Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ hi ❯ chap 5 ( Chapter 5 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]


Maliks gurl: Sorry it took sooooooo long to update. Ever heard of school? It is soooo annoying. Anyway. My friends left. Boo hoo. So I will be doing the show alone! YAY!

Now, our first dare is from Digimagic! She dares Seto to dress up like a dog! Hey, I like that one!!! Seto!

Seto: Oh man! Coming.

Maliks gurl: Good, heres the costume! *hands him a dog comstume* go put it on!

Seto: *groan* *stalks away with the costume*

Maliks gurl: Now, while he's doing that, lets continue shall we?? Melissa! Dare please!

Melissa: Sure thing! I like this one!

Maliks gurl: Cool, this one is for Malik!! Come here sweetie!

Malik: *groan* Whaddya want?

Maliks gurl: Sit sit! Heres your dare! Malik to wear TIGHT leather pants, a sleeveless shirt like Yami's, only shorter, and sandals. That is from Princess Rhikmeta Yugioh. Good one!!! *hands him the out fit*

Malik: *Groans, goes to get changed*

Seto: Comes back*

Maliks gurl: JUST IN TIME! I have another dare for you! I dare you to say you are better then Joey wheeler. This is from an Anonymous reviewer! OK, DO IT!

Seto: Joey, you, you, you, are….. *trails off* Joeywheeleryouarebetterthenmeateverything! *runs off stage*

Maliks gurl: OK! That was interesting. Now, Malik! GOT BACK HERE!

Malik: *comes out* What?

Maliks gurl: *whistling* Nice outfit (real nice mental image isn't it??) Another dare for ya. Joshua dares you to be my slave for two chapters. Starting next one. And he also dare for Seto. Fix your computer!

Malik: ^Great! I'm the authoress' slave!^

Seto: Will do!! *leaves to fix his computer.*

Maliks gurl: Now, I ran out off dares….boo hoo. Just have to wait for more reviews I guess. Oh well….R&R