Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Howling at the Moon ❯ Ch 2 - Bloody moon ( Chapter 2 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
  Three weeks, that’s how long it’s been since Jounouchi and Kaiba had officially been together; since they had first been intimate.  He sighed as his pencil flowed over the paper smoothly; his work immaculate though he was barely paying it any mind at all.  Seto would be home sometime soon, something about tonight being a red moon had him nervous.  Seto was always nervous when the moon wasn’t white....  Jounouchi still failed to understand all the cycles and phases of the moon and what affects they had on the were-wolves.    A blue moon often made the wolves more docile, even the ones with the most violent tendencies.  An eclipse depended on the wolf, for Kaiba it had him sleeping, Mokuba had been hyper (More so than usual that is.) and for the ‘False-breeds’ they couldn’t change at all.  Jounouchi wondered what the Red moon did?  Or one of those Yellow ones?  Or when there was a ring around the moon?  Hell if he knew; it was all really crazy to him and he felt like he was in some crazy fairy tale.     It was about that time the front door slammed open and closed and Jounouchi heard Seto flying up the stairs.  He glanced over his shoulder, “Seto!?”  Not receiving an answer he followed; up the flight of stairs where he heard a door slam close.  “Seto!”  Jounouchi ran to the end of the hall where Seto’s door was, trying to open it to no avail.  “Seto?  Seto what’s wrong?”   “Go away!”  Came the response; as if on the far side Seto was leaning against the door.    “Seto; are you okay?”  Jounouchi tried again as he rested against the door, worried for his lover who wouldn’t speak with him.    “No; now go away!”  Came Seto’s snarling voice from within the locked room.  Jounouchi flinched at the tone but nodded his head.   “Okay; let me know if you need anything.....”  Jounouchi’s voice trailed off as he walked away; back down stairs where he had left his work at.  He didn’t know what was going on and if he were lucky, tomorrow things would be normal again.  Maybe Seto would even tell him why he was acting the way he was acting.  Reaching the living room he went back to work, drawing a piece he wanted to complete soon....         “Okay; Let me know if you need anything...”  Seto growled as he heard Jounouchi walk away; the blonds scent seeming to linger and taunt him.  He steadied himself with a deep breath; trying to control himself as he got out of his clothes.  It wouldn’t do to wreck his good suit.    He knew this was going to happen; being over confident as he was he had believed he could handle it.  But he had nearly wrecked the car on the way home and Jounouchi.....  Just the scent of his lover was sending him into a heat the likes of which he hadn’t known before.   He crawled into his bed and curled up, cursing as he started transforming......  This wouldn’t be good.  He groaned as he fought the transformation; lying there in bed and shaking his head to deny the change.  Luckily Kazzim was taking care of Mokuba who was still too young to be as affect by the moon phases as were the more adult were-beasts.    Tonight was going to be hell on him.......           Jounouchi jerked awaked, looking around and wondering why he woke up like he had.  Nothing was out of the ordinary from what he could see and a glance at the VCR proved it to be around one in the morning.  “Damn it.....”  Jounouchi sat up on the floor and looked down at his finished drawing with a smile.  All he had to do now was colour it..... maybe.  He had a thing for black and white drawings.   Standing up with a yawn he headed into the kitchen, then paused as he heard howling that made his blood run cold; heart wrenching, but at the same time, hungry.  It had come from upstairs.  “Seto!”  Jounouchi forgot his midnight muchie raid and raced up the stairs to Seto’s room, banging on the door.  “Seto!  Seto are you okay!?”    He heard a feral growl from the other side and squeaked as he stepped back in fear.  He hadn’t heard a growl like that before..... “Seto....?”  He backed up into the wall staring at his lovers bedroom door.    It was silent a moment and he figured he had startled Seto and that the growl was nothing more than his distaste for being startled.  He let go of the breath he had been holding and told himself to calm down.  It was just the moon affecting him and Seto was probably edgy from being affected by it.  After all the man hated if the things he couldn’t control.  “Phfft; Even got me jumpy.”  He said to himself as he turned to walk Back down to the kitchen.    He wasn’t even ten feet away when the door behind him was ripped off it’s hinges with a resounding bang.  Turning Jounouchi was barely half way around when he was tackled to the floor, crying out in surprise as he went, by a huge crushing weight. It took him a moment to realize Seto was in his halfway form, Ten feet tall and very huge.  “Seto!”  He tried to struggle out of the Crinos’ grip but failed to, which made him start to panic.  “Seto lemme go!  Please let go! Seto!”    Seto didn’t seem to hear him, in fact Seto’s grip on him was nearly bone crushing; the more Jounouchi struggled the harder Kaiba gripped him.  