Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Haima ❯ Chapter 1: First day, sixth dead ( Chapter 1 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Title: Haima
Author: Nekocin
Email: Neko_cin_6@hotmail.com
Genres: Various---> Action and Romance as main genres (I hope Romance wouldn't be so screwed up >.>).
Type: AU
Anime: Yu-gi-oh
Warnings: Shounen-ai Violence. Maybe some OOC. For this chapter... please be aware that it can be a bit bloody.
Pairings: Seto+Jou/Jou+Seto *still thinking about which one should be seme and which one should be uke*
Rated: PG-13, but might get R ::shrugs::
Disclaimer: Anime in question doesn't belong to me. Never was. Never will.
Author's notes:
Today is my birthday (September 4th) So here's the 1st chapter.
O.O Wow. My first two reviewers have the same ideas. Am I that easy to read or that predictable? Though to answer your questions about who's the murderer... no, he's not. So breath out in relief. Err... one thing wrong about this chapter is that the description sucks and it's a bit slow. ~_~ Sorry, no fluff.


Chapter 1: First day, sixth dead

8:45 A.M.

Sunlight streamed across the neighbourhood. Birds were soaring through the sky, calling out to wake up sleeping people. That day was like any other morning. People left for work, housewives prepared the children for school and the children were ready to go. The streets were filled with cars and pedestrians.

A girl grabbed hold on some beige curtains. She pulled them aside, letting he sunlight into the room. The sunlight beamed into the small room, lighting up the previous dark mood.

Popcorn was scattered all over the floor. Bed sheets were kicked off the bed while a certain dirty-blonde sleepyhead hugged the pillows [1]. The TV was left on and as for the videocassettes... they laid among the fallen bed sheets.

The girl put her hands on her hips and shook her head disapprovingly. Her red-brown hair kissed her face occasionally once she shook her head. "Wake up, onii-chan" she tentatively crawled next to the sleeping figure and shook him gently.

Her brother groaned, finding it annoying to be awaken from such a good night rest. He buried his head in the pillows, which he was hugging, and hoped his sister would leave him alone. He was still too sleepy to notice the time.

Shizuka chuckled and played with her brother's hair, which covered his left ear. She leaned over and smiled when she noticed her brother shivering under her touch.
"Onii-chan, you better get up now. It's 8:50 AM already. You're going to be late or your first day..." she whispered sweetly in his ear.

Katsuya's eyes shot open. He was wide awake and let out a loud gasp. "I'M LATE!" He shouted and jumped off the bed.

Shizuka smiled.

"Old habits die hard"
She watched her brother disappear in the bathroom and chuckled lightly.
"You better hurry up, onii-chan!" Shizuka called out and looked disapprovingly at the scattered mess on the floor.

"GAH! Why didn't you wake me up at 8?" Katsuya complained a moment later. He stumbled out of his bedroom in his new suit with one sock in hand and the other one around one of his feet.
It was his first day to report for duty. And he was supposed to meet his new partner around 9.

Shizuka approached him with a lunch bag and some keys. She'd made lunch just in case he decided to skip it.
"Even if I did that, you wouldn't have woken up after sleeping for just a few hours. You've been watching those movies for too long. Now run along, onii-chan" Shizuka smiled affectionately at him and passed him the lunch bag and keys.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah... wait a sec. You stayed here last night? What about okaa-san? Shouldn't you be heading home?! What will okaa-san say? Does she even know you're here?" Her brother panicked instantly as he stopped slipping on his other sock.
If his mother got worried about where Shizuka might have been, he would be the one to answer her strictness.

"Aa...don't worry, onii-chan. I already told her I'm going to stay here for awhile because I know onii-chan will get the job done" Shizuka waved away his worries with a gesture of her hand and grabbed hold of her brother's arm.
She knew how much their mother would blame him for corrupting Shizuka into slipping away unnoticed.

Katsuya stared wide-eyed at his sister as if he'd just seen her for the first time.

