Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ I Saved Her ❯ Scream In The Rain ( Chapter 1 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Disclaimer: I don't own Yugioh, if I did Kaiba would have a girlfriend and Tea would have been killed long and slowly…Muahahahah!!!!!!! I am so evil.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~I Saved Her~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

'I have lots to do, being a CEO of an international company, raising my little brother, Mokuba, Dueling. How can I am time for anything else………girls?

How will I make a girl like me for me, not my money? If I know Mokuba, he won't be able to run a company like mine, alone.' Seto thought to himself as he walked home from work, after giving his limo driver the day off. The night wind of the city of Domino was good for him. He hadn't been out walk like this in a while. The streets were empty at this later hour of the night and it was about to rain.

'Just think: SETO KAIBA, creator of Kaiba Co., richest young man in the world, former

'King Of Games' (I'll be fixing that later), is lonely. Hm, I'm not gone just yet, I try to teach him.' Then, out of the silence of the streets, a single scream.

"What the-" Seto yelled

Then the person who screamed, a young woman, race pass him with two big guys chasing after her. She looked about his age, with long, waist-length, black hair. She wore black shorts, black t-shirt, and long black boots. She ran down an alley, the men tailing her.

'I got to help her!' Seto thought to himself, chasing after them into the dim lighted alley.

He saw the woman on the ground holding her bleeding leg, her arm and face was also bleeding, eyes filled with fear. It began to rain. One of them pulled out a small knife.

"Leave her ALONE!!!!" Seto yelled at the men.

"Go away, bub. Do you want to get some?"

"I didn't stutter, I said LEAVE HER ALONE!!!!!!"

Then the men turned around, smiling, "Well, guy, you just made a big mistake!"

Then men attacked him, but Seto punched the first guy and kicked the second.

"Ohhhhh…" the men moaned as they crawled away

Then, Seto turned his attention back to young woman on the ground. The rain was getting harder every minute.

"Are you Ok." he said as he helped her to her feet

"Thank you" she said, then collapsed in his arms.


Thanks for reading, please R&R!!!!!! ^_~* Princess of Darkness