Jounouchi was soon in tears as Seto sniffed at him, making the blond go stock still in his grasp as the monstrous CEO sniffed at his neck.  “Seto.... your hurting me....”  He whispered fearfully as he remained unmoving beneath the much larger creature.    Words unheeded the blue-eyed, ten foot tall death machine started growling again; it was a low bone chilling sound and Jounouchi whimpered upon hearing it.  “AHH!!”  He started to struggle again as his clothes were being ripped from him suddenly.  “Stop!  SETO STOP!!”  He tried to fight Seto off of him, landing a few square punches but to no avail, he was merely tapping at Kaiba’s Crinos form.  His clothes were soon nothing more than scraps of useless cloth.   “STO~P!”  Jounouchi tried again, trying to get away; Seto’s claws digging into his flesh and drawing blood as the now furry CEO insured he couldn’t leave.  Jounouchi though was not about to give up, no matter how much it hurt, both physically and emotionally.  This was wrong; Seto wasn’t suppose to act like this, Seto was suppose to care for him!  Freeing his leg and scooting up enough as he fought through with blind punches he got a good kick into Seto’s chest, making the behemoth loosen his hold for a brief second.    Jounouchi bolted, seeking to escape though he couldn’t out run Seto no matter what.  Seto tackled him to the ground, Jounouchi falling face forward to hit his head on the hard wood that was covered by a thin carpet.  He was dazed by the blow and groaned, knowing only he had to escape and run.  He tried to move but was held down as something pressed into him; something effin huge.    “NO!”  He tried to get away as he remembered why he needed to run; but it was too late as Seto slammed into him; Jounouchi screaming in sheer pain from the intrusion that tore him in two and sent sheer pain coursing throughout his body.  Seto was normally not a small man, but in this Crinos form of his, everything about Seto was exceedingly oversized.  “OH GOD!! STOP!! PLEASE STOP!”   Jounouchi could have sworn he was ripped in two; and he scrambled to get away from the searing pain.  Seto had never been so cruel before; and this was just......  He shook his head crying, trying to get away as he screamed for it to stop.  He kept telling himself that ‘this wasn’t happening, that it wasn’t real, it was a nightmare from hell; but the pain just confirmed just how awake he was.  “STOP!”  He tried again; his voice raw already from screaming.    Seto didn’t stop; instead he ravaged his mate mercilessly, his animal instincts in control as pounded into Jounouchi with complete abandon.  The screaming and crying blond clawed at the floor in vain attempts to escape his inhuman grasp as he moved within Jounouchi with such a rabid animal desire, like a jackrabbit; only extremely oversized.  Seto paid it no mind though, to the screaming, crying or the smell of blood, fear, and pain, he was too lost in the feeling of being pleased in such a manner, Jounouchi’s pleads went unheard.  The scent of his lovers blood in the air only heightening his instinct to mate.    Mere hours or minutes; Jounouchi wasn’t sure of anything except he was in pain, his throat hurt and he was feeling his own life fluids run down his thighs as Seto took him; the brunet slamming into him so fast and hard he knew he was going to have whip lash in the morning (If he survived!).  The pain had become so much he was vaguely aware of it; accepting this fate and hoping it would be over soon as he sobbed.    He couldn’t make himself enjoy it when Seto started hitting that place within him; shivers running through his body to mix with the pain.  He was too dead to notice it, his soul feeling more broken than his body and he could barely mouth the words for Seto to stop through the fatigue he felt; tears streaming down his face unnoticed.  It was just too much to endure for his smaller frame; like being impaled on a baseball bat.     Seto’s gargantuan arms wrapped around Jounouchi, Lifting the blond into more of a sitting position as he was forced onto Seto’s engorged flesh repeatedly.  Jounouchi cried out as he was shifted, trying to push Seto’s arms away but his strength was no match for his attacker; and his own lack of strength was another hindrance against the brunet.  He was vaguely aware that somewhere in his mind, the red moon made the Kin savage.  He should have stayed away......    He was vaguely aware of Seto tensing up, then with an ear splitting howl, releasing his seed within the blond who screamed in pain.  Seto’s essence burning his open wounds; the fire burning where he could do nothing to stop it except whither and cry in agony.  He sobbed in the grasp of his lover as the pain mingled with his already enflamed wounds.  He was there one moment, briefly, then it all went black as he fainted into the sweet bliss of oblivion.    Seto; with only his instinct, picked up Jounouchi and carried him back to the damaged bedroom; putting the blond in the bed.  They say the moon affects both the real world and the spiritual would, and currently it was affecting his beast within.  All he had to go on this night of a blood red moon was instinct and rage; to Seto, who looked around the room, decided the night was still young, and it would be fun to hunt and kill.....