Did that mean he could spend some time with his sister? Wouldn't their mother protest against Shizuka's wishes?

"What are you staring at? It's almost 9 o'clock" Shizuka pushed him out of his apartment and closed the door.

He smiled faintly at the closed door.
"She's going to stay..." he snickered lamely. Sure he'd missed Shizuka's presence after their parents' divorce, but he never really noticed he'd missed her this much. Realization suddenly hit him like a giant hammer on his head. The grin disappeared instantly. "OH NO! I'M LATE!!!"


9:30 AM

Katsuya ran through the corridors of the building where he was stationed while muttering curses about being late. His new blue uniform made him feel a bit itchy, but at least it gave off freshness.
He looked a bit dazed as he burst into one of the rooms.

Everyone in the room froze and turned their eyes to the person who'd rudely burst into the room without knocking. Curious pairs of eyes glanced at his direction and he swallowed nervously.

"G-gomenasai. I'm very sorry for being late. I promised it will never happen again" Katsuya bowed apologetically and dropped his eyes embarrassedly. It was not a very good impression to be late one one's first day at work. He just hoped that he wouldn't have to leave the post immediately.

"Jounouchi Katsuya [2], I presume" A voice broke through the silence.
"Yes, sir" He affirmed with a nod and stood up straight.

There were two rows of desks on either left and right side of the room. Both sides were filled with piles of paperwork and some more paperwork. The ones who were working on the papers were divided into two groups.
At the farthest end of the room, which stood across the open door, there was the big desk of namely Chief P.J. Crawford.

The chief was a tall and lanky man with unusual white shoulder-length hair. He gave off the air of confidence and leadership. The only bad thing about the chief was the look in his eyes. There as something about the chief's eyes and it was probably something Katsuya wouldn't want to know.

Katsuya gulped.

Chief Crawford chuckled. "I see why they were eager to put you here"
Katsuya blinked "Huh?"

The chief waved away Katsuya's questioning look and walked elegantly around his desk. Katsuya whimpered inwardly while he watched his new chief heading towards him. The way he strode made Katsuya realize how intimidating chief Crawford might have been during his training. No wonder he was promoted for the head of station 6. His whole appearance demanded respect and obedience.

The chief stopped.

"Next time..." Katsuya winced inwardly, while preparing himself for something like a punishment. "... try to wake up much earlier than 8 o'clock, officer Jounouchi"

His eyes bore into Katsuya's eyes as if forcing the window to his soul to open up. Katsuya blinked and shivered inwardly. "Yes, sir" he responded weakly and nodded quickly.

The chief smiled faintly. "Good. Your new partner is late too, though I've a feeling he might have something burdened on his shoulders at the moment"

Katsuya looked surprised. His new partner was already at work outside? Weren't rookies supposed to be doing paperwork for a few months and then get their permission to roam the busy streets of the city? Who's his partner by the way?

As if having heard Katsuya's questions, the chief just laughed.

"You are his temporary partner, officer Jounouchi. Yuuki Yami [4] has been working here for six years already and is currently available for teaching rookies like yourself about the tough life as a police officer."

"Yuuki Yami, sir?" Katsuya wondered why the name was 'Yuuki Yami'. Because it doesn't sound like any name a parent want to give their sons.

"Mhm. He's someone you can call... a justice cop. You'll feel right at home and... there he is" The chief spoke darkly and darted his eyes away from the new officer.
"Welcome back, agent Yuuki" Chief Crawford announced.

Katsuya froze and cautiously turned around to look at his temporarily, new partner and currently 'teacher'. As if he needed to go to school all over again.

The rookie arched an eyebrow at the agent.

Yuuki Yami was wearing black leather instead of the usual blue uniform. The agent was kind of short, but still looked tall in those expensive leather pants. He was wearing a black T-shirt under a black leather jacket. There was even a spiky collar around his neck.

