Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ High School high ❯ First day ( Chapter 1 )
[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
By: FantsyLife 
Yay! You've made it to your first day. How fun is it to encounter an egolistic slutty prom queen, mean teachers, and some really weird people.
Anime/Manga: Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction |
Genre(s): Romance /
Hentai /
Drama |
Type: Other |
Uploaded On: 09.08.2007 |
Updated On: 09.08.2007 |
Pages: 3 |
Words: 3.9K |
Visits: 237 |
Status: Completed
This story is something I made up while I was bored so SHHHHHHH!!
I don't own any of the Yu-gi-oh characters in this story because if I did, the plot line would be totally different.
Kai sighed as she pulled her backpack over her shoulder and climbed out of the car. Her day already seemed to be working out badly. Moving from one city from another because of her stupid job transfer and so now we had to live in this rinky dink, copy cat of a “perfect home”. Big windows, large kitchen, a separate dinning room….just perfect.
“I hope you have a good day Kai. Domino High should be the perfect school for you.” Kai grimaced as she looked back at her mom.
“Yeah…sure…happy, happy joy, joy.” She walked crossly into the school, her expression grim. ~If these spankies get any tighter my crotch is gonna be on fire!!~ Kai thought grimly as she stopped at her locker, shifting around slightly, making everything a bit more…endurable. Teens walked around her in ever shape and size in their ugly school colors which consisted of navy blue, navy green, burgundy, and khaki. The boys could wear either Navy blue or Khaki slacks with a white button up shirt, a burgundy vest and a navy blue blazer. The girls wore the same tops, except their skirts were navy blue and green plaid and if they wanted to wear slacks they all had to be khaki. But of course, all the girls wore a skirt, except or Kai. Being like the crowd was so out of her boundary. Suddenly the halls became silent and a sudden coldness crept around her shoulder, making her shiver. She turned to see a tall, brown head boy walking steadily down the hall. His expression was stony and his body was tense yet graceful. His cerulean blue eyes shot an icy glance at her as he pasted by, carrying a leather bound briefcase. Kai's body jerked with the shock of the cold wind that swept around her as he walked on.
“It's so unfair. I mean look at him…he doesn't get to wear uniform!” A girl exclaimed in a whispered tone and Kai shifted her eyes to her. The girl stared hesitantly back at her before looked back at her friend as Kai quickly turned towards her locker again.
“I know, it's only because he's all cocky with the teachers.” A second girl said the first scoffed.
“He's not cocky with them, he's evil to them. They're all afraid of him. Seto is gonna have it coming to him one day.” They walked off; talking again and Kai shut her locker and relaxed her shoulders. ~Seto…~ She walked down the hall and was shocked as she walked in the classroom to see Seto sitting behind the only desk left in the classroom. The short, lean, balding teacher pushed his glasses up on his nose and straightened papers in his hand.
“Ah, you must be Mrs. Crenshaw. Take a sit in that one right next to the window.” Kai hesitantly walked over to the seat.
“Hurry up Mrs. Crenshaw, this class waits for nobody. You are only exception because you're new and I'm sure these big halls can get a bit confusing. BUT one thing you will learn is that lateness is not tolerated.” Kai blushed as she then hurried into her seat. She stopped as her eyes caught Seto's. He stared at her intensely, as if trying to find something wrong with her.
“Mrs. Crenshaw…SIT!” Kai sat down quickly as a few chuckles went through the classroom. The hairs on the back of her neck stood up a she thought she heard a slight chuckle from the form behind her. Her mind dared her to turn around and look but, her body screamed out no. She shifted her body around slightly and turned her neck slowly. Their eyes met and a jolt went through her body. Was he giving her a smug look? She turned around quickly, her cheeks flooding with red again.
“Alright let's get this thing rolling!” The stocky gym coach blew her whistle and everyone lined up. She wore dark blue, biker shorts with a gray hoodie while their dress code for gym was dark blue shorts, a light blue t-shirt, and white tennis shoes. “Alright my little blueberries, welcome to the worst of the best times.” She paced slowly in front of the line. Kai rolled her eyes and tuned her out as she started thinking about other things. Like how she was always by Seto. He towered over her to the right and a popular brown haired girl stood to the left. She glanced up at him to see his eyes cut at her, then quickly looked forward.
“I can be your buddy.” The popular girl blew a bubble and the gym coach popped it. “Or...” She sized Kai up. “I can be your worst nightmare.” She stated, standing in front of Seto, crossing her arms.
“Oooooo, I'm so scared.” She scoffed.
“You haven't seen scary yet.”
