Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ From Their Eyes ❯ The Assignment & Poem!!! ( Prologue )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Hey, my first AU and it takes place in Ancient Egypt.

Pairings: Do ya even have ta ask?

Rating: I'm not good at lemons, so PG-13.

Summary: * Thinkin * Hmmm…. * Still thinkin * Just read. I'm not good at summaries either.



"Hey guys," Yugi screamed running to his friends Malik, Joey, and Ryou after getting out of school. "Do you guys want to go to the library to work on our assignment?" Their history teacher, Mr. Adams gave them a project to work on over the weekend. Each group, which consists of four people, had to draw places out of a hat, and these four drew Ancient Egypt.

"Sure Yug," Joey answered for all of them. "Tristan and Tea went to her house to work." They started walking towards their destination.

"Okay. The library will be good source of information," Malik said.

"Actually," Ryou started. "You will be a good source of information since we're doing Ancient Egypt."

"Yeah, well… he said to get good information and anything coming from me is not good."

"That's true," Joey exclaimed. From then to the time they arrived at Domino City Library (Don't know the name of the library), Malik chased Joey trying to hit him for making that comment.

"Stop it!" Ryou yelled at the entrance. "He just agreed with what you said. Get over it." They went in the building with no trouble since Ryou and Yugi were between them.

"I'll go check on a computer, while you three look in books," Yugi suggested.

"Sure," they agreed. Joey laid his belongings down on a table and started searching in the back. - Hmm… this seems like a good book. - he thought picking a big black book up. "Hey guys, get your asses over here," he called out receiving a few dirty glances from the adults with children. "Sorry."

The other three walked to their blonde friend embarrassedly. "What is it that you have to curse in front of children?" Malik asked.

"This." He held up the book. "Do ya think this might have any information?"

"Open it," Ryou suggested. They sat down at a nearby table and Joey opened the book.

"Look at this," he pointed to a paragraph in the book.

"What is it?" Yugi asked.

"Take me back in time

To a place where not even the greatest minds,

Could know what really happened.

Just read this poem,

And you'll see

That one moment you're here

And the next your there."

"That's kinda…" The book glowed and a black mist swirled around the young teenagers. With one last glow, the book stopped, but the teens weren't anywhere to be seen.


When I started writing this, it didn't have a prologue, so that was last minute. Not good, but oh well. Please R&R if you want to know where they're at, though it's easy to figure out. R & R!!!!