Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Gokura Present Day ❯ We're on a boat ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

LW: Yay! Chapter 2!!
Bakura: Wup de do.
LW: Anyway, we've skipped on ahead to when everyone's on their way to duellist kingdom. (The bits before that were quite dull)
DISCLAIMER: Yugioh doesn't belong to me the English one belongs to 4Kids, Haven't a clue about the Japanese one.
Name: Talking Thinking {Mindlink speak} (Authors notes & randomness)
Gokura Chronicles Present day - We're on a boat
The pier
Everyone was at the pier waiting to be allowed onto the boat to duellist kingdom. What happened when the pointy hair guy let them in were as followed.
Yugi got Joey onto the boat
James got on with fake star chips (they're just bronze stars)
The Bakuras & Necrophades got one somehow (Hint: Bakura)
Tea and Tristan managed (badly) to sneak onto the boat.
James: (meeting up with Ryou) Well that was easy.
Guard: Hey you!
Bakura: Busted
Guard: You forgot your room key
James: Ugh thanks (All run like hell)
Later - With Tristen and Tea
Tristen: You look stressed.
Tea: Of course I'm stressed, we're stowing away on a boat, its ice cold out here and I need to pee. (a little bit of everything)
Tristen: In a few more hours the sun will come up. (Don't mess with good comedy)
Tea: What the hell was that for … Hey aren't they Ryou, Amane and James? (Start spying on them)
Bakura: well this is going to be the dullest road trip ever.
James: You do know there are no laws here so you can destroy anything you want. Or anyone (Smirking, showing his pointed teeth)
Bakura: Best trip ever!!
Sakura: Yay what are we talking about (Sweatdrop)
Tea: How did they get here?
Tristan: Who cares, there just 2 more weirdos on an island of weirdos.
Tea: Tristan there are 3 of them.
Snaky: Now there isn't. (3rd eye showing)
Snaky's eyes began glowing as Tea and Tristan fell to the ground unconscious. He then walked back over to the Necrophades. Then they saw Joey jumping into the sea.
Bakura: Hey! Take Tea with you.
Sakura: (Looking over the edge) Do you think he needs help.
Yugi: Nah he'll be fine (Joey nearly drowning)
Snaky: Ah f*** this (jumps in)
Bakura: Why didn't he send Tristen in?
Yugi: Tristen would forget how to breathe again. (We all like him because he's a moron) (Bakura throws the rope ladder over)
Snaky: (Joey held by his tail) You could've helped you know.
Bakura: Shoulda, coulda, woulda.
The next day
In a cabin
Snaky: Well were finally here
Amane & Sakura: Yay!!
Ryou: Shhhhhhh!! Bakura's sleeping off the drink from last night. (Bakura and Snaky went off drinking when Ryou, Sakura and Amane went to bed.)
Snaky: Ahhhh that's cute. (Pulls out a fog horn, throws it at Sakura) Here Sakura, play with this.
Sakura: I'm not a child; I can control my what's this button for (Presses button. Snaky puts on earplugs)
The foghorn goes off, waking Bakura up and giving him the mother of all headaches.
Somewhere else on the boat
Yugi: Now to save my grampa
Yami: And have some pointless insanity. No wait that will be Bakura.
Tea: We'll all do it together Yugi
Joey: Yeh Yug.
Tristan: See I told you the sun would come up. In your face Tea!!
Snaky: (Hiding from Bakura up the flagpole) This is gonna be a long day.
LW: Yay!! I've finally found and completed chp. 2
Bakura: What took you?!!
LW: Well, first I made some of it, then I lost it, then I found this month, then I just hadn't had the time.
Bakura: OK. Well at least chp. 3 is already done.
LW: Yeah. Bye!!