Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ I'm Not Crazy ❯ I'm Not Crazy ( Chapter 1 )
Something (a poem) I wrote for Creative Writing….from Marik's POV….
I'm Not Crazy
I wanna take over the world someday.
It ain't a bad idea.
Everything will be better
Once I brainwash everyone.
Sure, it sounds kinda weird
But it isn't so far-fetched
Once you think about it.
I'm gonna conquer the world.
I don't think so.
Yet I'll succeed, believe it or not.
I've got a plan
And no matter what,
I will never give up.
Everyone thinks I'm nuts
'Cause I believe I'll triumph
But I'm not crazy.
I can do this.
I can rule the world.
I'm not crazy.
Sure, my beliefs are different
But I'm not crazy.
My thoughts are radical
Yet I'm not crazy.
I may be a rebel
But I'm not crazy.
I'm an abnormal person
But I'm not crazy.
I'm not crazy.
What do ya think? Review, please?