Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ High School Never Ends ❯ Music Sooths The Soul ( Chapter 3 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Read Bottom… See Ya There.

Disclaimer: If I owned Yu-Gi-Oh ©, people would actually know who Ryou Bakura was…

Warnings: Cussing, and some sexual innuendo, actually a bit more then that but no where near even a lime.

High School Never Ends

By SetoKaiba’sShowGirl

Chapter 3: Music Sooths The Soul

Ryou was laying on his bed, looking at the plain white ceiling. His arms behind his head, legs straight ahead. He had a slightly eerie smile on his face. The night had started bad for him, he could admit that, but it had ended quite well, great in fact.


Ryou and Bakura were walking behind Malik and Marik. Yami and Yugi walking behind them.

“So, you’re originally from England right?” Bakura questioned the boy walking beside him.

“Yeah, but me and my dad moved after my mum and sister died.” Ryou answered no expression in his voice.

Bakura just nodded, “Where did you move to?”

Ryou said nothing. Bakura didn’t say, “Sorry for your loss.” or “I didn’t know that.” He just skipped over it, “Aren’t you gonna say anything.”

Bakura looked ahead, “Why should I? Everyone loses things and people they care about. Plus,” He looked towards Ryou, a smirk on his features, “You’re probably fed up with people saying stupid shit, like that.”

Ryou laughed, “Yeah, I am. So, the bands great by the way.”

Bakura smirked towards Ryou again, “I know.”

Ryou laughed, “It was funny how Yami faltered when Yugi started up as well.”

Bakura laughed back, “I know, it wasn’t are best set. Me and Marik should of just ignored Yami’s antics and got on with the show, but it was just to funny.”

Ryou listened to Bakura’s laugh. It wasn’t light and joyful but deep and meaningful. Like it was only reserved for special occasions. For special people. Bakura turned to Ryou as he started to laugh to. It was the laugh of a little boy, carefree and ignorant. Bakura felt himself wanted to keep it like that.

“Anyway Ryou,” Ryou looked up to the man, a smile still gracing his mouth, “I was wondering…Shit, this is harder then it looks.”

“What’s that Bakura?” Ryou knew perfectly well what Bakura was going to say, he wasn’t that naïve.

“Look I’m as new to this as you are,” Bakura stopped and turned to Ryou, “I’m more of a fuck’em and leave’em kind of guy.”

Ryou frowned at the man, “I’m not getting you Bakura.”

Bakura held his hands up in surrender, “But it’s not like that with you, I don’t know why? But it’s not. I mean you are incredible sexy.” His smirk came back.

Ryou blushed, his face matching Yami’s eyes, “Thanks.”

“Shit, this is way harder then I would have thought but….” He looked Ryou directly in the eyes, “Would you go out with me?”

Just as Ryou was about to answer, Yugi came running up to them, thrust Bakura’s bass in his hands and ran off. Bakura looked at the bass in his hands, then at the direction Yugi ran off in, then towards Yami. Ryou did the same as Bakura. Yami looked at both of them, a smirk on his face. He put his hands in his pockets and sauntered forwards, passed both groups of teens.

“What the fuck was that about?” Bakura shook his head slightly and looked back at Ryou, “Anyway, would do you say?”

Ryou smiled up at his doppelganger, “I’d love to, Bakura.”

******End Flashback******

Ryou stared at the piece of paper that had Bakura’s cell number on. It also had the time of when Bakura was due to pick him up at the next day. Ryou sighed. Not a depression or upset sigh. It was one of contentment. He closed his eyes and soon joined the land of dreams and wishes.

~The next day~

Curse of Egypt sat around in Yami’s apartment. Bakura’s bass lay on his lap, the owner staring into space. Yami sat with a note pad, hunched over the table, scribbling away. Marik lay on the couch, a guitar lay over his stomach. He played chords here and there muttering along with them. Just because he played drums didn’t mean he couldn’t play other instruments. Bakura looked up to see the others not doing much at all.

