Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ I Dare You! ❯ Infamous Introductions ( Chapter 1 )
Title:: I dare You! :: Yuugiou v. 2.0
Author:: N-sama and Em-chan the Great
Rating:: Pg-13
Disclaimer:: If I owned them, I'd be rubbing it in your *face*.
::"'* '"::
Naze Nani I Dare You!
Em-chan: Hi! ^^ I'm Em-chan, and this is my associate, N-sama.
N-sama: ... =D Hi!
Em-chan: You may have heard of the infamous recordings of the "I Dare You" series on Fanfiction.net. The Dragon Ball Z episodes where written by Callisto Firestarter, a.k.a Calli. The original Yuugiou "I Dare You" and the Harry Potter "I Dare You" was written by Amethyst Sin and Yami Phiona, way to go sis! The whole original concept of "I Dare You" was written by one of my favorite authoresses, and I can't look up her name, because the website is blocked and the story was taken off. Either way... I don't own the Idea. Now... [claps her hands twice] ...onto the rules.
N-sama: ^^ I Dare You is fairly simple. We type the story, and you send in the dares. Here are good/bad examples.
Dear (insert Yuugiou character's names here)
The name you put there MUST be a Yuugiou character. You are forbidden from daring Original Characters. However, you may add yourself into the dare. HOWEVER... It cannot be too extreme. You can't dare a Yuugiou character to "make-out" or "53x it up" with you. We won't tolerate it.
I dare you to...
Insert a dare there.
Sincerely/Love/From/etc. etc,
Your Name Here
You know the format... Time for the rules! ^^ [heart]
[1.] The character MUST be a Yuugiou character.
[2.] You are forbidden from doing extreme dares.
[3.] Do not flame us because you did not like how your dare went. It is not our fault, we can't read minds.
[4.] We are not afraid to add a tad bit of Yaoi and Yuri into the series.
[5.] Do not be surprised if we ignore your dare.
Em-chan: Please try to avoid repeats and grammar is loved. ^^ Depending on how much you review, you may be added into the series. Oh! And there might be many spoilers! ^^
N-sama: [Jump around on stage then flops down on the couch, smiling insanely] I get to host a shoooo~ow! I get to host a-
Em-chan: -_-; Ahh... I thought I would host...
N-sama: Psh! Yeah, you always host!! [snap snap snap]
Em-chan: There is only one FAIR way to settle this...
N-sama & Em-chan: Rock-Paper-Scissors!
Em-chan: Kekekeke... You can't beat my superior R-P-S skillz! =E
N-sama: [holds out her fist] Rock...
Em-chan: [also holds out her fist] Paper...
N-sama: Scissors...
N-sama & Em-chan: SHOOT!
Em-chan: o_o oh... my god... [She holds up her hand that has the scissors shape near her face] I... I lost... I'm... traumatized...
N-sama: [Peace sign] What can I say? I got skillz beyond yer comprehension. =^^=
N-sama: If you have any questions, be sure to e-mail us both at n_sama_n_em_chan@yahoo.com . Specify which one you'd like to talk to, and we'll respond! ^^ I'm Nicole, and my co-host, Emily, will be happy to respond!