“Save your huffing and puffing, you've been trying me for the past 2 years and I'm not scared yet.” She glared at him one last time before moving on.
“For your first activity you all will be doing suicides! Go!” The brown haired girl beside Kai gasped and the gym coach turned sharply on her heel.
“What's the problem Gardener?”
“Ms. Kibble, suicide? I can turn you into the office for suggesting inappropriate behavior!” Ms. Kibble stared blankly at her.
“I'm surprised you're not a blonde.” The girl crossed her arms.
“I'm NOT surprised you're not married.” Ms. Kibble took a step forward and Te'a stumbled back, almost tripping over her own feet.
“Look here Ms. Copycat, smarty pants, diva Te'a. Suicides is when you run to the first side line and then run back, you touch the free throw line and then run back, you run and touch the half court line and then run back, then you run all the way over to the other side of the court, touch that side line, and then run back. Everyone is to do 10, but since you and Seto seem to be full of so much energy, I'll let you do double. Ready?” She yelled and blew her whistle. Everyone took off, Te'a lagging behind. Kai was ecstatic when she sat on the bench in the girl's locker room after long extensive training. She sat in her shorts and sports bra as her caramel skin radiated with perspiration and her lengthy lavender hair in a high ponytail. The girls flounced around in there lacy underwear chattering about nonsense and Kai watched strangely until something caught her attention out of the corner of her eye. She looked to see it was a girl sitting there. Her skin was pale and her hair was short, almost neck length. Her hair was in an emo style and streaked with candy apple red. Her left eye brow was pierced along with her lip and four piercing in each ear. One of the double doors flew open as an angry Te'a appeared through it.
“I cannot BELIEVE I just did 20 suicides!” She growled at the girl down at the other end and then glared at Kai who had just slipped into her button up shirt. “What are you looking at new girl?” Kai scoffed as she stood up.
“Is that the best you got?” The locker room fell silent as Te'a turned back around slowly.
“What did you just say to me?” Kai tugged on her burgundy vest.
“I said, is that the best you got?” Te'a stepped towards her.
“Who do you think you are? Do you know who I am?!” Kai's expression was amused as she zipped up her skirt and turned towards Te'a.
“I know I'm Kai Crenshaw and I know you have overstepped that boundary line.” Te'a gasped stepping less than arm's length away from her.
“HOW DARE YOU TALK TO ME LIKE THAT?!” Kai filled in the last space between then, a low growl escaping her throat.
“It's called cause and effect, put it into context.” Te'a shoved her against the lockers.
”Let me show YOU some cause and effect, I will make your life a living HELL if you EVER talk to me that way AGAIN!” Kai pushed her off, making her stumbled back on the bench.
“Here's some advice: 1) Don't ever take my phrase. 2) Don't ever step in my bubble and 3) I'm Kai Crenshaw beyotch and I'll make YOUR life a living hell if you step to me like that again.” Kai jerked her back pack up and sashayed out the room swinging both doors open. The boys who had already gotten change had heard the ruckus and stared excitedly at her and the closing door to the girl's locker room.
Kai sat at a table by herself in a corner doing lunch. The drama that went on during gym class quickly spread throughout the school building, in just 10 minuets. Everyone was talking about it and everyone had a way to tell it. It ranged from Kai smacking Te'a and making her fall on the bench, to Kai pulling out a knife and scaring her and even Kai used mind magic to lower Te'a onto the bench and keep her restrained there. Kai at first was ok with a couple of stares, but in lunch it was a totally different thing. She gave an angry/confused look to anyone who stopped to gawk and then gasp when she looked at them and walk off, quickly adding that to their story. A loud clank took her attention away from the revolting food on her plate as she squeezed her eyes shut. ~Please don't be Seto. Please don't be Seto. ~ She looked up, slightly relieved to see it was the girl from the locker room.
“That took a lot of guts to do what you did.” Kai picked around in her food.
“You could've done something like that too. Doesn't look like you're that scared of anything.” The girl looked up at her quickly.
“There's no need to get all hasty with me. You can get all big and bad with anyone else but not me. And you're right, I could've, but she's never said anything to me because I'm too weird so she just talks about me from a distance. She doesn't want to experience her junior year what she did her freshman year.” Kai looked up at the girl. She was unusually thin and her body looked like it would break at the touch of a finger.
“What happened?”
