Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Here it goes ❯ Aw! ( Chapter 2 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
Joey: Wait a minute who are you?

Tristan: It's Bakura, who else?

Joey:Well, who invited you?

Bakura: Hmm... You do not know that I poses on of the millineum items, do you?

Joey: That's nice.

Tristan: Seriously why are you here?

Bakura: A very good questions. Do you not know the birth of Pegasus is on the following morrow?

Joey: Say what??

Tristan: So you're here for the birthday party?

Bakura: Yes! Why esle?

Joey: Now I get it how else is coming?

A few people enter

Mai: Hey JOey!

Seto: Don't forget about the Kaiba brothers!

Duke:Count me in too!

Joey: That's just grat a whole party.

Tristan: Why art thou not pleased?

Joey:[annoyed] AAAAARrrrrrrrr! I'm outta here!

Bakura: Wait we're not finished!

Joey leaves them quite annoyed. He hums to himself. While he walks, he hears noises from afar..... moans of pleasure or someting

Joey: No! That can't be! My buddies can't be doing it! There too innocent!

He runs for the door and almost knocks it down and finds... the bed....


*$Black out$*
He hears voices but still uncoinscience...

MAi: Joey? Wake up!

She shakes him and Joey wakes up

Joey: Huh? Where am I?

Mai: Welcome to my room! Oh. You must have gotten a blackout. The last hing you did was practically scream like a girl!

Tristan and Bakura run in

T&B: J, we're so sorry! Please forgive us and we'll do better! Don't kill us!

Joey: Oh... okay.

Mai: Tell us what happened.

T&B: Yeah, yeah!

Joey: Oh.... that... Um... I was annoyed... so I..... was going back to the room..... but then I heard some....

T&B: Alright already! Just tell us what you saw!

Joey; I saw.... I saw....... the bed......



Joey: What I saw is what I saw.

T&B: WHAT???

Duke: You dim wits! Bed? Does that give you a clue, people bed?

Bakura: You don't mean it!

Tristan: They did it?

Joey: That's the vision.

Bakura: Wicked!

Tristan: But... but.... how could they?

Seto : Get it over with! Everyone does it... once in awhile! That's nature. When it's hot it's hot!

Bakura: I need a girl!

Mokuba awakes but apparently was listening

Mokuba: People bed? Seto why does everybody do it when it gets hot? How come it's true and what are you saying? I don't understand why Mai is crying, what's the big deal? Why are you all starring at me? Who is it? Why does Bakura need a girl? Did I get....


Seto: Mokuba just go back to sleep, we'll talk about it later.

Mokuba: Okay big brother!

All: Aw! How cute!

Set: [blushing] Um... how about the part-y tommorow?