Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ I Love You, I Love You Not ❯ Slipping the blade in the Marmalade ( Chapter 4 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

A/N: You all need to excuse me. I lost inspiration for this piece a long time ago. However, I was reading the reviews for it on mediaminer after ignoring mediaminer for over a year and was so moved and sad that people were waiting for an update that I had to finish. I haven't watched, read, or written Yu-Gi-Oh in over a year. I think I'm going to have to re-read this story as it is. Please excuse any randomness.


"Yugi, truth or dare?"




"I dare you to kiss the next person who walks in that door."


Everybody turned and watched the door, after about five minutes of this they gave up and turned back to the game. Questions were asked and answered, dares were made and done. Finally, they heard the definite sound of someone coming towards the door.


Yugi, who had gotten bored and almost fallen asleep, glanced up to see Bakura walk through the door. Groaning softly he started his dare.


"Bakura, come hither."


A raised eyebrow was the only response he received before the spirit of the ring walked forward and stopped a few feet away from him.






An exasperated sigh.


"Come on, I don't bite. Hard or often."


Getting annoyed with him, Yugi finally pulled him down to his level and kissed the tomb robber passionately.


"If I'm not mistaken, wasn't it your turn Yami?"




I watch Yami as he fidgets on my couch. I can tell he's uncomfortable, we never really were the best of friends. I wonder what he thinks about me asking him out. I've never done something like that before, at least, not that he knows of.


"Yami?" I ask, deciding that this has gone on far too long. He looks at me curiously; asking with his eyes what I want. I smile before my lips form my query. Bakura's going to kill me for this.


"I'm not sure if I made my intentions clear enough on the phone, so I'm going to ask you again, this time more straight to the point though." Yami nods his head for me to continue and I take a deep breath, pretending to be nervous about what I'm about to ask.


"Yami, I was wondering if you would go out with me?"




I know he knew what I meant by asking him here in the first place, but I also know that he's having second thoughts about it. I wont be heartbroken if he says no, it will definitely set my plans back, but I could also easily get someone else to go out with me. It's just that nobody else will get to my Yami like dating him will.


I know this is mean and I know I could seriously hurt the pharaoh but this is important enough to me to do this. I just hope Yami doesn't like me too much. Its not like I haven't broken peoples hearts before, hell I made a game out of it, its just that Yami's a good friend and I don't think Yugi or the others would forgive me.




"I suppose I could give you many convincing arguments about love and silly things like that, but I respect you more than that. So, I'm going to tell you the truth. I'm in love with Bakura, I'm pretty sure that you're in love with Yugi. Let's make them jealous."


This time the silence stretched on until I was about ready to tell Yami to scrap the idea and pretend it had never happened. Then he surprised with his answer.






"Yes, really."


"You're the best Yami!"




Today was to be our official "outing". Finally I would be able to put my plan into action. Yami was of course hesitant to do this. He didn't see the obviousness of Yugi's love for him and was scared that Yugi wouldn't care that we were dating or that he would grow to hate Yami because of it. All idiotic ideas in my opinion.


Surely Yami had seen Yugi kiss or fondle Bakura enough times to know that Yugi wasn't going to freak out if Yami liked other boys. Which led to one of Yami's fears that I had forgotten, which is silly because it's so obvious, that Yugi was in love with Bakura. I didn't believe it. Or to be more truthful, I tried to not believe it. If I started to doubt the truths that I told myself than this would never work. And I would never have Bakura's love. I could not allow that to happen.


But, I digress. The more important matter at hand is how to do this. I had come up with various plans on how to tell everyone and had systematically discarded every one of them. In the end Yami and I had decided to wing it. We had called a gathering of all our friends, or to be more precise, the people whom we called friends.


Tea was here. And Tristan, Joey, Kaiba, Marik, Malik, and the key players in this game, Yugi and Bakura. I had placed Yami on one side of Malik and me on the other for strategic purposes. I had told Malik of my little plot before I had even told Yami. Malik loved plotting. His job was to try to restrain those who might have volatile reactions to the news. Or in laymen's terms, drag the idiot squad out of the room and beat some since into them while Yami and I dealt with Bakura and Yugi.


Now, to jump into the deep end. I took Yami's hand in mine, after a surprised glance and some resistance from the pharaoh, and cleared my throat. Joey and Kaiba stopped bickering and turned their attentions to me, as did the rest of the group. I noticed Yugi glaring at out clasped hands and had to restrain myself from smirking. Wouldn't do to alienate him.


"Yami and I have an announcement to make."


I paused for dramatic affect and to make sure they ere all paying attention before continuing.


"We're dating."


The response was instantaneous. Tea and Tristan were outraged, hissing about religion and how we were disgusting. I ignored them, trusting Malik to do his assigned duty. Kaiba was silent and Joey simply looked too shocked to say anything. He was doing a rather nice impression of a fish, I decided not to disturb him. Marik was ignoring us in order to watch the dust particles float through the air. He reminded me of my old cat Elly sometimes, overly hyper, a little insane, but loving all the same.


But none of them really mattered. It was Yugi and Bakura who I really watched. Bakura's reaction didn't surprise me either; he rather looked like a bomb gathering enough energy to go off. Yugi, however, was not like how I had predicted. He looked almost sad, like he was one step away from crying. At that moment I felt truly horrible for what I was doing.


AN: So that ends chapter four. I'm sorry for the long wait. I was going to keep writing but right there seemed like a good place to end. This is so short. I apologize if I spelled any names wrong. As I stated above it's been awhile. If you want me to continue please review, otherwise I'll think nobody is interested anymore and not continue.