Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ I Saved Her ❯ Duel ( Chapter 3 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Thanks for reading the last two chapters!!!!!!

-Princess of Darkness


Tamaria had gotten better thorough out the three days she was in the hospital wing of the Kaiba mansion. Then, came the day she was to meet Mokuba.

"Ms. Tamaria?" Nurse Gloria said coming in the door of small room. Tamaria was able to walk by herself and her arm was mended.

"Yes, ma'am?" Tamaria said.

"Mr. Kaiba said he will come to take you to Mokuba in two hours. I expect you to be dressed in the clothes I have set out for you."

"Ok, thank you." She said seeing the white peasant shirt, blue flare jeans, and ankle boots with a jeans fabric.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Two Hours Later~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Tamaria looked in the mirror one last time before Seto came. She wore the nice clothes Ms. Gloria put out for her, and added her own special touch, her hair in a ponytail, and around her neck was a locket.

"Well do you look pretty." Gloria said coming in the room. "Mr. Kaiba is in the hallway."

"Thank you, ma'am." Tamaria said grapping her duel deck and heading out the door.

The lighting in the hallway was bright when Seto saw her clearly.

'She is beautiful.' he though to himself.

"Hey, Seto, where's your brother?"

"Oh follow me."

The two went down a long hallway, the tan of walls matched evenly with the bright sunshine.

Then, they can to a halt. Seto opened the door.

"Hey, Mokuba."

Tamaria looked over his shoulders to see a little boy with long, mangled hair. He appeared to be 10 years old. He was playing some kind of video game on a Playstation 2.

"Oh, hi Seto. Who's that?" Mokuba said pointing toward Tamaria.

"This is your new 'nanny', Tamaria Hitachi."

"Hi, Mokuba." Tamaria said coming toward him, "I think we are going to be good friends."

"Are you too young to be a nanny?"

She laughed, "Should it matter."

"No." He laughed, then he looked at her side. "You duel?"


"Then lets go, I have been wanting to duel someone other than the kids at school."

"Wait Mokuba, before you two go off, give her a tour and show her to her room." Seto said as Tamaria walked out the door.

"Seto, can I borrow your deck?"

"Yeah, sure Mokuba." Seto said handing him the deck.

"Thanks big brother, I really like her." Mokuba said heading out the door.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~

"Alright, Tamaria, I won't go easy on you." Mokuba said getting on the podium

"Good, I wouldn't have it any other way." Tamaria said

"Then…" he said

"Lets…" she said

"DUEL!!!" they said in unison.

"Mokuba, you can go first."

"Ok, I play Swordstaker in Attack mode."

" I play Summoned Skull in Attack mode and 3 magic cards."

" I play Mystic Horseman in Attack mode and also Battle Ox in Attack mode and a magic card."

" Summoned Skull, attack Swordstaker!!"

(Tamaria: 4000 life points, Mokuba: 2200 life points)

"I fused Mystic Horseman and Battle Ox to make Battle Horseman (????)!!!!!!

" Summoned Skull attack his monster!!!"

"Ha, you fell for my trap card, Trap Hole, now Battle Horseman attack her life points directly!!!"

(Tamaria: 2200 and Mokuba: 2200)

"I play the Red-Eyes Black Dragon with 3 Reinforcements cards that bring his 2400 ATK points to 4300 attack points. Now Red-Eyes attack the Battle Horseman, wiping out your life points!"

"Wow Tamaria, you're good."


" I guess I will show you to your room."

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~

Thanks for reading, please R&R!!!! Princess of Darkness ^_~*