Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Hot as Ice ❯ Birthday Wish ( Chapter 12 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Yu-Gi-Oh!, and the characters therein, are the property of Kazuki Takahashi. I am in no way affiliated with Takahashi, or 4Kids Ent., FUNimation, TV Tokyo/NAS/Studio Gallop
Hot as Ice
Note: Translations from bablefish, yahoo. Com sorry they didn't work on the others and FYI Seth is something like 20 minutes older than Seto for those confused with the `little brother' title Seth has given Seto. REVIEW PLZ! Oh and sonata hirano we love you! OH and be nice and check out my sister, Aghony's yaoi stories, their good! ^_^
The question that kept popping up though was: would he be ready? Or did he need more time…would he ever be ready?
“I love the cat, she's so cute,” Joey said petting the freed cat that was curled on his lap as they waited for Seto to arrive. The CEO, who was holding the party had decided that none of them could now where it was being held and he would be picking them up. The strange thing was he had asked that Joey wait with Yugi, Mokuba and Seth for the pick up.
Not that strange really, he thought bitterly, probably doesn't want to be seen in my area of Domino, sighing he stroked the silver feline as Seth raised an eye brow, “she seems to have taken to you as well Joey. Who would have thought you were a cat person,” he said his voice teasing.
“Feh, cork it gipsy,” he groused and Mokuba laughed then sighed his eyes going back to the window as a loud engine roared then died off and the boy frowned, “Is that?” he murmured and Seth grabbed the cat gentle.
“I think our rides here,” he reported as he put her in her carry case and she hissed, her ears pressing back. “Hush,” he chilled following the others out the door nearly barging into the frozen trio as they stared at the large, blue Jeep. He too stared, having not seen Seto in a little over a month as per requested; they stayed in contact via phone he was rather shocked when his younger twin strode around the large vehicle.
Glasses covering his blue eyes wearing a pair of tight, painted on black pants made of some shinny material that reminded him of a bugs back, a snug fitted silk royal blue skivvy and a leather jacket. A cigarette between his smirking lips the end a bright red as he drew on the cancer stick.
“You look good Seto,” he said moving up and to everyone but his surprise his brother hugged him back when he embraced the teen.
“Hmm, feel even better, lets go, Mokuba you gonna ride shot gun?” Seto asked moving away, lowering the rim of his glasses to flash his blue blue eyes and the younger teen grinned and nodded before uncertainty covered his face and Seto pushed his glasses back up to hide his hurt at his little brothers hesitation.
Opening the door he moved around to the drivers' side and waited for everyone to pile in dropping his smoke onto the road and crushing it with his foot.
Jumping in he waited until everyone had their belts on before starting the loud engine and trumping it, speeding into traffic and a tense silence filled the car.
Beginning to wonder if he would end up feeling highly unwanted at his and Seths shared party he reached out and turned on the music, just flicking through random stations, looking for something good to come on when Joey said, “Wait I love this song.”
“You like Nickleback?” he asked looking in the mirror as the pup nodded vigorously and he smirked, “I'll have to show you my collection,” watching as the boys eyes went wide.
“…Big brother?” Mokuba asked and he looked at him out of the corner of his eyes wondering if he was talking to him and realised he was as the young boy stared at him.
“Yeah Mokuba?”
“Why did you decide to drive the Jeep…normally you take the limo or your Cadillac or Ferrari or the Porsche?” Mokuba asked staring at him and he lowered the rim of his glasses as he looked at his little brother.
“I thought the Jeep was your favourite,” Seto murmured softly before looking away and taking a sharp turn and Mokuba frowned. “Where are we going Seto?” he asked and Seto just shook his head, a small secretive smile on his lips as he thought to who ever is out there…and cares please let them like it.
His prediction, or thought really did come about for as soon as his brothers friends, friends he for the most part wanted to befriend, entered the house he had been all but forgotten.
“Oh wow, this place is amazing!” Tea' had gushed and they had all said the pleasantries necessary when entering someone else's home for the first time but other than that not a word.
“Yugi, thank you love,” Seth whispered to his boyfriend as he held the small gift he had been given, a painting of Egypt, not the current, and slightly over populated place it was now though. This was Yami's Egypt, a place of magic and love.
Sipping his water Seto silently slipped out of the room with most of his gifts, the Blue Eyes figurine from Yugi, Blue Eyes plushie from Mokuba and surprisingly a gift from Joey.
A book, thick and new, he already had it but…but this copy was special as it was from Joey, who was currently sitting in one of the large one seater leather recliners with him new cat.
The silver and black, sooty spotted feline happily purring away.
Slipping into his room he put the plushie over with the four billion (hint the major exaggeration) others that Mokuba had gotten him he sighed and placed the others down as he rubbed his face.
Shaking his head he went back to the party and smiled at the way Mokuba was laughing at Tristan as they played on the X-bow he'd set up by the TV. It didn't take long for him to realise how far away from them he was and it was only made clearer when, as his cat trotted by and
he tried to pat it.
