Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ grate quest ❯ grate quest ( Chapter 1 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
the grate quest

karl - hi i was soposed to do something but i cant remember wat
karl- its not beet the crap out of yugi*scraches hed*
joy- krazzy karl does not own yugioh
karl- its not eat pie
yugi- i now wat it is
karl- thats nice have a chocolat
karl- wat is it grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
yugi- karl listen to me
karl- no it wasnot listen to yugi
karl-wat was it
yugi-u were soposed to lose some thing and then we go find it
karl- i dont now wat it is maby i should go on a quest to find it
*soddenly a scool bus apears*
karl- lets use this bus come on yugi*drags yugi on the bus*
karl-just relaxe
yugi- u cant drive!!!
karl-o well
so our friends hed of on a new jerny and they know new friend and new edventures
are just beond the sun set
karl- hay who is he i dont now so ill kill him
*then wile karl killed some guy yugi tryd to drive and hit 9 cats 5old ladys and
20 litle kids and wile yugi was still hitting things karl was putting 2 points for every
thing yugi hit*
karl-hit one more thing and ur score will be 2000!
yugi*throu sobs*- i dont want to hit litle animals
karl- fine ill hit them !*mumbles under breath* meany
*then karl hits 4000 people,900stopsigns(not stoping of corse)and 9000 cars*
yugi-stop hitting things!
karl- i cant i dont now how to stop :)
yugi- help im on a bus with a idoit!!!!

to be continude......
ooooman i wanted to now how it ends