Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Holiday in the Sun ❯ Forever and Ever Amen ( Chapter 11 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

God, the Grand (e): Knee deep in sand on a Panama beach the spring of 72!

Gandalf: 0_o; Anyways Yay, the second to the last chapter!

God: If I play my cards right, by the end of this week, this fic will be so yesterday!

Gandalf: Yay, then we can start our Ryou and Bakura stripper story! WEE!

Greebo, the dragon: Once again, God doesn't own Yu-Gi-Oh! At that, enjoy the show!

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"RYOU DON'T!" Bakura hollered. Ryou suddenly found himself pulling away from the kiss to the sound of an all too familiar voice.

"Huh?" He mused, confused. Bakura then ran over and rammed the girl to the floor.

"Eep!" She eeped.

"BAH!" He screamed as he pulled out his millennium ring, chanting a weird phrase and suddenly the girl's soul was off playing happily in the shadow realm!

"Ba… Bakura…" Ryou stuttered.

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Bakura's Point of View

I kick her in her side. Hm. No one seems to notice she is passed out. Wow, she must have really been a really UN important OC to get that treatment. I shrug.

"Ryou…" I trail off, grabbing his hand.

/Where are we going/

//…..// I don't answer his question; instead, I bring him outside so he can actually hear what I have to say.

"Why, why'd you kiss her?" I ask no demand to know.

"Why does it matter, you obviously don't care about me!" He exclaims.


"No Bakura; no. Don't start, because all your going to do is get uncomfortable and run! God Bakura, I tried to make it obvious to you, I really did! I've showed you time and time again how much I car about you, but then when it's your turn, you just run!" He shouts, tears forming in his furious orbs.

I move closer and wrap my arms around him. He sobs on my shoulder, drenching Marik's six hundred dollar Versace shirt.

"You… you don't want me…" He whispers. I then pull his head up and cup his chin, and scowl.

"Man are you stupid! I absolutely fucking adore you! Damn it Ryou, you don't know how you make me feel, you, you bunny! When I'm around you, I get all-emotional and these weird things happen that make me feel like there's some vial creature fluttering around in my stomach and I like it! I freaking like it! I used to think it was wrong how I longed to hold you in my arms, but now I know I've never been more wrong! You of all the things on this despicable earth, make me the happiest. I like you, no love; I love you Ryou!" I howl. He then beams through his tears, which are now running like rivers down his rosy cheeks.

He then pulls me into a full out glomp, making me choke.

"Ry.. Ou.." I wheeze.

"Sorry!" He whispers, subsiding his grip.

"I love you Kura, I love you, I love you!" He cries, cuddling into my neck. Again with the damn goose bumps. That's ok though, because I am happy as ever. I now have what I cam here to get and can die happily. If Ryou dies along side me of course… Or else I'd just be right where I started.

Ryou draws his head up and looks deep into my eyes, his own so full of happiness as he wears a sunny smile.

"Cute." I say aloud, it's too adorable not to. I then close my eyes and lean in closer to his face, closing the gap between us by gently crushing my lips against his. He moves his arms up and caresses my back, fingers entwining in my hair.

I slide my tongue across his lips, causing him to moan loudly. Damn, save it for the bedroom! I smirk as I slowly slide my tongue in his mouth, exploring his hot cavern. Finally, our tongues meet, and yet again, he moans. I slowly pull back since after all, we do need air. He's flushed and panting with lust filled eyes.

Ryou then nuzzles his nose with mine.

"We should finish this else where." I purr in his ear. He nods, since a crowd has gathered around us, and they're chanting things like 'sweet, kawaii, cute, adorable, sexy, and so forth. Malik, Winthrop, and Marik are clapping. Weird.

"Let's go back to the hotel room, I want you now." He purrs, pouting. My eyes widen at his advance and of course, I pull him forwards and run towards the hotel room.

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Currently Ryou and Bakura where lying on their hotel bed, half clothed, or half-naked, whichever way you want to think about it! They only wore boxers, and the smiles they kept getting that wouldn't go away. Then again, if you were in Bakura's arms, could you stop yourself from grinning?

"The luau starts in an hour." Ryou reminded his now lover.

"Mannnn, Ryou, do we have to go?" Bakura groaned. Ryou peered up from his resting spot on Bakura's smooth, tanned chest.

