Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Half Full or Half Empty? ❯ Ancient Discoveries ( Chapter 15 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Sorry I haven't updated in a while guys but I've been SO busy trying to sort out some personal issues as well as having to deal with final year school exams. Talk about a creak in the neck! Anyway, please enjoy!!! Again I appreciate the reviews ^_^ you guys rock!

Ancient Discoveries

Shika's POV…

"And now for our third act, we have got… Shika Haadimaal, Taree Jomei and Anzu Mazaki singing `One Night Stand' by `MisTeeq'. Give it up for the ladies!" Seiji announced as we made our way onto the stage.

Taree, Anzu and I lined up with our backs to the audience. When the song began we jumped around to face the audience and rolled our hips, mouthing the words. The look on Ryou and Bakura's faces was priceless. He had never seen me in these types of clothes before - he could hardly contain himself. I wouldn't have been surprised if Bakura attempted a live sex show on stage with me.

Every guy in school seemed to be drooling open-mouthed at Taree - her breasts were bouncing up and down like yoyos and I was hoping that they wouldn't bounce right out of her top. Not that Anzu or anyone else for that matter would have a problem with that.

The song finally ended and I was getting breathless. My heart was beating furiously and my cheeks were flushed. I wished more than ever at this point that I had brought my crutches in with me, but they were on the other side of the campsite in my cabin.

"Shika, are you feeling alright?" Seiji asked me after the show. He put a hand to my head. "You're burning up. Would you like a drink and some paracetemol?"

I nodded. "And my crutches would be good too." I added.

"Alright. I'll go and fetch them for you. One of the teachers will get you your drink and paracetemol. It should bring down your temperature."

"Thanks." There was a small interval after our performance. Seiji had arranged to do five performances at a time with breaks in between. I sat at the side of the stage and tried to cool down a little and catch my breath. Soon Anzu and Taree came to my side.

"Hey, Shika! Wasn't that a great act?! You are a great dancer!" Taree cried.

"Thanks, Taree." I panted, leaning my forehead on my knees which were bent up against my chest.

"Woah… Shika are you feeling okay?" Anzu asked, moving aside my silky purple screen of hair which fell to the side of my face.

I nodded. "Just a little tired. That dance really took it out of me."

"Oh you poor thing, are you going to be okay, neko?" Taree asked.

Neko? Since when was I given a nickname? "Yeah… I'm fine. Just need to rest a bit." I reassured.

I was relieved to see Seiji coming my way with my crutches. A teacher passed by and gave me my glass of water and painkillers. I swallowed them down eagerly, finishing the entire glass of water.

Seiji handed me my crutches. "Here ya go, Shika. Well done on your performance. It was great! Is there anything else I can get you? That paracetemol should kick in fairly soon."

I shook my head. "No thanks, Seiji. I'm sure I'll be feeling better soon."

"Alright then." Anzu and Taree helped me to my feet and I made my way across to the audience and joined them. We clapped and cheered on the guys in their performance. Jou did a great job at lip-synching. You could have sworn it was really him singing. Ryou had a constant blush stained on his cheeks while he was performing and Malik was practically making the girls faint all over the place. He was the only person besides Yami who could look good in leather slacks that I knew.

The following day we had a few chores to do around the kitchen and clean up the grassy front yard area. The boys had the job of toilet cleaning. We girls were thankful for that. However my group and I were on lunch duty - as in cooking lunch and cleaning up the dishes afterward. Seiji was teaching us how to prepare traditional seafood from the fish that the Shiranuka Fishing Company catches daily. I wasn't a particular fan on fish, more so chicken dishes, but whatever was given to me I would be able to think of some sort of way to whip it up.

Ryou was phenomenal in the kitchen, as was Jou. Taree and Anzu stood around like brainless idiots wondering what to do. It was more like an operation than making lunch - Ryou and I being the main surgeons. Anzu and Taree were our `nurses'. I would ask "cheese" and Anzu would hand me the cheese. Ryou would ask "ham" and Taree would hand him the ham.

Seto and Joy were busy slicing, dicing and filleting the fish steaks and preparing the sauce which was to go with it when it all goes in the oven. Seiji seemed to be impressed with our group - he even asked us to prepare dinner too. Of course we objected, even though we were obliged at Seiji's compliment.

Bakura's POV…

My hikari and our lover were wrestling on the grass outside near the edge of the forest. It was nice to watch them get along, but I had to admit that I was going a little psychotic being locked up in the Ring almost constantly over the week. Ryou told me that the teachers would "freak" if they saw two of us. I told him it didn't matter since Miss. Keziaki had already seen me once, but Ryou said she probably didn't have her glasses on or something. I turned my head to see something which caught my eye. It was a gold glint in the forest. It kept sparkling in the sunlight, so I kept staring at it, harder and harder, until I couldn't contain my curiosity for much longer.

//Ryou. There is something in the forest.//

/What are you talking about?/ My hikari asked, somewhat worried.

//I can see something gold shining in the forest. Get up and see what it is.//

/Okay Bakura… where about is it?/

//Over near that sequoia tree.//

/Okay then./

"Hey, Shika, Bakura thinks he can see something in the forest. Let's go and check it out!" Ryou said, hoisting Lotus to her feet.

"What is it?" she replied with a faint air of curiosity.

"He thinks he can see something gold shining in the sunlight."

"Oooh I wonder if it's valuable."