The way he dressed made Katsuya wonder how much he could miss him in any crowd of street gangs. The whole leather dress made the agent look nothing like an officer who'd been working there for years.

As for the face... a pair of slanted red eyes, tanned skin and strikingly noticeable nose. He even has tri-colored, spiked hair. He looked like a rebel in the dark streets, Katsuya noted. Even so... he'd this nagging feeling that the agent looked familiar.

As if noticing Katsuya's disgusted look, Yuuki Yami smirked at him.
"You must be the rookie they've sent us. I was hoping you would be coming earlier so that you can get to know your colleagues" He gestured at the other officers, who'd been watching their every move from the very beginning. "But I guess you're late"

Katsuya shot him a glare.

"What brings you here so early, agent? I calculated the whole investigation to take a few hours" Chief Crawford crossed his arms and looked amused at the agent.

Agent Yuuki glanced at the chief and scowled.
"Some other agencies decided to poke into my business and they threatened to put me behind bars just because of wearing this" Agent Yuuki gestured to his clothes. Truth was he was proud of his cover, but on the other hand he couldn't resume his research.

"Besides that... I came to pick up officer Jounouchi" He gave Katsuya a sly grin.

Chief shook his head disapprovingly. "Fine. Go on. The rookie needs some practical lessons"

After that Yami lead the rookie to his car, the recognizable small, white car embedded with the well-known police crest. He stopped abruptly and turned around to Katsuya.

"I'm Yuuki Yami. I'll be tutoring you for a few months and then kachou will assign you for a partner. Since our department have uneven officers you just have to wait for a transferred officer or a rookie otherwise you'll be stuck doing the paperwork"

Katsuya nodded dumbly and wondered how out of character he must act just to have some kind of police attitude. Yami flashed him a smile of encouragement. "Don't worry. You'll do just fine. Keep in mind that no matter how hard the task might look like, you can find your way out"

The tone in which Yami spoke didn't suit him with his rebellious look one bit. It was too foreign for people with punk attitudes. Katsuya shrugged off his suspicions and wondered how true the saying goes: 'Don't judge a book by its cover'.

He took a deep breath, "Thank you, sir!"

"Good. Can you drive?"

"I don't have a licence yet. But I think I can, sir"

Yami smiled and threw him the keys. "Good. Starting with your lessons, Jou-kun. You drive while I show you your area to patrol. Maybe you'll get your licence tomorrow morning"

Katsuya grinned giddily, temporarily forgetting whom he was facing. All he could think was the feeling of being in control while he was driving. The feeling of being free from his worries.

Yami cleared his throat and crossed his arms. He noticed the dreamy look in the new officer' eyes. He noted that the rookie loved to drive.

Katsuya blinked a few times and flushed. "I'm sorry, sir"


A few men looked over something... or rather someone.

The lifeless body was sprawled uncharacteristically on the ground, bathed in his own blood. The victim's eyes were wide as was his mouth. It was like watching a silent death, which unexpectedly crawled out when the victim was alone. The left side of his shoulder was brutally carved open, revealing anything beneath the once flawless skin.

One of the investigators kneeled closer while using his handkerchief to block the smell from going into his nostrils. His sharp, cobalt blue eyes narrowed further as he examined the body closely without touching.

"Who's this person, Mr. Kashima [5]?"

He looked over his shoulder to one of the gathered men behind him.

"Tanaka Koizumi, sir" Mr. Kashima answered as he opened the file which he was holding.

"Tanaka Koizumi... is he also like the others?" inspector Kaiba [6] rose up from his kneeling position and rubbed his chin thoughtfully.

"I'm afraid so, inspector. He's a rookie from station 12. Tanaka-san had just reached his justice level [7]" Mr. Kashima answered solemnly. He pitied the younger officers who'd all befallen in their bad destiny. They'd dedicated their lives to help the authorities and fight crimes. But all they got in return was their death. They were uneducated in the field of practical danger. They were like the green, sour apples among the red, sweet ones [8].

