Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Guardian Angel ❯ Meet Kyoshi! ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Hi everybody! As you can tell, this is chapter one of a fan fiction I thought of. I think of story ideas at the strangest of times, this one was thought up when I was playing .Hack\Mutation.
This story contains (As told in the Summary) Shounen-ai. Sh-shock! Jounouchi/Kyoshi (If you are wondering, Kyoshi is my made-up character, the name is from what I named the main character in .Hack\Mutation) And some other couples, I'm just not gonna name them. ^-^ In suspense yet? Anyway, if any of you readers are fans of any of my stories, I hope you will enjoy meeting Kyoshi! Oh, and I will be naming the characters by their original Japanese names. (Since I've been reading the manga, mweh!) Oh, the story is also a bit of an Alternate Universe, not by much though, I don't think. ^^;
Disclaimer: Yu-Gi-Oh does not belong to me, only Kyoshi and the plot. But if it did belong to me, Bandit Keith would be a main character! ^_~
It was a beautiful day in the City of Domino, the sun was shining, the birds were chirping, kids were playing, and the Authoress was nearly gagging herself when typing up the first sentence. Some familiar figures were talking in the park.
“So Jounouchi, how is you're father doing? He's in one of those drunk people facility's, isn't he?” Yugi asked as he was swinging from a tree swing.
“Eh, he's doing alright.. I hope this time around, he will actually stay sober.” Jounouchi answered as he kicked up some dirt, causing Ryuji to have a violent cough attack.
“I'm sure he will.” Anzu said. At this time, Hiroto felt like being extremely evil to Ryuji by changing the subject.
“So, Ryuji, how's Dartz?” Hiroto asked, trying to hide his smirking. Ryuji blushed five shades of red and turned his head away. “Well?”
“Oh come on Ryuji, you've been going out with him for a month, there's no need to feel embarrassed about it.” Yugi said brightly.
“He's alright..” Ryuji muttered quietly.
“What?” Hiroto said, being even meaner to the dice-master.
“I SAID HE'S FRIGGIN' ALRIGHT!!” Ryuji screamed at the top of his lungs, causing passer-bys to stare. Hiroto started laughing like a hyena, while Ryuji started blushing again.
“Honda, you did that on purpose.” Jounouchi said, although he himself was mildly amused at the situation. To make matters worse, Dartz walked into the park at that moment.
“Hello everyone.” Dartz said as he walked up to the gang. Ryuji was now more pissed off at Hiroto then anything else.
“Uh.. Ryuji, why are you looking like you're gonna hurt something.. Or somebody?” Hiroto said innocently. Duke had an evil look in his eyes and was now cornering Hiroto into the nearest tree.
“I am guessing I missed something.” Dartz said as he was watching Ryuji scare the hell out of Hiroto with his Dice-o-Doom.
“Basically.” Anzu and Jounouchi said at the same time.
“HEY! Ryuji!” Dartz yelled. Ryuji turned his head to look at his boyfriend. “If we want to keep our reservation at the restaurant, you're going to have to save you're anger for the next time you see Honda-san!”
“Reservation?” Yugi asked cutely. (Is there a way to ask something cutely? o_O)
“Yeah, Ryuji and I made a reservation to have a late lunch at this really nice restaurant. it's hard to get seats there usually, so if we do not get there on time, we will have to find some place else to eat. And there is no chance in hell I'm going to another restaurant!” Dartz explained.
“Sounds fancy, just what I hate.” Jounouchi commented.
“That's good for you.” Dartz said, and walked away arm and arm with Ryuji. (<.< I wonder if they would really do that in the anime, together or with someone else.)
“That's a match made in heaven.” Jounouchi said as he watched them walk away.
About an hour after Ryuji nearly beat up Hiroto because of his `joke', Jounouchi decided to bid his friends farewell and take a nice walk around the City. It was a bit boring on Sunday, everyone was either at home or at church. At least he wouldn't have to deal with snoots commenting about his clothes or hair or attitude. He walked into an alleyway, he figured he could find ANOTHER shortcut that would make a trip to the arcade quicker. Boy was he wrong. A few minutes after he walked into the alleyway, some big ugly thug-type men blocked his way to go back.
“Er.. Okay.” Jounouchi said to himself as the thugs glared at him. He walked a bit further into the alleyway to find more thugs, only this time blocking his way of going any further.
“Outta my way!” Jounouchi yelled as he raised his fists a bit to show he wasn't afraid to fight them.
“I don't think so kid, this is our alleyway! You must want to die if you came here.” Thug no. 1 said.
“Pfffft! I bet you're all talk!” Jounouchi said. (That's our Jounouchi! Isn't he smart? -_-;;)
“You punk! We'll show you not to mess with us!” Thug no. 3 yelled. They all lunged at Jounouchi. Sadly, Jounouchi was greatly outnumbered and was quickly beaten.
“Heh, we told you not to mess with us!” Thug no. 5 said.
“Crap..” Jounouchi muttered.