“It wasn't like some great one hit fight. My freshman year I was one of them.” She pointed to all the giggling, ditsy girls who flocked around the football team. “Freshman year was just really a new experience for everyone, but I didn't kiss anyone and go do other things like the rest did. Te'a was the worst. The first time she did it, she thought she was the best and that day was the day I was feeling good too, not because of sex but because I had just gotten a compliment from a cute freshman guy. I made a mistake and bumped into Te'a while she was at her locker. She slapped me and said learn how to respect your superiors. I was heated because the freshman guy was standing at the end of the hall with everyone else staring. I threw down my book bag and right hooked her in the jaw. I called her slut and the one thing she said changed me. She said with her mouth bloody, why'd you do that? You're the same as me! Yeah sure, you don't do the things we do, but who's to know when you hang with us? That's when I changed. Being like Te'a was like mass suicide.” Kai chuckled slightly then stopped when the girl raised a brow at her.
“You um, got a name?”
“Isis.” A tall blonde haired boy walked up to them and leaned across the table. Isis stared up into his violet orbs and stared almost mesmerized by him.
“I need to take you and Marik home right after school so I can get to work on time for once.” Isis scoffed.
“Ok Unjolly Blonde Giant, but can't you see I was in the middle of a conversation?” He looked towards Kai. He did an exaggerated bow and held out his hand. Kai's expression was confused yet amused as he took her hand and kissed it.
“I am Malik, Isis' brother, how do you do?”
“I'm fine.” Kai said snickering.
“And does this fine lady have a name?” Kai looked off, struggling not to laugh.
“Kai. Kai Crenshaw.” Isis rolled her eyes and shooed Malik off Kai.
“Enough with the sarcasm, you told me what you had to say now scram!” She said, trying to be serious, but playfulness all in her voice. He laughed and bowed again to Kai.
“Well it was a pleasure to meet you.” He walked off and Isis raised an amused brow.
“Runs in the family.” Another blonde haired boy raced to the table and sat down.
“Hello Isis baby! How are you doing?” He turned to Kai. “Hey! I'm Joey Wheeler.”
“Kai Crenshaw” They shook hands and Joey smiled brightly. “What relation are you to Isis?”
“Boyfriend/fiancé.” He kissed her on the cheek and she wiped it off disgusted. “Come on now Isis, we're in a relationship. I understand you haven't had your first kiss, but on the cheek you should be used to it!” Isis slapped him on the back of the head.
“Relationship? Aren't the BOTH the people supposed to agree that their together?” They got into their little play argument and Kai started to tune them out as everything in the cafeteria began to move in slow motion. Everything was silent until she heard one loud footstep. Even her own body seemed to go slow. She could almost see the wind whisking around her as she turned her head. There stood Seto, well actually he wasn't standing, he was moving steadily across the room towards her. Her heartbeat rang through her ears as he got closer.
“Kai.” Her head followed him as he passed by slowly.
“Kai…” Their eyes made contact and stayed pinned to each other. But something she couldn't pinpoint was that her name was being called but his lips weren't moving.
“EARTH TO KAI!” She jumped as everything moved at regular sped again and the loud noises of the cafeteria filled her ears.
“Hm?” Isis and Joey stared confused at her.
“You starting to like da dragon?” Joey said, lowering his voice.
“The who?”
“Da Dragon: Seto.” Kai blushed and she quickly looked down at her plate, hoping her hair would cover her cheeks.
“No, what makes you think that?” She mumbled, picking at her food again.
“You were staring at him fa like 15 seconds straight! I would say dat's liking.” Kai threw a piece of the solid roll at him and he held his face.
“AH!!! Where da heck did ya get a ROCK FROM?!” Isis and Kai snickered as he recollected himself and sighed. “Well if ya trying ta keep it a secret be more…you know on the hush-hush about it. I mean frankly if I was you, I'd keep it on da DL too.”
”Excuse me?”
“Da DL, the down low. Not telling people. I think you would have a chance den. He acts like he hates girls all over him. I mean pretty girls, gorgeous girls, girls I can't even get ta look at me! Some say he don't like girls all over him, I say dat dude is a fruitcake.” Isis rolled her eyes at the over exaggerating guy next to her and sighed.
“I think Tristan's calling you.” Joey sat up quickly.
“Really? Why didn't I hear dat?”
“Because you're talking out your butt and I'm sure that's where your ears are too.” Joey sneered at her then smiled.
“Gotta Jet.” He ran off in the direction of a tall brown haired boy and Isis shook her head.
“So do you and Joey really go out?” She scoffed.
“No! I mean….look at him!” Kai smiled shyly.
“I think you both would be a cute couple.” Isis shook her head amused.
“This is going to be the start of one weird, emotional friendship.” They both laughed and threw their food away. “Let's go get some real food. They're trying to feed us stuff from 32 BC around here.” Kai smiled as they walked down the hallway towards the door. This was her first day and she already had a best friend, an enemy, and a crush. How great could Domino High be?