“Hey,” The other two looked at him, “Aren’t we suppose to be practicing?”

The other two shrugged and went back to what they were doing.

“Come on,” Bakura said exasperated, “We have to practice at least one song. Pharaoh, what are you doing?”

Yami stared at Bakura for a few seconds before deciding to answer, “What is a pen and paper for Tomb-Robber?”

Bakura glared, “Okay, so the pharaoh’s writing a song, at least that something.”

Yami wasn’t doing anything of the sort, but he just let Bakura think that’s what he was doing. He didn’t need to know what he was really doing.

“Tomb-Keeper what are doing?” Bakura asked.

Marik didn’t even acknowledge Bakura even spoke and just played a few more chords, humming gently along. Bakura looked to Yami, who just looked back and shrugged.

“Marik?” Bakura questioned. Still no response.

Yami didn’t even look, and dashed his pen at the man sprawled over his couch. Marik jumped about 3” in the air as a ball point pen hit him square on the nose. He managed to save his guitar from hitting the floor, but not his buttocks.

“What the fuck, Pharaoh?” Marik questioned getting up and rubbing his butt cheeks.

“Well you weren’t listening to the Tomb-Robber, so I decided to take action,” He said as he got up and walked out the room. He returned with three beers and a telephone directory. He passed one to Marik who nodded and started drinking and one to Bakura who shook his head. Yami arched a eyebrow at him, “You, Bakura, Tomb-Robber, Lead singer and Bassist of Curse of Egypt, refusing alcohol.”

Marik got up from his place on the couch and moved to sit next to the singer. He placed the back of his hand on Bakura’s forehead, “Are you feeling alright Kura?”

Bakura swatted the hand on his forehead, and glared. Both parties the glare was directed at smirked, “I’m feeling just fine.”

“Then why are you not drinking?” Yami questioned, one eyebrow slightly raised, sipping from his own beer.

Bakura blushed, that frightened Yami and Marik a lot more then the glare did, “Well. Ummm…. In about 3 hours. I have to pick Ryou up.”

Marik and Yami smirked, “Bath and bed routine?” Marik asked.

Bakura’s blush got deeper, “No, I’m going on a date.”

Yami and Marik’s smirk disappeared, to be replaced by looks of complete and utter shock. “Really?” Both asked in unison.

Bakura’s blush left his face and the trademark glare appeared, “Yes, I actually want to get to know Ryou.”

Yami just shrugged and went back to his sit, and began flipping through the phone directory. Marik kept looking at the singer, shock still on his face. Bakura looked towards Yami. He was sitting there looking down the page, finger moving with his eyes.

“What are you doing Pharaoh?”

Straightaway the response came, “Nothing that concerns a Tomb-Robber.”

Bakura stood up and looked over his shoulder, he smirked as he realized what he was doing, “Want to know the runt’s address?”

Marik stopped looking at where Bakura was sitting just a few seconds ago, “Yugi, you could of just asked me.”

Yami and Bakura both turned to Marik. “Why, may I ask, do you know his address?” Yami asked a scowl on his face, but his eyes shone.

“My boyfriend is like his best friend. Of course I know where he lives.”

Yami jumped out of his chair, notepad in hand, to run towards Marik, “Write it down.” He screamed at the boy, who just stared into his face in confusion, “WRITE IT DOWN!” He screamed in the boys face.

“Tomb-Keeper just write it down, he’s giving me a head ache.” Bakura said towards the boy while taking the vacated seat.

Marik sighed and wrote down the address of the petite male, “Happy now.”

“Very.” Yami said getting up and straightening himself. Trying to gain some self control, and trying to look dignified once again.

Bakura stood up and went back to his previous seat, “So, we know what the pharaoh was doing. What were you doing Marik?”

“I was going through my song.”

Both Yami and Bakura looked at each other, “You don’t write songs.” They said in unison.

