Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Hidden Feelings ❯ Seeking Comfort ( Chapter 4 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer: I don't own Yugioh!

Key: //blah// = other self; blah = emphasis; /blah/ = conversation w/ other self; "blah" = whispered; {blah} = sounds/action; ~~~ = POV change

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Ch 4 Seeking Comfort

"I just wanted to be happy."

{The other materializes next to him.} //Don't cry my dear. You'll ruin your pretty face. //

/It's not like you care./

{He licks the salty tears off of the "hikari".} //Oh. . . but I do.//

/Now why would you care?/

//Because you are my other half. //{He caressed the crying boy.} //Now tell me what is wrong.//

/Well what do you think?!?! I'm freakin stuck in a hellhole for eternity, talking to myself because no one gives a shit! I don't have anyone! I'll be stuck in solitude. . . forever. . . What else would it be? /

I let my angry tears fall freely, if only. . .I could be free.

//Oh, then who am I?//

/You're. . . not. . . even real./

//If I am not real, then explain how I am able to touch you?//

How does he expect me to know?

/I don't. . . know. . . I don't know. . . anything anymore. The only thing I do know is that I'm stuck in a hellhole forever tormented by seclusion. Everything, everything is hopeless now. . . /


The other held the hikari closer as he cried himself to sleep.

/"Hopeless. . ."/

//"You'll escape. . .someday."//

He softly kissed the hikari on the forehead.

//"Good night my fallen tenshi. Sleep well."//

He disappears from the room.

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A/n: Sorry if this is kinda short. But I really don't have any time to think thoroughly right now. Gomen ne. And thanks for the reviews. I really appreciate it.

Also I need some ideas of where this should head toward because I don't have much of a clue right now. I'm not even sure how it should end.

Should there be shounen-ai in this? I won't focus on it too much unless you guys want me to. Other ideas for the story are good too. So send them in.

Reviews please. See ya next time. ^_~