Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ I Love You, Mommy ❯ One-Shot

[ A - All Readers ]

The golden light of the rising sun streamed through the stained glass window, casting a red rose-shaped light to fall over the blonde child as he sat in an overstuffed chair, intently working on a small clay sculpture.

With a tired yawn, the boy leaned back and admired his work, large brown eyes trailing over the red clay. With a bright grin, he grabbed a small tube of white paint and a large brush and set back to work.

"I'm gonna make this perfec' fer you, mommy," he muttered happily.

The sun's light gently caressed the sleeping woman, lighting up her soft features. Quietly entering the room, a tall man gently caressed her cheek. With a soft moan, she fluttered open her eyes.

"Good morning, lovely," the man murmured, quietly pressing a soft kiss to her lips.

The woman said a quiet greeting as she pulled herself into a sitting position. Before she could get out of bed, her husband placed a tray in her lap, smiling brightly at her shocked and flattered expression.

"Now, would this, by any chance, be mine, or are you just teasing me?" she asked playfully.

The man rolled his eyes with a small smile. "I'm going to get something from downstairs. I'll be right back." With a soft kiss upon her lips he hurried from the room. With her husband gone, the woman turned her attention to her breakfast, determined to finish it before he get back.

Just as she was placing the try aside, the door once more creaked open, and her husband reentered, his hands behind his back.

"Finished? Good. I won't have to wait."

She smiled at his and leaned to the side, trying to see what was behind his back. "What do you have?"

"Nothing, really," he said, walking up to her. Pulling his hands out from behind him, her eyes widened at the large bouquet of red and white roses. "Just a gift for my beautiful wife."

Slightly awed, she gently reached out and took the flowers from his hands and brought them close to her. Holding the roses in her hands, she leaned down and inhaled their sweet scent. Pulling back, she placed the flowers beside her gently and wrapped her arms around her husband and pulled him into a sweet kiss.

Pulling back after a moment, she peered into his eyes and murmured softly, "I love you Pegasus."

He smiled and whispered back, "I love you, too, Cynthia."

The two continued looking into each other's eyes until the padding of small feet brought their attention to the door. A blonde blur bolted into the room, leaping onto the bed next to Cynthia. Beaming up at his mother, the five-year-old held up a red, heart-shaped lump to her.

Taking the clay from the child's hands, she looked at her gift, reading the smeared white words that read "I luv u mumy" upon the heart.

With a small coo, she placed the present on her bedside table and brought her son into her lap. Nuzzling his cheek, she murmured into his ear, "I love you, my sweet little Jounouchi."

"I love you, too," he chirped. "Happy Mommy's Day, mommy."

Aww, kawaii… ^^

Kura : *gag; vomit*

Angel: *kicks him* Don't like it, go over there! *points three feet away from her*

Kura : … How would that help me any?!

Angel: Just do it!

Kura : Fine! *does so*

Angel: Alright, then. Time for the RQaABtRCA!

Q - Why did you make J-

A - Everyone: Read Adopted.

Angel: And thus I can't think of anymore. Got a question? Ask me in a review. So, until then, I don't own YuugiOu and ja ne!