"Yes Bakura, it'll be fun! If you do this tonight, I promise I'll do whatever you want to do tomorrow." Ryou begged. Bakura smirked.

"Anything but that! Get your mind of the gutter Kura, we've only been dating a day you perve!" Ryou chirped giggling.

"You said whatever though." Bakura said innocently.

"Bakura… I don't think I am ready for that yet… geez, at least give me a week!" Ryou exclaimed, trying to untangle himself from Bakura who kept pulling him back.

"I'm not going to let you go." Bakura said, snuggling Ryou into him.

"Kura! We have to go! If you don't let me go then… then I will break up with you… for Marik!" Ryou threatened. Bakura quickly let go of Ryou; ever since Ryou had kissed him, Bakura was scared that Ryou might do it again. Ryou just rolled his eyes.

Ryou then crawled from his spot and treaded over to his luggage and pulled out clothing. He slipped on striped white and light blue polo shirt and a pair of khaki shorts that went below his knees.

"Aw." Bakura cooed starring at his light. He loved how the shirt hung so tightly to Ryou's beautiful skin.

Ryou then brushed his cotton white mane, and then pounced on Bakura.

"Get ready!" He demanded. Bakura of course yanked him closer so that Ryou was directly on top, and not just hovering over.

"Bakura!" Ryou wailed.

"Well, how am I supposed to get ready if you're on top of me?" Bakura asked simply. Ryou rolled his eyes and placed a chaste kiss on Bakura's lips, which of course turned into another ten-minute make out fest.

Soon Ryou found himself once again, on bottom.

"Please?" Ryou begged, giving Bakura his puppy eyes. Bakura grumbled, and struggled his way to a standing position.

"Fine." He seethed. He pulled on some dark denim jeans that were slightly baggy, and a tight black tank top. Ryou sauntered over to him and encircled his frail arms around Bakura's waist. Bakura bent down and placed a small kiss on his Hikari's forehead.

"We have to go meet everyone in Yugi's room." Ryou informed.

"Are you sure Ryou, cause we could have our own private luau, just you and me." Bakura said seductively. Ryou slapped him playfully on the shoulder.

"We have to go." He said, laughing. He pulled on his white flip-flops, and the two headed out the door.

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Bakura's Point of View

Ryou and I are now currently with the goon squad at this luau. Currently, there's a pig being roasted, I do have to say, it is the best part; except for Ryou if course!

I look out to the crowd of people and find all of my 'friends' dancing. Yugi and Yami are freak dancing, which is NOT cute. Then there's Malik and Winthrop happily dancing together. I think he likes her but I don't know why, it's not like she isn't as ugly as when we got here. I even reminded her a few times. All she said was 'man did Ryou pick a winner' and giggle. I don't really get it, though I do agree with her that I am a winner, which almost makes me like her… but not too much.

As for Tea… none of us have seen her yet… it's been 2 or 3 days. Ryou doesn't know this, but I'm planning on having a Tea's dead party when we get back, if she doesn't come back of course. Noah, Tristan, and Duke are fighting over Serenidy, while Serenidy is dancing with the true gem; Ryou. He has this glow to his gorgeous smile, since the torches are lighten up everywhere. He looks so beautiful tonight, my very own Cinderella, except, he is not a blonde-haired girl, and my name's definitely not Prince Charming. I stare at him dreamily, as the two twist and turn to the song.

"HI Bakura!" A high, squeaky voice calls. I jump and turn around scowling to find a scantily clad Marik behind me… in a frilly hot pink mini skirt, no shoes, and a tight white tube top. Ok, now he's taking the ambiguously gay thing a bit too far.

"Marik, why in the hell are you in a mini skirt?" I ask.

"Um, hello Kura, because I look amazing, have you seen all the guys checking out my ass?" He questions merrily, twirling his blonde hair.

"And why the hell would I check?" I snap, pushing him. He rolls his lilac orbs and giggles.

"Cause you want me and you're just using Ryou to make my jealous!" He chirps. I roll my eyes and walk away. Marik will never learn.

"Fine, I won't give you a blow job then! Just walk away!" He sasses. Anyways, time to cut in.

"Ahem." I say, glaring at Serenidy and Ryou. Serenidy smiles and let us go.

