be careful not make contact with him. //

/ But.../

// This is for your own good, Yugi //


" MUTOU -SAN!" Yugi looked up as the teacher slammed a thick book on his desk.

" Nani?" Yugi asked confused.

"Why is it that the first day of school must be the hardest!?" The teacher asked, "Go join Bakura-san in the hall until the class is dismissed."

Yugi slowly stood up and walked out the door. He found a pale skinned, white haired boy leaning against a locker looking lost in thought.

"H-hi" Yugi said as he slowly approached the boy ignoring his Yami's warnings.

The boy snapped out of his thoughts and turned toward Yugi.

"Hello" he said with a British accent smiling slightly.

Yugi no longer believed that this boy could do any harm just by looking at him.

"My name's Yugi Mutou, what's yours?" Yugi asked holding out his hand.

"M-my name's Ryou Bakura, nice to meet you, Yugi." Ryou said as he shook Yugi's hand gently.

// You baka! How dare you introduce your self without consulting me first! You shall pay all hell when school is over! //

Ryou flinched and Yugi noticed this right away.

// Yugi, I'm guessing he flinching at something his Yami said. //

/ Are you sure? /

// I'm positive. //

Yugi quickly asked, "Are you ok?"

Ryou nodded not making eye contact with him.

Suddenly the bell rang as the students were dismissed for lunch.
Jounouchi took his regular seat at the third table in the cafeteria. Anzu, Honda, and Yugi soon followed. As soon as Yugi sat down he saw Ryou move to the very back of the cafeteria sitting in the darkened corner. Yugi stood up and took his tray over to where Ryou was sitting. When he arrived Ryou didn't even notice him he just sat there staring at someone and mumbling something under his breath. It sounded to Yugi as a string of Egyptian curses.

// Yugi? //

/ Hai, Yami? /

// Can you tell whom he's staring at? Because if I'm correct then what he's mumbling could prove to be dangerous. //

/It looks like... JOUNOUCHI! /

Suddenly there was a huge flash and a loud, low rumble. Ryou continued to mumble. Yugi quickly shook him and he winced.
Ryou looked at Yugi and the flash and noise died away.


"Ryou, what were you doing?!" Yugi asked as Ryou cringed.

"I ...I"

// You did nothing! Tell him! //

" I did nothing...I don't know what you're talking about." Ryou said hoping Yugi would buy it. He didn't.

"But I saw you, you were..."

// Yugi, don't push his Yami any further... you don't know what he may do. //

" Never mind I must have been seeing things." Yugi said as he watched Ryou's expression change from nervousness to fear. Obviously, his Yami had said something bad.


Yugi walked down the sidewalk with his friends. He was glad the first day of school was over but he still had a LONG way to go. It seem Jounouchi felt the same way. Something caught Yugi's attention. Out of the corner of his eye he could see Ryou running. Yugi waved for his friends to keep going and followed Ryou.

// Now, // A voice hissed in Ryou's mind, // get somewhere safe from any onlookers. //

Ryou did as he was told and as soon as they were safely hidden Ryou's Yami (Yami Bakura) emerged from the Sennen ring. He looked around and saw a small boy only a few yards away.

"You fool!" He said as he kicked Ryou sharply in the ribs. "You led him straight towards us!" Yami Bakura then noticed the puzzle that hung from the boy's neck and smirked. "So," he said calmly, "you did something right for once." He gave Ryou one more kick in the side before stepping out to Yugi. Ryou coughed a few times and then stared through the bushes. This wasn't going to be pretty, to say the least.

{I can't let him hurt Yugi.} Ryou thought. {Even if I've only known him for a few hours...I won't let the same thing happen to him that happened to all my other friends. And besides he has the Millennium Puzzle and if my Yami got a hold of that...} Ryou didn't even want to think about it.

He suddenly jumped out from the bushes and ran to Yugi.

To be continued...