“What wazzat? You say life is meaningless and you wanna die? We'll help you with that!” Thug no. 1 said. The five thugs closed in on poor Jounouchi and were about to hurt him more until…
“Excuse me, but if you would, leave him alone.” Came the voice of a man.
“Who said that?” Thug no. 4 asked. The man jumped off of the roof of a nearby building and kicked Thug no. 4 in the head.
“Bob!” Thug No. 2 cried, picked up Thug No. 4's body, and ran off.
“You brat!” Thug no. 5 yelled, and ran toward the man. The man quickly ducked and kicked Thug no. 5's shin, knocking him down to the ground.
“You.. Little…” Thug no. 3 tried punching the man, but was kicked in the stomach before he could do anything.
“You might have beaten the other 4… Uh.. Three, Henry ran off with his special friend… But you aren't going to make it out of here alive!” Thug no. 1 said as he pulled out a dagger from his belt. He threw it at the man, nearly succeeding in hurting him, but the man jumped up to dodge the dagger.
“Damn, you're fast!” Thug no. 1 said. From watching his three fighting comrades, Thug no. 1 learned that going near the man was a big no-no. “But I will still win. First I'll kill you, then the kid who was stupid enough to even try to fight us.”
“Oh..? Okay, well good look then!” The man said, giving the thug a peace sign and a grin.
The thug started running towards the man at a fast pace, he jumped up over the man's head and attempted to kick him, he almost got him until..
“OW!! Crap! Leg cramp!” Thug no. 1 said as he dropped to the ground in pain. The man turned around to look at the thug.
“Did you hurt you're leg? I guess that's what you get for trying to hurt an innocent person.” The man put Joey on his back piggy-back style and ran out of the alley, leaving the thugs where they were.
“Katsuya, wake up. Katsuya, you can't be dead, you are much tougher then that. KATSUYA?!”
Jounouchi woke up to find himself in his bed and a stranger sitting at the end of the bed.
“WHO ARE YOU?! What are you doing in my house?!” He screamed as he jumped out of bed only to land on the floor.
“Those people… Are you alright Katsuya?” The man asked, tilting his head to the side and looking at Jounouchi.
“I'll be much better once I find out WHO THE HELL YOU ARE!!!” Jounouchi yelled.
“Oh.. I'm sorry, that is rude of me. My name is Kyoshi.” The man said, standing up to help Jounouchi from the floor.
“Kyoshi.. Huh?” Jounouchi said. He looked at the man in front of him. He wasn't even a man, he was maybe sixteen or seventeen. Spiky Green hair with some yellow in it, and dark yellow eyes. “What happened?”
“Well those guys weren't being very nice to you, they hurt you. So I fought them, and I won! Then I took you back here to your house to restore you!” Kyoshi explained.
“Er… Thanks.” Jounouchi said, he was still a little confused. He looked in a mirror that was conveniently in the corner of his room. “Uh.. I don't look like I got hit. YEAH! I'm stronger then I thought! Who's da man?!”
“You are!” Kyoshi answered excitedly, jumping up and down.
“Say, where do you live? I should walk you home or something, it's the least I could do to pay you back for saving my sorry butt.” Jounouchi asked, even though he would feel awkward walking someone who was older then himself home.
“Ah.. Um.. I live very far away. Um…” Kyoshi answered.
“You don't live in Japan? How did you get here then?” Jounouchi questioned.
“Um..” Kyoshi couldn't answer.
“Um.. Well.. You can stay here if you want. My dad isn't home, so he wouldn't say anything about it.. And there is an extra room you can sleep in.” Jounouchi explained.
“Really? Wow, thanks!” Kyoshi said.
“By the way, I'm Katsuya Jou-“ Jounouchi started.
“I know who you are, I've heard of you!” Kyoshi said.
“Really? Aha! I knew I was famous! Honda said I was getting an ego, I'll tell him differently! He's gonna be so jealous!” Jounouchi said, more to himself then Kyoshi. “Well, I hope that you'll like it here. I guess I'll have to actually buy food now that someone else is here.”
Well? Do you like it so far? Here are translations to the chapter!:
Yugi Mutou - Yugi Mutou, which is pretty obvious.
Anzu Mazaki - Te'a Gardner
Hiroto Honda - Tristan Taylor
Ryuji Otogi - Duke Devlin
Katsuya Jounouchi - Joey Wheeler
Dartz - Dartz (Hehe, once again, obvious!)
Kyoshi - My original character (Hopefully, you already got that. Pronounced: `Kai-Yo-She')
Please review and tell me what you think, if you are going to flame, at least tell me why you didn't like the story. I don't like reviews that are like: `THIS STORY SUCKS!!!11' Because that would nott help me to figure out anything.
^_^ Also, I'm going to draw a picture of Kyoshi, which I will try and put in the fanart section of MediaMiner! (If it will let me, I don't know if I'm allowed to post original characters or not)
Until next chapter, I hope you have enjoyed! ^-~