Inspector Kaiba nodded in understanding and let his hands fall on either sides of his body.

"The killer hates the police. That's for sure" He murmured.
"Get me a list of the upcoming rookies and keep and eye on the ones who are participating this year's final exams" Inspector Kaiba commanded and looked up at the skies.

"Yes, sir!" The others made their way to their cars.

There was still no trace of the said murderer, except the dead bodies and the weapons.
How pathetic can this killer be? Killing off the police force was not an option to decrease the crime-fighters. They're getting desperate instead of scared. They're losing their new generation if this particular killer wasn't stopped.

There were too many questions in the air. Why, who, where and when were the most recognizable. Why did the killer hate the police/why did he kill the rookies? Who's this killer? Where will he strike next? And when?

Inspector Kaiba turned away from the body as the paramedics passed him.


"It's the 6th rookie that got murdered this month. Whoever this killer might be, he's still not stopping this hide and seek game. Our condolences, family and relatives of Mr. Tanaka Koizumi..."

Shizuka dropped the bowl of lour and brought one hand shakily over her mouth. She was just about to make dinner when the reporter brought out the news of the 6th dead.

For anyone who'd been living there quite awhile, would definitely think it's old news. But Shizuka had just moved in to her brother's apartment. The news had shocked her to no end.

She remembered saying something about her brother's first day. He wa also a rookie cop which meant the killer's next victim might be him. Her hands began to shake as she quickly backed herself towards the kitchen sink.

"Onii-chan... "She whispered and sank down on the tiled floor.
Maybe it was really a bad idea for staying here, otherwise onii-chan or the others wouldn't have to suffer such a brutal fate. Wasn't it her fault? Was she some kind of curse? Or was bad luck following her?

But on the other hand... she'd never stopped believing in her brother. Ever since they were kids, she would look up to him. He was someone who couldn't lie without making it the truth. She knew he worked hard to gain whatever his heart desired except maybe... keeping her close instead of being separated or such a long time.

Shizuka calmed herself down and looked worriedly at the mess she'd made. "Onii-chan will survive" she chanted a mantra and willed herself to move. She didn't want her brother to see her like this. So broken.

She started cleaning the floor though her mind was elsewhere. She hoped her brother might return home safely tonight or even this afternoon.

*.*.*.*.* End chapter 1*.*.*.*.*

End notes:

1: To be honest, I always count people who have hair color like Jou dirty-blondes. I'm not sure what the color is called, but I'll find out soon enough.
2: Okay, I think his name is "Jounouchi Katsuya" Katsuya is his first name while the Jounouchi is his last.
3: Hehehehe ^_^;; That's copied from Taiho Shichauzo! (You're under arrest!). I love their arrangement. In my story "Hello stranger" it almost have the same arrangement too.
4: -_____-;;; Lame name. Almost like Yugi's name. ::shrugs:: Besides it means "courage".
5: Those who know the yaoi manga "Love mode" You all know who he is ^_~.
6: XD Ack! Doesn't it sound a bit cheesy? Or am I using the wrong word 9_9?
7: Just don't ask. I just put it there because I've a computer game about cops and such where they have those levels.
8: ~_~;; Don't kill me if it isn't true. I'm trying to fit the whole thing in the storyline.

r*a*d*i*a*n*y: ^_^; I know it's a bit OOC. ::looks shock:: I can't let that happen. Seto isn't going to kill Jou. That's just a mysterious beginning ^_~. As for the seme issue... I guess we'll just have to see what this story might bring. Thank you for reviewing.

Angel-Belle: #^_^# Thank you. I know it can be awful if Seto is the murderer. There are a lot of bounded consequences. Thank you for reviewing.

Gah ~.~ I told you it's a bit slow. But please don't kill me yet, asking for fluff. I'm trying to fit everything together with all sorts of genres... if I can manage. Thank you for reading ^__^.