The sleek feline hissed and swatted him, tarring three bleeding gashes into the top of his hand and he winced as it made a low sound and darted off.
Watching the blood flow slightly he ground his teeth and went to the kitchen rinsing his hand as he pulled the first-aid kit out from under the sink.
“I'll…I'll go take a drive…yeah,” Seto whispered quietly and turned to the crowd that filled his lounge only to pause as he watched Ryou get his brothers attention and spun on his heal as memorise filtered through his mind.
“You always were more trouble than you were worth,”
“No wonder no one wanted you boy, you're a slacker and a whiny child!”
“Shut up,” he growled as he walked to the garage and jumped into his Ferrari.
“Hay guys, have you seen Seto?” Joey asked coming back from the kitchen seconds before a screech came from the drive and something red and shinny shot past the window.
“I think that was him,” Tristan said nonchalantly and Seth swore, “Who was the last one to talk to Seto?” he asked and Ryou frowned, “I only spoke to him when we got here,” he said as Tea', Duke, Tristan and Serenity all nodded.
“Yug?” he asked and Yugi shook his head, “I haven't spoken to him since our friends came,” and Seth winced, “We completely ignored him,” he whispered and Joey said, “I'm sure Mokuba talked to him!” and all eyes turned to the younger Kaiba.
Mokuba stared out the window of the new house and sighed, he hadn't, too nervous that he'd say something to upset his brother he'd kept his distance.
“Seto,” he whispered and jumped as the phone rang.
Picking it up Seth murmured, “Kaiba residence, Seth speaking,” seconds before Seto's voice filtered through, “Hay, look, foods in the fridge. There's pizza in the freezer if that's what they want, drinks are in the fridge if you run out…if anyone needs to go somewhere get Mokuba to call our driver,” he said.
“Seto…why did you leave so abruptly, you should have told someone, you should have told me,” Seth said hurt in his voice and Seto gave a bitter laugh, “The point? You were so happy, I didn't want to ruin that, umm, if you guys want to crash after the party you and Yugi can use the second bedroom in the right wing on the left side, its my room. Please tell Mokuba to check out the first bedroom on the right of that wing…its his room,” Seto instructed.
“Seto…” Seth said only to be cut off, “There's another spare room in the left wing, the other two in the right aren't set up yet. If someone needs to stay they can,” Seto told him.
“Where are you going to sleep? This is you house,” Seth said and Mokuba looked at him with agonised eyes, tears shinning in Yugis and Tea's gasped.
“I have a cot at Kaiba Corp from when I used to work all the night, I'll stay there,” Seto told him “No, you won't Seto, you will come right home, okay. Once your done doing what ever seemed so damn important that you'd leave you own birthday party- Seth said once again cut off by his twin.
“Seth, its not my birthday party or even our birthday party its yours…I know I didn't get a chance to give you your gift. I was gonna wait until everyone left but…go into the first bedroom of the right wing left side…it's in there, later,” Seto said hanging up.
Pulling the phone from his ear he blinked as he stared at it.
“Is he gonna come home?” Mokuba asked and Seth swallowed as he shook his head, “I don't know,” as he put the receiver down and spun marching to the right wing, to the first door on the left. Shoving it open he walked in and swallowed a sob.
The bedroom was painted in a dessert theme, the room magical in and of its self, the wall on his right painted in a scene of Egypt, the sun beating down on the dunes and a dark mass moved along the background.
A caravan, like how he had grown up after their parents had died and he'd been adopted. Taking in the rest of the room he bit his lip and walked over to the bed as everyone else entered and marvelled at the room.
Sitting down on the large, four-poster bed that was an obvious special order as it was close to seven feet long he picked up the note on the bed.
Dear Seth
I hope you like your birthday gift, I did most of it myself, though the bed I sorry to say I didn't make though I did design it and I would like for you and Yugi, if he so wishes to move in with Mokuba and I.
So we can be a family again.
Love always
“What does it say?” Mokuba asked and Seth gave him a wet smile, “He did this himself, for the most part and he wants me and Yugi,” he said looking at his love, “To move in with you and him.”
“I'm included?” Yugi asked baffled and Seth nodded handing him the note before he took Mokubas' hand and stood pulling him out of the room and to the one Seto had asked him to show the boy.
“He wants you to see this, its your room,” he murmured pushing the door open and Mokuba ran in. Most of his stuff was there, though he had a large bed in the same design as Seths. His room was done in rich greens and silver. The left wall painted in a rain forest scene, a brightly coloured bird painted in detail as it flew through the trees.
“He…” Mokuba whispered, he'd never really taken notice of how Seto always seemed to know what he needed or when, just taken if for granted and ignored it. Silence rained as everyone lost themselves in thought until there was a loud knock on the door and they all jumped.
“Who?” Seth asked before moving swiftly to it, his heart seizing when he opened it and two police officers stood shoulder to shoulder on the step.
So sorry about my slackness in chapters lately, review wanted and welcome!