Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ I'm Not afriad of YOU ❯ A kin child ( Chapter 2 )

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Chapter 2: A kin child
Hey, I guess I decided to finish this, thanks starless for the review, I'm glad you like this story, and I will do my best to update ASAP. I will finish this story, because all stories have an ending one way or another…in the end XP
Years later…
Bakura sat at the edge of a cliff above the city, which was ruled by the pharaoh whom he had revenge planned on. He smirked at the naïve people scurrying about, tending to their daily routines carelessly. His eyes moved towards the place.
A bitter smile formed upon his lips and a low laugh escaped.
“Soon pharaoh, I will deliver your demise, just you wait.”
He stood up and a wind blew by, lifting his hood and placing it over his head. Bakura turned away and head down into the city. There was something he had to retrieve.
Villagers ran by not noticing that the king of thieves was walking on around them as he slowly approached the palace doors. Bakura knew it was heavily guarded because he had stolen from the place many times already, but that was only to scope out the palace for his plans.
He opened the doors and was “greeted” by the guards.
“What is your business here?”
Bakura looked at them with a clever smile and revealed himself. The two guards stepped back in surprise.
“It's Tozukuoh--”
Before they could warn the rest of the palace, Bakura summoned his ka, Diabound and had them both devoured at an instance. Though the guards were silenced, other people had heard him. Bakura stepped back out of the palace and started climbing up the wall to the top of the building.
He sprinted across the tile-covered roof as the people in palace rushed around on ground, searching desperately for him.
Bakura came to a sudden stop and lowered himself outside a window, but found there was someone already in it. He pulled himself up before the person could see him. It happened to be the priest Mahado's room. The room he was going to invade.
He lowered his head down slowly to the window again and thought of what he was going to do. The priest was in the right place, so without hesitation, the thief swung himself forward and kicked Mahado into the wall. According to Bakura's plan, he should be knocked out, but the priest was only in a slight daze.
Damn, his head must be rock hard, Bakura thought.
He went over to the priest's bed and ripped off one of its legs. The bed whined as it crashed to the ground. Bakura looked up from examining his newly, homemade “club”
“Oops…” he sarcastically commented.
He heard a groan coming from the fallen priest and walked back over to him. He bent down to Mahado and batted his “club.”
Heh, now to test my theory.
Mahado looked up as Bakura raised the club.
Bakura hit Mahado over the head and the priest fell silent.
Nope, not that hard.
The thief left his victim lying there and searched the room. Clothes and boxes (I have no idea what would be in a Egyptian room, so I'm using my imagination XP) were thrown all over the place as Bakura ravaged through the room. Finally he lift a pendent from the rubble. (Just imagine the mess ><)
“Hehe, I found it.”
Bakura put the millennium ring around his neck. Before he could stand, Priest Set barged inside the room and found him.
“Tozukuoh!” He called out.
“ Sorry can't stay and talk, bye.”
Before Set could reach him, Bakura jump backwards out the second story window, waving at him. When he landed, Bakura raced down road leading back into the city. Villagers screamed and stepped quickly aside as he ran towards his exit.
The villagers started to crowd the streets, making it hard for him to pass through. When Bakura finally found a space to run by, someone bumped into him.
He fell over along with the smaller person. Bakura got site of him and scowled at him, but changed it to a look of surprised. The little boy had the same white hair as him. He was scrawny and had a few bruises on his arms.
Bakura was going to ask him a question, but someone was calling the guards over to arrest him, so he pick the boy up and slip through the crowded streets and out of the city.
The smaller boy had his arms around the thief's neck tightly as Bakura sped up the cliff.
When he reached the top, Bakura put the boy down to catch his breath.
“Where did come from?” The thief commanded, impatiently.
The boy flinched at his words and took a step back.
Bakura caressed his head and tried to calm down. He asked the boy again.
“I-I don't remember.”
Bakura sighed and looked the boy over. Still, he had the same colored hair as him, but it didn't mean he came from Eruna; his mother had a dark colored hair along with others. His cupped the boy's face in a hand looked in his eyes. They were a soft chocolate color. The strange thing was the color of his skin; it was paler than most people's in this part of the country.
Hmpf. Oh well.
Bakura let go of him and started walking. Before he got very far, someone reached from behind and wrapped their arms around his waist. The thief stopped and looked his shoulder. The young boy had his face buried in his back, crying.
“Please don't leave me, I hate it here, they always treat me bad,” he sobbed, “I want to go with you. I want to be anywhere, but here.”
The thief sighed and ruffled the small boys hair. He turned around and gave him a smirk, though it was meant to be a smile. Bakura lifted the boy up and sat him down lightly on his shoulders. The boy held on to his hair gently and they left the city, silently.
TR: erm…please ignore the boxes ^^;;