“Well this songs not for you, it’s for Malik.”

Both looked at each other before cracking up in laughter. Marik stood up, hands on hips, glaring at the two men in front of him, “What’s so funny?” He got no response, just hilarity, “WHAT’S SO FUCKING FUNNY?!”

Both stopped laughing to look towards Marik, then each other. Their eyes clearing debating who should say it. Yami stepped up to the plate, “Marik listen, think about it from our point of view. You don’t write lyrics, then you suddenly say you wrote a song for your lover.”

Marik thought about it and sat back down, “Yeah, I suppose your right.”

Yami and Bakura looked at each other. Their eyes once again debating on who should say it. Bakura stepped up to the plate this time, “Can we hear it?”

Marik looked up, “It isn’t completely finished yet,” He said picking up his guitar and seating it on his knee, “You can hear the first verse.”

Yami and Bakura nodded as Marik started the melody. It was soft and sweet, meant for a lover’s song. Marik began humming along before singing the lyrics.

Without you, the ground thaws, the rain falls, the grass grows.Without you, the seeds root, the flowers bloom, the children play.The stars gleam, the poets dream, the eagles fly, without you.The earth turns, the sun burns, but I die, without you.

Yami and Bakura looked at the man in front of them before Yami sung a line straight from his head.

Without you, the stars roar the breeze warms, the girl smiles, the cloud moves.
Bakura was shocked, looking at Yami like he’d never seen before. He turned towards Marik who had his eyes closed, still strumming. Yami was humming and tapping his feet slowly. Bakura couldn’t help it, he suddenly sung out what was in his head

Without you, the tides change, the boys run, the oceans crash.
The crowds roar, the days soar, babies cry, without you.

Everything stopped at once. Marik stopped strumming the guitar, Yami stopped humming and Bakura stopped singing. The band members looked at each other in a new light.

“It’s …” Yami began, “It’s…”

“Good,” Bakura finished for him.

Marik smiled, actually smiled, “Thanks.”

The silence in the room was calm. Not aggressive like normal, just still. Each band member looked at each other in turn. Never before had any of them wrote a song like that. They had written love songs, but there were usually about breaking up or fucking. What Marik wrote was about, if Malik left him everything would stay the same, but he would die. Bakura started to ponder on it. Would he fell like that without Ryou?

“We’re all becoming sissies.”

The other two looked at Bakura, completely out of there stupor by the sudden voice.

“Well I’m not,” Yami said standing up and walking towards the door, notepad in hand, “I’m going to see if he rejects me again, lock up when you leave.”

Bakura looked at Marik before getting up himself, “Well it’s getting late, and I have a date in,” He rolled up his sleeve and looked at his watch, “An hour, so, so long Marik.”

Marik just waved and wrote down the lines Yami and Bakura had sung on his notepad.

Yugi was doing what he usually did on a Friday night, cleaning. He dancing around his room to some dancehall CD Malik had lent him, blushing while doing it. The song was very, very, explicit. Well the title was hot fuck, so what do you expect. He twirled his hips in time with the fast beat. He loved this song. It was fast and had a good rhythm. He gave an unknown person, a cheeky smile. Held in his stomach and jerkily moving his hips left and right like Malik had showed him.

Yami knocked on what should be the Motou’s door. If Marik was playing a joke on him, he would pay dearly. The door opened to reveal an ageing male. He was shorter then Yami with grey hair, no hint of his natural colour left. He squinted up at Yami with his plum coloured eyes.

“Can I help you?”

Yami smiled, “Yes, is Yugi here?” He questioned while bowing, trying to be as polite as possible.

“Yes he is, and who may you be?” The elder was looking Yami up and down, taking in Yami appearance, from the leather pants to the many earrings.

“Yami Atemu,” He said holding out a hand for the man to take, “A friend of Yugi’s.”

The old man took his hand and shook it. He looked at the young man in front of him and made a decision, “Well, he’s upstairs, second door on the right.”