Soon we reached the spot where I saw my golden object. I emerged from the ring and sucked in a breath of sweet Japanese spring air. All of our gaze cast down to the ground at the shimmering item half covered by grass. Shika leant down and took it in her grasp.

"What would something as beautiful as these be doing out here?" Ryou asked in puzzlement. In Shika's hands she fingered two gold wrist-cuffs entwined with one another, as if they came as a pair. One each was a single blood red ruby gem in the shape of a sun with many rays, with two crouching lionesses at either side. I recognized it instantly.

"The cuffs of Sekhmet…" I whispered, stumbling backwards somewhat.

Lotus' eyebrows creased in her expression. "Is something wrong, Bakura? Do you know what these are?"

I nodded and folded my arms across my chest. "I robbed them from a tomb in Ancient times."

My hikari's eyes widened as did my lover's. "Then what are they doing here?" Shika asked, staring back down at the objects in her fingers.

"Perhaps you were destined to own them." Ryou asked.

"Hmm… why don't we go and find Yugi and Yami? They might know what they're here for."

"Let's go and find them then." I said as I disappeared into the ring once more. My lovers walked silently out of the forest. Shika put the precious relics in her sweater pocket.

Shika's POV…

We found Yugi and Yami sitting on the grass playing duel monster cards, with Malik as an audience. He seemed to be in some sort of trance - leaning on one elbow with his chin in his hand, his legs crossed. He seemed to be defending himself against any crazy girls which came his way; by ignoring them.

"Hey you guys! We found something! Yami, you might have a clue as to what it is." I said.

Yami looked up at me and gave me an odd look. "Well, what is it then?"

I pulled out the golden cuffs from my pocket and handed them to him and sat down. Ryou sat beside me. We watched Yami in an awkward silence as he examined every inch of the gold bands.

"Where did you get these?" he finally asked.

"Bakura spotted them in the forest from a distance. He saw them shining in the sunlight." Ryou answered.

"And did he recognize them?"

"He said he robbed them from a tomb in ancient times." I said.

Yami rolled his eyes, his thick black lashes flicking up. "Typical of the Tomb Robber."

Bakura growled inside his ring and came out of its chamber. "You had to earn a living when you were a street rat, Pharaoh." He hissed. Ryou and I exchanged silent glances.

"Although I know nothing about them, I can tell you who they belonged to in ancient times." Yami spoke.

"Who was it?"

"See these lionesses engraved into the gold?" he pointed out. Ryou and I both nodded. "These represent Sekhmet the Mighty One. She was a goddess of the Sun with the head of a lioness. She had-"

"I know everything about her, Yami. Take a look at my tattoo." I explained, lifting up my shirt to reveal my tattoo of Sekhmet on my tailbone.

Yami's eyes bulged and his mouth parted slightly. "I remember you! You were the exotic dancer that came to me as a gift for my 25th birthday gift! You left and, never returned…" Yami said, all a little too hastily. He seemed to have Yugi and Malik bamboozled.

I closed my eyes and lowered my head slightly. "I know, Yami. Isis told me about my past in Ancient Egypt. She couldn't foresee any further than your wait for me to return to your palace. She said she might be able to tell me more the next time I visit her."

"I had my army search every bank and desert which met the Nile River for you. I was afraid you had got lost or had been murdered. Murders were very common in those days." He replied, his eyes fixed on me. Although I remember nothing about my previous life, I remember his crimson orbs. They were flattering in his angelic face.

Then Malik spoke up, "I can get my sister to analyze those relics for you at the museum laboratory, Shika."

"Thanks, Malik. I should probably speak to her myself though."

Yami nodded in agreement. "That would be a wise idea, Shika. But as I was saying, these wrist cuffs belonged to Sekhmet herself. The blood red Sun symbol represents her fiery temper and passion toward keeping Ra and Osiris safe from harm. They were worn by her until her day finally came. Then this white-haired demon of yours stole them from her tomb. You'll have to ask Bakura what happened after that."

"He doesn't remember." I replied gruffly. "That's why I'm relying on Isis to tell me more. Perhaps she can tell us why I never returned to the palace with the basket of Lotus flowers, too."

"That would be good." Yami replied. "Please do come and find me when you have an answer, Lotus Shika." At that, he and Bakura disappeared into their Millennium Items as Miss. Keziaki approached us.

"What hogwash are you children babbling about this time? More Ancient Egyptian fairytales?"

"I assure you, Miss. Keziaki, these `fairytales' are quite real." Malik replied, glowering at her.

She giggled. "Yes, yes of course they are, Malik. Now inside, all of you. We're expecting a storm so we won't be playing spotlight(1) tonight." She replied, pointing to the sky which was threatening a heavy rainstorm and possible thunder and lightening on the side.

Me and the group got to our feet and wandered back toward camp base. I clutched my new found secrets tightly in my grasp inside my pockets, wondering what could possibly be unearthed next.


(1) = Spotlight is a game when you run around in the dark and someone has to try and find you with a torch. Your aim is not to get caught so you hide. I'm sure you've all heard of it, right?!

Author's note: Sorry this chapter was a bit brief but I couldn't think of a better ending. I'm gonna cut out the rest of the days that the guys spend at school camp coz it's getting kinda boring, and I promise that the next chapter will be longer!

Next chapter: Shika goes and talks to Isis about her findings. Shika and Ryou introduce Bakura to Afet and what's up with Shika's irregular heart? Something evil also happens to Taree and Anzu… ^_~ (your requests are granted Lady_Washu_of_Evil and BlackFury)