"Now to go chose one…" She says happily, winking at Ryou; he winks back. I ignore it and wrap my arms around my bunny's waist. He flushes a little, throws his arms lightly around my neck, and rests his head on my shoulder. We stride slowly; slow dancing to the song… an 'oldie' as Ryou calls it…

Off the Florida Keys
There's a place called Kokomo
That's where you wanna go to get away from it all

Bodies in the sand
Tropical drink melting in your hand
We'll be falling in love
To the rhythm of a steel drum band
Down in Kokomo

He pulls his fingers though my hair, which actually kind of hurts because it's gnarly, but he's still touching me, and anyway he touches me is good.

Aruba, Jamaica ooo I wanna take you
To Bermuda, Bahama come on pretty mama
Key Largo, Montego baby why don't we go

Ooo I wanna take you down to Kokomo
We'll get there fast
And then we'll take it slow
That's where we wanna go
Way down to Kokomo

"Ryou, are we in Kokomo?" I ask quietly, almost a whisper. He raises his head and smiles.

"No silly, we're in the Bahamas!" He says, giggling.

"Oh… I just thought well we were just drinking smoothies, and we're dancing to a steel drum band, and we're falling in love…" I trail off. His eyes widen and he rises on his tiptoes and tenderly touches his lips to mine. I draw him in closer, deepening the kiss. He slowly pulls away and hugs me tightly.

"I'm never going to let you go." He whispers into my chest. I smile and kiss the top of his head. Then we return to dancing.

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Marik was currently dancing with some guy, as usual.

"Hey sexy." Said guy purred in Marik's ear.

"Why don't we head to my place?"

"OK, but let's bring a couple other's two ok?" Marik exclaimed.

"Wild one huh?" The guy breathed seductively. Marik was excited, so, he pulled the guy into a make out session.

Duke just happened to be walking over to the two.

"Hi." He said timidly, twirling a dice earring.

"Yes?" The guy asked, annoyed.

"Can I join?" Duke asked shyly. Marik pouted.

"I thought you like Joey's skank sister?" Marik sassed. See, what happened was that Marik asked Duke out during an orgy one of the nights. Duke had said he was kind of seeing someone else though.

"Well, she choose Noah. Then I was like, being straight sucks… so… want to make out?" So the three did. And it was good.

As for Mokuba, he was currently dancing with a pretty girl named Lilo. She had a 'dog' named Stitch. They were from Hawaii, meow.

Seto was busy being his usual angst-y self, sitting alone, drinking rounds of Jose Querbo. Of course, now it was his tenth… so actually scratch that… He was happily passed out, and Joey was taking care of him… in bed. Mai was cheating on Joey with Tristan because he needed 'sympathy sex' for being dumped by Serenidy for a certain turquoised hair pre-teen juvenile.

Bakura and Ryou watched Marik, and co making out, and were disgusted. But hey, what was new? They were just happy to be together under the tropical sky, dancing to all kinds of songs, comfortably in each other's arms.

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God, the Grand(e): Ya know, right then is a really grand (e) place to end the story, but I am adding one more, last chapter! Anyways, wee, I finished it, and am quite happy with the turn out… though I really didn't intend on the end couplings… they were kind of spur of the moment!

Gandalf: Oh and of course we don't own "Kokomo" by the Beach Boys either, though we do like to get all our homies together and dance to it ^.^

God: No kidding!

Greebo: Aw, I'm going to be so sad once this is over ;_;

God: Well, it's not over yet!

Sauruman: DAMN! *grumbles*

God: 0_o; Anyways…

Gandalf: Ok, so who now to Rrs!

RyousGirl567: I want a copy of your dictionary! PLEASE! Glad you liked the chapter, and I hope you liked this one too! Thanks for reviewing!

Rowan Girl : But there's going to be a sequel… sometime. Anyways, glad you liked the chapter! Thanks for reviewing!

Sailor InuYasha: Yes it was because he thought Kura didn't love him! EEK! Sorry you didn't like the kiss, and I hope this chapter makes up for it! Yay for donuts! Thanks for reviewing!

DemonandGoddess: See, two days flat! Yay! Of course Marik knew what to do, he's crazy! Hope you liked this chapter, and I did do something bad to the girl, yay for me! Thanks for reviewing!

Gandalf: No kidding! Welp, see you all next chapter for the last time!

God: No kidding and later days!