Yami stepped in the door and bowed again to the man, “Thank you, it was nice to meet you.”

“You too.”

Ryou was sitting on his bed, dressed in what he thought would be acceptable. Casual blue jeans and sneakers, with a white dress shirt. He didn’t know where Bakura was taking him, so he dressed casual but still smart enough to go most places. He was staring at the ceiling when his phone rang. He rolled over and snatched up the phone from the floor.

“You’re speaking to, what possibly is, the happiest man alive.”

“You must be happy.”

“I am Malik,” Ryou said flipping back on to his back, “What you up to?”

“Nothing much, just waiting for Marik to get here, you?”

“Waiting for Bakura to get here, he should be here in about,” He stopped to look at his watch, “20 minutes.”

“When did this happen?”

“When we were walking back from the club.”

“Oh, well, good for you.”


“But I do have to say something, be careful.”

“Why?” Ryou said his brow crushed up in concentration.

“Remember what I said to you in school.”

“Oh, that. He told me he was like that; he said it wasn’t like that with me.”

“That’s what he said to Joey.”

Ryou sat up, phone still connected to his ear, “What do you mean by that? Do you mean the goalkeeper?”

“Yeah I do. I’m saying that’s what he said to Joey. That he usually just slept with people then dashed them away like a used tampon, but it wasn’t like that with him.”

“So what if he said it to Joey. For some reason I know he’s not lying to me.”

Malik sighed down the phone, “Ryou, you’re too trusting. I mean I like you, you’re a great friend. I know I’ve only known you for 2 days but be careful. I don’t want you getting hurt.”

Ryou was shocked, Malik was just trying to protect him, “Ok Malik, I’ll be careful.”



Yugi was swayed his hips, as he was bending over to pick up his uniform top from the floor. His arse in the air, still moving to the beat. He straightened and threw the top on the bed still grinding to the beat, just like he done towards Yami at the concert. He blushed realising how sexual he must of looked, standing in the crowd touching himself and grinding like they were having… he stopped himself from that train of thought and continued to dance. He wondered if Yami was a good dancer. He sure was moving on stage. He imagined Yami behind him. Dirty dancing with him. He closed his eyes and danced as if Yami Atemu was behind him holding his hips and gently grinding with him. He looked down and opened his eyes. There really were hands on his hips. He looked over his shoulder to see a smirking Yami Atemu. Yugi wondered how Yami had got in there but just continued to grind his hips, pushing his buttocks into Yami’s member. Yami let out at silent growl at the young boys antics; his was turning him on, on a whole new level. He wasn’t here for that though. For once he didn’t want a quick fumble; he actually wanted to get to know the young man, who right now looked like a cross between an angel and a pleasure slave. Very bad combination to be, in front of a hormone filled pharaoh. Yami’s grip on Yugi’s hip got worse as Yugi bent over, palms flat on the floor, his ass moving in time with the very fast beat. Yami started adding thrushes to his grinding, matching Yugi’s movements. Yugi straightened again; placing his hands on Yami’s moving himself from left to right. Yami instantly copied his movements, just a little bit harsher, unable to control himself. Yugi turned in Atemu’s arms, lifting his right leg up to wrap around Yami’s thigh, clashing their members together. Yami’s hands went straight to the boy’s buttocks gripping them harshly, suddenly turning feral. Why were they dancing like they were about to have sex? Yami wanted to have sex with a little pleasure slave but he didn’t want to the ruin the relationship before it had begin. Yugi didn’t understand what the fuck he was doing; all he knew was that he had a hard-on to die for. All of a suddenly the CD skipped, jumping on two words of the song. Constantly repeating two words. ‘Hot fuck.’

To Be Continued…

I always do the same thing to Yugi. Make him a mega slut. Oh, well. It’s fun. Anyway short then I wanted but oh well. For some reason I don’t like this chappie oh well, at least its done …YEAH FOR ME! Don’t forget to review.