Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ How well do you know your Yu-Gi-Oh! Quiz? ❯ How it works? ( Chapter 1 )
October 15, 2003
How well do you know your Yu-Gi-Oh! Quiz?
Hey, all I was watching YGO! @ 9:00pm central time and I just sort of thought hey why not see if anyone knows the answer to these questions. I've seen the Japanese version from episode 1-120 and I have been comparing it to the dubbed version, and I have found some of the funniest things that they have edited or changed, but I thought hey it would be fun if there was a Yu-Gi-Oh! Quiz.
Yeah I know that this is not fan fiction, but it would not be answered on my journal or web site, so I decide to put it where readers are at, here on MM.org. I would put if on ff.net, but it would probably be gone by tomorrow. So here we go.
HOW IT WORKS? I ask a question and you have until the next question to answer or if I say that the question can no longer be answered. It may be awhile between each question since I have so much stuff to do. I have several papers due in the next few months plus my English Composition II midterm next week. I hate my college teachers. >_< Plus, I have to think up more questions. You can answer by email or in the review, but you have to leave your email if you want me to tell you if you got it right or not. I will try to reply as soon as possible. If you think up a question and would like me to post it email me the Q & A and I will give you credit and get it up in the order that I get them. I will try to give clues so it is not too hard.
Questions that have OPEN in the chapter titles can still be answered and those that have CLOSED cannot.
SEND ALL EMAILS TO: helfirechan@swbell.net
Thanks and I hope you enjoy this. Now, please click on the dropdown menu to see the questions.